% Copyright (c): Marcel Roelofs and Peter Gragert % University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands % @@(#) underscore.web (91/03/11) @* Filter to remove underscores from REDUCE source. REDUCE does not allow sole underscores in identifiers. However, underscores preceded by an exclamation mark are allowed. Also REDUCE strings may contain underscores. The following C program is a filter that removes the forbidden underscores. @u #include main (ac, av) char **av; { char c; while ((c=getc(stdin)) != EOF) if (c=='!') { putc(c,stdout); c=getc(stdin); putc(c,stdout); } else if (c=='\"') { while (putc(c,stdout), (c=getc(stdin)) != '\"') ; putc(c,stdout); } else if (c != '_') putc(c,stdout); }