prologues:=3; if scantokens(mpversion) > 1.005: outputtemplate := else: filenametemplate fi "%j.mps"; beginfig(0); path p; p := (0,3/16) --(halfcircle rotated 180 scaled (1/4) shifted (1/8,-1/4)) --(halfcircle scaled (3/8) shifted (1/16,3/8)) --(halfcircle rotated 180 scaled (1/2) shifted (1/8,-1/2)) --(3/8,3/16); draw p scaled 18 withpen pencircle scaled 1.25bp withcolor (0.5985,0.7712,0.4275); % For the color specification cf. mpintro.ltx: % (0.5985, 0.7712, 0.4275) = mpcolor!90!black % with mpcolor being defined as % \colorlet{mpcolor}{Chartreuse3!50!white!95!black} % and Chartreuse3 = (0.4, 0.804, 0) endfig; end