Orderrefs (Version 1.00, 2 June 2004) ====================================== When the bibliography in a LaTeX document is made by hand, without use of BIBTeX, it is frequently necessary to reorder the items in the bibliography according to their order of citation. Orderrefs is a little program that automates this reordering. Orderrefs is a portable perl script and it should run on any computer with a working perl installation. (It is known to run under UNIX/LINUX and Microsoft Windows operating systems.) It is available under the GNU General Public License: See the file COPYING. Downloading: Orderrefs is archived on the CTAN tex archive --- see http://www.tug.org/ctan.html. It is also available on the author's website at http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/software/orderrefs Installation: See the file INSTALL Usage: Run from a command-line prompt. See the information at the end of this file, which is a copy of orderref's online help. It is written and supported by John Collins Physics Department Penn State University 104 Davey Lab, Box 208 University Park PA 16802 U.S.A. http://www.phys.psu.edu/~collins/ collins at phys.psu.edu =============================================================== ---------------------------- "latexmk -h" ---------------------------- Usage: orderrefs [options] file Makes new version of LaTeX file, with bibitems ordered in order of citation, as determined from the aux file. Uncited bibitems and bibitems with an explicit label are kept in the order they are in the original file, after the list of ordered bibitems. A backup copy is made of the original LaTeX file, in a file with the same name as the LaTeX file, but with .bak added. The default extension for the LaTeX file is .tex. You should run latex on the LaTeX file before running orderrefs, in order to ensure that the aux file exists and is up-to-date. The bibitems are identified as being in an environment with the name thebibliography. It is assumed that the \begin{thebibliography}, the \end{thebibliography}, and the \bibitem commands all start a line preceeded at most by white space. Options: -b name synonym for --bibname=name --bibname=name specifies name of LaTeX environment containing the bibliography. (Default: "thebibliography".) -a file synonym for --auxfile=file --auxfile=file specifies name of .aux file. (Default is constructed from name of LaTeX file with extension .aux.) -h or --help displays this message -v or --version gives version number