-- Copyright 2006-2019 Will Robertson -- Copyright 2010-2017 Philipp Stephani -- Copyright 2011-2017 Joseph Wright -- Copyright 2012-2015 Khaled Hosny -- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ -- -- Adapted from the file unicode-math-table.tex, part of the unicode-math -- package, which can be found at https://ctan.org/pkg/unicode-math. ctan_package = "unicode-math" commands = { APLboxquestion = { doc = "boxed question mark", symbol = "⍰" }, APLboxupcaret = { doc = "boxed up caret", symbol = "⍓" }, APLnotbackslash = { doc = "apl functional symbol backslash bar", symbol = "⍀" }, APLnotslash = { doc = "solidus, bar through (apl functional symbol slash bar)", symbol = "⌿" }, Alpha = { doc = "capital alpha, greek", symbol = "Α" }, Angstrom = { doc = "angstrom capital a, ring", symbol = "Å" }, Barv = { doc = "short down tack with overbar", symbol = "⫧" }, BbbA = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital a", symbol = "𝔸" }, BbbB = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital b", symbol = "𝔹" }, BbbC = { doc = "/bbb c, open face c", symbol = "ℂ" }, BbbD = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital d", symbol = "𝔻" }, BbbE = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital e", symbol = "𝔼" }, BbbF = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital f", symbol = "𝔽" }, BbbG = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital g", symbol = "𝔾" }, BbbGamma = { doc = "double-struck capital gamma", symbol = "ℾ" }, BbbH = { doc = "/bbb h, open face h", symbol = "ℍ" }, BbbI = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital i", symbol = "𝕀" }, BbbJ = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital j", symbol = "𝕁" }, BbbK = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital k", symbol = "𝕂" }, BbbL = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital l", symbol = "𝕃" }, BbbM = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital m", symbol = "𝕄" }, BbbN = { doc = "/bbb n, open face n", symbol = "ℕ" }, BbbO = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital o", symbol = "𝕆" }, BbbP = { doc = "/bbb p, open face p", symbol = "ℙ" }, BbbPi = { doc = "double-struck capital pi", symbol = "ℿ" }, BbbQ = { doc = "/bbb q, open face q", symbol = "ℚ" }, BbbR = { doc = "/bbb r, open face r", symbol = "ℝ" }, BbbS = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital s", symbol = "𝕊" }, BbbT = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital t", symbol = "𝕋" }, BbbU = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital u", symbol = "𝕌" }, BbbV = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital v", symbol = "𝕍" }, BbbW = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital w", symbol = "𝕎" }, BbbX = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital x", symbol = "𝕏" }, BbbY = { doc = "mathematical double-struck capital y", symbol = "𝕐" }, BbbZ = { doc = "/bbb z, open face z", symbol = "ℤ" }, Bbba = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small a", symbol = "𝕒" }, Bbbb = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small b", symbol = "𝕓" }, Bbbc = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small c", symbol = "𝕔" }, Bbbd = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small d", symbol = "𝕕" }, Bbbe = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small e", symbol = "𝕖" }, Bbbeight = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 8", symbol = "𝟠" }, Bbbf = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small f", symbol = "𝕗" }, Bbbfive = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 5", symbol = "𝟝" }, Bbbfour = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 4", symbol = "𝟜" }, Bbbg = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small g", symbol = "𝕘" }, Bbbgamma = { doc = "double-struck small gamma", symbol = "ℽ" }, Bbbh = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small h", symbol = "𝕙" }, Bbbi = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small i", symbol = "𝕚" }, Bbbj = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small j", symbol = "𝕛" }, Bbbk = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small k", symbol = "𝕜" }, Bbbl = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small l", symbol = "𝕝" }, Bbbm = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small m", symbol = "𝕞" }, Bbbn = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small n", symbol = "𝕟" }, Bbbnine = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 9", symbol = "𝟡" }, Bbbo = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small o", symbol = "𝕠" }, Bbbone = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 1", symbol = "𝟙" }, Bbbp = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small p", symbol = "𝕡" }, Bbbpi = { doc = "double-struck small pi", symbol = "ℼ" }, Bbbq = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small q", symbol = "𝕢" }, Bbbr = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small r", symbol = "𝕣" }, Bbbs = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small s", symbol = "𝕤" }, Bbbseven = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 7", symbol = "𝟟" }, Bbbsix = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 6", symbol = "𝟞" }, Bbbsum = { doc = "double-struck n-ary summation", symbol = "⅀" }, Bbbt = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small t", symbol = "𝕥" }, Bbbthree = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 3", symbol = "𝟛" }, Bbbtwo = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 2", symbol = "𝟚" }, Bbbu = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small u", symbol = "𝕦" }, Bbbv = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small v", symbol = "𝕧" }, Bbbw = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small w", symbol = "𝕨" }, Bbbx = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small x", symbol = "𝕩" }, Bbby = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small y", symbol = "𝕪" }, Bbbz = { doc = "mathematical double-struck small z", symbol = "𝕫" }, Bbbzero = { doc = "mathematical double-struck digit 0", symbol = "𝟘" }, Beta = { doc = "capital beta, greek", symbol = "Β" }, Bumpeq = { doc = "bumpy equals", symbol = "≎" }, Cap = { doc = "/cap /doublecap b: double intersection", symbol = "⋒" }, Chi = { doc = "capital chi, greek", symbol = "Χ" }, Colon = { doc = "two colons", symbol = "∷" }, Coloneq = { doc = "double colon equal", symbol = "⩴" }, Cup = { doc = "/cup /doublecup b: double union", symbol = "⋓" }, DDownarrow = { doc = "downwards quadruple arrow", symbol = "⟱" }, DashV = { doc = "double vertical bar double left turnstile", symbol = "⫥" }, DashVDash = { doc = "left and right double turnstile", symbol = "⟚" }, Dashv = { doc = "vertical bar double left turnstile", symbol = "⫤" }, Ddownarrow = { doc = "downwards triple arrow", symbol = "⤋" }, Delta = { doc = "capital delta, greek", symbol = "Δ" }, Doteq = { doc = "/doteqdot /doteq r: equals, even dots", symbol = "≑" }, Downarrow = { doc = "down double arrow", symbol = "⇓" }, Epsilon = { doc = "capital epsilon, greek", symbol = "Ε" }, Equiv = { doc = "strict equivalence (4 lines)", symbol = "≣" }, Eta = { doc = "capital eta, greek", symbol = "Η" }, Eulerconst = { doc = "euler constant", symbol = "ℇ" }, Exclam = { doc = "double exclamation mark", symbol = "‼" }, Finv = { doc = "turned capital f", symbol = "Ⅎ" }, Game = { doc = "turned sans-serif capital g", symbol = "⅁" }, Gamma = { doc = "capital gamma, greek", symbol = "Γ" }, Gt = { doc = "double nested greater-than", symbol = "⪢" }, Hermaphrodite = { doc = "male and female sign", symbol = "⚥" }, Im = { doc = "imaginary part", symbol = "ℑ" }, Iota = { doc = "capital iota, greek", symbol = "Ι" }, Join = { doc = "join", symbol = "⨝" }, Kappa = { doc = "capital kappa, greek", symbol = "Κ" }, LLeftarrow = { doc = "leftwards quadruple arrow", symbol = "⭅" }, Lambda = { doc = "capital lambda, greek", symbol = "Λ" }, Lbrbrak = { doc = "mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket", symbol = "⟬" }, Ldsh = { doc = "left down angled arrow", symbol = "↲" }, Leftarrow = { doc = "is implied by", symbol = "⇐" }, Leftrightarrow = { doc = "left and right double arrow", symbol = "⇔" }, Lleftarrow = { doc = "left triple arrow", symbol = "⇚" }, Longleftarrow = { doc = "long leftwards double arrow", symbol = "⟸" }, Longleftrightarrow = { doc = "long left right double arrow", symbol = "⟺" }, Longmapsfrom = { doc = "long leftwards double arrow from bar", symbol = "⟽" }, Longmapsto = { doc = "long rightwards double arrow from bar", symbol = "⟾" }, Longrightarrow = { doc = "long rightwards double arrow", symbol = "⟹" }, Lparengtr = { doc = "double left arc greater-than bracket", symbol = "⦕" }, Lsh = { doc = "/lsh a:", symbol = "↰" }, Lt = { doc = "double nested less-than", symbol = "⪡" }, Lvzigzag = { doc = "left double wiggly fence", symbol = "⧚" }, Mapsfrom = { doc = "leftwards double arrow from bar", symbol = "⤆" }, Mapsto = { doc = "rightwards double arrow from bar", symbol = "⤇" }, Mu = { doc = "capital mu, greek", symbol = "Μ" }, Nearrow = { doc = "ne pointing double arrow", symbol = "⇗" }, Not = { doc = "double stroke not sign", symbol = "⫬" }, Nu = { doc = "capital nu, greek", symbol = "Ν" }, Nwarrow = { doc = "nw pointing double arrow", symbol = "⇖" }, Omega = { doc = "capital omega, greek", symbol = "Ω" }, Omicron = { doc = "capital omicron, greek", symbol = "Ο" }, Otimes = { doc = "multiplication sign in double circle", symbol = "⨷" }, Phi = { doc = "capital phi, greek", symbol = "Φ" }, Pi = { doc = "capital pi, greek", symbol = "Π" }, Planckconst = { doc = "planck constant", symbol = "ℎ" }, Prec = { doc = "double precedes", symbol = "⪻" }, PropertyLine = { doc = "property line", symbol = "⅊" }, Psi = { doc = "capital psi, greek", symbol = "Ψ" }, QED = { doc = "end of proof", symbol = "∎" }, Question = { doc = "double question mark", symbol = "⁇" }, RRightarrow = { doc = "rightwards quadruple arrow", symbol = "⭆" }, Rbrbrak = { doc = "mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket", symbol = "⟭" }, Rdsh = { doc = "right down angled arrow", symbol = "↳" }, Re = { doc = "real part", symbol = "ℜ" }, Rho = { doc = "capital rho, greek", symbol = "Ρ" }, Rightarrow = { doc = "implies", symbol = "⇒" }, Rparenless = { doc = "double right arc less-than bracket", symbol = "⦖" }, Rrightarrow = { doc = "right triple arrow", symbol = "⇛" }, Rsh = { doc = "/rsh a:", symbol = "↱" }, Rvzigzag = { doc = "right double wiggly fence", symbol = "⧛" }, Searrow = { doc = "se pointing double arrow", symbol = "⇘" }, Sigma = { doc = "capital sigma, greek", symbol = "Σ" }, Sqcap = { doc = "double square intersection", symbol = "⩎" }, Sqcup = { doc = "double square union", symbol = "⩏" }, Subset = { doc = "double subset", symbol = "⋐" }, Succ = { doc = "double succeeds", symbol = "⪼" }, Supset = { doc = "double superset", symbol = "⋑" }, Swarrow = { doc = "sw pointing double arrow", symbol = "⇙" }, Tau = { doc = "capital tau, greek", symbol = "Τ" }, Theta = { doc = "capital theta, greek", symbol = "Θ" }, UUparrow = { doc = "upwards quadruple arrow", symbol = "⟰" }, Uparrow = { doc = "up double arrow", symbol = "⇑" }, Updownarrow = { doc = "up and down double arrow", symbol = "⇕" }, Upsilon = { doc = "capital upsilon, greek", symbol = "Υ" }, Uuparrow = { doc = "upwards triple arrow", symbol = "⤊" }, VDash = { doc = "double vert, double dash", symbol = "⊫" }, Vbar = { doc = "double up tack", symbol = "⫫" }, Vdash = { doc = "double vertical, dash", symbol = "⊩" }, Vee = { doc = "double logical or", symbol = "⩔" }, Vert = { doc = "double vertical bar", symbol = "‖" }, Vvdash = { doc = "triple vertical, dash", symbol = "⊪" }, Vvert = { doc = "triple vertical bar delimiter", symbol = "⦀" }, Wedge = { doc = "double logical and", symbol = "⩓" }, Xi = { doc = "capital xi, greek", symbol = "Ξ" }, Yup = { doc = "turned sans-serif capital y", symbol = "⅄" }, Zbar = { doc = "impedance (latin capital letter z with stroke)", symbol = "Ƶ" }, Zeta = { doc = "capital zeta, greek", symbol = "Ζ" }, accurrent = { doc = "ac current", symbol = "⏦" }, acidfree = { doc = "permanent paper sign", symbol = "♾" }, acute = { doc = "acute accent", symbol = "◌́" }, acwcirclearrow = { doc = "anticlockwise closed circle arrow", symbol = "⥀" }, acwgapcirclearrow = { doc = "anticlockwise gapped circle arrow", symbol = "⟲" }, acwleftarcarrow = { doc = "left-side arc anticlockwise arrow", symbol = "⤹" }, acwopencirclearrow = { doc = "anticlockwise open circle arrow", symbol = "↺" }, acwoverarcarrow = { doc = "top arc anticlockwise arrow", symbol = "⤺" }, acwunderarcarrow = { doc = "bottom arc anticlockwise arrow", symbol = "⤻" }, adots = { doc = "three dots, ascending", symbol = "⋰" }, aleph = { doc = "aleph, hebrew", symbol = "ℵ" }, alpha = { doc = "small alpha, greek", symbol = "α" }, amalg = { doc = "amalgamation or coproduct", symbol = "⨿" }, angdnr = { doc = "acute angle", symbol = "⦟" }, angle = { doc = "angle", symbol = "∠" }, angles = { doc = "angle with s inside", symbol = "⦞" }, angleubar = { doc = "angle with underbar", symbol = "⦤" }, annuity = { doc = "combining annuity symbol", symbol = "◌⃧" }, approx = { doc = "approximate", symbol = "≈" }, approxeq = { doc = "approximate, equals", symbol = "≊" }, approxeqq = { doc = "approximately equal or equal to", symbol = "⩰" }, approxident = { doc = "approximately identical to", symbol = "≋" }, arabichad = { doc = "arabic mathematical operator hah with dal", symbol = "𞻱" }, arabicmaj = { doc = "arabic mathematical operator meem with hah with tatweel", symbol = "𞻰" }, arceq = { doc = "arc, equals; corresponds to", symbol = "≘" }, assert = { doc = "assertion (vertical, short dash)", symbol = "⊦" }, ast = { doc = "centered asterisk", symbol = "∗" }, asteq = { doc = "equals with asterisk", symbol = "⩮" }, asteraccent = { doc = "combining asterisk above", symbol = "◌⃰" }, astrosun = { doc = "sun", symbol = "☉" }, asymp = { doc = "asymptotically equal to", symbol = "≍" }, awint = { doc = "anticlockwise integration", symbol = "⨑" }, bNot = { doc = "reversed double stroke not sign", symbol = "⫭" }, backcong = { doc = "all equal to", symbol = "≌" }, backdprime = { doc = "double reverse prime, not superscripted", symbol = "‶" }, backprime = { doc = "reverse prime, not superscripted", symbol = "‵" }, backsim = { doc = "reverse similar", symbol = "∽" }, backsimeq = { doc = "reverse similar, equals", symbol = "⋍" }, backslash = { doc = "reverse solidus", symbol = "\\" }, backtrprime = { doc = "triple reverse prime, not superscripted", symbol = "‷" }, bagmember = { doc = "z notation bag membership", symbol = "⋿" }, bar = { doc = "macron", symbol = "◌̄" }, barV = { doc = "double down tack", symbol = "⫪" }, barcap = { doc = "intersection with overbar", symbol = "⩃" }, barcup = { doc = "union with overbar", symbol = "⩂" }, bardownharpoonleft = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left from bar", symbol = "⥡" }, bardownharpoonright = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb right from bar", symbol = "⥝" }, barleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow to bar", symbol = "⇤" }, barleftarrowrightarrowbar = { doc = "leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar", symbol = "↹" }, barleftharpoondown = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar", symbol = "⥖" }, barleftharpoonup = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar", symbol = "⥒" }, barovernorthwestarrow = { doc = "north west arrow to long bar", symbol = "↸" }, barrightarrowdiamond = { doc = "rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond", symbol = "⤠" }, barrightharpoondown = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar", symbol = "⥟" }, barrightharpoonup = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar", symbol = "⥛" }, baruparrow = { doc = "upwards arrow to bar", symbol = "⤒" }, barupharpoonleft = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left to bar", symbol = "⥘" }, barupharpoonright = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb right to bar", symbol = "⥔" }, barvee = { doc = "bar, vee (large vee)", symbol = "⊽" }, barwedge = { doc = "bar, wedge (large wedge)", symbol = "⊼" }, bbrktbrk = { doc = "bottom square bracket over top square bracket", symbol = "⎶" }, bdtriplevdash = { doc = "doubly broken vert", symbol = "┆" }, because = { doc = "because", symbol = "∵" }, benzenr = { doc = "benzene ring with circle", symbol = "⏣" }, beta = { doc = "small beta, greek", symbol = "β" }, beth = { doc = "beth, hebrew", symbol = "ℶ" }, between = { doc = "between", symbol = "≬" }, bigblacktriangledown = { doc = "big down triangle, filled", symbol = "▼" }, bigblacktriangleup = { doc = "black up-pointing triangle", symbol = "▲" }, bigbot = { doc = "large up tack", symbol = "⟘" }, bigcap = { doc = "intersection operator", symbol = "⋂" }, bigcup = { doc = "union operator", symbol = "⋃" }, bigcupdot = { doc = "n-ary union operator with dot", symbol = "⨃" }, biginterleave = { doc = "large triple vertical bar operator", symbol = "⫼" }, bigodot = { doc = "n-ary circled dot operator", symbol = "⨀" }, bigoplus = { doc = "n-ary circled plus operator", symbol = "⨁" }, bigotimes = { doc = "n-ary circled times operator", symbol = "⨂" }, bigslopedvee = { doc = "sloping large or", symbol = "⩗" }, bigslopedwedge = { doc = "sloping large and", symbol = "⩘" }, bigsqcap = { doc = "n-ary square intersection operator", symbol = "⨅" }, bigsqcup = { doc = "n-ary square union operator", symbol = "⨆" }, bigstar = { doc = "star, filled", symbol = "★" }, bigtalloblong = { doc = "n-ary white vertical bar", symbol = "⫿" }, bigtimes = { doc = "n-ary times operator", symbol = "⨉" }, bigtop = { doc = "large down tack", symbol = "⟙" }, bigtriangledown = { doc = "big down triangle, open", symbol = "▽" }, bigtriangleleft = { doc = "large left triangle operator", symbol = "⨞" }, bigtriangleup = { doc = "big up triangle, open", symbol = "△" }, biguplus = { doc = "n-ary union operator with plus", symbol = "⨄" }, bigvee = { doc = "logical or operator", symbol = "⋁" }, bigwedge = { doc = "logical and operator", symbol = "⋀" }, bigwhitestar = { doc = "star, open", symbol = "☆" }, blackcircledownarrow = { doc = "black circle with down arrow", symbol = "⧭" }, blackcircledrightdot = { doc = "black circle with white dot right", symbol = "⚈" }, blackcircledtwodots = { doc = "black circle with two white dots", symbol = "⚉" }, blackcircleulquadwhite = { doc = "circle with all but upper left quadrant black", symbol = "◕" }, blackdiamonddownarrow = { doc = "black diamond with down arrow", symbol = "⧪" }, blackhourglass = { doc = "black hourglass", symbol = "⧗" }, blackinwhitediamond = { doc = "white diamond containing black small diamond", symbol = "◈" }, blackinwhitesquare = { doc = "white square containing black small square", symbol = "▣" }, blacklefthalfcircle = { doc = "left half black circle", symbol = "◖" }, blackpointerleft = { doc = "black left-pointing pointer", symbol = "◄" }, blackpointerright = { doc = "black right-pointing pointer", symbol = "►" }, blackrighthalfcircle = { doc = "right half black circle", symbol = "◗" }, blacksmiley = { doc = "black smiling face", symbol = "☻" }, blacktriangle = { doc = "up triangle, filled", symbol = "▴" }, blacktriangledown = { doc = "down triangle, filled", symbol = "▾" }, blacktriangleleft = { doc = "(large) left triangle, filled", symbol = "◀" }, blacktriangleright = { doc = "(large) right triangle, filled", symbol = "▶" }, blanksymbol = { doc = "blank symbol", symbol = "␢" }, blkhorzoval = { doc = "black horizontal ellipse", symbol = "⬬" }, blkvertoval = { doc = "black vertical ellipse", symbol = "⬮" }, blockfull = { doc = "full block", symbol = "█" }, blockhalfshaded = { doc = "50\\% shaded block", symbol = "▒" }, blocklefthalf = { doc = "left half block", symbol = "▌" }, blocklowhalf = { doc = "lower half block", symbol = "▄" }, blockqtrshaded = { doc = "25\\% shaded block", symbol = "░" }, blockrighthalf = { doc = "right half block", symbol = "▐" }, blockthreeqtrshaded = { doc = "75\\% shaded block", symbol = "▓" }, blockuphalf = { doc = "upper half block", symbol = "▀" }, bot = { doc = "bottom", symbol = "⊥" }, botsemicircle = { doc = "lower half circle", symbol = "◡" }, bowtie = { doc = "bowtie", symbol = "⋈" }, boxast = { doc = "squared asterisk", symbol = "⧆" }, boxbar = { doc = "vertical bar in box", symbol = "◫" }, boxbox = { doc = "squared square", symbol = "⧈" }, boxbslash = { doc = "squared falling diagonal slash", symbol = "⧅" }, boxcircle = { doc = "squared small circle", symbol = "⧇" }, boxdiag = { doc = "squared rising diagonal slash", symbol = "⧄" }, boxdot = { doc = "/dotsquare /boxdot b: small dot in box", symbol = "⊡" }, boxminus = { doc = "minus sign in box", symbol = "⊟" }, boxonbox = { doc = "two joined squares", symbol = "⧉" }, boxplus = { doc = "plus sign in box", symbol = "⊞" }, boxtimes = { doc = "multiply sign in box", symbol = "⊠" }, breve = { doc = "breve", symbol = "◌̆" }, bsimilarleftarrow = { doc = "reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⭁" }, bsimilarrightarrow = { doc = "reverse tilde operator above rightwards arrow", symbol = "⭇" }, bsolhsub = { doc = "reverse solidus preceding subset", symbol = "⟈" }, btimes = { doc = "semidirect product with bottom closed", symbol = "⨲" }, bullseye = { doc = "bullseye", symbol = "◎" }, bumpeq = { doc = "bumpy equals, equals", symbol = "≏" }, bumpeqq = { doc = "equals sign with bumpy above", symbol = "⪮" }, candra = { doc = "candrabindu (non-spacing)", symbol = "◌̐" }, cap = { doc = "intersection", symbol = "∩" }, capbarcup = { doc = "intersection above bar above union", symbol = "⩉" }, capdot = { doc = "intersection with dot", symbol = "⩀" }, capovercup = { doc = "intersection above union", symbol = "⩇" }, capwedge = { doc = "intersection with logical and", symbol = "⩄" }, caretinsert = { doc = "caret (insertion mark)", symbol = "‸" }, carriagereturn = { doc = "downwards arrow with corner leftward = carriage return", symbol = "↵" }, ccwundercurvearrow = { doc = "lower left semicircular anticlockwise arrow", symbol = "⤿" }, cdot = { doc = "small middle dot", symbol = "⋅" }, cdotp = { doc = "/centerdot b: middle dot", symbol = "·" }, check = { doc = "caron", symbol = "◌̌" }, checkmark = { doc = "tick, check mark", symbol = "✓" }, chi = { doc = "small chi, greek", symbol = "χ" }, cirE = { doc = "circle with two horizontal strokes to the right", symbol = "⧃" }, cirbot = { doc = "up tack with circle above", symbol = "⟟" }, circeq = { doc = "circle, equals", symbol = "≗" }, circlebottomhalfblack = { doc = "circle, filled bottom half", symbol = "◒" }, circledast = { doc = "asterisk in circle", symbol = "⊛" }, circledbullet = { doc = "circled bullet", symbol = "⦿" }, circledcirc = { doc = "small circle in circle", symbol = "⊚" }, circleddash = { doc = "hyphen in circle", symbol = "⊝" }, circledequal = { doc = "equal in circle", symbol = "⊜" }, circledownarrow = { doc = "white circle with down arrow", symbol = "⧬" }, circledparallel = { doc = "circled parallel", symbol = "⦷" }, circledrightdot = { doc = "white circle with dot right", symbol = "⚆" }, circledstar = { doc = "circled white star", symbol = "✪" }, circledtwodots = { doc = "white circle with two dots", symbol = "⚇" }, circledvert = { doc = "circled vertical bar", symbol = "⦶" }, circledwhitebullet = { doc = "circled white bullet", symbol = "⦾" }, circlehbar = { doc = "circle with horizontal bar", symbol = "⦵" }, circlelefthalfblack = { doc = "circle, filled left half [harvey ball]", symbol = "◐" }, circlellquad = { doc = "white circle with lower left quadrant", symbol = "◵" }, circlelrquad = { doc = "white circle with lower right quadrant", symbol = "◶" }, circleonleftarrow = { doc = "left arrow with small circle", symbol = "⬰" }, circleonrightarrow = { doc = "right arrow with small circle", symbol = "⇴" }, circlerighthalfblack = { doc = "circle, filled right half", symbol = "◑" }, circletophalfblack = { doc = "circle, filled top half", symbol = "◓" }, circleulquad = { doc = "white circle with upper left quadrant", symbol = "◴" }, circleurquad = { doc = "white circle with upper right quadrant", symbol = "◷" }, circleurquadblack = { doc = "circle with upper right quadrant black", symbol = "◔" }, circlevertfill = { doc = "circle with vertical fill", symbol = "◍" }, cirfnint = { doc = "circulation function", symbol = "⨐" }, cirmid = { doc = "vertical line with circle above", symbol = "⫯" }, cirscir = { doc = "circle with small circle to the right", symbol = "⧂" }, closedvarcap = { doc = "closed intersection with serifs", symbol = "⩍" }, closedvarcup = { doc = "closed union with serifs", symbol = "⩌" }, closedvarcupsmashprod = { doc = "closed union with serifs and smash product", symbol = "⩐" }, closure = { doc = "close up", symbol = "⁐" }, clubsuit = { doc = "club suit symbol", symbol = "♣" }, coloneq = { doc = "colon, equals", symbol = "≔" }, commaminus = { doc = "minus sign with comma above", symbol = "⨩" }, complement = { doc = "complement sign", symbol = "∁" }, concavediamond = { doc = "white concave-sided diamond", symbol = "⟡" }, concavediamondtickleft = { doc = "white concave-sided diamond with leftwards tick", symbol = "⟢" }, concavediamondtickright = { doc = "white concave-sided diamond with rightwards tick", symbol = "⟣" }, cong = { doc = "congruent with", symbol = "≅" }, congdot = { doc = "congruent with dot above", symbol = "⩭" }, conictaper = { doc = "conical taper", symbol = "⌲" }, conjquant = { doc = "two logical and operator", symbol = "⨇" }, coprod = { doc = "coproduct operator", symbol = "∐" }, csub = { doc = "closed subset", symbol = "⫏" }, csube = { doc = "closed subset or equal to", symbol = "⫑" }, csup = { doc = "closed superset", symbol = "⫐" }, csupe = { doc = "closed superset or equal to", symbol = "⫒" }, cuberoot = { doc = "cube root", symbol = "∛" }, cup = { doc = "union or logical sum", symbol = "∪" }, cupbarcap = { doc = "union above bar above intersection", symbol = "⩈" }, cupdot = { doc = "union, with dot", symbol = "⊍" }, cupleftarrow = { doc = "multiset", symbol = "⊌" }, cupovercap = { doc = "union above intersection", symbol = "⩆" }, cupvee = { doc = "union with logical or", symbol = "⩅" }, curlyeqprec = { doc = "curly equals, precedes", symbol = "⋞" }, curlyeqsucc = { doc = "curly equals, succeeds", symbol = "⋟" }, curlyvee = { doc = "curly logical or", symbol = "⋎" }, curlywedge = { doc = "curly logical and", symbol = "⋏" }, curvearrowleft = { doc = "left curved arrow", symbol = "↶" }, curvearrowleftplus = { doc = "top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus", symbol = "⤽" }, curvearrowright = { doc = "right curved arrow", symbol = "↷" }, curvearrowrightminus = { doc = "top arc clockwise arrow with minus", symbol = "⤼" }, cwcirclearrow = { doc = "clockwise closed circle arrow", symbol = "⥁" }, cwgapcirclearrow = { doc = "clockwise gapped circle arrow", symbol = "⟳" }, cwopencirclearrow = { doc = "clockwise open circle arrow", symbol = "↻" }, cwrightarcarrow = { doc = "right-side arc clockwise arrow", symbol = "⤸" }, cwundercurvearrow = { doc = "lower right semicircular clockwise arrow", symbol = "⤾" }, dagger = { doc = "dagger relation", symbol = "†" }, daleth = { doc = "daleth, hebrew", symbol = "ℸ" }, danger = { doc = "dangerous bend (caution sign)", symbol = "☡" }, dashV = { doc = "double vertical bar left turnstile", symbol = "⫣" }, dashVdash = { doc = "left and right tack", symbol = "⟛" }, dashcolon = { doc = "excess (-:)", symbol = "∹" }, dashleftharpoondown = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash", symbol = "⥫" }, dashrightharpoondown = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash", symbol = "⥭" }, dashv = { doc = "dash, vertical", symbol = "⊣" }, dbkarrow = { doc = "rightwards triple dash arrow", symbol = "⤏" }, ddagger = { doc = "double dagger relation", symbol = "‡" }, ddddot = { doc = "combining four dots above", symbol = "◌⃜" }, dddot = { doc = "combining three dots above", symbol = "◌⃛" }, ddot = { doc = "dieresis", symbol = "◌̈" }, ddots = { doc = "three dots, descending", symbol = "⋱" }, ddotseq = { doc = "equals sign with two dots above and two dots below", symbol = "⩷" }, delta = { doc = "small delta, greek", symbol = "δ" }, diameter = { doc = "diameter sign", symbol = "⌀" }, diamondbotblack = { doc = "diamond with bottom half black", symbol = "⬙" }, diamondcdot = { doc = "white diamond with centred dot", symbol = "⟐" }, diamondleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow to black diamond", symbol = "⤝" }, diamondleftarrowbar = { doc = "leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond", symbol = "⤟" }, diamondleftblack = { doc = "diamond with left half black", symbol = "⬖" }, diamondrightblack = { doc = "diamond with right half black", symbol = "⬗" }, diamondsuit = { doc = "diamond suit symbol", symbol = "♢" }, diamondtopblack = { doc = "diamond with top half black", symbol = "⬘" }, dicei = { doc = "die face-1", symbol = "⚀" }, diceii = { doc = "die face-2", symbol = "⚁" }, diceiii = { doc = "die face-3", symbol = "⚂" }, diceiv = { doc = "die face-4", symbol = "⚃" }, dicev = { doc = "die face-5", symbol = "⚄" }, dicevi = { doc = "die face-6", symbol = "⚅" }, dingasterisk = { doc = "heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk", symbol = "✽" }, disin = { doc = "element of with long horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋲" }, disjquant = { doc = "two logical or operator", symbol = "⨈" }, div = { doc = "divide sign", symbol = "÷" }, divideontimes = { doc = "division on times", symbol = "⋇" }, divslash = { doc = "division slash", symbol = "∕" }, dot = { doc = "dot above", symbol = "◌̇" }, doteq = { doc = "equals, single dot above", symbol = "≐" }, dotequiv = { doc = "identical with dot above", symbol = "⩧" }, dotminus = { doc = "minus sign, dot above", symbol = "∸" }, dotplus = { doc = "plus sign, dot above", symbol = "∔" }, dotsim = { doc = "tilde operator with dot above", symbol = "⩪" }, dotsminusdots = { doc = "minus with four dots, geometric properties", symbol = "∺" }, dottedcircle = { doc = "dotted circle", symbol = "◌" }, dottedsquare = { doc = "dotted square", symbol = "⬚" }, dottimes = { doc = "multiplication sign with dot above", symbol = "⨰" }, doublebarvee = { doc = "logical or with double overbar", symbol = "⩢" }, doublebarwedge = { doc = "logical and with double overbar", symbol = "⩞" }, doubleplus = { doc = "double plus", symbol = "⧺" }, downarrow = { doc = "downward arrow", symbol = "↓" }, downarrowbar = { doc = "downwards arrow to bar", symbol = "⤓" }, downarrowbarred = { doc = "downwards arrow with horizontal stroke", symbol = "⤈" }, downdasharrow = { doc = "downwards dashed arrow", symbol = "⇣" }, downdownarrows = { doc = "two down arrows", symbol = "⇊" }, downfishtail = { doc = "down fish tail", symbol = "⥿" }, downharpoonleft = { doc = "down harpoon-left", symbol = "⇃" }, downharpoonleftbar = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left to bar", symbol = "⥙" }, downharpoonright = { doc = "down harpoon-right", symbol = "⇂" }, downharpoonrightbar = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb right to bar", symbol = "⥕" }, downharpoonsleftright = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right", symbol = "⥥" }, downrightcurvedarrow = { doc = "arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards", symbol = "⤵" }, downtriangleleftblack = { doc = "down-pointing triangle with left half black", symbol = "⧨" }, downtrianglerightblack = { doc = "down-pointing triangle with right half black", symbol = "⧩" }, downuparrows = { doc = "downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow", symbol = "⇵" }, downupharpoonsleftright = { doc = "downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right", symbol = "⥯" }, downwhitearrow = { doc = "downwards white arrow", symbol = "⇩" }, downzigzagarrow = { doc = "downwards zigzag arrow", symbol = "↯" }, dprime = { doc = "double prime or second, not superscripted", symbol = "″" }, draftingarrow = { doc = "right arrow with bold head (drafting)", symbol = "➛" }, drbkarrow = { doc = "rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow", symbol = "⤐" }, droang = { doc = "left angle above (non-spacing)", symbol = "◌̚" }, dsol = { doc = "solidus with overbar", symbol = "⧶" }, dsub = { doc = "z notation domain antirestriction", symbol = "⩤" }, dualmap = { doc = "double-ended multimap", symbol = "⧟" }, egsdot = { doc = "slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside", symbol = "⪘" }, eighthnote = { doc = "eighth note", symbol = "♪" }, elinters = { doc = "electrical intersection", symbol = "⏧" }, ell = { doc = "cursive small l", symbol = "ℓ" }, elsdot = { doc = "slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside", symbol = "⪗" }, emptysetoarr = { doc = "empty set with right arrow above", symbol = "⦳" }, emptysetoarrl = { doc = "empty set with left arrow above", symbol = "⦴" }, emptysetobar = { doc = "empty set with overbar", symbol = "⦱" }, emptysetocirc = { doc = "empty set with small circle above", symbol = "⦲" }, enclosecircle = { doc = "combining enclosing circle", symbol = "⃝" }, enclosediamond = { doc = "combining enclosing diamond", symbol = "⃟" }, enclosesquare = { doc = "combining enclosing square", symbol = "⃞" }, enclosetriangle = { doc = "combining enclosing upward pointing triangle", symbol = "⃤" }, enleadertwodots = { doc = "double baseline dot (en leader)", symbol = "‥" }, eparsl = { doc = "equals sign and slanted parallel", symbol = "⧣" }, epsilon = { doc = "greek lunate varepsilon symbol", symbol = "ϵ" }, eqcirc = { doc = "circle on equals sign", symbol = "≖" }, eqcolon = { doc = "equals, colon", symbol = "≕" }, eqdef = { doc = "equals by definition", symbol = "≝" }, eqdot = { doc = "equals sign with dot below", symbol = "⩦" }, eqeq = { doc = "two consecutive equals signs", symbol = "⩵" }, eqeqeq = { doc = "three consecutive equals signs", symbol = "⩶" }, eqgtr = { doc = "equal-or-greater", symbol = "⋝" }, eqless = { doc = "equal-or-less", symbol = "⋜" }, eqqgtr = { doc = "double-line equal to or greater-than", symbol = "⪚" }, eqqless = { doc = "double-line equal to or less-than", symbol = "⪙" }, eqqplus = { doc = "equals sign above plus sign", symbol = "⩱" }, eqqsim = { doc = "equals sign above tilde operator", symbol = "⩳" }, eqqslantgtr = { doc = "double-line slanted equal to or greater-than", symbol = "⪜" }, eqqslantless = { doc = "double-line slanted equal to or less-than", symbol = "⪛" }, eqsim = { doc = "equals, similar", symbol = "≂" }, eqslantgtr = { doc = "slanted equal to or greater-than", symbol = "⪖" }, eqslantless = { doc = "slanted equal to or less-than", symbol = "⪕" }, equal = { doc = "equals sign r:", symbol = "=" }, equalleftarrow = { doc = "equals sign above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⭀" }, equalparallel = { doc = "parallel, equal; equal or parallel", symbol = "⋕" }, equalrightarrow = { doc = "equals sign above rightwards arrow", symbol = "⥱" }, equiv = { doc = "identical with", symbol = "≡" }, equivDD = { doc = "equivalent with four dots above", symbol = "⩸" }, equivVert = { doc = "triple horizontal bar with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⩨" }, equivVvert = { doc = "triple horizontal bar with triple vertical stroke", symbol = "⩩" }, eqvparsl = { doc = "identical to and slanted parallel", symbol = "⧥" }, errbarblackcircle = { doc = "error-barred black circle", symbol = "⧳" }, errbarblackdiamond = { doc = "error-barred black diamond", symbol = "⧱" }, errbarblacksquare = { doc = "error-barred black square", symbol = "⧯" }, errbarcircle = { doc = "error-barred white circle", symbol = "⧲" }, errbardiamond = { doc = "error-barred white diamond", symbol = "⧰" }, errbarsquare = { doc = "error-barred white square", symbol = "⧮" }, eta = { doc = "small eta, greek", symbol = "η" }, euro = { doc = "euro sign", symbol = "€" }, exists = { doc = "at least one exists", symbol = "∃" }, fallingdotseq = { doc = "equals, falling dots", symbol = "≒" }, fbowtie = { doc = "black bowtie", symbol = "⧓" }, fcmp = { doc = "z notation relational composition", symbol = "⨾" }, fdiagovnearrow = { doc = "falling diagonal crossing north east arrow", symbol = "⤯" }, fdiagovrdiag = { doc = "falling diagonal crossing rising diagonal", symbol = "⤬" }, female = { doc = "venus, female", symbol = "♀" }, fint = { doc = "integral average with slash", symbol = "⨏" }, fisheye = { doc = "fisheye", symbol = "◉" }, flat = { doc = "musical flat", symbol = "♭" }, fltns = { doc = "flatness", symbol = "⏥" }, forall = { doc = "for all", symbol = "∀" }, forks = { doc = "forking", symbol = "⫝̸" }, forksnot = { doc = "nonforking", symbol = "⫝" }, forkv = { doc = "element of opening downwards", symbol = "⫙" }, fourthroot = { doc = "fourth root", symbol = "∜" }, fourvdots = { doc = "dotted fence", symbol = "⦙" }, fracslash = { doc = "fraction slash", symbol = "⁄" }, frown = { doc = "down curve", symbol = "⌢" }, fullouterjoin = { doc = "full outer join", symbol = "⟗" }, gamma = { doc = "small gamma, greek", symbol = "γ" }, geq = { doc = "/geq /ge r: greater-than-or-equal", symbol = "≥" }, geqq = { doc = "greater, double equals", symbol = "≧" }, geqqslant = { doc = "double-line slanted greater-than or equal to", symbol = "⫺" }, geqslant = { doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to", symbol = "⩾" }, gescc = { doc = "greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal", symbol = "⪩" }, gesdot = { doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside", symbol = "⪀" }, gesdoto = { doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above", symbol = "⪂" }, gesdotol = { doc = "greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left", symbol = "⪄" }, gesles = { doc = "greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal", symbol = "⪔" }, gg = { doc = "much greater than, type 2", symbol = "≫" }, ggg = { doc = "/ggg /gg /gggtr r: triple greater-than", symbol = "⋙" }, gggnest = { doc = "stacked very much greater-than", symbol = "⫸" }, gimel = { doc = "gimel, hebrew", symbol = "ℷ" }, glE = { doc = "greater-than above less-than above double-line equal", symbol = "⪒" }, gla = { doc = "greater-than beside less-than", symbol = "⪥" }, gleichstark = { doc = "gleich stark", symbol = "⧦" }, glj = { doc = "greater-than overlapping less-than", symbol = "⪤" }, gnapprox = { doc = "greater-than and not approximate", symbol = "⪊" }, gneq = { doc = "greater-than and single-line not equal to", symbol = "⪈" }, gneqq = { doc = "greater, not double equals", symbol = "≩" }, gnsim = { doc = "greater, not similar", symbol = "⋧" }, grave = { doc = "grave accent", symbol = "◌̀" }, greater = { doc = "greater-than sign r:", symbol = ">" }, gsime = { doc = "greater-than above similar or equal", symbol = "⪎" }, gsiml = { doc = "greater-than above similar above less-than", symbol = "⪐" }, gtcc = { doc = "greater-than closed by curve", symbol = "⪧" }, gtcir = { doc = "greater-than with circle inside", symbol = "⩺" }, gtlpar = { doc = "spherical angle opening left", symbol = "⦠" }, gtquest = { doc = "greater-than with question mark above", symbol = "⩼" }, gtrapprox = { doc = "greater-than or approximate", symbol = "⪆" }, gtrarr = { doc = "greater-than above rightwards arrow", symbol = "⥸" }, gtrdot = { doc = "greater than, with dot", symbol = "⋗" }, gtreqless = { doc = "greater, equals, less", symbol = "⋛" }, gtreqqless = { doc = "greater-than above double-line equal above less-than", symbol = "⪌" }, gtrless = { doc = "greater, less", symbol = "≷" }, gtrsim = { doc = "greater, similar", symbol = "≳" }, harrowextender = { doc = "horizontal line extension (used to extend arrows)", symbol = "⎯" }, hat = { doc = "circumflex accent", symbol = "◌̂" }, hatapprox = { doc = "almost equal to with circumflex accent", symbol = "⩯" }, heartsuit = { doc = "heart suit symbol", symbol = "♡" }, hermitmatrix = { doc = "hermitian conjugate matrix", symbol = "⊹" }, hexagon = { doc = "horizontal benzene ring [hexagon flat open]", symbol = "⎔" }, hexagonblack = { doc = "horizontal black hexagon", symbol = "⬣" }, hknearrow = { doc = "north east arrow with hook", symbol = "⤤" }, hknwarrow = { doc = "north west arrow with hook", symbol = "⤣" }, hksearrow = { doc = "south east arrow with hook", symbol = "⤥" }, hkswarrow = { doc = "south west arrow with hook", symbol = "⤦" }, hookleftarrow = { doc = "left arrow-hooked", symbol = "↩" }, hookrightarrow = { doc = "right arrow-hooked", symbol = "↪" }, horizbar = { doc = "horizontal bar", symbol = "―" }, hourglass = { doc = "white hourglass", symbol = "⧖" }, house = { doc = "house", symbol = "⌂" }, hrectangle = { doc = "horizontal rectangle, open", symbol = "▭" }, hrectangleblack = { doc = "black rectangle", symbol = "▬" }, hslash = { doc = "/hslash - variant planck's over 2pi", symbol = "ℏ" }, hyphenbullet = { doc = "rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)", symbol = "⁃" }, hzigzag = { doc = "zigzag", symbol = "〰" }, iiiint = { doc = "quadruple integral operator", symbol = "⨌" }, iiint = { doc = "triple integral operator", symbol = "∭" }, iinfin = { doc = "incomplete infinity", symbol = "⧜" }, iint = { doc = "double integral operator", symbol = "∬" }, imageof = { doc = "image of", symbol = "⊷" }, imath = { doc = "mathematical italic small dotless i", symbol = "𝚤" }, ["in"] = { doc = "set membership, variant", symbol = "∈" }, increment = { doc = "laplacian (delta; nabla\\string^2)", symbol = "∆" }, infty = { doc = "infinity", symbol = "∞" }, int = { doc = "integral operator", symbol = "∫" }, intBar = { doc = "integral with double stroke", symbol = "⨎" }, intbar = { doc = "finite part integral", symbol = "⨍" }, intbottom = { doc = "bottom half integral", symbol = "⌡" }, intcap = { doc = "integral with intersection", symbol = "⨙" }, intclockwise = { doc = "clockwise integral", symbol = "∱" }, intcup = { doc = "integral with union", symbol = "⨚" }, intercal = { doc = "intercal", symbol = "⊺" }, interleave = { doc = "triple vertical bar binary relation", symbol = "⫴" }, intextender = { doc = "integral extension", symbol = "⎮" }, intlarhk = { doc = "integral with leftwards arrow with hook", symbol = "⨗" }, intprod = { doc = "interior product", symbol = "⨼" }, intprodr = { doc = "righthand interior product", symbol = "⨽" }, inttop = { doc = "top half integral", symbol = "⌠" }, intx = { doc = "integral with times sign", symbol = "⨘" }, inversebullet = { doc = "inverse bullet", symbol = "◘" }, inversewhitecircle = { doc = "inverse white circle", symbol = "◙" }, invlazys = { doc = "most positive [inverted lazy s]", symbol = "∾" }, invnot = { doc = "reverse not", symbol = "⌐" }, invwhitelowerhalfcircle = { doc = "lower half inverse white circle", symbol = "◛" }, invwhiteupperhalfcircle = { doc = "upper half inverse white circle", symbol = "◚" }, iota = { doc = "small iota, greek", symbol = "ι" }, isinE = { doc = "element of with two horizontal strokes", symbol = "⋹" }, isindot = { doc = "element of with dot above", symbol = "⋵" }, isinobar = { doc = "small element of with overbar", symbol = "⋷" }, isins = { doc = "small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋴" }, isinvb = { doc = "element of with underbar", symbol = "⋸" }, jmath = { doc = "mathematical italic small dotless j", symbol = "𝚥" }, kappa = { doc = "small kappa, greek", symbol = "κ" }, kernelcontraction = { doc = "homothetic", symbol = "∻" }, lAngle = { doc = "mathematical left double angle bracket", symbol = "⟪" }, lBrace = { doc = "left white curly bracket", symbol = "⦃" }, lBrack = { doc = "mathematical left white square bracket", symbol = "⟦" }, lParen = { doc = "left white parenthesis", symbol = "⦅" }, lambda = { doc = "small lambda, greek", symbol = "λ" }, langle = { doc = "mathematical left angle bracket", symbol = "⟨" }, langledot = { doc = "left angle bracket with dot", symbol = "⦑" }, laplac = { doc = "square with contoured outline", symbol = "⧠" }, lat = { doc = "larger than", symbol = "⪫" }, late = { doc = "larger than or equal to", symbol = "⪭" }, lbag = { doc = "left s-shaped bag delimiter", symbol = "⟅" }, lblkbrbrak = { doc = "left black tortoise shell bracket", symbol = "⦗" }, lbrace = { doc = "left curly bracket", symbol = "{" }, lbracelend = { doc = "left curly bracket lower hook", symbol = "⎩" }, lbracemid = { doc = "left curly bracket middle piece", symbol = "⎨" }, lbraceuend = { doc = "left curly bracket upper hook", symbol = "⎧" }, lbrack = { doc = "left square bracket", symbol = "[" }, lbrackextender = { doc = "left square bracket extension", symbol = "⎢" }, lbracklend = { doc = "left square bracket lower corner", symbol = "⎣" }, lbracklltick = { doc = "left square bracket with tick in bottom corner", symbol = "⦏" }, lbrackubar = { doc = "left square bracket with underbar", symbol = "⦋" }, lbrackuend = { doc = "left square bracket upper corner", symbol = "⎡" }, lbrackultick = { doc = "left square bracket with tick in top corner", symbol = "⦍" }, lbrbrak = { doc = "light left tortoise shell bracket ornament", symbol = "❲" }, lceil = { doc = "left ceiling", symbol = "⌈" }, lcurvyangle = { doc = "left pointing curved angle bracket", symbol = "⧼" }, leftarrow = { doc = "/leftarrow /gets a: leftward arrow", symbol = "←" }, leftarrowapprox = { doc = "leftwards arrow above almost equal to", symbol = "⭊" }, leftarrowbackapprox = { doc = "leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to", symbol = "⭂" }, leftarrowbsimilar = { doc = "leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator", symbol = "⭋" }, leftarrowless = { doc = "leftwards arrow through less-than", symbol = "⥷" }, leftarrowonoplus = { doc = "left arrow with circled plus", symbol = "⬲" }, leftarrowplus = { doc = "leftwards arrow with plus below", symbol = "⥆" }, leftarrowshortrightarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow above short rightwards arrow", symbol = "⥃" }, leftarrowsimilar = { doc = "leftwards arrow above tilde operator", symbol = "⥳" }, leftarrowsubset = { doc = "leftwards arrow through subset", symbol = "⥺" }, leftarrowtail = { doc = "left arrow-tailed", symbol = "↢" }, leftarrowtriangle = { doc = "leftwards open-headed arrow", symbol = "⇽" }, leftarrowx = { doc = "leftwards arrow through x", symbol = "⬾" }, leftbkarrow = { doc = "leftwards double dash arrow", symbol = "⤌" }, leftcurvedarrow = { doc = "wave arrow pointing directly left", symbol = "⬿" }, leftdasharrow = { doc = "leftwards dashed arrow", symbol = "⇠" }, leftdbkarrow = { doc = "leftwards triple dash arrow", symbol = "⤎" }, leftdbltail = { doc = "leftwards double arrow-tail", symbol = "⤛" }, leftdotarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow with dotted stem", symbol = "⬸" }, leftdowncurvedarrow = { doc = "arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards", symbol = "⤶" }, leftfishtail = { doc = "left fish tail", symbol = "⥼" }, leftharpoonaccent = { doc = "combining left harpoon above", symbol = "◌⃐" }, leftharpoondown = { doc = "left harpoon-down", symbol = "↽" }, leftharpoondownbar = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar", symbol = "⥞" }, leftharpoonsupdown = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down", symbol = "⥢" }, leftharpoonup = { doc = "left harpoon-up", symbol = "↼" }, leftharpoonupbar = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar", symbol = "⥚" }, leftharpoonupdash = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash", symbol = "⥪" }, leftleftarrows = { doc = "two left arrows", symbol = "⇇" }, leftmoon = { doc = "last quarter moon", symbol = "☾" }, leftouterjoin = { doc = "left outer join", symbol = "⟕" }, leftrightarrow = { doc = "left and right arrow", symbol = "↔" }, leftrightarrowcircle = { doc = "left right arrow through small circle", symbol = "⥈" }, leftrightarrows = { doc = "left arrow over right arrow", symbol = "⇆" }, leftrightarrowtriangle = { doc = "left right open-headed arrow", symbol = "⇿" }, leftrightharpoondowndown = { doc = "left barb down right barb down harpoon", symbol = "⥐" }, leftrightharpoondownup = { doc = "left barb down right barb up harpoon", symbol = "⥋" }, leftrightharpoons = { doc = "left harpoon over right", symbol = "⇋" }, leftrightharpoonsdown = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down", symbol = "⥧" }, leftrightharpoonsup = { doc = "leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up", symbol = "⥦" }, leftrightharpoonupdown = { doc = "left barb up right barb down harpoon", symbol = "⥊" }, leftrightharpoonupup = { doc = "left barb up right barb up harpoon", symbol = "⥎" }, leftrightsquigarrow = { doc = "left and right arr-wavy", symbol = "↭" }, leftsquigarrow = { doc = "leftwards squiggle arrow", symbol = "⇜" }, lefttail = { doc = "leftwards arrow-tail", symbol = "⤙" }, leftthreearrows = { doc = "three leftwards arrows", symbol = "⬱" }, leftthreetimes = { doc = "left semidirect product", symbol = "⋋" }, leftwavearrow = { doc = "left arrow-wavy", symbol = "↜" }, leftwhitearrow = { doc = "leftwards white arrow", symbol = "⇦" }, leq = { doc = "/leq /le r: less-than-or-equal", symbol = "≤" }, leqq = { doc = "less, double equals", symbol = "≦" }, leqqslant = { doc = "double-line slanted less-than or equal to", symbol = "⫹" }, leqslant = { doc = "less-than or slanted equal to", symbol = "⩽" }, lescc = { doc = "less-than closed by curve above slanted equal", symbol = "⪨" }, lesdot = { doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside", symbol = "⩿" }, lesdoto = { doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot above", symbol = "⪁" }, lesdotor = { doc = "less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right", symbol = "⪃" }, lesges = { doc = "less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal", symbol = "⪓" }, less = { doc = "less-than sign r:", symbol = "<" }, lessapprox = { doc = "less-than or approximate", symbol = "⪅" }, lessdot = { doc = "less than, with dot", symbol = "⋖" }, lesseqgtr = { doc = "less, equals, greater", symbol = "⋚" }, lesseqqgtr = { doc = "less-than above double-line equal above greater-than", symbol = "⪋" }, lessgtr = { doc = "less, greater", symbol = "≶" }, lesssim = { doc = "less, similar", symbol = "≲" }, lfbowtie = { doc = "left black bowtie", symbol = "⧑" }, lfloor = { doc = "left floor", symbol = "⌊" }, lftimes = { doc = "left black times", symbol = "⧔" }, lgE = { doc = "less-than above greater-than above double-line equal", symbol = "⪑" }, lgblkcircle = { doc = "black large circle", symbol = "⬤" }, lgblksquare = { doc = "black large square", symbol = "⬛" }, lgroup = { doc = "mathematical left flattened parenthesis", symbol = "⟮" }, lgwhtcircle = { doc = "large circle", symbol = "◯" }, lgwhtsquare = { doc = "white large square", symbol = "⬜" }, linefeed = { doc = "rightwards arrow with corner downwards", symbol = "↴" }, ll = { doc = "much less than, type 2", symbol = "≪" }, llangle = { doc = "z notation left binding bracket", symbol = "⦉" }, llarc = { doc = "lower left quadrant circular arc", symbol = "◟" }, llblacktriangle = { doc = "lower left triangle, filled", symbol = "◣" }, llcorner = { doc = "lower left corner", symbol = "⌞" }, lll = { doc = "/ll /lll /llless r: triple less-than", symbol = "⋘" }, lllnest = { doc = "stacked very much less-than", symbol = "⫷" }, llparenthesis = { doc = "z notation left image bracket", symbol = "⦇" }, lltriangle = { doc = "lower left triangle", symbol = "◺" }, lmoustache = { doc = "upper left or lower right curly bracket section", symbol = "⎰" }, lnapprox = { doc = "less-than and not approximate", symbol = "⪉" }, lneq = { doc = "less-than and single-line not equal to", symbol = "⪇" }, lneqq = { doc = "less, not double equals", symbol = "≨" }, lnsim = { doc = "less, not similar", symbol = "⋦" }, longdashv = { doc = "long right tack", symbol = "⟞" }, longdivision = { doc = "long division", symbol = "⟌" }, longleftarrow = { doc = "long leftwards arrow", symbol = "⟵" }, longleftrightarrow = { doc = "long left right arrow", symbol = "⟷" }, longleftsquigarrow = { doc = "long leftwards squiggle arrow", symbol = "⬳" }, longmapsfrom = { doc = "long leftwards arrow from bar", symbol = "⟻" }, longmapsto = { doc = "long rightwards arrow from bar", symbol = "⟼" }, longrightarrow = { doc = "long rightwards arrow", symbol = "⟶" }, longrightsquigarrow = { doc = "long rightwards squiggle arrow", symbol = "⟿" }, looparrowleft = { doc = "left arrow-looped", symbol = "↫" }, looparrowright = { doc = "right arrow-looped", symbol = "↬" }, lowint = { doc = "integral with underbar", symbol = "⨜" }, lozengeminus = { doc = "lozenge divided by horizontal rule", symbol = "⟠" }, lparen = { doc = "left parenthesis", symbol = "(" }, lparenextender = { doc = "left parenthesis extension", symbol = "⎜" }, lparenlend = { doc = "left parenthesis lower hook", symbol = "⎝" }, lparenless = { doc = "left arc less-than bracket", symbol = "⦓" }, lparenuend = { doc = "left parenthesis upper hook", symbol = "⎛" }, lrarc = { doc = "lower right quadrant circular arc", symbol = "◞" }, lrblacktriangle = { doc = "lower right triangle, filled", symbol = "◢" }, lrcorner = { doc = "lower right corner", symbol = "⌟" }, lrtriangle = { doc = "lower right triangle", symbol = "◿" }, lrtriangleeq = { doc = "increases as", symbol = "⧡" }, lsime = { doc = "less-than above similar or equal", symbol = "⪍" }, lsimg = { doc = "less-than above similar above greater-than", symbol = "⪏" }, lsqhook = { doc = "square left open box operator", symbol = "⫍" }, ltcc = { doc = "less-than closed by curve", symbol = "⪦" }, ltcir = { doc = "less-than with circle inside", symbol = "⩹" }, ltimes = { doc = "times sign, left closed", symbol = "⋉" }, ltlarr = { doc = "less-than above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⥶" }, ltquest = { doc = "less-than with question mark above", symbol = "⩻" }, ltrivb = { doc = "left triangle beside vertical bar", symbol = "⧏" }, lvboxline = { doc = "left vertical box line", symbol = "⎸" }, lvzigzag = { doc = "left wiggly fence", symbol = "⧘" }, male = { doc = "mars, male", symbol = "♂" }, maltese = { doc = "maltese cross", symbol = "✠" }, mapsdown = { doc = "maps to, downward", symbol = "↧" }, mapsfrom = { doc = "maps to, leftward", symbol = "↤" }, mapsto = { doc = "maps to, rightward", symbol = "↦" }, mapsup = { doc = "maps to, upward", symbol = "↥" }, mathampersand = { doc = "ampersand", symbol = "&" }, mathatsign = { doc = "commercial at", symbol = "@" }, mathcolon = { doc = "colon", symbol = ":" }, mathcomma = { doc = "comma", symbol = "," }, mathdollar = { doc = "dollar sign", symbol = "$" }, matheth = { doc = "eth", symbol = "ð" }, mathexclam = { doc = "exclamation mark", symbol = "!" }, mathhyphen = { doc = "hyphen", symbol = "‐" }, mathoctothorpe = { doc = "number sign", symbol = "#" }, mathparagraph = { doc = "paragraph symbol", symbol = "¶" }, mathpercent = { doc = "percent sign", symbol = "%" }, mathperiod = { doc = "full stop, period", symbol = "." }, mathplus = { doc = "plus sign b:", symbol = "+" }, mathquestion = { doc = "question mark", symbol = "?" }, mathratio = { doc = "ratio", symbol = "∶" }, mathsection = { doc = "section symbol", symbol = "§" }, mathsemicolon = { doc = "semicolon p:", symbol = ";" }, mathslash = { doc = "solidus", symbol = "/" }, mathsterling = { doc = "pound sign", symbol = "£" }, mathunderbar = { doc = "combining low line", symbol = "◌̲" }, mathvisiblespace = { doc = "open box", symbol = "␣" }, mathyen = { doc = "yen sign", symbol = "¥" }, mbfA = { doc = "mathematical bold capital a", symbol = "𝐀" }, mbfAlpha = { doc = "mathematical bold capital alpha", symbol = "𝚨" }, mbfB = { doc = "mathematical bold capital b", symbol = "𝐁" }, mbfBeta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital beta", symbol = "𝚩" }, mbfC = { doc = "mathematical bold capital c", symbol = "𝐂" }, mbfChi = { doc = "mathematical bold capital chi", symbol = "𝚾" }, mbfD = { doc = "mathematical bold capital d", symbol = "𝐃" }, mbfDelta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital delta", symbol = "𝚫" }, mbfDigamma = { doc = "mathematical bold capital digamma", symbol = "𝟊" }, mbfE = { doc = "mathematical bold capital e", symbol = "𝐄" }, mbfEpsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold capital epsilon", symbol = "𝚬" }, mbfEta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital eta", symbol = "𝚮" }, mbfF = { doc = "mathematical bold capital f", symbol = "𝐅" }, mbfG = { doc = "mathematical bold capital g", symbol = "𝐆" }, mbfGamma = { doc = "mathematical bold capital gamma", symbol = "𝚪" }, mbfH = { doc = "mathematical bold capital h", symbol = "𝐇" }, mbfI = { doc = "mathematical bold capital i", symbol = "𝐈" }, mbfIota = { doc = "mathematical bold capital iota", symbol = "𝚰" }, mbfJ = { doc = "mathematical bold capital j", symbol = "𝐉" }, mbfK = { doc = "mathematical bold capital k", symbol = "𝐊" }, mbfKappa = { doc = "mathematical bold capital kappa", symbol = "𝚱" }, mbfL = { doc = "mathematical bold capital l", symbol = "𝐋" }, mbfLambda = { doc = "mathematical bold capital lambda", symbol = "𝚲" }, mbfM = { doc = "mathematical bold capital m", symbol = "𝐌" }, mbfMu = { doc = "mathematical bold capital mu", symbol = "𝚳" }, mbfN = { doc = "mathematical bold capital n", symbol = "𝐍" }, mbfNu = { doc = "mathematical bold capital nu", symbol = "𝚴" }, mbfO = { doc = "mathematical bold capital o", symbol = "𝐎" }, mbfOmega = { doc = "mathematical bold capital omega", symbol = "𝛀" }, mbfOmicron = { doc = "mathematical bold capital omicron", symbol = "𝚶" }, mbfP = { doc = "mathematical bold capital p", symbol = "𝐏" }, mbfPhi = { doc = "mathematical bold capital phi", symbol = "𝚽" }, mbfPi = { doc = "mathematical bold capital pi", symbol = "𝚷" }, mbfPsi = { doc = "mathematical bold capital psi", symbol = "𝚿" }, mbfQ = { doc = "mathematical bold capital q", symbol = "𝐐" }, mbfR = { doc = "mathematical bold capital r", symbol = "𝐑" }, mbfRho = { doc = "mathematical bold capital rho", symbol = "𝚸" }, mbfS = { doc = "mathematical bold capital s", symbol = "𝐒" }, mbfSigma = { doc = "mathematical bold capital sigma", symbol = "𝚺" }, mbfT = { doc = "mathematical bold capital t", symbol = "𝐓" }, mbfTau = { doc = "mathematical bold capital tau", symbol = "𝚻" }, mbfTheta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital theta", symbol = "𝚯" }, mbfU = { doc = "mathematical bold capital u", symbol = "𝐔" }, mbfUpsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold capital upsilon", symbol = "𝚼" }, mbfV = { doc = "mathematical bold capital v", symbol = "𝐕" }, mbfW = { doc = "mathematical bold capital w", symbol = "𝐖" }, mbfX = { doc = "mathematical bold capital x", symbol = "𝐗" }, mbfXi = { doc = "mathematical bold capital xi", symbol = "𝚵" }, mbfY = { doc = "mathematical bold capital y", symbol = "𝐘" }, mbfZ = { doc = "mathematical bold capital z", symbol = "𝐙" }, mbfZeta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital zeta", symbol = "𝚭" }, mbfa = { doc = "mathematical bold small a", symbol = "𝐚" }, mbfalpha = { doc = "mathematical bold small alpha", symbol = "𝛂" }, mbfb = { doc = "mathematical bold small b", symbol = "𝐛" }, mbfbeta = { doc = "mathematical bold small beta", symbol = "𝛃" }, mbfc = { doc = "mathematical bold small c", symbol = "𝐜" }, mbfchi = { doc = "mathematical bold small chi", symbol = "𝛘" }, mbfd = { doc = "mathematical bold small d", symbol = "𝐝" }, mbfdelta = { doc = "mathematical bold small delta", symbol = "𝛅" }, mbfdigamma = { doc = "mathematical bold small digamma", symbol = "𝟋" }, mbfe = { doc = "mathematical bold small e", symbol = "𝐞" }, mbfeight = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 8", symbol = "𝟖" }, mbfepsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold varepsilon symbol", symbol = "𝛜" }, mbfeta = { doc = "mathematical bold small eta", symbol = "𝛈" }, mbff = { doc = "mathematical bold small f", symbol = "𝐟" }, mbffive = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 5", symbol = "𝟓" }, mbffour = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 4", symbol = "𝟒" }, mbffrakA = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital a", symbol = "𝕬" }, mbffrakB = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital b", symbol = "𝕭" }, mbffrakC = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital c", symbol = "𝕮" }, mbffrakD = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital d", symbol = "𝕯" }, mbffrakE = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital e", symbol = "𝕰" }, mbffrakF = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital f", symbol = "𝕱" }, mbffrakG = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital g", symbol = "𝕲" }, mbffrakH = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital h", symbol = "𝕳" }, mbffrakI = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital i", symbol = "𝕴" }, mbffrakJ = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital j", symbol = "𝕵" }, mbffrakK = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital k", symbol = "𝕶" }, mbffrakL = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital l", symbol = "𝕷" }, mbffrakM = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital m", symbol = "𝕸" }, mbffrakN = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital n", symbol = "𝕹" }, mbffrakO = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital o", symbol = "𝕺" }, mbffrakP = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital p", symbol = "𝕻" }, mbffrakQ = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital q", symbol = "𝕼" }, mbffrakR = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital r", symbol = "𝕽" }, mbffrakS = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital s", symbol = "𝕾" }, mbffrakT = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital t", symbol = "𝕿" }, mbffrakU = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital u", symbol = "𝖀" }, mbffrakV = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital v", symbol = "𝖁" }, mbffrakW = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital w", symbol = "𝖂" }, mbffrakX = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital x", symbol = "𝖃" }, mbffrakY = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital y", symbol = "𝖄" }, mbffrakZ = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur capital z", symbol = "𝖅" }, mbffraka = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small a", symbol = "𝖆" }, mbffrakb = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small b", symbol = "𝖇" }, mbffrakc = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small c", symbol = "𝖈" }, mbffrakd = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small d", symbol = "𝖉" }, mbffrake = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small e", symbol = "𝖊" }, mbffrakf = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small f", symbol = "𝖋" }, mbffrakg = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small g", symbol = "𝖌" }, mbffrakh = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small h", symbol = "𝖍" }, mbffraki = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small i", symbol = "𝖎" }, mbffrakj = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small j", symbol = "𝖏" }, mbffrakk = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small k", symbol = "𝖐" }, mbffrakl = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small l", symbol = "𝖑" }, mbffrakm = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small m", symbol = "𝖒" }, mbffrakn = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small n", symbol = "𝖓" }, mbffrako = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small o", symbol = "𝖔" }, mbffrakp = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small p", symbol = "𝖕" }, mbffrakq = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small q", symbol = "𝖖" }, mbffrakr = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small r", symbol = "𝖗" }, mbffraks = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small s", symbol = "𝖘" }, mbffrakt = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small t", symbol = "𝖙" }, mbffraku = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small u", symbol = "𝖚" }, mbffrakv = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small v", symbol = "𝖛" }, mbffrakw = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small w", symbol = "𝖜" }, mbffrakx = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small x", symbol = "𝖝" }, mbffraky = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small y", symbol = "𝖞" }, mbffrakz = { doc = "mathematical bold fraktur small z", symbol = "𝖟" }, mbfg = { doc = "mathematical bold small g", symbol = "𝐠" }, mbfgamma = { doc = "mathematical bold small gamma", symbol = "𝛄" }, mbfh = { doc = "mathematical bold small h", symbol = "𝐡" }, mbfi = { doc = "mathematical bold small i", symbol = "𝐢" }, mbfiota = { doc = "mathematical bold small iota", symbol = "𝛊" }, mbfitA = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital a", symbol = "𝑨" }, mbfitAlpha = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital alpha", symbol = "𝜜" }, mbfitB = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital b", symbol = "𝑩" }, mbfitBeta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital beta", symbol = "𝜝" }, mbfitC = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital c", symbol = "𝑪" }, mbfitChi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital chi", symbol = "𝜲" }, mbfitD = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital d", symbol = "𝑫" }, mbfitDelta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital delta", symbol = "𝜟" }, mbfitE = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital e", symbol = "𝑬" }, mbfitEpsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital epsilon", symbol = "𝜠" }, mbfitEta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital eta", symbol = "𝜢" }, mbfitF = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital f", symbol = "𝑭" }, mbfitG = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital g", symbol = "𝑮" }, mbfitGamma = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital gamma", symbol = "𝜞" }, mbfitH = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital h", symbol = "𝑯" }, mbfitI = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital i", symbol = "𝑰" }, mbfitIota = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital iota", symbol = "𝜤" }, mbfitJ = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital j", symbol = "𝑱" }, mbfitK = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital k", symbol = "𝑲" }, mbfitKappa = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital kappa", symbol = "𝜥" }, mbfitL = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital l", symbol = "𝑳" }, mbfitLambda = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital lambda", symbol = "𝜦" }, mbfitM = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital m", symbol = "𝑴" }, mbfitMu = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital mu", symbol = "𝜧" }, mbfitN = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital n", symbol = "𝑵" }, mbfitNu = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital nu", symbol = "𝜨" }, mbfitO = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital o", symbol = "𝑶" }, mbfitOmega = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital omega", symbol = "𝜴" }, mbfitOmicron = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital omicron", symbol = "𝜪" }, mbfitP = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital p", symbol = "𝑷" }, mbfitPhi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital phi", symbol = "𝜱" }, mbfitPi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital pi", symbol = "𝜫" }, mbfitPsi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital psi", symbol = "𝜳" }, mbfitQ = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital q", symbol = "𝑸" }, mbfitR = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital r", symbol = "𝑹" }, mbfitRho = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital rho", symbol = "𝜬" }, mbfitS = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital s", symbol = "𝑺" }, mbfitSigma = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital sigma", symbol = "𝜮" }, mbfitT = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital t", symbol = "𝑻" }, mbfitTau = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital tau", symbol = "𝜯" }, mbfitTheta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital theta", symbol = "𝜣" }, mbfitU = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital u", symbol = "𝑼" }, mbfitUpsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital upsilon", symbol = "𝜰" }, mbfitV = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital v", symbol = "𝑽" }, mbfitW = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital w", symbol = "𝑾" }, mbfitX = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital x", symbol = "𝑿" }, mbfitXi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital xi", symbol = "𝜩" }, mbfitY = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital y", symbol = "𝒀" }, mbfitZ = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital z", symbol = "𝒁" }, mbfitZeta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital zeta", symbol = "𝜡" }, mbfita = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small a", symbol = "𝒂" }, mbfitalpha = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small alpha", symbol = "𝜶" }, mbfitb = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small b", symbol = "𝒃" }, mbfitbeta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small beta", symbol = "𝜷" }, mbfitc = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small c", symbol = "𝒄" }, mbfitchi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small chi", symbol = "𝝌" }, mbfitd = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small d", symbol = "𝒅" }, mbfitdelta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small delta", symbol = "𝜹" }, mbfite = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small e", symbol = "𝒆" }, mbfitepsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold italic varepsilon symbol", symbol = "𝝐" }, mbfiteta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small eta", symbol = "𝜼" }, mbfitf = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small f", symbol = "𝒇" }, mbfitg = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small g", symbol = "𝒈" }, mbfitgamma = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small gamma", symbol = "𝜸" }, mbfith = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small h", symbol = "𝒉" }, mbfiti = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small i", symbol = "𝒊" }, mbfitiota = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small iota", symbol = "𝜾" }, mbfitj = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small j", symbol = "𝒋" }, mbfitk = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small k", symbol = "𝒌" }, mbfitkappa = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small kappa", symbol = "𝜿" }, mbfitl = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small l", symbol = "𝒍" }, mbfitlambda = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small lambda", symbol = "𝝀" }, mbfitm = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small m", symbol = "𝒎" }, mbfitmu = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small mu", symbol = "𝝁" }, mbfitn = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small n", symbol = "𝒏" }, mbfitnabla = { doc = "mathematical bold italic nabla", symbol = "𝜵" }, mbfitnu = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small nu", symbol = "𝝂" }, mbfito = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small o", symbol = "𝒐" }, mbfitomega = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small omega", symbol = "𝝎" }, mbfitomicron = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small omicron", symbol = "𝝄" }, mbfitp = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small p", symbol = "𝒑" }, mbfitpartial = { doc = "mathematical bold italic partial differential", symbol = "𝝏" }, mbfitphi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic phi symbol", symbol = "𝝓" }, mbfitpi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small pi", symbol = "𝝅" }, mbfitpsi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small psi", symbol = "𝝍" }, mbfitq = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small q", symbol = "𝒒" }, mbfitr = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small r", symbol = "𝒓" }, mbfitrho = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small rho", symbol = "𝝆" }, mbfits = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small s", symbol = "𝒔" }, mbfitsansA = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital a", symbol = "𝘼" }, mbfitsansAlpha = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital alpha", symbol = "𝞐" }, mbfitsansB = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital b", symbol = "𝘽" }, mbfitsansBeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital beta", symbol = "𝞑" }, mbfitsansC = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital c", symbol = "𝘾" }, mbfitsansChi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital chi", symbol = "𝞦" }, mbfitsansD = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital d", symbol = "𝘿" }, mbfitsansDelta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital delta", symbol = "𝞓" }, mbfitsansE = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital e", symbol = "𝙀" }, mbfitsansEpsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital epsilon", symbol = "𝞔" }, mbfitsansEta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital eta", symbol = "𝞖" }, mbfitsansF = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital f", symbol = "𝙁" }, mbfitsansG = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital g", symbol = "𝙂" }, mbfitsansGamma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital gamma", symbol = "𝞒" }, mbfitsansH = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital h", symbol = "𝙃" }, mbfitsansI = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital i", symbol = "𝙄" }, mbfitsansIota = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital iota", symbol = "𝞘" }, mbfitsansJ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital j", symbol = "𝙅" }, mbfitsansK = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital k", symbol = "𝙆" }, mbfitsansKappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital kappa", symbol = "𝞙" }, mbfitsansL = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital l", symbol = "𝙇" }, mbfitsansLambda = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital lambda", symbol = "𝞚" }, mbfitsansM = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital m", symbol = "𝙈" }, mbfitsansMu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital mu", symbol = "𝞛" }, mbfitsansN = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital n", symbol = "𝙉" }, mbfitsansNu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital nu", symbol = "𝞜" }, mbfitsansO = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital o", symbol = "𝙊" }, mbfitsansOmega = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital omega", symbol = "𝞨" }, mbfitsansOmicron = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital omicron", symbol = "𝞞" }, mbfitsansP = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital p", symbol = "𝙋" }, mbfitsansPhi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital phi", symbol = "𝞥" }, mbfitsansPi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital pi", symbol = "𝞟" }, mbfitsansPsi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital psi", symbol = "𝞧" }, mbfitsansQ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital q", symbol = "𝙌" }, mbfitsansR = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital r", symbol = "𝙍" }, mbfitsansRho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital rho", symbol = "𝞠" }, mbfitsansS = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital s", symbol = "𝙎" }, mbfitsansSigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital sigma", symbol = "𝞢" }, mbfitsansT = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital t", symbol = "𝙏" }, mbfitsansTau = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital tau", symbol = "𝞣" }, mbfitsansTheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital theta", symbol = "𝞗" }, mbfitsansU = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital u", symbol = "𝙐" }, mbfitsansUpsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital upsilon", symbol = "𝞤" }, mbfitsansV = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital v", symbol = "𝙑" }, mbfitsansW = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital w", symbol = "𝙒" }, mbfitsansX = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital x", symbol = "𝙓" }, mbfitsansXi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital xi", symbol = "𝞝" }, mbfitsansY = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital y", symbol = "𝙔" }, mbfitsansZ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital z", symbol = "𝙕" }, mbfitsansZeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital zeta", symbol = "𝞕" }, mbfitsansa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small a", symbol = "𝙖" }, mbfitsansalpha = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small alpha", symbol = "𝞪" }, mbfitsansb = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small b", symbol = "𝙗" }, mbfitsansbeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small beta", symbol = "𝞫" }, mbfitsansc = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small c", symbol = "𝙘" }, mbfitsanschi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small chi", symbol = "𝟀" }, mbfitsansd = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small d", symbol = "𝙙" }, mbfitsansdelta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small delta", symbol = "𝞭" }, mbfitsanse = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small e", symbol = "𝙚" }, mbfitsansepsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic varepsilon symbol", symbol = "𝟄" }, mbfitsanseta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small eta", symbol = "𝞰" }, mbfitsansf = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small f", symbol = "𝙛" }, mbfitsansg = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small g", symbol = "𝙜" }, mbfitsansgamma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small gamma", symbol = "𝞬" }, mbfitsansh = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small h", symbol = "𝙝" }, mbfitsansi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small i", symbol = "𝙞" }, mbfitsansiota = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small iota", symbol = "𝞲" }, mbfitsansj = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small j", symbol = "𝙟" }, mbfitsansk = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small k", symbol = "𝙠" }, mbfitsanskappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small kappa", symbol = "𝞳" }, mbfitsansl = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small l", symbol = "𝙡" }, mbfitsanslambda = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small lambda", symbol = "𝞴" }, mbfitsansm = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small m", symbol = "𝙢" }, mbfitsansmu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small mu", symbol = "𝞵" }, mbfitsansn = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small n", symbol = "𝙣" }, mbfitsansnabla = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic nabla", symbol = "𝞩" }, mbfitsansnu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small nu", symbol = "𝞶" }, mbfitsanso = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small o", symbol = "𝙤" }, mbfitsansomega = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small omega", symbol = "𝟂" }, mbfitsansomicron = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small omicron", symbol = "𝞸" }, mbfitsansp = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small p", symbol = "𝙥" }, mbfitsanspartial = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic partial differential", symbol = "𝟃" }, mbfitsansphi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic phi symbol", symbol = "𝟇" }, mbfitsanspi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small pi", symbol = "𝞹" }, mbfitsanspsi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small psi", symbol = "𝟁" }, mbfitsansq = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small q", symbol = "𝙦" }, mbfitsansr = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small r", symbol = "𝙧" }, mbfitsansrho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small rho", symbol = "𝞺" }, mbfitsanss = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small s", symbol = "𝙨" }, mbfitsanssigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small sigma", symbol = "𝞼" }, mbfitsanst = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small t", symbol = "𝙩" }, mbfitsanstau = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small tau", symbol = "𝞽" }, mbfitsanstheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small theta", symbol = "𝞱" }, mbfitsansu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small u", symbol = "𝙪" }, mbfitsansupsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small upsilon", symbol = "𝞾" }, mbfitsansv = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small v", symbol = "𝙫" }, mbfitsansvarTheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital theta symbol", symbol = "𝞡" }, mbfitsansvarepsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small varepsilon", symbol = "𝞮" }, mbfitsansvarkappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic kappa symbol", symbol = "𝟆" }, mbfitsansvarphi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small phi", symbol = "𝞿" }, mbfitsansvarpi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic pi symbol", symbol = "𝟉" }, mbfitsansvarrho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic rho symbol", symbol = "𝟈" }, mbfitsansvarsigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small final sigma", symbol = "𝞻" }, mbfitsansvartheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic theta symbol", symbol = "𝟅" }, mbfitsansw = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small w", symbol = "𝙬" }, mbfitsansx = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small x", symbol = "𝙭" }, mbfitsansxi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small xi", symbol = "𝞷" }, mbfitsansy = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small y", symbol = "𝙮" }, mbfitsansz = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small z", symbol = "𝙯" }, mbfitsanszeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold italic small zeta", symbol = "𝞯" }, mbfitsigma = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small sigma", symbol = "𝝈" }, mbfitt = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small t", symbol = "𝒕" }, mbfittau = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small tau", symbol = "𝝉" }, mbfittheta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small theta", symbol = "𝜽" }, mbfitu = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small u", symbol = "𝒖" }, mbfitupsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small upsilon", symbol = "𝝊" }, mbfitv = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small v", symbol = "𝒗" }, mbfitvarTheta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic capital theta symbol", symbol = "𝜭" }, mbfitvarepsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small varepsilon", symbol = "𝜺" }, mbfitvarkappa = { doc = "mathematical bold italic kappa symbol", symbol = "𝝒" }, mbfitvarphi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small phi", symbol = "𝝋" }, mbfitvarpi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic pi symbol", symbol = "𝝕" }, mbfitvarrho = { doc = "mathematical bold italic rho symbol", symbol = "𝝔" }, mbfitvarsigma = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small final sigma", symbol = "𝝇" }, mbfitvartheta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic theta symbol", symbol = "𝝑" }, mbfitw = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small w", symbol = "𝒘" }, mbfitx = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small x", symbol = "𝒙" }, mbfitxi = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small xi", symbol = "𝝃" }, mbfity = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small y", symbol = "𝒚" }, mbfitz = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small z", symbol = "𝒛" }, mbfitzeta = { doc = "mathematical bold italic small zeta", symbol = "𝜻" }, mbfj = { doc = "mathematical bold small j", symbol = "𝐣" }, mbfk = { doc = "mathematical bold small k", symbol = "𝐤" }, mbfkappa = { doc = "mathematical bold small kappa", symbol = "𝛋" }, mbfl = { doc = "mathematical bold small l", symbol = "𝐥" }, mbflambda = { doc = "mathematical bold small lambda", symbol = "𝛌" }, mbfm = { doc = "mathematical bold small m", symbol = "𝐦" }, mbfmu = { doc = "mathematical bold small mu", symbol = "𝛍" }, mbfn = { doc = "mathematical bold small n", symbol = "𝐧" }, mbfnabla = { doc = "mathematical bold nabla", symbol = "𝛁" }, mbfnine = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 9", symbol = "𝟗" }, mbfnu = { doc = "mathematical bold small nu", symbol = "𝛎" }, mbfo = { doc = "mathematical bold small o", symbol = "𝐨" }, mbfomega = { doc = "mathematical bold small omega", symbol = "𝛚" }, mbfomicron = { doc = "mathematical bold small omicron", symbol = "𝛐" }, mbfone = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 1", symbol = "𝟏" }, mbfp = { doc = "mathematical bold small p", symbol = "𝐩" }, mbfpartial = { doc = "mathematical bold partial differential", symbol = "𝛛" }, mbfphi = { doc = "mathematical bold phi symbol", symbol = "𝛟" }, mbfpi = { doc = "mathematical bold small pi", symbol = "𝛑" }, mbfpsi = { doc = "mathematical bold small psi", symbol = "𝛙" }, mbfq = { doc = "mathematical bold small q", symbol = "𝐪" }, mbfr = { doc = "mathematical bold small r", symbol = "𝐫" }, mbfrho = { doc = "mathematical bold small rho", symbol = "𝛒" }, mbfs = { doc = "mathematical bold small s", symbol = "𝐬" }, mbfsansA = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital a", symbol = "𝗔" }, mbfsansAlpha = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital alpha", symbol = "𝝖" }, mbfsansB = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital b", symbol = "𝗕" }, mbfsansBeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital beta", symbol = "𝝗" }, mbfsansC = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital c", symbol = "𝗖" }, mbfsansChi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital chi", symbol = "𝝬" }, mbfsansD = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital d", symbol = "𝗗" }, mbfsansDelta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital delta", symbol = "𝝙" }, mbfsansE = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital e", symbol = "𝗘" }, mbfsansEpsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital epsilon", symbol = "𝝚" }, mbfsansEta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital eta", symbol = "𝝜" }, mbfsansF = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital f", symbol = "𝗙" }, mbfsansG = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital g", symbol = "𝗚" }, mbfsansGamma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital gamma", symbol = "𝝘" }, mbfsansH = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital h", symbol = "𝗛" }, mbfsansI = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital i", symbol = "𝗜" }, mbfsansIota = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital iota", symbol = "𝝞" }, mbfsansJ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital j", symbol = "𝗝" }, mbfsansK = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital k", symbol = "𝗞" }, mbfsansKappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital kappa", symbol = "𝝟" }, mbfsansL = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital l", symbol = "𝗟" }, mbfsansLambda = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital lambda", symbol = "𝝠" }, mbfsansM = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital m", symbol = "𝗠" }, mbfsansMu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital mu", symbol = "𝝡" }, mbfsansN = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital n", symbol = "𝗡" }, mbfsansNu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital nu", symbol = "𝝢" }, mbfsansO = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital o", symbol = "𝗢" }, mbfsansOmega = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital omega", symbol = "𝝮" }, mbfsansOmicron = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital omicron", symbol = "𝝤" }, mbfsansP = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital p", symbol = "𝗣" }, mbfsansPhi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital phi", symbol = "𝝫" }, mbfsansPi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital pi", symbol = "𝝥" }, mbfsansPsi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital psi", symbol = "𝝭" }, mbfsansQ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital q", symbol = "𝗤" }, mbfsansR = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital r", symbol = "𝗥" }, mbfsansRho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital rho", symbol = "𝝦" }, mbfsansS = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital s", symbol = "𝗦" }, mbfsansSigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital sigma", symbol = "𝝨" }, mbfsansT = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital t", symbol = "𝗧" }, mbfsansTau = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital tau", symbol = "𝝩" }, mbfsansTheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital theta", symbol = "𝝝" }, mbfsansU = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital u", symbol = "𝗨" }, mbfsansUpsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital upsilon", symbol = "𝝪" }, mbfsansV = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital v", symbol = "𝗩" }, mbfsansW = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital w", symbol = "𝗪" }, mbfsansX = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital x", symbol = "𝗫" }, mbfsansXi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital xi", symbol = "𝝣" }, mbfsansY = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital y", symbol = "𝗬" }, mbfsansZ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital z", symbol = "𝗭" }, mbfsansZeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital zeta", symbol = "𝝛" }, mbfsansa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small a", symbol = "𝗮" }, mbfsansalpha = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small alpha", symbol = "𝝰" }, mbfsansb = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small b", symbol = "𝗯" }, mbfsansbeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small beta", symbol = "𝝱" }, mbfsansc = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small c", symbol = "𝗰" }, mbfsanschi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small chi", symbol = "𝞆" }, mbfsansd = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small d", symbol = "𝗱" }, mbfsansdelta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small delta", symbol = "𝝳" }, mbfsanse = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small e", symbol = "𝗲" }, mbfsanseight = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 8", symbol = "𝟴" }, mbfsansepsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold varepsilon symbol", symbol = "𝞊" }, mbfsanseta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small eta", symbol = "𝝶" }, mbfsansf = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small f", symbol = "𝗳" }, mbfsansfive = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 5", symbol = "𝟱" }, mbfsansfour = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 4", symbol = "𝟰" }, mbfsansg = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small g", symbol = "𝗴" }, mbfsansgamma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small gamma", symbol = "𝝲" }, mbfsansh = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small h", symbol = "𝗵" }, mbfsansi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small i", symbol = "𝗶" }, mbfsansiota = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small iota", symbol = "𝝸" }, mbfsansj = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small j", symbol = "𝗷" }, mbfsansk = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small k", symbol = "𝗸" }, mbfsanskappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small kappa", symbol = "𝝹" }, mbfsansl = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small l", symbol = "𝗹" }, mbfsanslambda = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small lambda", symbol = "𝝺" }, mbfsansm = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small m", symbol = "𝗺" }, mbfsansmu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small mu", symbol = "𝝻" }, mbfsansn = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small n", symbol = "𝗻" }, mbfsansnabla = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold nabla", symbol = "𝝯" }, mbfsansnine = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 9", symbol = "𝟵" }, mbfsansnu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small nu", symbol = "𝝼" }, mbfsanso = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small o", symbol = "𝗼" }, mbfsansomega = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small omega", symbol = "𝞈" }, mbfsansomicron = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small omicron", symbol = "𝝾" }, mbfsansone = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 1", symbol = "𝟭" }, mbfsansp = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small p", symbol = "𝗽" }, mbfsanspartial = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold partial differential", symbol = "𝞉" }, mbfsansphi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold phi symbol", symbol = "𝞍" }, mbfsanspi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small pi", symbol = "𝝿" }, mbfsanspsi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small psi", symbol = "𝞇" }, mbfsansq = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small q", symbol = "𝗾" }, mbfsansr = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small r", symbol = "𝗿" }, mbfsansrho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small rho", symbol = "𝞀" }, mbfsanss = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small s", symbol = "𝘀" }, mbfsansseven = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 7", symbol = "𝟳" }, mbfsanssigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small sigma", symbol = "𝞂" }, mbfsanssix = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 6", symbol = "𝟲" }, mbfsanst = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small t", symbol = "𝘁" }, mbfsanstau = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small tau", symbol = "𝞃" }, mbfsanstheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small theta", symbol = "𝝷" }, mbfsansthree = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 3", symbol = "𝟯" }, mbfsanstwo = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 2", symbol = "𝟮" }, mbfsansu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small u", symbol = "𝘂" }, mbfsansupsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small upsilon", symbol = "𝞄" }, mbfsansv = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small v", symbol = "𝘃" }, mbfsansvarTheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold capital theta symbol", symbol = "𝝧" }, mbfsansvarepsilon = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small varepsilon", symbol = "𝝴" }, mbfsansvarkappa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold kappa symbol", symbol = "𝞌" }, mbfsansvarphi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small phi", symbol = "𝞅" }, mbfsansvarpi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold pi symbol", symbol = "𝞏" }, mbfsansvarrho = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold rho symbol", symbol = "𝞎" }, mbfsansvarsigma = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small final sigma", symbol = "𝞁" }, mbfsansvartheta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold theta symbol", symbol = "𝞋" }, mbfsansw = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small w", symbol = "𝘄" }, mbfsansx = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small x", symbol = "𝘅" }, mbfsansxi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small xi", symbol = "𝝽" }, mbfsansy = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small y", symbol = "𝘆" }, mbfsansz = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small z", symbol = "𝘇" }, mbfsanszero = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold digit 0", symbol = "𝟬" }, mbfsanszeta = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif bold small zeta", symbol = "𝝵" }, mbfscrA = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital a", symbol = "𝓐" }, mbfscrB = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital b", symbol = "𝓑" }, mbfscrC = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital c", symbol = "𝓒" }, mbfscrD = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital d", symbol = "𝓓" }, mbfscrE = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital e", symbol = "𝓔" }, mbfscrF = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital f", symbol = "𝓕" }, mbfscrG = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital g", symbol = "𝓖" }, mbfscrH = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital h", symbol = "𝓗" }, mbfscrI = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital i", symbol = "𝓘" }, mbfscrJ = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital j", symbol = "𝓙" }, mbfscrK = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital k", symbol = "𝓚" }, mbfscrL = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital l", symbol = "𝓛" }, mbfscrM = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital m", symbol = "𝓜" }, mbfscrN = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital n", symbol = "𝓝" }, mbfscrO = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital o", symbol = "𝓞" }, mbfscrP = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital p", symbol = "𝓟" }, mbfscrQ = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital q", symbol = "𝓠" }, mbfscrR = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital r", symbol = "𝓡" }, mbfscrS = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital s", symbol = "𝓢" }, mbfscrT = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital t", symbol = "𝓣" }, mbfscrU = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital u", symbol = "𝓤" }, mbfscrV = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital v", symbol = "𝓥" }, mbfscrW = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital w", symbol = "𝓦" }, mbfscrX = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital x", symbol = "𝓧" }, mbfscrY = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital y", symbol = "𝓨" }, mbfscrZ = { doc = "mathematical bold script capital z", symbol = "𝓩" }, mbfscra = { doc = "mathematical bold script small a", symbol = "𝓪" }, mbfscrb = { doc = "mathematical bold script small b", symbol = "𝓫" }, mbfscrc = { doc = "mathematical bold script small c", symbol = "𝓬" }, mbfscrd = { doc = "mathematical bold script small d", symbol = "𝓭" }, mbfscre = { doc = "mathematical bold script small e", symbol = "𝓮" }, mbfscrf = { doc = "mathematical bold script small f", symbol = "𝓯" }, mbfscrg = { doc = "mathematical bold script small g", symbol = "𝓰" }, mbfscrh = { doc = "mathematical bold script small h", symbol = "𝓱" }, mbfscri = { doc = "mathematical bold script small i", symbol = "𝓲" }, mbfscrj = { doc = "mathematical bold script small j", symbol = "𝓳" }, mbfscrk = { doc = "mathematical bold script small k", symbol = "𝓴" }, mbfscrl = { doc = "mathematical bold script small l", symbol = "𝓵" }, mbfscrm = { doc = "mathematical bold script small m", symbol = "𝓶" }, mbfscrn = { doc = "mathematical bold script small n", symbol = "𝓷" }, mbfscro = { doc = "mathematical bold script small o", symbol = "𝓸" }, mbfscrp = { doc = "mathematical bold script small p", symbol = "𝓹" }, mbfscrq = { doc = "mathematical bold script small q", symbol = "𝓺" }, mbfscrr = { doc = "mathematical bold script small r", symbol = "𝓻" }, mbfscrs = { doc = "mathematical bold script small s", symbol = "𝓼" }, mbfscrt = { doc = "mathematical bold script small t", symbol = "𝓽" }, mbfscru = { doc = "mathematical bold script small u", symbol = "𝓾" }, mbfscrv = { doc = "mathematical bold script small v", symbol = "𝓿" }, mbfscrw = { doc = "mathematical bold script small w", symbol = "𝔀" }, mbfscrx = { doc = "mathematical bold script small x", symbol = "𝔁" }, mbfscry = { doc = "mathematical bold script small y", symbol = "𝔂" }, mbfscrz = { doc = "mathematical bold script small z", symbol = "𝔃" }, mbfseven = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 7", symbol = "𝟕" }, mbfsigma = { doc = "mathematical bold small sigma", symbol = "𝛔" }, mbfsix = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 6", symbol = "𝟔" }, mbft = { doc = "mathematical bold small t", symbol = "𝐭" }, mbftau = { doc = "mathematical bold small tau", symbol = "𝛕" }, mbftheta = { doc = "mathematical bold small theta", symbol = "𝛉" }, mbfthree = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 3", symbol = "𝟑" }, mbftwo = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 2", symbol = "𝟐" }, mbfu = { doc = "mathematical bold small u", symbol = "𝐮" }, mbfupsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold small upsilon", symbol = "𝛖" }, mbfv = { doc = "mathematical bold small v", symbol = "𝐯" }, mbfvarTheta = { doc = "mathematical bold capital theta symbol", symbol = "𝚹" }, mbfvarepsilon = { doc = "mathematical bold small varepsilon", symbol = "𝛆" }, mbfvarkappa = { doc = "mathematical bold kappa symbol", symbol = "𝛞" }, mbfvarphi = { doc = "mathematical bold small phi", symbol = "𝛗" }, mbfvarpi = { doc = "mathematical bold pi symbol", symbol = "𝛡" }, mbfvarrho = { doc = "mathematical bold rho symbol", symbol = "𝛠" }, mbfvarsigma = { doc = "mathematical bold small final sigma", symbol = "𝛓" }, mbfvartheta = { doc = "mathematical bold theta symbol", symbol = "𝛝" }, mbfw = { doc = "mathematical bold small w", symbol = "𝐰" }, mbfx = { doc = "mathematical bold small x", symbol = "𝐱" }, mbfxi = { doc = "mathematical bold small xi", symbol = "𝛏" }, mbfy = { doc = "mathematical bold small y", symbol = "𝐲" }, mbfz = { doc = "mathematical bold small z", symbol = "𝐳" }, mbfzero = { doc = "mathematical bold digit 0", symbol = "𝟎" }, mbfzeta = { doc = "mathematical bold small zeta", symbol = "𝛇" }, mdblkcircle = { doc = "medium black circle", symbol = "⚫" }, mdblkdiamond = { doc = "black medium diamond", symbol = "⬥" }, mdblklozenge = { doc = "black medium lozenge", symbol = "⬧" }, mdblksquare = { doc = "black medium square", symbol = "◼" }, mdlgblkcircle = { doc = "circle, filled", symbol = "●" }, mdlgblkdiamond = { doc = "black diamond", symbol = "◆" }, mdlgblklozenge = { doc = "black lozenge", symbol = "⧫" }, mdlgblksquare = { doc = "square, filled", symbol = "■" }, mdlgwhtcircle = { doc = "medium large circle", symbol = "○" }, mdlgwhtdiamond = { doc = "white diamond; diamond, open", symbol = "◇" }, mdlgwhtlozenge = { doc = "lozenge or total mark", symbol = "◊" }, mdlgwhtsquare = { doc = "square, open", symbol = "□" }, mdsmblkcircle = { doc = "z notation spot", symbol = "⦁" }, mdsmblksquare = { doc = "black medium small square", symbol = "◾" }, mdsmwhtcircle = { doc = "medium small white circle", symbol = "⚬" }, mdsmwhtsquare = { doc = "white medium small square", symbol = "◽" }, mdwhtcircle = { doc = "medium white circle", symbol = "⚪" }, mdwhtdiamond = { doc = "white medium diamond", symbol = "⬦" }, mdwhtlozenge = { doc = "white medium lozenge", symbol = "⬨" }, mdwhtsquare = { doc = "white medium square", symbol = "◻" }, measangledltosw = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down", symbol = "⦯" }, measangledrtose = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down", symbol = "⦮" }, measangleldtosw = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left", symbol = "⦫" }, measanglelutonw = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left", symbol = "⦩" }, measanglerdtose = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right", symbol = "⦪" }, measanglerutone = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right", symbol = "⦨" }, measangleultonw = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up", symbol = "⦭" }, measangleurtone = { doc = "measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up", symbol = "⦬" }, measeq = { doc = "measured by (m over equals)", symbol = "≞" }, measuredangle = { doc = "angle-measured", symbol = "∡" }, measuredangleleft = { doc = "measured angle opening left", symbol = "⦛" }, measuredrightangle = { doc = "right angle-measured [with arc]", symbol = "⊾" }, medblackstar = { doc = "black medium star", symbol = "⭑" }, medwhitestar = { doc = "white medium star", symbol = "⭐" }, mfrakA = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital a", symbol = "𝔄" }, mfrakB = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital b", symbol = "𝔅" }, mfrakC = { doc = "black-letter capital c", symbol = "ℭ" }, mfrakD = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital d", symbol = "𝔇" }, mfrakE = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital e", symbol = "𝔈" }, mfrakF = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital f", symbol = "𝔉" }, mfrakG = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital g", symbol = "𝔊" }, mfrakH = { doc = "/frak h, upper case h", symbol = "ℌ" }, mfrakJ = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital j", symbol = "𝔍" }, mfrakK = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital k", symbol = "𝔎" }, mfrakL = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital l", symbol = "𝔏" }, mfrakM = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital m", symbol = "𝔐" }, mfrakN = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital n", symbol = "𝔑" }, mfrakO = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital o", symbol = "𝔒" }, mfrakP = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital p", symbol = "𝔓" }, mfrakQ = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital q", symbol = "𝔔" }, mfrakS = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital s", symbol = "𝔖" }, mfrakT = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital t", symbol = "𝔗" }, mfrakU = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital u", symbol = "𝔘" }, mfrakV = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital v", symbol = "𝔙" }, mfrakW = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital w", symbol = "𝔚" }, mfrakX = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital x", symbol = "𝔛" }, mfrakY = { doc = "mathematical fraktur capital y", symbol = "𝔜" }, mfrakZ = { doc = "/frak z, upper case z", symbol = "ℨ" }, mfraka = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small a", symbol = "𝔞" }, mfrakb = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small b", symbol = "𝔟" }, mfrakc = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small c", symbol = "𝔠" }, mfrakd = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small d", symbol = "𝔡" }, mfrake = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small e", symbol = "𝔢" }, mfrakf = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small f", symbol = "𝔣" }, mfrakg = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small g", symbol = "𝔤" }, mfrakh = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small h", symbol = "𝔥" }, mfraki = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small i", symbol = "𝔦" }, mfrakj = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small j", symbol = "𝔧" }, mfrakk = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small k", symbol = "𝔨" }, mfrakl = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small l", symbol = "𝔩" }, mfrakm = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small m", symbol = "𝔪" }, mfrakn = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small n", symbol = "𝔫" }, mfrako = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small o", symbol = "𝔬" }, mfrakp = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small p", symbol = "𝔭" }, mfrakq = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small q", symbol = "𝔮" }, mfrakr = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small r", symbol = "𝔯" }, mfraks = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small s", symbol = "𝔰" }, mfrakt = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small t", symbol = "𝔱" }, mfraku = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small u", symbol = "𝔲" }, mfrakv = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small v", symbol = "𝔳" }, mfrakw = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small w", symbol = "𝔴" }, mfrakx = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small x", symbol = "𝔵" }, mfraky = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small y", symbol = "𝔶" }, mfrakz = { doc = "mathematical fraktur small z", symbol = "𝔷" }, mho = { doc = "conductance", symbol = "℧" }, mid = { doc = "/mid r:", symbol = "∣" }, midbarvee = { doc = "logical or with horizontal dash", symbol = "⩝" }, midbarwedge = { doc = "ogical and with horizontal dash", symbol = "⩜" }, midcir = { doc = "vertical line with circle below", symbol = "⫰" }, minus = { doc = "minus sign", symbol = "−" }, minusdot = { doc = "minus sign with dot below", symbol = "⨪" }, minusfdots = { doc = "minus sign with falling dots", symbol = "⨫" }, minusrdots = { doc = "minus sign with rising dots", symbol = "⨬" }, mitA = { doc = "mathematical italic capital a", symbol = "𝐴" }, mitAlpha = { doc = "mathematical italic capital alpha", symbol = "𝛢" }, mitB = { doc = "mathematical italic capital b", symbol = "𝐵" }, mitBbbD = { doc = "double-struck italic capital d", symbol = "ⅅ" }, mitBbbd = { doc = "double-struck italic small d", symbol = "ⅆ" }, mitBbbe = { doc = "double-struck italic small e", symbol = "ⅇ" }, mitBbbi = { doc = "double-struck italic small i", symbol = "ⅈ" }, mitBbbj = { doc = "double-struck italic small j", symbol = "ⅉ" }, mitBeta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital beta", symbol = "𝛣" }, mitC = { doc = "mathematical italic capital c", symbol = "𝐶" }, mitChi = { doc = "mathematical italic capital chi", symbol = "𝛸" }, mitD = { doc = "mathematical italic capital d", symbol = "𝐷" }, mitDelta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital delta", symbol = "𝛥" }, mitE = { doc = "mathematical italic capital e", symbol = "𝐸" }, mitEpsilon = { doc = "mathematical italic capital epsilon", symbol = "𝛦" }, mitEta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital eta", symbol = "𝛨" }, mitF = { doc = "mathematical italic capital f", symbol = "𝐹" }, mitG = { doc = "mathematical italic capital g", symbol = "𝐺" }, mitGamma = { doc = "mathematical italic capital gamma", symbol = "𝛤" }, mitH = { doc = "mathematical italic capital h", symbol = "𝐻" }, mitI = { doc = "mathematical italic capital i", symbol = "𝐼" }, mitIota = { doc = "mathematical italic capital iota", symbol = "𝛪" }, mitJ = { doc = "mathematical italic capital j", symbol = "𝐽" }, mitK = { doc = "mathematical italic capital k", symbol = "𝐾" }, mitKappa = { doc = "mathematical italic capital kappa", symbol = "𝛫" }, mitL = { doc = "mathematical italic capital l", symbol = "𝐿" }, mitLambda = { doc = "mathematical italic capital lambda", symbol = "𝛬" }, mitM = { doc = "mathematical italic capital m", symbol = "𝑀" }, mitMu = { doc = "mathematical italic capital mu", symbol = "𝛭" }, mitN = { doc = "mathematical italic capital n", symbol = "𝑁" }, mitNu = { doc = "mathematical italic capital nu", symbol = "𝛮" }, mitO = { doc = "mathematical italic capital o", symbol = "𝑂" }, mitOmega = { doc = "mathematical italic capital omega", symbol = "𝛺" }, mitOmicron = { doc = "mathematical italic capital omicron", symbol = "𝛰" }, mitP = { doc = "mathematical italic capital p", symbol = "𝑃" }, mitPhi = { doc = "mathematical italic capital phi", symbol = "𝛷" }, mitPi = { doc = "mathematical italic capital pi", symbol = "𝛱" }, mitPsi = { doc = "mathematical italic capital psi", symbol = "𝛹" }, mitQ = { doc = "mathematical italic capital q", symbol = "𝑄" }, mitR = { doc = "mathematical italic capital r", symbol = "𝑅" }, mitRho = { doc = "mathematical italic capital rho", symbol = "𝛲" }, mitS = { doc = "mathematical italic capital s", symbol = "𝑆" }, mitSigma = { doc = "mathematical italic capital sigma", symbol = "𝛴" }, mitT = { doc = "mathematical italic capital t", symbol = "𝑇" }, mitTau = { doc = "mathematical italic capital tau", symbol = "𝛵" }, mitTheta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital theta", symbol = "𝛩" }, mitU = { doc = "mathematical italic capital u", symbol = "𝑈" }, mitUpsilon = { doc = "mathematical italic capital upsilon", symbol = "𝛶" }, mitV = { doc = "mathematical italic capital v", symbol = "𝑉" }, mitW = { doc = "mathematical italic capital w", symbol = "𝑊" }, mitX = { doc = "mathematical italic capital x", symbol = "𝑋" }, mitXi = { doc = "mathematical italic capital xi", symbol = "𝛯" }, mitY = { doc = "mathematical italic capital y", symbol = "𝑌" }, mitZ = { doc = "mathematical italic capital z", symbol = "𝑍" }, mitZeta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital zeta", symbol = "𝛧" }, mita = { doc = "mathematical italic small a", symbol = "𝑎" }, mitalpha = { doc = "mathematical italic small alpha", symbol = "𝛼" }, mitb = { doc = "mathematical italic small b", symbol = "𝑏" }, mitbeta = { doc = "mathematical italic small beta", symbol = "𝛽" }, mitc = { doc = "mathematical italic small c", symbol = "𝑐" }, mitchi = { doc = "mathematical italic small chi", symbol = "𝜒" }, mitd = { doc = "mathematical italic small d", symbol = "𝑑" }, mitdelta = { doc = "mathematical italic small delta", symbol = "𝛿" }, mite = { doc = "mathematical italic small e", symbol = "𝑒" }, mitepsilon = { doc = "mathematical italic varepsilon symbol", symbol = "𝜖" }, miteta = { doc = "mathematical italic small eta", symbol = "𝜂" }, mitf = { doc = "mathematical italic small f", symbol = "𝑓" }, mitg = { doc = "mathematical italic small g", symbol = "𝑔" }, mitgamma = { doc = "mathematical italic small gamma", symbol = "𝛾" }, miti = { doc = "mathematical italic small i", symbol = "𝑖" }, mitiota = { doc = "mathematical italic small iota", symbol = "𝜄" }, mitj = { doc = "mathematical italic small j", symbol = "𝑗" }, mitk = { doc = "mathematical italic small k", symbol = "𝑘" }, mitkappa = { doc = "mathematical italic small kappa", symbol = "𝜅" }, mitl = { doc = "mathematical italic small l", symbol = "𝑙" }, mitlambda = { doc = "mathematical italic small lambda", symbol = "𝜆" }, mitm = { doc = "mathematical italic small m", symbol = "𝑚" }, mitmu = { doc = "mathematical italic small mu", symbol = "𝜇" }, mitn = { doc = "mathematical italic small n", symbol = "𝑛" }, mitnabla = { doc = "mathematical italic nabla", symbol = "𝛻" }, mitnu = { doc = "mathematical italic small nu", symbol = "𝜈" }, mito = { doc = "mathematical italic small o", symbol = "𝑜" }, mitomega = { doc = "mathematical italic small omega", symbol = "𝜔" }, mitomicron = { doc = "mathematical italic small omicron", symbol = "𝜊" }, mitp = { doc = "mathematical italic small p", symbol = "𝑝" }, mitpartial = { doc = "mathematical italic partial differential", symbol = "𝜕" }, mitphi = { doc = "mathematical italic phi symbol", symbol = "𝜙" }, mitpi = { doc = "mathematical italic small pi", symbol = "𝜋" }, mitpsi = { doc = "mathematical italic small psi", symbol = "𝜓" }, mitq = { doc = "mathematical italic small q", symbol = "𝑞" }, mitr = { doc = "mathematical italic small r", symbol = "𝑟" }, mitrho = { doc = "mathematical italic small rho", symbol = "𝜌" }, mits = { doc = "mathematical italic small s", symbol = "𝑠" }, mitsansA = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital a", symbol = "𝘈" }, mitsansB = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital b", symbol = "𝘉" }, mitsansC = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital c", symbol = "𝘊" }, mitsansD = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital d", symbol = "𝘋" }, mitsansE = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital e", symbol = "𝘌" }, mitsansF = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital f", symbol = "𝘍" }, mitsansG = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital g", symbol = "𝘎" }, mitsansH = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital h", symbol = "𝘏" }, mitsansI = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital i", symbol = "𝘐" }, mitsansJ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital j", symbol = "𝘑" }, mitsansK = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital k", symbol = "𝘒" }, mitsansL = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital l", symbol = "𝘓" }, mitsansM = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital m", symbol = "𝘔" }, mitsansN = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital n", symbol = "𝘕" }, mitsansO = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital o", symbol = "𝘖" }, mitsansP = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital p", symbol = "𝘗" }, mitsansQ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital q", symbol = "𝘘" }, mitsansR = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital r", symbol = "𝘙" }, mitsansS = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital s", symbol = "𝘚" }, mitsansT = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital t", symbol = "𝘛" }, mitsansU = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital u", symbol = "𝘜" }, mitsansV = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital v", symbol = "𝘝" }, mitsansW = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital w", symbol = "𝘞" }, mitsansX = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital x", symbol = "𝘟" }, mitsansY = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital y", symbol = "𝘠" }, mitsansZ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic capital z", symbol = "𝘡" }, mitsansa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small a", symbol = "𝘢" }, mitsansb = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small b", symbol = "𝘣" }, mitsansc = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small c", symbol = "𝘤" }, mitsansd = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small d", symbol = "𝘥" }, mitsanse = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small e", symbol = "𝘦" }, mitsansf = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small f", symbol = "𝘧" }, mitsansg = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small g", symbol = "𝘨" }, mitsansh = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small h", symbol = "𝘩" }, mitsansi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small i", symbol = "𝘪" }, mitsansj = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small j", symbol = "𝘫" }, mitsansk = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small k", symbol = "𝘬" }, mitsansl = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small l", symbol = "𝘭" }, mitsansm = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small m", symbol = "𝘮" }, mitsansn = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small n", symbol = "𝘯" }, mitsanso = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small o", symbol = "𝘰" }, mitsansp = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small p", symbol = "𝘱" }, mitsansq = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small q", symbol = "𝘲" }, mitsansr = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small r", symbol = "𝘳" }, mitsanss = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small s", symbol = "𝘴" }, mitsanst = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small t", symbol = "𝘵" }, mitsansu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small u", symbol = "𝘶" }, mitsansv = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small v", symbol = "𝘷" }, mitsansw = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small w", symbol = "𝘸" }, mitsansx = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small x", symbol = "𝘹" }, mitsansy = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small y", symbol = "𝘺" }, mitsansz = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif italic small z", symbol = "𝘻" }, mitsigma = { doc = "mathematical italic small sigma", symbol = "𝜎" }, mitt = { doc = "mathematical italic small t", symbol = "𝑡" }, mittau = { doc = "mathematical italic small tau", symbol = "𝜏" }, mittheta = { doc = "mathematical italic small theta", symbol = "𝜃" }, mitu = { doc = "mathematical italic small u", symbol = "𝑢" }, mitupsilon = { doc = "mathematical italic small upsilon", symbol = "𝜐" }, mitv = { doc = "mathematical italic small v", symbol = "𝑣" }, mitvarTheta = { doc = "mathematical italic capital theta symbol", symbol = "𝛳" }, mitvarepsilon = { doc = "mathematical italic small varepsilon", symbol = "𝜀" }, mitvarkappa = { doc = "mathematical italic kappa symbol", symbol = "𝜘" }, mitvarphi = { doc = "mathematical italic small phi", symbol = "𝜑" }, mitvarpi = { doc = "mathematical italic pi symbol", symbol = "𝜛" }, mitvarrho = { doc = "mathematical italic rho symbol", symbol = "𝜚" }, mitvarsigma = { doc = "mathematical italic small final sigma", symbol = "𝜍" }, mitvartheta = { doc = "mathematical italic theta symbol", symbol = "𝜗" }, mitw = { doc = "mathematical italic small w", symbol = "𝑤" }, mitx = { doc = "mathematical italic small x", symbol = "𝑥" }, mitxi = { doc = "mathematical italic small xi", symbol = "𝜉" }, mity = { doc = "mathematical italic small y", symbol = "𝑦" }, mitz = { doc = "mathematical italic small z", symbol = "𝑧" }, mitzeta = { doc = "mathematical italic small zeta", symbol = "𝜁" }, mlcp = { doc = "transversal intersection", symbol = "⫛" }, models = { doc = "models (vertical, short double dash)", symbol = "⊧" }, modtwosum = { doc = "modulo two sum", symbol = "⨊" }, mp = { doc = "minus-or-plus sign", symbol = "∓" }, msansA = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital a", symbol = "𝖠" }, msansB = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital b", symbol = "𝖡" }, msansC = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital c", symbol = "𝖢" }, msansD = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital d", symbol = "𝖣" }, msansE = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital e", symbol = "𝖤" }, msansF = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital f", symbol = "𝖥" }, msansG = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital g", symbol = "𝖦" }, msansH = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital h", symbol = "𝖧" }, msansI = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital i", symbol = "𝖨" }, msansJ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital j", symbol = "𝖩" }, msansK = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital k", symbol = "𝖪" }, msansL = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital l", symbol = "𝖫" }, msansM = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital m", symbol = "𝖬" }, msansN = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital n", symbol = "𝖭" }, msansO = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital o", symbol = "𝖮" }, msansP = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital p", symbol = "𝖯" }, msansQ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital q", symbol = "𝖰" }, msansR = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital r", symbol = "𝖱" }, msansS = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital s", symbol = "𝖲" }, msansT = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital t", symbol = "𝖳" }, msansU = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital u", symbol = "𝖴" }, msansV = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital v", symbol = "𝖵" }, msansW = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital w", symbol = "𝖶" }, msansX = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital x", symbol = "𝖷" }, msansY = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital y", symbol = "𝖸" }, msansZ = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif capital z", symbol = "𝖹" }, msansa = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small a", symbol = "𝖺" }, msansb = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small b", symbol = "𝖻" }, msansc = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small c", symbol = "𝖼" }, msansd = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small d", symbol = "𝖽" }, msanse = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small e", symbol = "𝖾" }, msanseight = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 8", symbol = "𝟪" }, msansf = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small f", symbol = "𝖿" }, msansfive = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 5", symbol = "𝟧" }, msansfour = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 4", symbol = "𝟦" }, msansg = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small g", symbol = "𝗀" }, msansh = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small h", symbol = "𝗁" }, msansi = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small i", symbol = "𝗂" }, msansj = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small j", symbol = "𝗃" }, msansk = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small k", symbol = "𝗄" }, msansl = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small l", symbol = "𝗅" }, msansm = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small m", symbol = "𝗆" }, msansn = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small n", symbol = "𝗇" }, msansnine = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 9", symbol = "𝟫" }, msanso = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small o", symbol = "𝗈" }, msansone = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 1", symbol = "𝟣" }, msansp = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small p", symbol = "𝗉" }, msansq = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small q", symbol = "𝗊" }, msansr = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small r", symbol = "𝗋" }, msanss = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small s", symbol = "𝗌" }, msansseven = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 7", symbol = "𝟩" }, msanssix = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 6", symbol = "𝟨" }, msanst = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small t", symbol = "𝗍" }, msansthree = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 3", symbol = "𝟥" }, msanstwo = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 2", symbol = "𝟤" }, msansu = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small u", symbol = "𝗎" }, msansv = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small v", symbol = "𝗏" }, msansw = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small w", symbol = "𝗐" }, msansx = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small x", symbol = "𝗑" }, msansy = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small y", symbol = "𝗒" }, msansz = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif small z", symbol = "𝗓" }, msanszero = { doc = "mathematical sans-serif digit 0", symbol = "𝟢" }, mscrA = { doc = "mathematical script capital a", symbol = "𝒜" }, mscrB = { doc = "bernoulli function (script capital b)", symbol = "ℬ" }, mscrC = { doc = "mathematical script capital c", symbol = "𝒞" }, mscrD = { doc = "mathematical script capital d", symbol = "𝒟" }, mscrE = { doc = "/scr e, script letter e", symbol = "ℰ" }, mscrF = { doc = "/scr f, script letter f", symbol = "ℱ" }, mscrG = { doc = "mathematical script capital g", symbol = "𝒢" }, mscrH = { doc = "hamiltonian (script capital h)", symbol = "ℋ" }, mscrI = { doc = "/scr i, script letter i", symbol = "ℐ" }, mscrJ = { doc = "mathematical script capital j", symbol = "𝒥" }, mscrK = { doc = "mathematical script capital k", symbol = "𝒦" }, mscrL = { doc = "lagrangian (script capital l)", symbol = "ℒ" }, mscrM = { doc = "physics m-matrix (script capital m)", symbol = "ℳ" }, mscrN = { doc = "mathematical script capital n", symbol = "𝒩" }, mscrO = { doc = "mathematical script capital o", symbol = "𝒪" }, mscrP = { doc = "mathematical script capital p", symbol = "𝒫" }, mscrQ = { doc = "mathematical script capital q", symbol = "𝒬" }, mscrR = { doc = "/scr r, script letter r", symbol = "ℛ" }, mscrS = { doc = "mathematical script capital s", symbol = "𝒮" }, mscrT = { doc = "mathematical script capital t", symbol = "𝒯" }, mscrU = { doc = "mathematical script capital u", symbol = "𝒰" }, mscrV = { doc = "mathematical script capital v", symbol = "𝒱" }, mscrW = { doc = "mathematical script capital w", symbol = "𝒲" }, mscrX = { doc = "mathematical script capital x", symbol = "𝒳" }, mscrY = { doc = "mathematical script capital y", symbol = "𝒴" }, mscrZ = { doc = "mathematical script capital z", symbol = "𝒵" }, mscra = { doc = "mathematical script small a", symbol = "𝒶" }, mscrb = { doc = "mathematical script small b", symbol = "𝒷" }, mscrc = { doc = "mathematical script small c", symbol = "𝒸" }, mscrd = { doc = "mathematical script small d", symbol = "𝒹" }, mscre = { doc = "/scr e, script letter e", symbol = "ℯ" }, mscrf = { doc = "mathematical script small f", symbol = "𝒻" }, mscrg = { doc = "/scr g, script letter g", symbol = "ℊ" }, mscrh = { doc = "mathematical script small h", symbol = "𝒽" }, mscri = { doc = "mathematical script small i", symbol = "𝒾" }, mscrj = { doc = "mathematical script small j", symbol = "𝒿" }, mscrk = { doc = "mathematical script small k", symbol = "𝓀" }, mscrl = { doc = "mathematical script small l", symbol = "𝓁" }, mscrm = { doc = "mathematical script small m", symbol = "𝓂" }, mscrn = { doc = "mathematical script small n", symbol = "𝓃" }, mscro = { doc = "order of (script small o)", symbol = "ℴ" }, mscrp = { doc = "mathematical script small p", symbol = "𝓅" }, mscrq = { doc = "mathematical script small q", symbol = "𝓆" }, mscrr = { doc = "mathematical script small r", symbol = "𝓇" }, mscrs = { doc = "mathematical script small s", symbol = "𝓈" }, mscrt = { doc = "mathematical script small t", symbol = "𝓉" }, mscru = { doc = "mathematical script small u", symbol = "𝓊" }, mscrv = { doc = "mathematical script small v", symbol = "𝓋" }, mscrw = { doc = "mathematical script small w", symbol = "𝓌" }, mscrx = { doc = "mathematical script small x", symbol = "𝓍" }, mscry = { doc = "mathematical script small y", symbol = "𝓎" }, mscrz = { doc = "mathematical script small z", symbol = "𝓏" }, mttA = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital a", symbol = "𝙰" }, mttB = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital b", symbol = "𝙱" }, mttC = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital c", symbol = "𝙲" }, mttD = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital d", symbol = "𝙳" }, mttE = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital e", symbol = "𝙴" }, mttF = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital f", symbol = "𝙵" }, mttG = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital g", symbol = "𝙶" }, mttH = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital h", symbol = "𝙷" }, mttI = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital i", symbol = "𝙸" }, mttJ = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital j", symbol = "𝙹" }, mttK = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital k", symbol = "𝙺" }, mttL = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital l", symbol = "𝙻" }, mttM = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital m", symbol = "𝙼" }, mttN = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital n", symbol = "𝙽" }, mttO = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital o", symbol = "𝙾" }, mttP = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital p", symbol = "𝙿" }, mttQ = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital q", symbol = "𝚀" }, mttR = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital r", symbol = "𝚁" }, mttS = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital s", symbol = "𝚂" }, mttT = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital t", symbol = "𝚃" }, mttU = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital u", symbol = "𝚄" }, mttV = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital v", symbol = "𝚅" }, mttW = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital w", symbol = "𝚆" }, mttX = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital x", symbol = "𝚇" }, mttY = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital y", symbol = "𝚈" }, mttZ = { doc = "mathematical monospace capital z", symbol = "𝚉" }, mtta = { doc = "mathematical monospace small a", symbol = "𝚊" }, mttb = { doc = "mathematical monospace small b", symbol = "𝚋" }, mttc = { doc = "mathematical monospace small c", symbol = "𝚌" }, mttd = { doc = "mathematical monospace small d", symbol = "𝚍" }, mtte = { doc = "mathematical monospace small e", symbol = "𝚎" }, mtteight = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 8", symbol = "𝟾" }, mttf = { doc = "mathematical monospace small f", symbol = "𝚏" }, mttfive = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 5", symbol = "𝟻" }, mttfour = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 4", symbol = "𝟺" }, mttg = { doc = "mathematical monospace small g", symbol = "𝚐" }, mtth = { doc = "mathematical monospace small h", symbol = "𝚑" }, mtti = { doc = "mathematical monospace small i", symbol = "𝚒" }, mttj = { doc = "mathematical monospace small j", symbol = "𝚓" }, mttk = { doc = "mathematical monospace small k", symbol = "𝚔" }, mttl = { doc = "mathematical monospace small l", symbol = "𝚕" }, mttm = { doc = "mathematical monospace small m", symbol = "𝚖" }, mttn = { doc = "mathematical monospace small n", symbol = "𝚗" }, mttnine = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 9", symbol = "𝟿" }, mtto = { doc = "mathematical monospace small o", symbol = "𝚘" }, mttone = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 1", symbol = "𝟷" }, mttp = { doc = "mathematical monospace small p", symbol = "𝚙" }, mttq = { doc = "mathematical monospace small q", symbol = "𝚚" }, mttr = { doc = "mathematical monospace small r", symbol = "𝚛" }, mtts = { doc = "mathematical monospace small s", symbol = "𝚜" }, mttseven = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 7", symbol = "𝟽" }, mttsix = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 6", symbol = "𝟼" }, mttt = { doc = "mathematical monospace small t", symbol = "𝚝" }, mttthree = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 3", symbol = "𝟹" }, mtttwo = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 2", symbol = "𝟸" }, mttu = { doc = "mathematical monospace small u", symbol = "𝚞" }, mttv = { doc = "mathematical monospace small v", symbol = "𝚟" }, mttw = { doc = "mathematical monospace small w", symbol = "𝚠" }, mttx = { doc = "mathematical monospace small x", symbol = "𝚡" }, mtty = { doc = "mathematical monospace small y", symbol = "𝚢" }, mttz = { doc = "mathematical monospace small z", symbol = "𝚣" }, mttzero = { doc = "mathematical monospace digit 0", symbol = "𝟶" }, mu = { doc = "small mu, greek", symbol = "μ" }, multimap = { doc = "/multimap a:", symbol = "⊸" }, multimapinv = { doc = "left multimap", symbol = "⟜" }, mupAlpha = { doc = "capital alpha, greek", symbol = "Α" }, mupBeta = { doc = "capital beta, greek", symbol = "Β" }, mupChi = { doc = "capital chi, greek", symbol = "Χ" }, mupDelta = { doc = "capital delta, greek", symbol = "Δ" }, mupEpsilon = { doc = "capital epsilon, greek", symbol = "Ε" }, mupEta = { doc = "capital eta, greek", symbol = "Η" }, mupGamma = { doc = "capital gamma, greek", symbol = "Γ" }, mupIota = { doc = "capital iota, greek", symbol = "Ι" }, mupKappa = { doc = "capital kappa, greek", symbol = "Κ" }, mupLambda = { doc = "capital lambda, greek", symbol = "Λ" }, mupMu = { doc = "capital mu, greek", symbol = "Μ" }, mupNu = { doc = "capital nu, greek", symbol = "Ν" }, mupOmega = { doc = "capital omega, greek", symbol = "Ω" }, mupOmicron = { doc = "capital omicron, greek", symbol = "Ο" }, mupPhi = { doc = "capital phi, greek", symbol = "Φ" }, mupPi = { doc = "capital pi, greek", symbol = "Π" }, mupPsi = { doc = "capital psi, greek", symbol = "Ψ" }, mupRho = { doc = "capital rho, greek", symbol = "Ρ" }, mupSigma = { doc = "capital sigma, greek", symbol = "Σ" }, mupTau = { doc = "capital tau, greek", symbol = "Τ" }, mupTheta = { doc = "capital theta, greek", symbol = "Θ" }, mupUpsilon = { doc = "capital upsilon, greek", symbol = "Υ" }, mupXi = { doc = "capital xi, greek", symbol = "Ξ" }, mupZeta = { doc = "capital zeta, greek", symbol = "Ζ" }, mupalpha = { doc = "small alpha, greek", symbol = "α" }, mupbeta = { doc = "small beta, greek", symbol = "β" }, mupchi = { doc = "small chi, greek", symbol = "χ" }, mupdelta = { doc = "small delta, greek", symbol = "δ" }, mupepsilon = { doc = "greek lunate varepsilon symbol", symbol = "ϵ" }, mupeta = { doc = "small eta, greek", symbol = "η" }, mupgamma = { doc = "small gamma, greek", symbol = "γ" }, mupiota = { doc = "small iota, greek", symbol = "ι" }, mupkappa = { doc = "small kappa, greek", symbol = "κ" }, muplambda = { doc = "small lambda, greek", symbol = "λ" }, mupmu = { doc = "small mu, greek", symbol = "μ" }, mupnu = { doc = "small nu, greek", symbol = "ν" }, mupomega = { doc = "small omega, greek", symbol = "ω" }, mupomicron = { doc = "small omicron, greek", symbol = "ο" }, mupphi = { doc = "/straightphi - small phi, greek", symbol = "ϕ" }, muppi = { doc = "small pi, greek", symbol = "π" }, muppsi = { doc = "small psi, greek", symbol = "ψ" }, muprho = { doc = "small rho, greek", symbol = "ρ" }, mupsigma = { doc = "small sigma, greek", symbol = "σ" }, muptau = { doc = "small tau, greek", symbol = "τ" }, muptheta = { doc = "straight theta, small theta, greek", symbol = "θ" }, mupupsilon = { doc = "small upsilon, greek", symbol = "υ" }, mupvarTheta = { doc = "greek capital theta symbol", symbol = "ϴ" }, mupvarepsilon = { doc = "rounded small varepsilon, greek", symbol = "ε" }, mupvarkappa = { doc = "rounded small kappa, greek", symbol = "ϰ" }, mupvarphi = { doc = "curly or open small phi, greek", symbol = "φ" }, mupvarpi = { doc = "rounded small pi (pomega), greek", symbol = "ϖ" }, mupvarrho = { doc = "rounded small rho, greek", symbol = "ϱ" }, mupvarsigma = { doc = "terminal sigma, greek", symbol = "ς" }, mupvartheta = { doc = "/vartheta - curly or open theta", symbol = "ϑ" }, mupxi = { doc = "small xi, greek", symbol = "ξ" }, mupzeta = { doc = "small zeta, greek", symbol = "ζ" }, nHdownarrow = { doc = "downwards arrow with double stroke", symbol = "⇟" }, nHuparrow = { doc = "upwards arrow with double stroke", symbol = "⇞" }, nLeftarrow = { doc = "not implied by", symbol = "⇍" }, nLeftrightarrow = { doc = "not left and right double arrows", symbol = "⇎" }, nRightarrow = { doc = "not implies", symbol = "⇏" }, nVDash = { doc = "not double vert, double dash", symbol = "⊯" }, nVdash = { doc = "not double vertical, dash", symbol = "⊮" }, nVleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⇺" }, nVleftarrowtail = { doc = "leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⬺" }, nVleftrightarrow = { doc = "left right arrow with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⇼" }, nVrightarrow = { doc = "rightwards arrow with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⇻" }, nVrightarrowtail = { doc = "rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⤕" }, nVtwoheadleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⬵" }, nVtwoheadleftarrowtail = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⬽" }, nVtwoheadrightarrow = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⤁" }, nVtwoheadrightarrowtail = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke", symbol = "⤘" }, nabla = { doc = "nabla, del, hamilton operator", symbol = "∇" }, napprox = { doc = "not approximate", symbol = "≉" }, nasymp = { doc = "not asymptotically equal to", symbol = "≭" }, natural = { doc = "music natural", symbol = "♮" }, ncong = { doc = "not congruent with", symbol = "≇" }, ne = { doc = "/ne /neq r: not equal", symbol = "≠" }, nearrow = { doc = "ne pointing arrow", symbol = "↗" }, neg = { doc = "/neg /lnot not sign", symbol = "¬" }, neovnwarrow = { doc = "north east arrow crossing north west arrow", symbol = "⤱" }, neovsearrow = { doc = "north east arrow crossing south east arrow", symbol = "⤮" }, nequiv = { doc = "not identical with", symbol = "≢" }, neswarrow = { doc = "north east and south west arrow", symbol = "⤢" }, neuter = { doc = "neuter", symbol = "⚲" }, nexists = { doc = "negated exists", symbol = "∄" }, ngeq = { doc = "not greater-than-or-equal", symbol = "≱" }, ngtr = { doc = "not greater-than", symbol = "≯" }, ngtrless = { doc = "not greater, less", symbol = "≹" }, ngtrsim = { doc = "not greater, similar", symbol = "≵" }, nhVvert = { doc = "triple vertical bar with horizontal stroke", symbol = "⫵" }, nhpar = { doc = "parallel with horizontal stroke", symbol = "⫲" }, ni = { doc = "contains, variant", symbol = "∋" }, niobar = { doc = "small contains with overbar", symbol = "⋾" }, nis = { doc = "small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋼" }, nisd = { doc = "contains with long horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋺" }, nleftarrow = { doc = "not left arrow", symbol = "↚" }, nleftrightarrow = { doc = "not left and right arrow", symbol = "↮" }, nleq = { doc = "not less-than-or-equal", symbol = "≰" }, nless = { doc = "not less-than", symbol = "≮" }, nlessgtr = { doc = "not less, greater", symbol = "≸" }, nlesssim = { doc = "not less, similar", symbol = "≴" }, nmid = { doc = "negated mid", symbol = "∤" }, nni = { doc = "negated contains, variant", symbol = "∌" }, notaccent = { doc = "combining long solidus overlay", symbol = "◌̸" }, notin = { doc = "negated set membership", symbol = "∉" }, nparallel = { doc = "not parallel", symbol = "∦" }, npolint = { doc = "line integration not including the pole", symbol = "⨔" }, nprec = { doc = "not precedes", symbol = "⊀" }, npreccurlyeq = { doc = "not precedes, curly equals", symbol = "⋠" }, nrightarrow = { doc = "not right arrow", symbol = "↛" }, nsim = { doc = "not similar", symbol = "≁" }, nsime = { doc = "not similar, equals", symbol = "≄" }, nsimeq = { doc = "not similar, equals (alias)", symbol = "≄" }, nsqsubseteq = { doc = "not, square subset, equals", symbol = "⋢" }, nsqsupseteq = { doc = "not, square superset, equals", symbol = "⋣" }, nsubset = { doc = "not subset, variant [slash negation]", symbol = "⊄" }, nsubseteq = { doc = "not subset, equals", symbol = "⊈" }, nsucc = { doc = "not succeeds", symbol = "⊁" }, nsucccurlyeq = { doc = "not succeeds, curly equals", symbol = "⋡" }, nsupset = { doc = "not superset, variant [slash negation]", symbol = "⊅" }, nsupseteq = { doc = "not superset, equals", symbol = "⊉" }, ntrianglelefteq = { doc = "not left triangle, equals", symbol = "⋬" }, ntrianglerighteq = { doc = "not right triangle, equals", symbol = "⋭" }, nu = { doc = "small nu, greek", symbol = "ν" }, nvDash = { doc = "not vertical, double dash", symbol = "⊭" }, nvLeftarrow = { doc = "leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤂" }, nvLeftrightarrow = { doc = "left right double arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤄" }, nvRightarrow = { doc = "rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤃" }, nvartriangleleft = { doc = "not left triangle", symbol = "⋪" }, nvartriangleright = { doc = "not right triangle", symbol = "⋫" }, nvdash = { doc = "not vertical, dash", symbol = "⊬" }, nvinfty = { doc = "infinity negated with vertical bar", symbol = "⧞" }, nvleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⇷" }, nvleftarrowtail = { doc = "leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke", symbol = "⬹" }, nvleftrightarrow = { doc = "left right arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⇹" }, nvrightarrow = { doc = "rightwards arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⇸" }, nvrightarrowtail = { doc = "rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤔" }, nvtwoheadleftarrow = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⬴" }, nvtwoheadleftarrowtail = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke", symbol = "⬼" }, nvtwoheadrightarrow = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤀" }, nvtwoheadrightarrowtail = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke", symbol = "⤗" }, nwarrow = { doc = "nw pointing arrow", symbol = "↖" }, nwovnearrow = { doc = "north west arrow crossing north east arrow", symbol = "⤲" }, nwsearrow = { doc = "north west and south east arrow", symbol = "⤡" }, obar = { doc = "circle with vertical bar", symbol = "⌽" }, obot = { doc = "circle divided by horizontal bar and top half divided by vertical bar", symbol = "⦺" }, obrbrak = { doc = "top tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏠" }, obslash = { doc = "circled reverse solidus", symbol = "⦸" }, ocirc = { doc = "ring", symbol = "◌̊" }, ocommatopright = { doc = "combining comma above right", symbol = "◌̕" }, odiv = { doc = "circled division sign", symbol = "⨸" }, odot = { doc = "middle dot in circle", symbol = "⊙" }, odotslashdot = { doc = "circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign", symbol = "⦼" }, ogreaterthan = { doc = "circled greater-than", symbol = "⧁" }, oiiint = { doc = "triple contour integral operator", symbol = "∰" }, oiint = { doc = "double contour integral operator", symbol = "∯" }, oint = { doc = "contour integral operator", symbol = "∮" }, ointctrclockwise = { doc = "contour integral, anticlockwise", symbol = "∳" }, olcross = { doc = "circle with superimposed x", symbol = "⦻" }, olessthan = { doc = "circled less-than", symbol = "⧀" }, omega = { doc = "small omega, greek", symbol = "ω" }, omicron = { doc = "small omicron, greek", symbol = "ο" }, ominus = { doc = "minus sign in circle", symbol = "⊖" }, operp = { doc = "circled perpendicular", symbol = "⦹" }, oplus = { doc = "plus sign in circle", symbol = "⊕" }, opluslhrim = { doc = "plus sign in left half circle", symbol = "⨭" }, oplusrhrim = { doc = "plus sign in right half circle", symbol = "⨮" }, origof = { doc = "original of", symbol = "⊶" }, oslash = { doc = "solidus in circle", symbol = "⊘" }, otimes = { doc = "multiply sign in circle", symbol = "⊗" }, otimeshat = { doc = "circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent", symbol = "⨶" }, otimeslhrim = { doc = "multiplication sign in left half circle", symbol = "⨴" }, otimesrhrim = { doc = "multiplication sign in right half circle", symbol = "⨵" }, oturnedcomma = { doc = "combining turned comma above", symbol = "◌̒" }, overbar = { doc = "overbar embellishment", symbol = "◌̅" }, overbrace = { doc = "top curly bracket (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏞" }, overbracket = { doc = "top square bracket", symbol = "⎴" }, overleftarrow = { doc = "combining left arrow above", symbol = "◌⃖" }, overleftharpoon = { doc = "combining left harpoon above", symbol = "◌⃐" }, overleftrightarrow = { doc = "combining left right arrow above", symbol = "◌⃡" }, overparen = { doc = "top parenthesis (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏜" }, overrightarrow = { doc = "combining left arrow above", symbol = "◌⃗" }, overrightharpoon = { doc = "combining right harpoon above", symbol = "◌⃑" }, ovhook = { doc = "combining hook above", symbol = "◌̉" }, parallel = { doc = "parallel", symbol = "∥" }, parallelogram = { doc = "parallelogram, open", symbol = "▱" }, parallelogramblack = { doc = "black parallelogram", symbol = "▰" }, parsim = { doc = "parallel with tilde operator", symbol = "⫳" }, partial = { doc = "partial differential", symbol = "∂" }, partialmeetcontraction = { doc = "double less-than with underbar", symbol = "⪣" }, pentagon = { doc = "white pentagon", symbol = "⬠" }, pentagonblack = { doc = "black pentagon", symbol = "⬟" }, perp = { doc = "perpendicular", symbol = "⟂" }, perps = { doc = "perpendicular with s", symbol = "⫡" }, phi = { doc = "/straightphi - small phi, greek", symbol = "ϕ" }, pi = { doc = "small pi, greek", symbol = "π" }, pitchfork = { doc = "pitchfork", symbol = "⋔" }, plusdot = { doc = "plus sign with dot below", symbol = "⨥" }, pluseqq = { doc = "plus sign above equals sign", symbol = "⩲" }, plushat = { doc = "plus sign with circumflex accent above", symbol = "⨣" }, plussim = { doc = "plus sign with tilde below", symbol = "⨦" }, plussubtwo = { doc = "plus sign with subscript two", symbol = "⨧" }, plustrif = { doc = "plus sign with black triangle", symbol = "⨨" }, pm = { doc = "plus-or-minus sign", symbol = "±" }, pointint = { doc = "integral around a point operator", symbol = "⨕" }, postalmark = { doc = "postal mark", symbol = "〒" }, prec = { doc = "precedes", symbol = "≺" }, precapprox = { doc = "precedes above almost equal to", symbol = "⪷" }, preccurlyeq = { doc = "precedes, curly equals", symbol = "≼" }, preceq = { doc = "precedes above single-line equals sign", symbol = "⪯" }, preceqq = { doc = "precedes above equals sign", symbol = "⪳" }, precnapprox = { doc = "precedes above not almost equal to", symbol = "⪹" }, precneq = { doc = "precedes above single-line not equal to", symbol = "⪱" }, precneqq = { doc = "precedes above not equal to", symbol = "⪵" }, precnsim = { doc = "precedes, not similar", symbol = "⋨" }, precsim = { doc = "precedes, similar", symbol = "≾" }, prime = { doc = "prime or minute, not superscripted", symbol = "′" }, prod = { doc = "product operator", symbol = "∏" }, profline = { doc = "profile of a line", symbol = "⌒" }, profsurf = { doc = "profile of a surface", symbol = "⌓" }, propto = { doc = "is proportional to", symbol = "∝" }, prurel = { doc = "element precedes under relation", symbol = "⊰" }, psi = { doc = "small psi, greek", symbol = "ψ" }, pullback = { doc = "lower right corner with dot", symbol = "⟓" }, pushout = { doc = "upper left corner with dot", symbol = "⟔" }, qprime = { doc = "quadruple prime, not superscripted", symbol = "⁗" }, quarternote = { doc = "music note (sung text sign)", symbol = "♩" }, questeq = { doc = "equal with questionmark", symbol = "≟" }, rAngle = { doc = "mathematical right double angle bracket", symbol = "⟫" }, rBrace = { doc = "right white curly bracket", symbol = "⦄" }, rBrack = { doc = "mathematical right white square bracket", symbol = "⟧" }, rParen = { doc = "right white parenthesis", symbol = "⦆" }, rangle = { doc = "mathematical right angle bracket", symbol = "⟩" }, rangledot = { doc = "right angle bracket with dot", symbol = "⦒" }, rangledownzigzagarrow = { doc = "right angle with downwards zigzag arrow", symbol = "⍼" }, rbag = { doc = "right s-shaped bag delimiter", symbol = "⟆" }, rblkbrbrak = { doc = "right black tortoise shell bracket", symbol = "⦘" }, rbrace = { doc = "right curly bracket", symbol = "}" }, rbracelend = { doc = "right curly bracket lower hook", symbol = "⎭" }, rbracemid = { doc = "right curly bracket middle piece", symbol = "⎬" }, rbraceuend = { doc = "right curly bracket upper hook", symbol = "⎫" }, rbrack = { doc = "right square bracket", symbol = "]" }, rbrackextender = { doc = "right square bracket extension", symbol = "⎥" }, rbracklend = { doc = "right square bracket lower corner", symbol = "⎦" }, rbracklrtick = { doc = "right square bracket with tick in bottom corner", symbol = "⦎" }, rbrackubar = { doc = "right square bracket with underbar", symbol = "⦌" }, rbrackuend = { doc = "right square bracket upper corner", symbol = "⎤" }, rbrackurtick = { doc = "right square bracket with tick in top corner", symbol = "⦐" }, rbrbrak = { doc = "light right tortoise shell bracket ornament", symbol = "❳" }, rceil = { doc = "right ceiling", symbol = "⌉" }, rcurvyangle = { doc = "right pointing curved angle bracket", symbol = "⧽" }, rdiagovfdiag = { doc = "rising diagonal crossing falling diagonal", symbol = "⤫" }, rdiagovsearrow = { doc = "rising diagonal crossing south east arrow", symbol = "⤰" }, revangle = { doc = "reversed angle", symbol = "⦣" }, revangleubar = { doc = "reversed angle with underbar", symbol = "⦥" }, revemptyset = { doc = "reversed empty set", symbol = "⦰" }, revnmid = { doc = "does not divide with reversed negation slash", symbol = "⫮" }, rfbowtie = { doc = "right black bowtie", symbol = "⧒" }, rfloor = { doc = "right floor", symbol = "⌋" }, rftimes = { doc = "right black times", symbol = "⧕" }, rgroup = { doc = "mathematical right flattened parenthesis", symbol = "⟯" }, rho = { doc = "small rho, greek", symbol = "ρ" }, rightangle = { doc = "right (90 degree) angle", symbol = "∟" }, rightanglemdot = { doc = "measured right angle with dot", symbol = "⦝" }, rightanglesqr = { doc = "right angle variant with square", symbol = "⦜" }, rightarrow = { doc = "/rightarrow /to a: rightward arrow", symbol = "→" }, rightarrowapprox = { doc = "rightwards arrow above almost equal to", symbol = "⥵" }, rightarrowbackapprox = { doc = "rightwards arrow above reverse almost equal to", symbol = "⭈" }, rightarrowbar = { doc = "rightwards arrow to bar", symbol = "⇥" }, rightarrowbsimilar = { doc = "righttwards arrow above reverse tilde operator", symbol = "⭌" }, rightarrowdiamond = { doc = "rightwards arrow to black diamond", symbol = "⤞" }, rightarrowgtr = { doc = "rightwards arrow through greater-than", symbol = "⭃" }, rightarrowonoplus = { doc = "right arrow with circled plus", symbol = "⟴" }, rightarrowplus = { doc = "rightwards arrow with plus below", symbol = "⥅" }, rightarrowshortleftarrow = { doc = "rightwards arrow above short leftwards arrow", symbol = "⥂" }, rightarrowsimilar = { doc = "rightwards arrow above tilde operator", symbol = "⥴" }, rightarrowsupset = { doc = "rightwards arrow through subset", symbol = "⭄" }, rightarrowtail = { doc = "right arrow-tailed", symbol = "↣" }, rightarrowtriangle = { doc = "rightwards open-headed arrow", symbol = "⇾" }, rightarrowx = { doc = "rightwards arrow through x", symbol = "⥇" }, rightbkarrow = { doc = "rightwards double dash arrow", symbol = "⤍" }, rightcurvedarrow = { doc = "wave arrow pointing directly right", symbol = "⤳" }, rightdasharrow = { doc = "rightwards dashed arrow", symbol = "⇢" }, rightdbltail = { doc = "rightwards double arrow-tail", symbol = "⤜" }, rightdotarrow = { doc = "rightwards arrow with dotted stem", symbol = "⤑" }, rightdowncurvedarrow = { doc = "arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards", symbol = "⤷" }, rightfishtail = { doc = "right fish tail", symbol = "⥽" }, rightharpoonaccent = { doc = "combining right harpoon above", symbol = "◌⃑" }, rightharpoondown = { doc = "right harpoon-down", symbol = "⇁" }, rightharpoondownbar = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar", symbol = "⥗" }, rightharpoonsupdown = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down", symbol = "⥤" }, rightharpoonup = { doc = "right harpoon-up", symbol = "⇀" }, rightharpoonupbar = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar", symbol = "⥓" }, rightharpoonupdash = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash", symbol = "⥬" }, rightimply = { doc = "right double arrow with rounded head", symbol = "⥰" }, rightleftarrows = { doc = "right arrow over left arrow", symbol = "⇄" }, rightleftharpoons = { doc = "right harpoon over left", symbol = "⇌" }, rightleftharpoonsdown = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down", symbol = "⥩" }, rightleftharpoonsup = { doc = "rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up", symbol = "⥨" }, rightmoon = { doc = "first quarter moon", symbol = "☽" }, rightouterjoin = { doc = "right outer join", symbol = "⟖" }, rightpentagon = { doc = "white right-pointing pentagon", symbol = "⭔" }, rightpentagonblack = { doc = "black right-pointing pentagon", symbol = "⭓" }, rightrightarrows = { doc = "two right arrows", symbol = "⇉" }, rightsquigarrow = { doc = "rightwards squiggle arrow", symbol = "⇝" }, righttail = { doc = "rightwards arrow-tail", symbol = "⤚" }, rightthreearrows = { doc = "three rightwards arrows", symbol = "⇶" }, rightthreetimes = { doc = "right semidirect product", symbol = "⋌" }, rightwavearrow = { doc = "right arrow-wavy", symbol = "↝" }, rightwhitearrow = { doc = "rightwards white arrow", symbol = "⇨" }, ringplus = { doc = "plus sign with small circle above", symbol = "⨢" }, risingdotseq = { doc = "equals, rising dots", symbol = "≓" }, rmoustache = { doc = "upper right or lower left curly bracket section", symbol = "⎱" }, rparen = { doc = "right parenthesis", symbol = ")" }, rparenextender = { doc = "right parenthesis extension", symbol = "⎟" }, rparengtr = { doc = "right arc greater-than bracket", symbol = "⦔" }, rparenlend = { doc = "right parenthesis lower hook", symbol = "⎠" }, rparenuend = { doc = "right parenthesis upper hook", symbol = "⎞" }, rppolint = { doc = "line integration with rectangular path around pole", symbol = "⨒" }, rrangle = { doc = "z notation right binding bracket", symbol = "⦊" }, rrparenthesis = { doc = "z notation right image bracket", symbol = "⦈" }, rsolbar = { doc = "reverse solidus with horizontal stroke", symbol = "⧷" }, rsqhook = { doc = "square right open box operator", symbol = "⫎" }, rsub = { doc = "z notation range antirestriction", symbol = "⩥" }, rtimes = { doc = "times sign, right closed", symbol = "⋊" }, rtriltri = { doc = "right triangle above left triangle", symbol = "⧎" }, ruledelayed = { doc = "rule-delayed", symbol = "⧴" }, rvboxline = { doc = "right vertical box line", symbol = "⎹" }, rvzigzag = { doc = "right wiggly fence", symbol = "⧙" }, sansLmirrored = { doc = "reversed sans-serif capital l", symbol = "⅃" }, sansLturned = { doc = "turned sans-serif capital l", symbol = "⅂" }, scpolint = { doc = "line integration with semicircular path around pole", symbol = "⨓" }, scurel = { doc = "succeeds under relation", symbol = "⊱" }, searrow = { doc = "se pointing arrow", symbol = "↘" }, seovnearrow = { doc = "south east arrow crossing north east arrow", symbol = "⤭" }, setminus = { doc = "reverse solidus operator", symbol = "⧵" }, sharp = { doc = "musical sharp", symbol = "♯" }, shortdowntack = { doc = "short down tack", symbol = "⫟" }, shortlefttack = { doc = "short left tack", symbol = "⫞" }, shortrightarrowleftarrow = { doc = "short rightwards arrow above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⥄" }, shortuptack = { doc = "short up tack", symbol = "⫠" }, shuffle = { doc = "shuffle product", symbol = "⧢" }, sigma = { doc = "small sigma, greek", symbol = "σ" }, sim = { doc = "similar", symbol = "∼" }, sime = { doc = "similar, equals (alias)", symbol = "≃" }, simeq = { doc = "similar, equals", symbol = "≃" }, simgE = { doc = "similar above greater-than above equals sign", symbol = "⪠" }, simgtr = { doc = "similar or greater-than", symbol = "⪞" }, similarleftarrow = { doc = "tilde operator above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⭉" }, similarrightarrow = { doc = "tilde operator above rightwards arrow", symbol = "⥲" }, simlE = { doc = "similar above less-than above equals sign", symbol = "⪟" }, simless = { doc = "similar or less-than", symbol = "⪝" }, simminussim = { doc = "similar minus similar", symbol = "⩬" }, simneqq = { doc = "similar, not equals [vert only for 9573 entity]", symbol = "≆" }, simplus = { doc = "plus sign with tilde above", symbol = "⨤" }, simrdots = { doc = "tilde operator with rising dots", symbol = "⩫" }, sinewave = { doc = "sine wave", symbol = "∿" }, smallblacktriangleleft = { doc = "left triangle, filled", symbol = "◂" }, smallblacktriangleright = { doc = "right triangle, filled", symbol = "▸" }, smallin = { doc = "set membership (small set membership)", symbol = "∊" }, smallni = { doc = "/ni /owns r: contains (small contains as member)", symbol = "∍" }, smallsetminus = { doc = "small set minus (cf. reverse solidus)", symbol = "∖" }, smalltriangleleft = { doc = "left triangle, open", symbol = "◃" }, smalltriangleright = { doc = "right triangle, open", symbol = "▹" }, smashtimes = { doc = "smash product", symbol = "⨳" }, smblkcircle = { doc = "/bullet b: round bullet, filled", symbol = "•" }, smblkdiamond = { doc = "black small diamond", symbol = "⬩" }, smblklozenge = { doc = "black small lozenge", symbol = "⬪" }, smblksquare = { doc = "/blacksquare - sq bullet, filled", symbol = "▪" }, smeparsl = { doc = "equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above", symbol = "⧤" }, smile = { doc = "up curve", symbol = "⌣" }, smt = { doc = "smaller than", symbol = "⪪" }, smte = { doc = "smaller than or equal to", symbol = "⪬" }, smwhitestar = { doc = "white small star", symbol = "⭒" }, smwhtcircle = { doc = "white bullet", symbol = "◦" }, smwhtdiamond = { doc = "white diamond", symbol = "⋄" }, smwhtlozenge = { doc = "white small lozenge", symbol = "⬫" }, smwhtsquare = { doc = "white small square", symbol = "▫" }, spadesuit = { doc = "spades suit symbol", symbol = "♠" }, sphericalangle = { doc = "angle-spherical", symbol = "∢" }, sphericalangleup = { doc = "spherical angle opening up", symbol = "⦡" }, sqcap = { doc = "square intersection", symbol = "⊓" }, sqcup = { doc = "square union", symbol = "⊔" }, sqint = { doc = "quaternion integral operator", symbol = "⨖" }, sqlozenge = { doc = "square lozenge", symbol = "⌑" }, sqrt = { doc = "radical", symbol = "√" }, sqrtbottom = { doc = "radical symbol bottom", symbol = "⎷" }, sqsubset = { doc = "square subset", symbol = "⊏" }, sqsubseteq = { doc = "square subset, equals", symbol = "⊑" }, sqsubsetneq = { doc = "square subset, not equals", symbol = "⋤" }, sqsupset = { doc = "square superset", symbol = "⊐" }, sqsupseteq = { doc = "square superset, equals", symbol = "⊒" }, sqsupsetneq = { doc = "square superset, not equals", symbol = "⋥" }, squarebotblack = { doc = "square with bottom half black", symbol = "⬓" }, squarecrossfill = { doc = "square with diagonal crosshatch fill", symbol = "▩" }, squarehfill = { doc = "square, horizontal rule filled", symbol = "▤" }, squarehvfill = { doc = "square with orthogonal crosshatch fill", symbol = "▦" }, squareleftblack = { doc = "square, filled left half", symbol = "◧" }, squarellblack = { doc = "square with lower left diagonal half black", symbol = "⬕" }, squarellquad = { doc = "white square with lower left quadrant", symbol = "◱" }, squarelrblack = { doc = "square, filled bottom right corner", symbol = "◪" }, squarelrquad = { doc = "white square with lower right quadrant", symbol = "◲" }, squareneswfill = { doc = "square, ne-to-sw rule filled", symbol = "▨" }, squarenwsefill = { doc = "square, nw-to-se rule filled", symbol = "▧" }, squarerightblack = { doc = "square, filled right half", symbol = "◨" }, squaretopblack = { doc = "square with top half black", symbol = "⬒" }, squareulblack = { doc = "square, filled top left corner", symbol = "◩" }, squareulquad = { doc = "white square with upper left quadrant", symbol = "◰" }, squareurblack = { doc = "square with upper right diagonal half black", symbol = "⬔" }, squareurquad = { doc = "white square with upper right quadrant", symbol = "◳" }, squarevfill = { doc = "square, vertical rule filled", symbol = "▥" }, squoval = { doc = "white square with rounded corners", symbol = "▢" }, sslash = { doc = "double solidus operator", symbol = "⫽" }, star = { doc = "small star, filled, low", symbol = "⋆" }, stareq = { doc = "star equals", symbol = "≛" }, strns = { doc = "straightness", symbol = "⏤" }, subedot = { doc = "subset of or equal to with dot above", symbol = "⫃" }, submult = { doc = "subset with multiplication sign below", symbol = "⫁" }, subrarr = { doc = "subset above rightwards arrow", symbol = "⥹" }, subset = { doc = "subset or is implied by", symbol = "⊂" }, subsetapprox = { doc = "subset of above almost equal to", symbol = "⫉" }, subsetcirc = { doc = "open subset", symbol = "⟃" }, subsetdot = { doc = "subset with dot", symbol = "⪽" }, subseteq = { doc = "subset, equals", symbol = "⊆" }, subseteqq = { doc = "subset of above equals sign", symbol = "⫅" }, subsetneq = { doc = "subset, not equals", symbol = "⊊" }, subsetneqq = { doc = "subset of above not equal to", symbol = "⫋" }, subsetplus = { doc = "subset with plus sign below", symbol = "⪿" }, subsim = { doc = "subset of above tilde operator", symbol = "⫇" }, subsub = { doc = "subset above subset", symbol = "⫕" }, subsup = { doc = "subset above superset", symbol = "⫓" }, succ = { doc = "succeeds", symbol = "≻" }, succapprox = { doc = "succeeds above almost equal to", symbol = "⪸" }, succcurlyeq = { doc = "succeeds, curly equals", symbol = "≽" }, succeq = { doc = "succeeds above single-line equals sign", symbol = "⪰" }, succeqq = { doc = "succeeds above equals sign", symbol = "⪴" }, succnapprox = { doc = "succeeds above not almost equal to", symbol = "⪺" }, succneq = { doc = "succeeds above single-line not equal to", symbol = "⪲" }, succneqq = { doc = "succeeds above not equal to", symbol = "⪶" }, succnsim = { doc = "succeeds, not similar", symbol = "⋩" }, succsim = { doc = "succeeds, similar", symbol = "≿" }, sum = { doc = "summation operator", symbol = "∑" }, sumbottom = { doc = "summation bottom", symbol = "⎳" }, sumint = { doc = "summation with integral", symbol = "⨋" }, sumtop = { doc = "summation top", symbol = "⎲" }, sun = { doc = "white sun with rays", symbol = "☼" }, supdsub = { doc = "superset beside and joined by dash with subset", symbol = "⫘" }, supedot = { doc = "superset of or equal to with dot above", symbol = "⫄" }, suphsol = { doc = "superset preceding solidus", symbol = "⟉" }, suphsub = { doc = "superset beside subset", symbol = "⫗" }, suplarr = { doc = "superset above leftwards arrow", symbol = "⥻" }, supmult = { doc = "superset with multiplication sign below", symbol = "⫂" }, supset = { doc = "superset or implies", symbol = "⊃" }, supsetapprox = { doc = "superset of above almost equal to", symbol = "⫊" }, supsetcirc = { doc = "open superset", symbol = "⟄" }, supsetdot = { doc = "superset with dot", symbol = "⪾" }, supseteq = { doc = "superset, equals", symbol = "⊇" }, supseteqq = { doc = "superset of above equals sign", symbol = "⫆" }, supsetneq = { doc = "superset, not equals", symbol = "⊋" }, supsetneqq = { doc = "superset of above not equal to", symbol = "⫌" }, supsetplus = { doc = "superset with plus sign below", symbol = "⫀" }, supsim = { doc = "superset of above tilde operator", symbol = "⫈" }, supsub = { doc = "superset above subset", symbol = "⫔" }, supsup = { doc = "superset above superset", symbol = "⫖" }, surd = { doc = "radical", symbol = "√" }, swarrow = { doc = "sw pointing arrow", symbol = "↙" }, talloblong = { doc = "white vertical bar", symbol = "⫾" }, tau = { doc = "small tau, greek", symbol = "τ" }, therefore = { doc = "therefore", symbol = "∴" }, thermod = { doc = "thermodynamic", symbol = "⧧" }, theta = { doc = "straight theta, small theta, greek", symbol = "θ" }, threedangle = { doc = "three dimensional angle", symbol = "⟀" }, threedotcolon = { doc = "triple colon operator", symbol = "⫶" }, threeunderdot = { doc = "combining triple underdot", symbol = "◌⃨" }, tieconcat = { doc = "character tie, z notation sequence concatenation", symbol = "⁀" }, tieinfty = { doc = "tie over infinity", symbol = "⧝" }, tilde = { doc = "tilde", symbol = "◌̃" }, times = { doc = "multiply sign", symbol = "×" }, timesbar = { doc = "multiplication sign with underbar", symbol = "⨱" }, tminus = { doc = "miny", symbol = "⧿" }, toea = { doc = "north east arrow and south east arrow", symbol = "⤨" }, tona = { doc = "north west arrow and north east arrow", symbol = "⤧" }, top = { doc = "top", symbol = "⊤" }, topbot = { doc = "top and bottom", symbol = "⌶" }, topcir = { doc = "down tack with circle below", symbol = "⫱" }, topfork = { doc = "pitchfork with tee top", symbol = "⫚" }, topsemicircle = { doc = "upper half circle", symbol = "◠" }, tosa = { doc = "south east arrow and south west arrow", symbol = "⤩" }, towa = { doc = "south west arrow and north west arrow", symbol = "⤪" }, tplus = { doc = "tiny", symbol = "⧾" }, trapezium = { doc = "white trapezium", symbol = "⏢" }, trianglecdot = { doc = "triangle with centered dot", symbol = "◬" }, triangledown = { doc = "down triangle, open", symbol = "▿" }, triangleleft = { doc = "(large) left triangle, open; z notation domain restriction", symbol = "◁" }, triangleleftblack = { doc = "up-pointing triangle with left half black", symbol = "◭" }, trianglelefteq = { doc = "left triangle, equals", symbol = "⊴" }, triangleminus = { doc = "minus sign in triangle", symbol = "⨺" }, triangleodot = { doc = "triangle with dot above", symbol = "⧊" }, triangleplus = { doc = "plus sign in triangle", symbol = "⨹" }, triangleq = { doc = "triangle, equals", symbol = "≜" }, triangleright = { doc = "(large) right triangle, open; z notation range restriction", symbol = "▷" }, trianglerightblack = { doc = "up-pointing triangle with right half black", symbol = "◮" }, trianglerighteq = { doc = "right triangle, equals", symbol = "⊵" }, triangles = { doc = "s in triangle", symbol = "⧌" }, triangleserifs = { doc = "triangle with serifs at bottom", symbol = "⧍" }, triangletimes = { doc = "multiplication sign in triangle", symbol = "⨻" }, triangleubar = { doc = "triangle with underbar", symbol = "⧋" }, tripleplus = { doc = "triple plus", symbol = "⧻" }, trprime = { doc = "triple prime (not superscripted)", symbol = "‴" }, trslash = { doc = "triple solidus binary relation", symbol = "⫻" }, turnangle = { doc = "turned angle", symbol = "⦢" }, turnediota = { doc = "turned iota", symbol = "℩" }, turnednot = { doc = "turned not sign", symbol = "⌙" }, twocaps = { doc = "intersection beside and joined with intersection", symbol = "⩋" }, twocups = { doc = "union beside and joined with union", symbol = "⩊" }, twoheaddownarrow = { doc = "down two-headed arrow", symbol = "↡" }, twoheadleftarrow = { doc = "left two-headed arrow", symbol = "↞" }, twoheadleftarrowtail = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow with tail", symbol = "⬻" }, twoheadleftdbkarrow = { doc = "leftwards two-headed triple-dash arrow", symbol = "⬷" }, twoheadmapsfrom = { doc = "leftwards two-headed arrow from bar", symbol = "⬶" }, twoheadmapsto = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow from bar", symbol = "⤅" }, twoheadrightarrow = { doc = "right two-headed arrow", symbol = "↠" }, twoheadrightarrowtail = { doc = "rightwards two-headed arrow with tail", symbol = "⤖" }, twoheaduparrow = { doc = "up two-headed arrow", symbol = "↟" }, twoheaduparrowcircle = { doc = "upwards two-headed arrow from small circle", symbol = "⥉" }, twolowline = { doc = "double low line (spacing)", symbol = "‗" }, twonotes = { doc = "beamed eighth notes", symbol = "♫" }, typecolon = { doc = "z notation type colon", symbol = "⦂" }, ubrbrak = { doc = "bottom tortoise shell bracket (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏡" }, ularc = { doc = "upper left quadrant circular arc", symbol = "◜" }, ulblacktriangle = { doc = "upper left triangle, filled", symbol = "◤" }, ulcorner = { doc = "upper left corner", symbol = "⌜" }, ultriangle = { doc = "upper left triangle", symbol = "◸" }, uminus = { doc = "union with minus sign", symbol = "⩁" }, underbrace = { doc = "bottom curly bracket (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏟" }, underbracket = { doc = "bottom square bracket", symbol = "⎵" }, underleftarrow = { doc = "combining left arrow below", symbol = "◌⃮" }, underleftharpoondown = { doc = "combining leftwards harpoon with barb downwards", symbol = "◌⃭" }, underleftrightarrow = { doc = "underleftrightarrow accent", symbol = "◌͍" }, underparen = { doc = "bottom parenthesis (mathematical use)", symbol = "⏝" }, underrightarrow = { doc = "combining right arrow below", symbol = "◌⃯" }, underrightharpoondown = { doc = "combining rightwards harpoon with barb downwards", symbol = "◌⃬" }, unicodecdots = { doc = "three dots, centered", symbol = "⋯" }, unicodeellipsis = { doc = "ellipsis (horizontal)", symbol = "…" }, upDigamma = { doc = "capital digamma", symbol = "Ϝ" }, upand = { doc = "turned ampersand", symbol = "⅋" }, uparrow = { doc = "upward arrow", symbol = "↑" }, uparrowbarred = { doc = "upwards arrow with horizontal stroke", symbol = "⤉" }, uparrowoncircle = { doc = "up arrow through circle", symbol = "⦽" }, upbackepsilon = { doc = "greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol", symbol = "϶" }, updasharrow = { doc = "upwards dashed arrow", symbol = "⇡" }, updigamma = { doc = "old greek small letter digamma", symbol = "ϝ" }, updownarrow = { doc = "up and down arrow", symbol = "↕" }, updownarrowbar = { doc = "up down arrow with base (perpendicular)", symbol = "↨" }, updownarrows = { doc = "up arrow, down arrow", symbol = "⇅" }, updownharpoonleftleft = { doc = "up barb left down barb left harpoon", symbol = "⥑" }, updownharpoonleftright = { doc = "up barb left down barb right harpoon", symbol = "⥍" }, updownharpoonrightleft = { doc = "up barb right down barb left harpoon", symbol = "⥌" }, updownharpoonrightright = { doc = "up barb right down barb right harpoon", symbol = "⥏" }, updownharpoonsleftright = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right", symbol = "⥮" }, upfishtail = { doc = "up fish tail", symbol = "⥾" }, upharpoonleft = { doc = "up harpoon-left", symbol = "↿" }, upharpoonleftbar = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left from bar", symbol = "⥠" }, upharpoonright = { doc = "/upharpoonright /restriction a: up harpoon-right", symbol = "↾" }, upharpoonrightbar = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb right from bar", symbol = "⥜" }, upharpoonsleftright = { doc = "upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right", symbol = "⥣" }, upin = { doc = "element of opening upwards", symbol = "⟒" }, upint = { doc = "integral with overbar", symbol = "⨛" }, uplus = { doc = "plus sign in union", symbol = "⊎" }, uprightcurvearrow = { doc = "arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards", symbol = "⤴" }, upsilon = { doc = "small upsilon, greek", symbol = "υ" }, upuparrows = { doc = "two up arrows", symbol = "⇈" }, upwhitearrow = { doc = "upwards white arrow", symbol = "⇧" }, urarc = { doc = "upper right quadrant circular arc", symbol = "◝" }, urblacktriangle = { doc = "upper right triangle, filled", symbol = "◥" }, urcorner = { doc = "upper right corner", symbol = "⌝" }, urtriangle = { doc = "upper right triangle", symbol = "◹" }, vBar = { doc = "short up tack with underbar", symbol = "⫨" }, vBarv = { doc = "short up tack above short down tack", symbol = "⫩" }, vDash = { doc = "vertical, double dash", symbol = "⊨" }, vDdash = { doc = "vertical bar triple right turnstile", symbol = "⫢" }, varTheta = { doc = "greek capital theta symbol", symbol = "ϴ" }, varVdash = { doc = "long dash from left member of double vertical", symbol = "⫦" }, varbarwedge = { doc = "/barwedge b: logical and, bar above [projective (bar over small wedge)]", symbol = "⌅" }, varcarriagereturn = { doc = "return symbol", symbol = "⏎" }, varclubsuit = { doc = "club, white (card suit)", symbol = "♧" }, vardiamondsuit = { doc = "filled diamond (card suit)", symbol = "♦" }, vardoublebarwedge = { doc = "/doublebarwedge b: logical and, double bar above [perspective (double bar over small wedge)]", symbol = "⌆" }, varepsilon = { doc = "rounded small varepsilon, greek", symbol = "ε" }, varheartsuit = { doc = "filled heart (card suit)", symbol = "♥" }, varhexagon = { doc = "white hexagon", symbol = "⬡" }, varhexagonblack = { doc = "black hexagon", symbol = "⬢" }, varhexagonlrbonds = { doc = "six carbon ring, corner down, double bonds lower right etc", symbol = "⌬" }, varisinobar = { doc = "element of with overbar", symbol = "⋶" }, varisins = { doc = "element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋳" }, varkappa = { doc = "rounded small kappa, greek", symbol = "ϰ" }, varlrtriangle = { doc = "right triangle", symbol = "⊿" }, varniobar = { doc = "contains with overbar", symbol = "⋽" }, varnis = { doc = "contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke", symbol = "⋻" }, varnothing = { doc = "circle, slash", symbol = "∅" }, varointclockwise = { doc = "contour integral, clockwise", symbol = "∲" }, varphi = { doc = "curly or open small phi, greek", symbol = "φ" }, varpi = { doc = "rounded small pi (pomega), greek", symbol = "ϖ" }, varrho = { doc = "rounded small rho, greek", symbol = "ϱ" }, varsigma = { doc = "terminal sigma, greek", symbol = "ς" }, varspadesuit = { doc = "spade, white (card suit)", symbol = "♤" }, varstar = { doc = "six pointed black star", symbol = "✶" }, vartheta = { doc = "/vartheta - curly or open theta", symbol = "ϑ" }, vartriangle = { doc = "/triangle - up triangle, open", symbol = "▵" }, vartriangleleft = { doc = "left triangle, open, variant", symbol = "⊲" }, vartriangleright = { doc = "right triangle, open, variant", symbol = "⊳" }, varveebar = { doc = "small vee with underbar", symbol = "⩡" }, vbraceextender = { doc = "curly bracket extension", symbol = "⎪" }, vbrtri = { doc = "vertical bar beside right triangle", symbol = "⧐" }, vdash = { doc = "vertical, dash", symbol = "⊢" }, vdots = { doc = "vertical ellipsis", symbol = "⋮" }, vec = { doc = "combining right arrow above", symbol = "◌⃗" }, vectimes = { doc = "vector or cross product", symbol = "⨯" }, vee = { doc = "/vee /lor b: logical or", symbol = "∨" }, veebar = { doc = "logical or, bar below (large vee); exclusive disjunction", symbol = "⊻" }, veedot = { doc = "or with dot inside", symbol = "⟇" }, veedoublebar = { doc = "logical or with double underbar", symbol = "⩣" }, veeeq = { doc = "logical or, equals", symbol = "≚" }, veemidvert = { doc = "logical or with middle stem", symbol = "⩛" }, veeodot = { doc = "logical or with dot above", symbol = "⩒" }, veeonvee = { doc = "two intersecting logical or", symbol = "⩖" }, veeonwedge = { doc = "logical or overlapping logical and", symbol = "⩙" }, vert = { doc = "vertical bar", symbol = "|" }, vertoverlay = { doc = "combining long vertical line overlay", symbol = "◌⃒" }, viewdata = { doc = "viewdata square", symbol = "⌗" }, vlongdash = { doc = "long left tack", symbol = "⟝" }, vrectangle = { doc = "rectangle, white (vertical)", symbol = "▯" }, vrectangleblack = { doc = "black vertical rectangle", symbol = "▮" }, vysmblkcircle = { doc = "bullet operator", symbol = "∙" }, vysmblksquare = { doc = "black very small square", symbol = "⬝" }, vysmwhtcircle = { doc = "composite function (small circle)", symbol = "∘" }, vysmwhtsquare = { doc = "white very small square", symbol = "⬞" }, vzigzag = { doc = "vertical zigzag line", symbol = "⦚" }, wedge = { doc = "/wedge /land b: logical and", symbol = "∧" }, wedgebar = { doc = "logical and with underbar", symbol = "⩟" }, wedgedot = { doc = "and with dot", symbol = "⟑" }, wedgedoublebar = { doc = "logical and with double underbar", symbol = "⩠" }, wedgemidvert = { doc = "logical and with middle stem", symbol = "⩚" }, wedgeodot = { doc = "logical and with dot above", symbol = "⩑" }, wedgeonwedge = { doc = "two intersecting logical and", symbol = "⩕" }, wedgeq = { doc = "corresponds to (wedge, equals)", symbol = "≙" }, whitearrowupfrombar = { doc = "upwards white arrow from bar", symbol = "⇪" }, whiteinwhitetriangle = { doc = "white triangle containing small white triangle", symbol = "⟁" }, whitepointerleft = { doc = "white left-pointing pointer", symbol = "◅" }, whitepointerright = { doc = "white right-pointing pointer", symbol = "▻" }, whitesquaretickleft = { doc = "white square with leftwards tick", symbol = "⟤" }, whitesquaretickright = { doc = "white square with rightwards tick", symbol = "⟥" }, whthorzoval = { doc = "white horizontal ellipse", symbol = "⬭" }, whtvertoval = { doc = "white vertical ellipse", symbol = "⬯" }, wideangledown = { doc = "oblique angle opening up", symbol = "⦦" }, wideangleup = { doc = "oblique angle opening down", symbol = "⦧" }, widebreve = { doc = "stretchy breve", symbol = "◌̆" }, widebridgeabove = { doc = "combining wide bridge above", symbol = "◌⃩" }, widecheck = { doc = "stretchy caron", symbol = "◌̌" }, widehat = { doc = "circumflex accent", symbol = "◌̂" }, wideoverbar = { doc = "stretchy overbar embellishment", symbol = "◌̅" }, widetilde = { doc = "tilde", symbol = "◌̃" }, wideutilde = { doc = "under tilde accent (multiple characters and non-spacing)", symbol = "◌̰" }, wp = { doc = "weierstrass p", symbol = "℘" }, wr = { doc = "wreath product", symbol = "≀" }, xbsol = { doc = "big reverse solidus", symbol = "⧹" }, xi = { doc = "small xi, greek", symbol = "ξ" }, xsol = { doc = "big solidus", symbol = "⧸" }, zcmp = { doc = "z notation schema composition", symbol = "⨟" }, zeta = { doc = "small zeta, greek", symbol = "ζ" }, zpipe = { doc = "z notation schema piping", symbol = "⨠" }, zproject = { doc = "z notation schema projection", symbol = "⨡" } }