-- Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, -- 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Karl Berry -- Copyright 1988, 1994, 2007 Stephen Gilmore -- Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Torsten Martinsen -- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel -- SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-old-style -- -- Adapted from the LaTeX2e Unofficial Reference Manual, which can be found at -- https://latexref.xyz/. ctan_package = "latex" dependencies = {"primitives"} documentation = { { summary = "A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX 2ε", uri = "texmf:doc/latex/lshort-english/lshort.pdf" }, { summary = "LaTeX 2ε for authors", uri = "texmf:doc/latex/base/usrguide.pdf" }, { summary = "LaTeX 2ε for class and package writers", uri = "texmf:doc/latex/base/clsguide.pdf" } } commands = { [" "] = { documentation = "info:latex2e#LaTeX command syntax", summary = "An explicit space." }, ["!"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, ["\""] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, ["#"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["$"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["%"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["&"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["'"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, ["("] = {summary = "Begin inline mathematics."}, [")"] = {summary = "End inline mathematics."}, ["*"] = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\*", summary = "Discretionary multiplication." }, ["+"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, [","] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, ["-"] = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\- (hyphenation)", summary = "Insert explicit hyphenation." }, ["."] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, ["/"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\/", summary = "Italic correction."}, [":"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, [";"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, ["<"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, ["="] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, [">"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, ["@"] = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@", summary = "Distinguish sentence-ending periods from abbreviations." }, ["@@beginparpenalty"] = {}, ["@@endparpenalty"] = {}, ["@@itempenalty"] = {}, ["@beginparpenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, ["@endparpenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, ["@fnsymbol"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"}, ["@ifstar"] = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@ifstar", summary = "Define your own commands with *-variants." }, ["@itempenalty"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, ["@startsection"] = { arguments = { {meta = "name"}, {meta = "level"}, {meta = "indent"}, {meta = "beforeskip"}, {meta = "afterskip"}, {meta = "style"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\@startsection", summary = "Layout of sectional units." }, AA = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, AE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, Alph = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, AtBeginDocument = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\AtBeginDocument", summary = "Hook for commands at the start of the document." }, AtBeginDvi = { arguments = {{meta = "specials"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, AtEndDocument = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\AtEndDocument", summary = "Hook for commands at the end of the document." }, AtEndOfClass = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, AtEndOfPackage = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Big = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}}, Bigg = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}}, Biggl = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}}, Biggm = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}}, Biggr = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}}}, Bigl = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}}, Bigm = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}}, Box = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, CheckCommand = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "cmd"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "definition"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ClassError = { arguments = { {meta = "class name"}, {meta = "error text"}, {meta = "help text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ClassInfo = { arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "info text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ClassInfoNoLine = { arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "info text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ClassWarning = { arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "warning text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ClassWarningNoLine = { arguments = {{meta = "class name"}, {meta = "warning text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, CurrentOption = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"}, DH = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, DJ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, DeclareFontEncoding = { arguments = { {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "text-settings"}, {meta = "math-settings"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareFontEncoding", summary = "Define an encoding." }, DeclareGraphicsExtensions = { arguments = {{meta = "comma-separated list of file extensions"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareGraphicsExtensions", summary = "File types, such as JPG or EPS." }, DeclareGraphicsRule = { arguments = { {meta = "extension"}, {meta = "type"}, {meta = "size-file extension"}, {meta = "command"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareGraphicsRule", summary = "How to handle file types." }, DeclareOption = { action = "DeclareOption", arguments = {{meta = "option"}, {meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, DeclareRobustCommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "definition"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, DeclareTextAccent = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "slot"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextAccentDefault", summary = "Define an accent in the encoding." }, DeclareTextAccentDefault = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextAccentDefault", summary = "Fallback for using an accent in the encoding." }, DeclareTextCommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault", summary = "New encoding-specific command." }, DeclareTextCommandDefault = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault", summary = "Fallback for encoding-specific commands." }, DeclareTextComposite = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "simple object"}, {meta = "slot"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextComposite", summary = "Directly access an accented glyph, in the encoding." }, DeclareTextCompositeCommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "arg"}, {meta = "code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCompositeCommand", summary = "Run code in slot, in the encoding." }, DeclareTextSymbol = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "slot"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextSymbolDefault", summary = "Define a symbol in the encoding." }, DeclareTextSymbolDefault = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextSymbolDefault", summary = "Fallback for a symbol in the encoding." }, Delta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Δ"}, Diamond = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, Downarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇓"}, ExecuteOptions = { arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Gamma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Γ"}, Gls = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}}, Glspl = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}}, H = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, Huge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, IJ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, IfFileExists = { arguments = { {meta = "file name"}, {meta = "true code"}, {meta = "false code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Im = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℑ"}, InputIfFileExists = { arguments = { {meta = "file name"}, {meta = "true code"}, {meta = "false code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Join = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨝"}, L = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, LARGE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, LaTeX = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, LaTeXe = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, Lambda = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Λ"}, Large = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, LastDeclaredEncoding = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\LastDeclaredEncoding", summary = "Save most recently declared encoding." }, Leftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇐"}, Leftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇔"}, LoadClass = { action = "input", arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, list = true, meta = "options", optional = true }, {meta = "class name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands", filename = "?.cls" }, LoadClassWithOptions = { action = "input", arguments = { {meta = "class name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands", filename = "?.cls" }, MakeLowercase = {arguments = {{meta = "text"}}}, MakeUppercase = {arguments = {{meta = "text"}}}, NEWLINE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\(SPACE)"}, NG = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, NeedsTeXFormat = { arguments = { {meta = "format"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "format date", optional = true} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, O = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, OE = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, Omega = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ω"}, OptionNotUsed = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands"}, P = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, PackageError = { arguments = { {meta = "package name"}, {meta = "error text"}, {meta = "help text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PackageInfo = { arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "info text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PackageInfoNoLine = { arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "info text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PackageWarning = { arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "warning text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PackageWarningNoLine = { arguments = {{meta = "package name"}, {meta = "warning text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PassOptionsToClass = { arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}, {meta = "class name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, PassOptionsToPackage = { arguments = {{list = true, meta = "options"}, {meta = "package name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Phi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Φ"}, Pi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Π"}, Pr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, ProcessOptions = { arguments = {{literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ProvideTextCommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "encoding"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault", summary = "New encoding-specific command." }, ProvideTextCommandDefault = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\DeclareTextCommandDefault & \\ProvideTextCommandDefault", summary = "Fallback for encoding-specific commands." }, ProvidesClass = { arguments = { {meta = "class name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ProvidesFile = { arguments = { {meta = "file name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "additional information", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, ProvidesPackage = { arguments = { {meta = "package name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands" }, Psi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ψ"}, Re = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℜ"}, RequirePackage = { action = "input", arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, list = true, meta = "options", optional = true }, {list = true, meta = "package name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands", filename = "?.sty" }, RequirePackageWithOptions = { action = "input", arguments = { {list = true, meta = "package name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "release date", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Class and package commands", filename = "?.sty" }, Rightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇒"}, Roman = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, S = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, SS = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, Sigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Σ"}, TH = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, TeX = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, Uparrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇑"}, Updownarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇕"}, Upsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Υ"}, UseTextAccent = { arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "command"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\UseTextAccent & \\UseTextSymbol", summary = "Temporarily switch to another encoding." }, UseTextSymbol = { arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}, {meta = "command"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\UseTextAccent & \\UseTextSymbol", summary = "Temporarily switch to another encoding." }, Vert = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "‖"}, Xi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "Ξ"}, ["\\"] = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "morespace", optional = true} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray", summary = "Start a new line." }, ["^"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, _ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["`"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, a = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, aa = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, accent = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\accent", summary = "Low level command to produce an accented character." }, acute = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌́"}, addcontentsline = { arguments = {{meta = "ext"}, {meta = "unit"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addcontentsline", summary = "Add an entry to table of contents, etc." }, address = { arguments = {{meta = "sender's address"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\address", summary = "Sender's return address." }, addtocontents = { arguments = {{meta = "ext"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtocontents", summary = "Add text directly to table of contents file, etc." }, addtocounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "value"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtocounter", summary = "Add a quantity to a counter." }, addtolength = { arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "amount"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addtolength", summary = "Add a quantity to a length." }, addvspace = { arguments = {{meta = "vert-length"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addvspace", summary = "Add arbitrary vertical space if needed." }, ae = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, aleph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℵ"}, alph = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, alpha = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "α"}, alsoname = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"}, amalg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨿"}, ["and"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle"}, angle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∠"}, appendix = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\appendix", summary = "Start appendices." }, approx = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≈"}, arabic = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, arccos = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, arcsin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, arctan = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, arg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, arraycolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#array"}, arrayrulewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"}, arraystretch = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"}, ast = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∗"}, asymp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≍"}, author = { arguments = {{meta = "names"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle" }, b = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, backmatter = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter", summary = "Start backmatter of a book." }, backslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "\\"}, bar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̄"}, baselineskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"}, baselinestretch = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"}, begin = { action = "begin", arguments = {{meta = "environment name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Environments", snippet = "begin{${1:environment}}$0\n\\end{$1}" }, beta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "β"}, bf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, bfseries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, bibitem = { action = "bibitem", arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "label", optional = true}, {meta = "cite_key"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bibitem", summary = "Specify a bibliography item." }, bibliography = { action = "input", arguments = {{list = true, meta = "bibfiles"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Using BibTeX", filename = "?.bib" }, bibliographystyle = { arguments = {{meta = "bibstyle"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Using BibTeX" }, big = {arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}}, bigbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."}, bigcap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋂"}, bigcirc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, bigcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋃"}, bigg = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, biggl = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, biggm = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, biggr = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, bigl = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter1"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, bigm = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, bigodot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨀"}, bigoplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨁"}, bigotimes = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨂"}, bigr = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter2"}}, summary = "Manually sized delimiter." }, bigskip = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip", summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces." }, bigskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"}, bigsqcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨆"}, bigtriangledown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "▽"}, bigtriangleup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "△"}, biguplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⨄"}, bigvee = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋁"}, bigwedge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋀"}, bmod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, boldmath = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\boldmath & \\unboldmath", summary = "Symbols in boldface." }, bot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊥"}, bottomfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, bowtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋈"}, breve = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̆"}, bullet = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, c = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, cal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, cap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∩"}, capitalacute = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalbreve = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalcaron = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalcedilla = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalcircumflex = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitaldieresis = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitaldotaccent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalgrave = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalhungarumlaut = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalmacron = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalnewtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalogonek = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitalring = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitaltie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, capitaltilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, caption = { action = "caption", arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#table", summary = "Create a caption for a floating figure or table." }, cc = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cc", summary = "Carbon copy list." }, cdot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋅"}, cdots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots"}, centering = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\centering", summary = "Declaration form of the center environment." }, chapter = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\chapter", section_level = 0, summary = "Start a chapter." }, check = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̌"}, chi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "χ"}, circ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, circle = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "diameter"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\circle", summary = "Draw a circle." }, cite = { action = "cite", arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "subcite", optional = true}, {list = true, meta = "keys"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cite", summary = "Refer to a bibliography item." }, cleardoublepage = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\clearpage & \\cleardoublepage", summary = "Start a new page; eject floats." }, clearpage = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\clearpage & \\cleardoublepage", summary = "Start a new page; eject floats." }, cline = { arguments = {{meta = "i-j"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\cline", summary = "Draw a horizontal line spanning some columns." }, closein = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout"}, closeout = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout"}, closing = { arguments = {{meta = "closing text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\closing", summary = "Saying goodbye." }, clubsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♣"}, colon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Colon character & \\colon"}, color = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true}, {meta = "specification"} } }, colorbox = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "model name", optional = true}, {meta = "box background color"}, {meta = "text"} } }, columnsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, columnseprule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, columnwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, complement = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∁"}, cong = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≅"}, contentsline = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\addcontentsline"}, coprod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∐"}, copyright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, cos = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, cosh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, cot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, coth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, csc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, cup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∪"}, d = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, dag = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, dagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "†"}, dashbox = { arguments = { {meta = "dash-len"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rect-width,rect-height"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\dashbox", summary = "Draw a dashed box." }, dashv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊣"}, date = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle" }, day = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year", summary = "Numeric date values." }, dblfloatpagefraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"}, dblfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"}, dbltextfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"}, dbltopfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"}, dbltopnumber = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn"}, ddag = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, ddagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "‡"}, ddot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̈"}, ddots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots", symbol = "⋱"}, definecolor = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "model"}, {meta = "specification"}} }, deg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, delta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "δ"}, det = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, dh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, diamond = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, diamondsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♢"}, dim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, discretionary = { arguments = {{meta = "pre-break"}, {meta = "post-break"}, {meta = "no-break"}}, summary = "Explicit control of the hyphen character." }, displaystyle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas"}, div = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "÷"}, dj = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, documentclass = { action = "input", arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "options", optional = true}, {meta = "class"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Document classes", filename = "?.cls" }, dot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̇"}, doteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≐"}, dotfill = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hrulefill & \\dotfill", summary = "Stretchable horizontal dots." }, dots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, doublerulesep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"}, downarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↓"}, ell = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ℓ"}, emph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, emptyset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, encl = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\encl", summary = "List of enclosed material." }, ["end"] = { action = "end", arguments = {{meta = "environment name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Environments" }, endinput = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\endinput", summary = "Stop including material from a file." }, enlargethispage = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enlargethispage", summary = "Enlarge the current page a bit." }, enspace = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad", summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces. " }, ensuremath = { arguments = {{meta = "formula"}}, summary = "Ensure that math mode is active." }, enumi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, enumii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, enumiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, enumiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, epsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϵ"}, equiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≡"}, eta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "η"}, evensidemargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, exists = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∃"}, exp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, extracolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"}, fbox = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox", summary = "Put a frame around a box." }, fboxrule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox"}, fboxsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox"}, fcolorbox = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "model name", optional = true}, {meta = "frame color"}, {meta = "box background color"}, {meta = "text"} } }, fill = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hfill"}, flat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♭"}, floatpagefraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, floatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, flushbottom = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\flushbottom", summary = "Make all text pages the same height." }, fnsymbol = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, fontencoding = { arguments = {{meta = "encoding"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, fontfamily = { arguments = {{meta = "family"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, fontseries = { arguments = {{meta = "series"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, fontshape = { arguments = {{meta = "shape"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, fontsize = { arguments = {{meta = "size"}, {meta = "skip"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, footnote = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote", summary = "Insert a footnote." }, footnotemark = { arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnotemark", summary = "Insert footnote mark only." }, footnoterule = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"}, footnotesep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnote"}, footnotesize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, footnotetext = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\footnotetext", summary = "Insert footnote text only." }, footskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, forall = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∀"}, frac = { arguments = {{meta = "numerator"}, {meta = "denominator"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frac", summary = "Fraction." }, frame = { arguments = {{meta = "contents"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frame", summary = "Draw a frame around an object." }, framebox = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rec-width,rec-height"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fbox & \\framebox", summary = "Draw a box with a frame around it." }, frenchspacing = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frenchspacing", summary = "Equal interword and inter-sentence space." }, frontmatter = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter", summary = "Start frontmatter of a book." }, frown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌢"}, fussy = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fussy & \\sloppy", summary = "Be more particular with line breaking." }, gamma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "γ"}, gcd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, ge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, geq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≥"}, gets = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, gg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≫"}, gls = { arguments = {{meta = "label"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\gls", summary = "Give a page reference for a glossary entry." }, glspl = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}}, graphicspath = { arguments = {{meta = "list of dir names inside curly brackets"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\graphicspath", summary = "Directories to search." }, graphpaper = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "spacing", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_init,y_init"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_dimen,y_dimen"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\graphpaper", summary = "Draw graph paper." }, grave = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̀"}, guillemotleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, guillemotright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, guilsinglleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, guilsinglright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, hat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̂"}, hbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, headheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, headsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, heartsuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♡"}, hfill = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hfill", summary = "Stretchable horizontal space. " }, hline = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hline", summary = "Draw a horizontal line spanning all columns." }, hom = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, hookleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↩"}, hookrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↪"}, hphantom = { arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}}, summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument." }, hrulefill = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hrulefill & \\dotfill", summary = "Stretchable horizontal rule." }, hsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, hspace = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "length"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hspace", summary = "Any horizontal space. " }, hss = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hss", summary = "Infinitely stretchable/shrinkable horizontal space." }, huge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, hyphenation = { arguments = {{meta = "words"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\hyphenation", summary = "Tell LaTeX how to hyphenate a word." }, i = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, iff = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, ignorespaces = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ignorespaces & \\ignorespacesafterend", summary = "Discard extra spaces." }, ignorespacesafterend = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ignorespaces & \\ignorespacesafterend", summary = "Discard extra spaces." }, ij = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, imath = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "𝚤"}, immediate = {}, ["in"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∈"}, include = { action = "input", arguments = {{meta = "filename"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\include & \\includeonly", filename = "?.tex", summary = "Include a file." }, includegraphics = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "key-value list", optional = true }, {meta = "filename"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\includegraphics", summary = "Using a graphic in your document." }, includeonly = { arguments = {{list = true, meta = "files"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\include & \\includeonly", summary = "Conditionally include files." }, indent = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\indent & \\noindent", summary = "Go into horizontal mode, with an indent." }, index = { arguments = {{meta = "index-entry-string"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index", summary = "Declare an index entry." }, indexentry = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"}, indexspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#makeindex"}, inf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, infty = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∞"}, input = { action = "input", arguments = {{meta = "filename"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\input", filename = "?", summary = "Unconditionally include a file." }, int = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∫"}, intextsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, iota = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ι"}, it = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, item = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optional-label", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize", summary = "An entry in a list." }, itemindent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, itemsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, itshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, j = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, jmath = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "𝚥"}, k = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, kappa = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "κ"}, ker = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, kill = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, l = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, label = { action = "label", arguments = {{meta = "key"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\label", summary = "Assign a symbolic name to a piece of text." }, labelenumi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, labelenumii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, labelenumiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, labelenumiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate"}, labelitemi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, labelitemii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, labelitemiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, labelitemiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, labelsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, labelwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, lambda = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "λ"}, land = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, langle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟨"}, large = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, lbrace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "{"}, lbrack = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "["}, lceil = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌈"}, ldots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, le = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, leadsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, left = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\left & \\right", summary = "Automatically sized delimiters." }, leftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "←"}, lefteqn = {documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray"}, leftharpoondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↽"}, leftharpoonup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↼"}, leftmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, leftmargini = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftmarginii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftmarginiii = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftmarginiv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftmarginv = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftmarginvi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize"}, leftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↔"}, leq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≤"}, lfloor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌊"}, lg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, lhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, lim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, liminf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, limsup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, line = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_run,y_rise"}, {meta = "travel"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\line", summary = "Draw a straight line." }, linebreak = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "zero-to-four", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linebreak & \\nolinebreak", summary = "Force a line break." }, linespread = { arguments = {{meta = "factor"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, linethickness = { arguments = {{meta = "dim"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linethickness", summary = "Set thickness of horizontal and vertical lines." }, linewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, listoffigures = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"}, listoftables = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"}, listparindent = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, ll = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≪"}, ln = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, lnot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, location = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\location", summary = "Sender's organizational location." }, log = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, longleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟵"}, longleftrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟷"}, longmapsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟼"}, longnewglossaryentry = {arguments = {{meta = "label"}}}, longrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟶"}, lor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, lq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, mainmatter = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frontmatter & \\mainmatter & \\backmatter", summary = "Start main part of a book." }, makeatletter = {summary = "Change the status of the at-sign character."}, makeatother = {summary = "Change the status of the at-sign character."}, makebox = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "rec-width,rec-height"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\makebox (picture)", summary = "Horizontal boxes." }, makeglossary = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Glossaries"}, makeindex = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Indexes"}, makelabel = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, makelabels = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\makelabels", summary = "Make address labels." }, maketitle = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle", summary = "Generate a title page." }, mapsto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↦"}, marginpar = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "left", optional = true}, {meta = "right"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes" }, marginparpush = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"}, marginparsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"}, marginparwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"}, marginsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, markboth = { arguments = {{meta = "left-head"}, {meta = "right-head"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle" }, markright = { arguments = {{meta = "right"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle" }, mathbb = {arguments = {{meta = "uppercase-letter"}}}, mathbf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, mathcal = { arguments = {{meta = "uppercase-letters"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles" }, mathdollar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "$"}, mathit = {}, mathnormal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, mathparagraph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "¶"}, mathring = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents"}, mathrm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, mathsection = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "§"}, mathsf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, mathsterling = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "£"}, mathtt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, mathunderscore = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, mathversion = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, max = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, mbox = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\mbox & \\makebox", summary = "Horizontal boxes." }, mdseries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, medbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."}, medskip = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip", summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces." }, medskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"}, medspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, message = { arguments = {{meta = "string"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\message", summary = "Write part of a line to log file and terminal." }, mho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "℧"}, mid = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∣"}, min = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, models = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊧"}, month = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year", summary = "Numeric date values." }, mp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∓"}, mu = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "μ"}, multicolumn = { arguments = {{meta = "numcols"}, {meta = "cols"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\multicolumn", summary = "Make an item spanning several columns." }, multiput = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x,y"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "delta_x,delta_y"}, {meta = "num-copies"}, {meta = "obj"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\multiput", summary = "Draw multiple instances of an object." }, nabla = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∇"}, name = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\name", summary = "Sender's name, for the return address." }, natural = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♮"}, ne = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≠"}, nearrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↗"}, neg = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "¬"}, negthinspace = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinspace & \\negthinspace", summary = "Negative one-sixth of an em." }, neq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, newcommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newcommand & \\renewcommand", summary = "Define a new command." }, newcounter = { arguments = { {meta = "countername"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "supercounter", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newcounter", summary = "Define a new counter." }, newenvironment = { action = "newenvironment", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "environment"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "begdef"}, {meta = "enddef"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newenvironment & \\renewenvironment", summary = "Define a new environment." }, newfont = { action = "newcommand", arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "font description"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newfont", summary = "Define a new font name." }, newglossaryentry = { arguments = {{meta = "label"}, {meta = "settings"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newglossaryentry", summary = "Declare the content of a glossary entry." }, newlength = { arguments = {{meta = "arg"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newlength", summary = "Define a new length." }, newline = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newline", summary = "Break the line" }, newpage = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newpage", summary = "Start a new page." }, newsavebox = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newsavebox", summary = "Define a new box." }, newtheorem = { action = "newenvironment", arguments = { {meta = "name"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "numbered_like", optional = true }, {meta = "title"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newtheorem", summary = "Define a new theorem-like environment." }, newtie = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, ng = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, ni = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∋"}, nocite = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\nocite", summary = "Include an item in the bibliography." }, nocorr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, nocorrlist = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, nofiles = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\nofiles", summary = "Prevent writing to auxiliary files." }, noindent = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\indent & \\noindent", summary = "Go into horizontal mode, without an indent." }, nolinebreak = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "zero-to-four", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\linebreak & \\nolinebreak", summary = "Avoid a line break." }, nonfrenchspacing = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\frenchspacing"}, nonumber = {documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray"}, nopagebreak = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "zero-to-four", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagebreak & \\nopagebreak", summary = "Avoid a page break." }, normalfont = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, normalmarginpar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"}, normalsfcodes = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\normalsfcodes", summary = "Restore space factor settings to the default." }, normalsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, ["not"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, notin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∉"}, nu = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ν"}, nwarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↖"}, o = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, obeycr = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\obeycr & \\restorecr", summary = "Make each input line start a new output line." }, oddsidemargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, odot = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊙"}, oe = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, oint = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∮"}, oldstylenums = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, omega = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ω"}, ominus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊖"}, onecolumn = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\onecolumn", summary = "Use one-column layout." }, openin = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout", summary = "Open a file." }, opening = { arguments = {{meta = "salutation"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\opening", summary = "Saying hello." }, openout = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\openin & \\openout", summary = "Open a file." }, oplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊕"}, oslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊘"}, otimes = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊗"}, oval = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "width,height"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "portion", optional = true} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\oval", summary = "Draw an oval." }, overbrace = { arguments = {{meta = "math"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining", symbol = "⏞" }, overline = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining" }, owns = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, pagebreak = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "zero-to-four", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagebreak & \\nopagebreak", summary = "Force a page break." }, pagecolor = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true}, {meta = "color specification"} } }, pagenumbering = { arguments = {{meta = "number-style"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagenumbering", summary = "Set the style used for page numbers." }, pageref = { arguments = {{meta = "key"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pageref", summary = "Refer to a page number." }, pagestyle = { arguments = {{meta = "style"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\pagestyle", summary = "Change the headings/footings style." }, paperheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, paperwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, par = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\par", summary = "End the current paragraph." }, paragraph = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph", section_level = 5, summary = "Start a paragraph. " }, parallel = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∥"}, parbox = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "inner-pos", optional = true}, {meta = "width"}, {meta = "contents"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\parbox", summary = "Box with text in paragraph mode." }, parindent = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\parindent & \\parskip", summary = "Space added before paragraphs." }, parsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, parskip = { documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize", summary = "Space added before paragraphs." }, part = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\part", section_level = -1, summary = "Start a part." }, partial = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∂"}, partopsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, pdfpageheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Document class options"}, pdfpagewidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Document class options"}, perp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟂"}, phantom = { arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}}, summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument." }, phi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϕ"}, pi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "π"}, pm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "±"}, pmod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, poptabs = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, pounds = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, prec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≺"}, preceq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⪯"}, prime = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "′"}, printglossaries = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Glossaries"}, printindex = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\printindex", summary = "Put the index here." }, prod = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∏"}, propto = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∝"}, protect = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\protect", summary = "Using tricky commands." }, providecommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "code"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\providecommand", summary = "Define a new command, if name not used." }, ps = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ps", summary = "Adding a postscript." }, psi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ψ"}, pushtabs = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, put = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "xcoord,ycoord"}, {meta = "content"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\put", summary = "Place an object at a specified place." }, qbezier = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x1,y1"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x2,y2"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x3,y3"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\qbezier", summary = "Draw a quadratic Bezier curve." }, qquad = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad", summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces." }, quad = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\enspace & \\quad & \\qquad", summary = "Traditional horizontal spaces." }, quotedblbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, quotesinglbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, r = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, raggedbottom = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedbottom", summary = "Allow text pages of differing height." }, raggedleft = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedleft", summary = "Declaration form of the flushright environment." }, raggedright = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raggedright", summary = "Declaration form of the flushleft environment." }, raisebox = { arguments = { {meta = "distance"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "depth", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\raisebox", summary = "Raise or lower text." }, rangle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⟩"}, rbrace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "}"}, rbrack = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "]"}, rceil = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌉"}, read = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\read", summary = "Read text from a file." }, ref = { action = "ref", arguments = {{meta = "key"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\ref", summary = "Refer to a section, figure or similar." }, reflectbox = { arguments = {{meta = "material"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\scalebox" }, refstepcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\refstepcounter", summary = "Add to a counter." }, renewcommand = { action = "newcommand", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "code"} }, summary = "Redefine an existing new command." }, renewenvironment = { action = "newenvironment", arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "environment"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "number", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "default", optional = true}, {meta = "begdef"}, {meta = "enddef"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newenvironment & \\renewenvironment", summary = "Redefine an existing environment." }, resizebox = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "horizontal length"}, {meta = "vertical length"}, {meta = "material"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\resizebox", summary = "Scaling boxes, including graphics, to a set size." }, restorecr = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\obeycr & \\restorecr", summary = "Make each input line start a new output line." }, restriction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, revemptyset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⦰"}, reversemarginpar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Marginal notes"}, rfloor = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌋"}, rhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, rho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ρ"}, right = { arguments = {{meta = "delimiter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\left & \\right", summary = "Automatically sized delimiters." }, rightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "→"}, rightharpoondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇁"}, rightharpoonup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇀"}, rightleftharpoons = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⇌"}, rightmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, rm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, rmfamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, roman = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\alph \\Alph \\arabic \\roman \\Roman \\fnsymbol", summary = "Print value of a counter." }, rotatebox = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "key-value list", optional = true }, {meta = "angle"}, {meta = "material"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\rotatebox", summary = "Rotating boxes, including graphics." }, rq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, rule = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "raise", optional = true}, {meta = "width"}, {meta = "thickness"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\rule", summary = "Inserting lines and rectangles." }, savebox = { arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "width", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true}, {meta = "text"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sbox & \\savebox", summary = "Like \\makebox but save the text for later." }, sbox = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sbox & \\savebox", summary = "Like \\makebox but save the text for later." }, sc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, scalebox = { arguments = { {meta = "horizontal factor"}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "vertical factor", optional = true }, {meta = "material"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\scalebox", summary = "Scaling boxes, including graphics." }, scriptsize = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, scshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, searrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↘"}, sec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, section = { action = "section", arguments = { { literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true, summary = "If present, make an unnumbered heading." }, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "short title", optional = true, summary = "Short title for table of contents and running headers." }, {meta = "title", summary = "The section heading."} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\section", section_level = 1, summary = "Start a section." }, seename = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\index"}, selectfont = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands"}, setcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "value"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\setcounter", summary = "Set the value of a counter." }, setlength = { arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "amount"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\setlength", summary = "Set the value of a length." }, setminus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⧵"}, settodepth = { arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settodepth", summary = "Set a length to the depth of something." }, settoheight = { arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settoheight", summary = "Set a length to the height of something." }, settowidth = { arguments = {{meta = "len"}, {meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\settowidth", summary = "Set a length to the width of something." }, sf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, sffamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, sharp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♯"}, shortstack = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {meta = "lines"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\shortstack", summary = "Make a stack of objects." }, sigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "σ"}, signature = { arguments = {{meta = "sender name"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\signature", summary = "Sender's signature." }, sim = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∼"}, simeq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≃"}, sin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, sinh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, sl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, sloppy = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\fussy & \\sloppy", summary = "Be less particular with line breaking." }, slshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, small = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, smallbreak = {summary = "Inter-paragraph space and page breaks."}, smallint = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, smallskip = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip", summary = "Inter-paragraph vertical spaces." }, smallskipamount = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\bigskip & \\medskip & \\smallskip"}, smash = { arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}}, summary = "Eliminate height or depth of a subformula." }, smile = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⌣"}, spacefactor = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\spacefactor", summary = "Stretchability of following space" }, spadesuit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "♠"}, sqcap = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊓"}, sqcup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊔"}, sqrt = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "root-number", optional = true}, {meta = "arg"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\sqrt", summary = "Radicals.", symbol = "√" }, sqsubset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊏"}, sqsubseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊑"}, sqsupset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊐"}, sqsupseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊒"}, ss = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, stackrel = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}, {meta = "relation"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\stackrel", summary = "Text over a relation." }, star = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⋆"}, stepcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\stepcounter", summary = "Add to a counter, resetting subsidiary counters." }, stop = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Recovering from errors"}, strut = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\strut", summary = "Ensure height of a line." }, subparagraph = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph", section_level = 6, summary = "Start a subparagraph." }, subsection = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsection", section_level = 2, summary = "Start a subsection." }, subset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊂"}, subseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊆"}, subsubsection = { action = "section", arguments = "$ref:latex#/commands/section/arguments", documentation = "info:latex2e#\\subsubsection & \\paragraph & \\subparagraph", section_level = 4, summary = "Start a subsubsection." }, succ = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≻"}, succeq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⪰"}, sum = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∑"}, sup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, suppressfloats = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, supset = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊃"}, supseteq = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊇"}, surd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "√"}, swarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↙"}, symbol = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Symbols by font position"}, t = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, tabbingsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing"}, tabcolsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular"}, tableofcontents = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Table of contents etc"}, tan = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, tanh = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math functions"}, tau = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "τ"}, telephone = { arguments = {{meta = "number"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\telephone", summary = "Sender's phone number." }, textascendercompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textasciicircum = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textasciitilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textasteriskcentered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbackslash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbardbl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textbigcircle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbraceleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbraceright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textbullet = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textcapitalcompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textcircled = { arguments = {{meta = "letter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols" }, textcolor = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "color model", optional = true}, {meta = "color specification"}, {meta = "text"} } }, textcompwordmark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textcopyright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textdagger = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textdaggerdbl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textdollar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textellipsis = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textemdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textendash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, texteuro = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textexclamdown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textfloatsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, textfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, textgreater = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textheight = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, textit = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textleftarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textless = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textmd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textnormal = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textordfeminine = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textordmasculine = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textparagraph = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textperiodcentered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquestiondown = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquotedblleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquotedblright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquoteleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquoteright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquotesingle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquotestraightbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textquotestraightdblbase = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textregistered = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textrightarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textrm = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textsc = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textsection = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textsf = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textsl = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textsterling = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textthreequartersemdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, texttrademark = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, texttt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, texttwelveudash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textunderscore = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textup = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, textvisiblespace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Text symbols"}, textwidth = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, th = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional Latin letters"}, thanks = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle" }, theta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "θ"}, thicklines = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thicklines", summary = "A heavier line thickness." }, thickspace = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Spacing in math mode"}, thinlines = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinlines", summary = "The default line thickness." }, thinspace = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thinspace & \\negthinspace", summary = "One-sixth of an em." }, thispagestyle = { arguments = {{meta = "style"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\thispagestyle", summary = "Change the headings/footings style for this page." }, tilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̃"}, times = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "×"}, tiny = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font sizes"}, title = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\maketitle" }, to = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, today = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\today", summary = "Inserting today's date." }, top = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊤"}, topfraction = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Floats"}, topmargin = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, topsep = {documentation = "info:latex2e#list"}, topskip = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Page layout parameters"}, triangle = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, triangleleft = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "◁"}, triangleright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "▷"}, tt = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, ttfamily = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, twocolumn = { arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prelim one column text", optional = true } }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\twocolumn", summary = "Use two-column layout." }, typein = { arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "command", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\typein", summary = "Read text from the terminal." }, typeout = { arguments = {{meta = "msg"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\typeout", summary = "Write text to the terminal." }, u = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, unboldmath = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\boldmath & \\unboldmath", summary = "Symbols in boldface." }, underbar = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, underbrace = { arguments = {{meta = "math"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining", symbol = "⏟" }, underline = { arguments = {{meta = "text"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#Over- and Underlining" }, unitlength = {documentation = "info:latex2e#picture"}, unlhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, unrhd = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, uparrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↑"}, updownarrow = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↕"}, upharpoonright = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "↾"}, uplus = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊎"}, upshape = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Font styles"}, upsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "υ"}, usebox = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\usebox", summary = "Print saved text." }, usecounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\usecounter", summary = "Use a specified counter in a list environment." }, usefont = { arguments = { {meta = "enc"}, {meta = "family"}, {meta = "series"}, {meta = "shape"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Low-level font commands" }, usepackage = { action = "input", arguments = { { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, list = true, meta = "options", optional = true }, {list = true, meta = "package"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#Additional packages", filename = "?.sty" }, v = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"}, value = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\value", summary = "Use the value of a counter in an expression. " }, vanothing = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, varepsilon = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ε"}, varphi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "φ"}, varpi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϖ"}, varrho = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϱ"}, varsigma = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ς"}, vartheta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ϑ"}, vdash = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "⊢"}, vdots = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Dots", symbol = "⋮"}, vec = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌⃗"}, vector = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "x_run,y_rise"}, {meta = "travel"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vector", summary = "Draw a line with an arrow." }, vee = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∨"}, verb = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "char"}, {meta = "literal-text"}, {meta = "char"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\verb", summary = "The macro form of the verbatim environment." }, vert = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "|"}, vfill = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vfill", summary = "Stretchable vertical space." }, vline = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vline", summary = "Draw a vertical line." }, vphantom = { arguments = {{meta = "subformula"}}, summary = "Make empty box with the same size as the argument." }, vspace = { arguments = { {literal = "*", meta = "star", optional = true}, {meta = "length"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\vspace", summary = "Vertical space." }, wedge = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "∧"}, widehat = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̂"}, widetilde = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math accents", symbol = "◌̃"}, wlog = { arguments = {{meta = "string"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#\\wlog", summary = "Write to the log file." }, wp = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "℘"}, wr = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "≀"}, write = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\write18", summary = "Write text to a file or terminal." }, xi = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ξ"}, year = {documentation = "info:latex2e#\\day & \\month & \\year"}, zeta = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols", symbol = "ζ"}, ["{"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["|"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Math symbols"}, ["}"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Reserved characters"}, ["~"] = {documentation = "info:latex2e#Accents"} } environments = { abstract = { documentation = "info:latex2e#abstract", summary = "Produce an abstract." }, array = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true}, {meta = "cols"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#array", summary = "Math arrays." }, center = { documentation = "info:latex2e#center", summary = "Centered lines." }, description = { action = "list", documentation = "info:latex2e#description", summary = "Labelled lists." }, displaymath = { documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas", summary = "Formulas that appear on their own line." }, document = { documentation = "info:latex2e#document", summary = "Enclose the whole document." }, enumerate = { action = "list", documentation = "info:latex2e#enumerate", summary = "Numbered lists." }, eqnarray = { documentation = "info:latex2e#eqnarray", summary = "Sequences of aligned equations." }, equation = { documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas", summary = "Displayed equation." }, figure = { arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#figure", snippet = "begin{figure}${1:[placement]}\n\t$0\n\\caption{${2:caption text}}\n\\end{figure}", summary = "Floating figures." }, ["figure*"] = { arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#figure", snippet = "begin{figure*}${1:[placement]}\n\t$0\n\\caption{${2:caption text}}\n\\end{figure*}", summary = "Floating figure spanning both text columns." }, filecontents = { arguments = {{meta = "filename"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#filecontents", summary = "Writing multiple files from the source." }, ["filecontents*"] = { arguments = {{meta = "filename"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#filecontents" }, flushleft = { documentation = "info:latex2e#flushleft", summary = "Flushed left lines." }, flushright = { documentation = "info:latex2e#flushright", summary = "Flushed right lines." }, itemize = { action = "list", documentation = "info:latex2e#itemize", summary = "Bulleted lists." }, letter = { arguments = {{meta = "recipient address"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#letter", summary = "Letters." }, list = { action = "list", arguments = {{meta = "labeling"}, {meta = "spacing"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#list", summary = "Generic list environment." }, lrbox = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}}, summary = "Environment version of \\sbox." }, math = { documentation = "info:latex2e#Math formulas", summary = "In-line math." }, minipage = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "position", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "height", optional = true}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "inner-pos", optional = true}, {meta = "width"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#minipage", summary = "Miniature page." }, picture = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "width,height"}, {delimiters = {"(", ")"}, meta = "xoffset,yoffset"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#picture", summary = "Picture with text, arrows, lines and circles." }, quotation = { documentation = "info:latex2e#quotation & quote", summary = "Include a quotation." }, quote = { documentation = "info:latex2e#quotation & quote", summary = "Include a quotation." }, sloppypar = {summary = "Environment version of \\sloppy command."}, tabbing = { documentation = "info:latex2e#tabbing", summary = "Align text arbitrarily." }, table = { arguments = {{delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "placement", optional = true}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#table", summary = "Floating tables." }, tabular = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true}, {meta = "cols"} }, documentation = "info:latex2e#tabular", summary = "Align text in columns." }, ["tabular*"] = { arguments = { {meta = "width"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "pos", optional = true}, {meta = "cols"} } }, thebibliography = { arguments = {{meta = "widest-label"}}, documentation = "info:latex2e#thebibliography", summary = "Bibliography or reference list." }, theorem = { documentation = "info:latex2e#\\newtheorem", summary = "Theorems, lemmas, etc." }, titlepage = { documentation = "info:latex2e#titlepage", summary = "For hand crafted title pages." }, trivlist = {summary = "A restricted form of list."}, verbatim = { documentation = "info:latex2e#verbatim", summary = "Simulating typed input." }, verse = { documentation = "info:latex2e#verse", summary = "For poetry and other things." } }