-- Copyright 2007-2011 Philipp Lehman -- Copyright 2015-2020 Joseph Wright -- Copyright 2022 Augusto Stoffel -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ -- -- Adapted form the etoolbox package documentation, which can be found at -- https://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox. ctan_package = "etoolbox" dependencies = {"etex.sty"} commands = { AfterEndPreamble = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \AfterEndPreamble{code} ``` This hook differs from `\AtBeginDocument` in that the `code` is executed at the very end of `\begin{document}`, after any `\AtBeginDocument` code. Note that commands whose scope has been restricted to the preamble with `\@onlypreamble` are no longer available when this hook is executed. ]] }, AfterPreamble = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \AfterPreamble{code} ``` This hook is a variant of `\AtBeginDocument` which may be used in both the preamble and the document body. When used in the preamble, it behaves exactely like `\AtBeginDocument`. When used in the document body, it immediately executes its `code` argument. `\AtBeginDocument` would issue an error in this case. This hook is useful to defer code which needs to write to the main `aux` file. ]] }, AtBeginEnvironment = { arguments = {{meta = "environment"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \AtBeginEnvironment{environment}{code} ``` Appends arbitrary `code` to a hook executed by the `\begin` command at the beginning of a given `environment`, immediately before `\environment`, inside the group opened by `\begin`. ]] }, BeforeBeginEnvironment = { arguments = {{meta = "environment"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \BeforeBeginEnvironment{environment}{code} ``` Appends arbitrary `code` to a hook executed at a very early point by the `\begin` command, before the group holding the environment is opened. ]] }, DeclareListParser = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}, {meta = "separator"}}, details = [[ ```latex \DeclareListParser{command}{separator} ``` This command defines a list parser similar to the `\docsvlist` command below, which is defined like this: \DeclareListParser{\docsvlist}{,} Note that the list parsers are sensitive to the category code of the `separator`. ]] }, appto = { details = [[ ```latex \appto{code} ``` This command appends arbitrary `code` to a `hook`. If the `code` contains any parameter characters, they need not be doubled. This command is robust. ]] }, booltrue = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, details = [[ ```latex \booltrue{name} ``` Sets the boolean flag `name` to `true`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is undefined. ]] }, csappto = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csappto{csname}{code} ``` Similar to `\appto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, csdef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csdef{csname}{replacement text} ``` Similar to the TeX primitive `\def` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust and corresponds to `\@namedef`. ]] }, csdimdef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "dimen expression"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csdimdef{csname}{dimen expression} ``` Similar to `\dimdef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, cseappto = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \cseappto{csname}{code} ``` Similar to `\eappto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, csedef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csedef{csname}{replacement text} ``` Similar to the TeX primitive `\edef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust. ]] }, csepreto = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csepreto{csname}{code} ``` Similar to `\epreto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, csgluedef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "glue expression"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csgluedef{csname}{glue expression} ``` Similar to `\gluedef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, cslet = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "command"}}, details = [[ ```latex \cslet{csname}{command} ``` Similar to the TeX primitive `\let` except that the first argument is a control sequence name. If `command` is undefined, `csname` will be undefined as well after the assignment. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. ]] }, csletcs = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csletcs{csname}{csname} ``` Similar to the TeX primitive `\let` except that both arguments are control sequence names. If the second `csname` is undefined, the first `csname` will be undefined as well after the assignment. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. ]] }, csmeaning = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csmeaning{csname} ``` Similar to the TeX primitive `\meaning` but takes a control sequence name as its argument. If the control sequence is undefined, this command will not implicitly assign a meaning of `\relax` to it. ]] }, csmudef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "muglue expression"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csmudef{csname}{muglue expression} ``` Similar to `\mudef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, csnumdef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "integer expression"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csnumdef{csname}{integer expression} ``` Similar to `\numdef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, cspreto = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \cspreto{csname}{code} ``` Similar to `\preto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, csundef = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \csundef{csname} ``` Similar to `\undef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its argument. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. ]] }, defcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "counter"}, {meta = "integer expression"}}, details = [[ ```latex \defcounter{counter}{integer expression} ``` Assigns a value to a LaTeX `counter` previously initialized with `\newcounter`. This command is similar in concept and syntax to `\setcounter` except for two major differences. 1) The second argument may be an `integer expression` which will be processed with `\numexpr`. The `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. The value assigned to the `counter` will be the result of that calculation. 2) In contrast to `\setcounter`, the assignment is local by default but `\defcounter` may be prefixed with `\global`. The functional equivalent of `\setcounter` would be `\global``\defcounter`. ]] }, dimdef = { details = [[ ```latex \dimdef{dimen expression} ``` Similar to `\edef` except that the `dimen expression` is processed with `\dimexpr`. The `dimen expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command` will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined, it will be initialized to `0pt` before the `dimen expression` is processed. ]] }, docsvlist = { arguments = {{meta = "item, item, ..."}}, details = [[ ```latex \docsvlist{item, item, ...} ``` This command loops over a comma-separated list of items and executes the auxiliary command `\do` for every item in the list, passing the item as an argument. In contrast to the `\@for` loop in the LaTeX kernel, `\docsvlist` is expandable. With a suitable definition of `\do`, lists may be processed in an `\edef` or a comparable context. You may use `\listbreak` at the end of the replacement text of `\do` to stop processing and discard the remaining items in the list. Whitespace after list separators is ignored. If an item contains a comma or starts with a space, it must be wrapped in curly braces. The braces will be removed as the list is processed. Here is a usage example which prints a comma-separated list as an `itemize` environment: \begin{itemize} \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\item #1} \docsvlist{item1, item2, {item3a, item3b}, item4} \end{itemize} Here is another example: \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{* #1\MessageBreak} \PackageInfo{mypackage}{% Example list:\MessageBreak \docsvlist{item1, item2, {item3a, item3b}, item4}} In this example, the list is written to the log file as part of an informational message. The list processing takes place during the `\write` operation. ]] }, dolistloop = { arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}}, details = [[ ```latex \dolistloop{listmacro} ``` This command loops over all items in a `listmacro` and executes the auxiliary command `\do` for every item in the list, passing the item as an argument. The list loop itself is expandable. You may use `\listbreak` at the end of the replacement text of `\do` to stop processing and discard the remaining items in the list. Here is a usage example which prints an internal list called `\mylist` as an `itemize` environment: \begin{itemize} \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\item #1} \dolistloop{\mylist} \end{itemize} ]] }, eappto = { details = [[ ```latex \eappto{code} ``` This command appends arbitrary `code` to a `hook`. The `code` is expanded at definition-time. Only the new `code` is expanded, the current replacement text of the `hook` is not. This command is robust. ]] }, epreto = { details = [[ ```latex \epreto{code} ``` Similar to `\eappto` except that the `code` is prepended. ]] }, expandonce = { details = [[ ```latex \expandonce ``` This command expands a `command` once and prevents further expansion of the replacement text. This command is expandable. ]] }, forlistloop = { arguments = {{meta = "handler"}, {meta = "listmacro"}}, details = [[ ```latex \forlistloop{handler}{listmacro} ``` This command is similar to `\dolistloop` except that `\do` is replaced by a `handler` specified at invocation time. The `handler` may also be a sequence of commands, provided that the command given last takes the item as trailing argument. For example, the following code will prefix all items in the internal list `\mylist` with `\item`, count the items as the list is processed, and append the item count at the end: \newcounter{itemcount} \begin{itemize} \forlistloop{\stepcounter{itemcount}\item}{\mylist} \item Total: \number\value{itemcount} items \end{itemize} ]] }, gluedef = { details = [[ ```latex \gluedef{glue expression} ``` Similar to `\edef` except that the `glue expression` is processed with `\glueexpr`. The `glue expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command` will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined, it will be initialized to `0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt` before the `glue expression` is processed. ]] }, ifblank = { arguments = {{meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifblank{string}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `string` is blank (empty or spaces), and to `false` otherwise. The `string` is not expanded in the test. ]] }, ifboolexpr = { arguments = {{meta = "expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifboolexpr{expression}{true}{false} ``` Evaluates the `expression` and executes `true` if it is true, and `false` otherwise. The `expression` is evaluated sequentially from left to right. The following elements, discussed in more detail below, are available in the `expression`: the test operators `togl`, `bool`, `test`; the logical operators `not`, `and`, `or`; and the subexpression delimiter `(...)`. Spaces, tabs, and line endings may be used freely to arrange the `expression` visually. Blank lines are not permissible in the `expression`. This command is robust. ]] }, ifcsdimen = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifcsdimen{csname}{true}{false} ``` Similar to `\ifdefdimen` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, ifcslength = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifcslength{csname}{true}{false} ``` Similar to `\ifdeflength` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, ifdef = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdef{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined, and to `false` otherwise. Note that control sequences will be considered as defined even if their meaning is `\relax`. This command is a LaTeX wrapper for the e-TeX primitive `\ifdefined`. ]] }, ifdefcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefcounter{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is a TeX `\count` register allocated with `\newcount`, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifdefempty = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefempty{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a parameterless macro whose replacement text is empty, and to `false` otherwise. In contrast to `\ifx`, this test ignores the prefixes of the `command`. ]] }, ifdefequal = { arguments = { {meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefequal{control sequence}{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Compares two control sequences and expands to `true` if they are equal in the sense of `\ifx`, and to `false` otherwise. In contrast to `\ifx`, this test will also yield `false` if both control sequences are undefined or have a meaning of `\relax`. ]] }, ifdefltxprotect = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefltxprotect{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Executes `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a LaTeX protection shell, and `false` otherwise. This command is robust. It will detect commands which have been defined with `\DeclareRobustCommand` or by way of a similar technique. ]] }, ifdefmacro = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefmacro{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifdefparam = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefparam{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro with one or more parameters, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifdefprefix = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefprefix{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro prefixed with `\long` and/or `\protected`, and to `false` otherwise. Note that `\outer` macros may not be tested. ]] }, ifdefprotected = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefprotected{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is defined and is a macro prefixed with `\protected`, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifdefstrequal = { arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "command"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefstrequal{command}{command}{true}{false} ``` Performs a category code agnostic string comparison of the replacement text of two commands. This command is similar to `\ifdefstring` except that both arguments to be compared are macros. This command is robust. ]] }, ifdefstring = { arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefstring{command}{string}{true}{false} ``` Compares the replacement text of a `command` to a `string` and executes `true` if they are equal, and `false` otherwise. Neither the `command` nor the `string` is expanded in the test and the comparison is category code agnostic. Control sequence tokens in the `string` argument will be detokenized and treated as strings. This command is robust. Note that it will only consider the replacement text of the `command`. For example, this test \long\edef\mymacro#1#2{\string&} \ifdefstring{\mymacro}{&}{true}{false} would yield `true`. The prefix and the parameters of `\mymacro` as well as the category codes in the replacement text are ignored. ]] }, ifdefvoid = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifdefvoid{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is undefined, or is a control sequence whose meaning is `\relax`, or is a parameterless macro whose replacement text is empty, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifdimequal = { arguments = { {meta = "dimen expression"}, {meta = "dimen expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifdimequal{dimen expression}{dimen expression}{true}{false} ``` Alternative syntax for `\ifdimcomp{...}{=}{...}{...}{...}`. ]] }, ifdimless = { arguments = { {meta = "dimen expression"}, {meta = "dimen expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifdimless{dimen expression}{dimen expression}{true}{false} ``` Alternative syntax for `\ifdimcomp{...}{<}{...}{...}{...}`. ]] }, ifinlist = { arguments = { {meta = "item"}, {meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifinlist{item}{listmacro}{true}{false} ``` This command executes `true` if the `item` is included in a `listmacro`, and `false` otherwise. Note that this test uses pattern matching based on TeX 's argument scanner to check if the search string is included in the list. This means that it is usually faster than looping over all items in the list, but it also implies that the items must not include curly braces which would effectively hide them from the scanner. In other words, this macro is most useful when dealing with lists of plain strings rather than printable data. When dealing with printable text, it is safer to use `\dolistloop` to check if an item is in the list as follows: \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{% \ifstrequal{#1}{<>} {item found!\listbreak} {}} \dolistloop{\mylist} ]] }, ifinlistcs = { arguments = { {meta = "item"}, {meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifinlistcs{item}{listcsname}{true}{false} ``` Similar to `\ifinlist` except that it takes a control sequence name as its second argument. ]] }, ifltxcounter = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifltxcounter{name}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if `name` is a LaTeX counter allocated with `\newcounter`, and to `false` otherwise. ]] }, ifnumcomp = { arguments = { {meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "relation"}, {meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifnumcomp{integer expression}{relation}{integer expression}{true}{false} ``` Compares two integer expressions according to `relation` and expands to `true` or `false` depending on the result. The `relation` may be `<`, `>`, or `=`. Both integer expressions will be processed with `\numexpr`. An `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. All arithmetic expressions may contain spaces. Here are some examples: \ifnumcomp{<<3>>}{<<>>>}{<<6>>}{true}{<>} \ifnumcomp{<<(7 + 5) / 2>>}{<<=>>}{<<6>>}{<>}{false} \ifnumcomp{<<(7+5) / 4>>}{<<>>>}{<<3*(12-10)>>}{true}{<>} \newcounter{countA} \setcounter{countA}{<<6>>} \newcounter{countB} \setcounter{countB}{<<5>>} \ifnumcomp{<<\value{countA} * \value{countB}/2}>>{<<=>>}{<<15>>}{<>}{false} \ifnumcomp{<<6/2>>}{<<=>>}{<<5/2>>}{<>}{false} Technically, this command is a LaTeX wrapper for the TeX primitive `\ifnum`, incorporating `\numexpr`. Note that `\numexpr` will round the result of all integer expressions, i.e. both expressions will be processed and rounded prior to being compared. In the last line of the above examples, the result of the second expression is 2.5, which is rounded to 3, hence `\ifnumcomp` will expand to `true`. ]] }, ifnumgreater = { arguments = { {meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifnumgreater{integer expression}{integer expression}{true}{false} ``` Alternative syntax for `\ifnumcomp{...}{>}{...}{...}{...}`. ]] }, ifnumodd = { arguments = {{meta = "integer expression"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifnumodd{integer expression}{true}{false} ``` Evaluates an integer expression and expands to `true` if the result is an odd number, and to `false` otherwise. Technically, this command is a LaTeX wrapper for the TeX primitive `\ifodd`, incorporating `\numexpr`. ]] }, ifpatchable = { arguments = { {literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifpatchable*{command}{true}{false} ``` Similar to `\ifpatchable` except that the starred variant does not require a search pattern. Use this version to check if a command may be patched with `\apptocmd` and `\pretocmd`. ]] }, ifstrequal = { arguments = { {meta = "string"}, {meta = "string"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"} }, details = [[ ```latex \ifstrequal{string}{string}{true}{false} ``` Compares two strings and executes `true` if they are equal, and `false` otherwise. The strings are not expanded in the test and the comparison is category code agnostic. Control sequence tokens in any of the `string` arguments will be detokenized and treated as strings. This command is robust. ]] }, ifundef = { arguments = {{meta = "control sequence"}, {meta = "true"}, {meta = "false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \ifundef{control sequence}{true}{false} ``` Expands to `true` if the `control sequence` is undefined, and to `false` otherwise. Apart from reversing the logic of the test, this command also differs from `\ifdef` in that commands will be considered as undefined if their meaning is `\relax`. ]] }, listadd = { arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listadd{listmacro}{item} ``` This command appends an `item` to a `listmacro`. A blank `item` is not added to the list. ]] }, listcsadd = { arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listcsadd{listcsname}{item} ``` Similar to `\listadd` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, listcseadd = { arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listcseadd{listcsname}{item} ``` Similar to `\listeadd` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, listcsremove = { arguments = {{meta = "listcsname"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listcsremove{listcsname}{item} ``` Similar to `\listremove` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, listeadd = { arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listeadd{listmacro}{item} ``` Similar to `\listadd` except that the `item` is expanded at definition-time. Only the new `item` is expanded, the `listmacro` is not. If the expanded `item` is blank, it is not added to the list. ]] }, listremove = { arguments = {{meta = "listmacro"}, {meta = "item"}}, details = [[ ```latex \listremove{listmacro}{item} ``` This command removes an `item` from a `listmacro`. A blank `item` is ignored. ]] }, mudef = { details = [[ ```latex \mudef{muglue expression} ``` Similar to `\edef` except that the `muglue expression` is processed with `\muexpr`. The `muglue expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command` will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined, it will be initialized to `0mu` before the `muglue expression` is processed. ]] }, newbool = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, details = [[ ```latex \newbool{name} ``` Defines a new boolean flag called `name`. If the flag has already been defined, this command issues an error. The initial state of newly defined flags is `false`. This command is robust. ]] }, newrobustcmd = { arguments = { {literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optarg default", optional = true }, {meta = "replacement text"} }, details = [[ ```latex \newrobustcmd{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text} \newrobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text} ``` The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\newcommand` except that the newly defined `command` will be robust. The behavior of this command differs from the `\DeclareRobustCommand` command from the LaTeX kernel in that it issues an error rather than just an informational message if the `command` is already defined. Since it uses e-TeX 's low-level protection mechanism rather than the corresponding higher-level LaTeX facilities, it does not require an additional macro to implement the <robustness>. ]] }, newtoggle = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, details = [[ ```latex \newtoggle{name} ``` Defines a new boolean flag called `name`. If the flag has already been defined, this command issues an error. The initial state of newly defined flags is `false`. This command is robust. ]] }, notbool = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "not true"}, {meta = "not false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \notbool{name}{not true}{not false} ``` Similar to `\ifbool` but negates the test. ]] }, nottoggle = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "not true"}, {meta = "not false"}}, details = [[ ```latex \nottoggle{name}{not true}{not false} ``` Similar to `\iftoggle` but negates the test. ]] }, numdef = { details = [[ ```latex \numdef{integer expression} ``` Similar to `\edef` except that the `integer expression` is processed with `\numexpr`. The `integer expression` may be any arbitrary code which is valid in this context. The replacement text assigned to the `command` will be the result of that calculation. If the `command` is undefined, it will be initialized to `0` before the `integer expression` is processed. ]] }, patchcmd = { arguments = { {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "prefix", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {meta = "search"}, {meta = "replace"}, {meta = "success"}, {meta = "failure"} }, details = [[ ```latex \patchcmd[prefix]{command}{search}{replace}{success}{failure} ``` This command extracts the replacement text of a `command`, replaces `search` with `replace`, and reassembles the `command`. The pattern match is category code agnostic and matches the first occurence of the `search` pattern in the replacement text of the `command` to be patched. Note that the patching process involves detokenizing the replacement text of the `command` and retokenizing it under the current category code regime after patching. The category code of the @ sign is temporarily set to 11. If the replacement text of the `command` includes any tokens with non-standard category codes, the respective category codes must be adjusted prior to patching. If the code to be replaced or inserted refers to the parameters of the `command` to be patched, the parameter characters need not be doubled. If an optional `prefix` is specified, it replaces the prefixes of the `command`. An empty `prefix` argument strips all prefixes from the `command`. The assignment is local. This command implicitly performs the equivalent of an `\ifpatchable` test prior to patching. If this test succeeds, the command applies the patch and executes `success`. If the test fails, it executes `failure` without modifying the original `command`. This command is robust. ]] }, preto = { details = [[ ```latex \preto{code} ``` Similar to `\appto` except that the `code` is prepended. ]] }, pretocmd = { arguments = { {meta = "command"}, {meta = "code"}, {meta = "success"}, {meta = "failure"} }, details = [=[ ```latex \pretocmd{command}{code}{success}{failure} ``` This command is similar to `\apptocmd` except that the `code` is inserted at the beginning of the replacement text of the `command`. If the `command` is a parameterless macro, it behaves like `\preto` from section [\[aut:hok:app\]][1]. In contrast to `\preto`, `\pretocmd` may also be used to patch commands with parameters. In this case, it will detokenize the replacement text of the `command`, apply the patch, and retokenize it under the current category code regime. The category code of the @ sign is temporarily set to 11. The `code` may refer to the parameters of the `command`. The assignment is local. If patching succeeds, this command executes `success`. If patching fails, it executes `failure` without modifying the original `command`. This command is robust. [1]: #aut:hok:app ]=] }, ["protected@cseappto"] = { details = [[ ```latex \protected@cseappto{code} ``` Similar to `\protected@eappto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, ["protected@csedef"] = { arguments = {{meta = "csname"}}, details = [[ ```latex \protected@csedef{csname}{replacement text} ``` Similar to `\csedef` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is temporarily enabled. To put it in other words: this command is similar to the LaTeX kernel command `\protected@edef` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. This command is robust. ]] }, ["protected@csepreto"] = { details = [[ ```latex \protected@csepreto{code} ``` Similar to `\protected@epreto` except that it takes a control sequence name as its first argument. ]] }, ["protected@eappto"] = { details = [[ ```latex \protected@eappto{code} ``` Similar to `\eappto` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is temporarily enabled. ]] }, ["protected@epreto"] = { details = [[ ```latex \protected@epreto{code} ``` Similar to `\epreto` except that LaTeX 's protection mechanism is temporarily enabled. ]] }, protecting = { arguments = {{meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \protecting{code} ``` This command applies LaTeX 's protection mechanism, which normally requires prefixing each fragile command with `\protect`, to an entire chunk of arbitrary `code`. Its behavior depends on the current state of `\protect`. Note that the braces around the `code` are mandatory even if it is a single token. ]] }, providerobustcmd = { arguments = { {literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optarg default", optional = true }, {meta = "replacement text"} }, details = [[ ```latex \providerobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text} ``` The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\providecommand` except that the newly defined `command` will be robust. Note that this command will provide a robust definition of the `command` only if it is undefined. It will not make an already defined `command` robust. ]] }, renewrobustcmd = { arguments = { {literal = "*", optional = true}, {meta = "command"}, {delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "arguments", optional = true}, { delimiters = {"[", "]"}, meta = "optarg default", optional = true }, {meta = "replacement text"} }, details = [[ ```latex \renewrobustcmd*{command}[arguments][optarg default]{replacement text} ``` The syntax and behavior of this command is similar to `\renewcommand` except that the redefined `command` will be robust. ]] }, rmntonum = { arguments = {{meta = "numeral"}}, details = [[ ```latex \rmntonum{numeral} ``` The TeX primitive `\romannumeral` converts an integer to a Roman numeral but TeX or LaTeX provide no command which goes the opposite way. `\rmntonum` fills this gap. It takes a Roman numeral as its argument and converts it to the corresponding integer. Since it is expandable, it may also be used in counter assignments or arithmetic tests: <<\rmntonum>>{<>} \setcounter{counter}{<<\rmntonum>>{<>}} \ifnumless{<<\rmntonum>>{<>}}{2000}{true}{false} The `numeral` argument must be a literal string. It will be detokenized prior to parsing. The parsing of the numeral is case-insensitive and whitespace in the argument is ignored. If there is an invalid token in the argument, `\rmntonum` will expand to `-1`; an empty argument will yield an empty string. Note that `\rmntonum` will not check the numeral for formal validity. For example, both `V` and `VX` would yield `5`, `IC` would yield `99`, etc. ]] }, robustify = { arguments = {{meta = "command"}}, details = [[ ```latex \robustify{command} ``` Redefines a `command` defined with `\newcommand` such that it is robust, without altering its parameters, its prefixes, or its replacement text. If the `command` has been defined with `\DeclareRobustCommand`, this will be detected automatically and LaTeX 's high-level protection mechanism will be replaced by the corresponding low-level e-TeX feature. ]] }, setbool = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "value"}}, details = [[ ```latex \setbool{name}{value} ``` Sets the boolean flag `name` to `value` which may be either `true` or `false`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is undefined. ]] }, settoggle = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}, {meta = "value"}}, details = [[ ```latex \settoggle{name}{value} ``` Sets the boolean flag `name` to `value` which may be either `true` or `false`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is undefined. ]] }, toggletrue = { arguments = {{meta = "name"}}, details = [[ ```latex \toggletrue{name} ``` Sets the boolean flag `name` to `true`. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. It will issue an error if the flag is undefined. ]] }, undef = { details = [[ ```latex \undef ``` Clears a `command` such that e-TeX 's `\ifdefined` and `\ifcsname` tests will consider it as undefined. This command is robust and may be prefixed with `\global`. ]] }, whileboolexpr = { arguments = {{meta = "expression"}, {meta = "code"}}, details = [[ ```latex \whileboolexpr{expression}{code} ``` Evaluates the `expression` like `\ifboolexpr` and repeatedly executes the `code` while the expression is true. The `code` may be any valid TeX or LaTeX code. This command is robust. ]] } }