Changes from 0.9 to 0.9.1: ========================== - simple test if we are on MS Windows using MiKTeX (variable $windows was mistakenly set to "true", which caused shell commands to fail on Unix/Linux) - enhancements for the spell-checking macro (following a user request) Changes from 0.8a to 0.9: ========================= New features: - Ctrl+m extended for \begin/\end matching (and $ matching) - changing brackets and environments (e.g. $...$ <-> \[...\]) - goto next/previous \begin - added macro to insert nomenclature entries - added possibility of "hypersearch" for labels Bug fixes: - fixed: \\cite\l*[t,p]?{one,two,three} - fixed: Sections with optional argument were not found - added missing `Jump back' (after jumping to reference) - excluded comments and text after \endinput from finding labels, sections, etc. - removed bogus keybindings for Ctrl+w and Ctrl+q - removed KP Enter binding Changes from 0.8 to 0.8a: ========================= - fix in ltx_list_citations(): Skip @string/@preamble - fix for completing references and citations - fix in ltx_insert_lists(): Skip \begin-\end blocks - added keyword search for citations - added more examples to example.tex - improved the manual Changes from 0.5 to 0.8: ======================== - Restructuring: All macros have been defined as functions (subroutines) and are stored in files. The menu entries contain only calls to these functions. - .dat file format: Changed the separators in the .dat files to (hopefully) unused ASCII characters (< 128), so that the LaTeX-Mode can also be used with languages like Russian. - Key-bindings: Writing German on a US keyboard layout. - Equations: Skipping \begin-\end blocks, so that equations can contain matrices. - TeX Shell: Showing errors in calltips. Debug mode. Use of Source Specials. Small .log file mode. - References: Quick information in calltips. Fix "by Proposition \ref{foobar}" to "by Lemma \ref{foobar}", when the environment of \label{foobar} was changed from Proposition to Lemma. - Syntax Highlighting: Enriched LaTeX patterns, new BibTeX patterns, DTX-Mode (not yet fully integrated with the LaTeX-Mode) - Sectioning: Now aware of KOMA additions. - Expansions/Completions: Bug fixes, more completions.