Hi, and thanks for checking out latexmk. LatexMk completely automates the process of generating a LaTeX document. Essentially, it is a highly specialized cousin of the general make utility. Given the source files for a document, latexmk issues the appropriate sequence of commands to generate a .dvi, .ps or hardcopy version of the document. Please read the man page for a run down on how good it is and what all the features are. A copy of the fast help that can be seen by doing "latexmk -h" is at the end of this file. The LatexMk perl script was modified by Evan McLean (emm@rdt.monash.edu.au) from the original script called "go" written by David J. Musliner. LatexMk is no longer supported by the author. With changes in work situation, the author no longer uses latex, and hence does not use LatexMk. Having no access to latex also makes it difficult to test fixes. The start of the script file has disclaimers and modification history for those who are interested. NOTES:- 1) Portability: This first line of the perl script is: #!/usr/local/bin/perl This might not be the right path for your perl compiler/interpreter (assuming you have one). Modify to the right place for you system if you need to. Likely candidates are: #!/usr/bin/perl #!/bin/perl 2) LatexMk is archived on the CTAN tex archive in /tex-archive/support/latexmk Which is on the following hosts (amoung many other mirror sites): ftp.tex.ac.uk, ftp.shsu.edu, ftp.dante.de, ftp.cs.rmit.oz.au 3) The -pvc option uses a feature of xtex that reloads the current file if is receives a SIGUSR1 signal. Using -pvc with a previewer that does not have this feature will not work (SEE NOTE 4). 4) Included is a patch to the source for the xdvi previewer to make it reload the current file if it receives a SIGUSR1 signal. This make xdvi usable as the previewer for the -pvc option. See the contrib directory. 5) System V UNIX users may have to change the "$pscmd" variable in their RC file if they are using the -pvc option. Refer to $pscmd in the man page. Hope you find this useful. Evan McLean ---------------------------- "latexmk -h" ---------------------------- LatexMk 2.0: Automatic LaTeX document generation routine Usage: latexmk [latexmk_options] [filename ...] LatexMk_options: -bm <message> - Print message across the page when converting to postscript -bi <intensity> - Set contrast or intensity of banner -bs <scale> - Set scale for banner -c - clean up (remove) all nonessential files -C - clean up (remove) all nonessential files including dvi and postscript files -d - Print `DRAFT' across the page when converting to postscript -dF <filter> - Filter to apply to dvi file -f - force continued processing past errors -F - Ignore non-existent files when making dependencies -g - process regardless of file timestamps -h - print help -i - rescan for includes if depenancy file older than tex file -I - force rescan for includes -l - force landscape mode -ps - generate postscript -pF <filter> - Filter to apply to postscript file -p - print document after generating postscript -pv - preview document -pvc - preview document and continuously update -r <file> - Read custom RC file -s - set slide mode -v - display program version filename = the root filename of LaTeX document -p, -pv and -pvc are mutually exclusive -h, -c and -C overides all other options. -pv and -pvc require one and only one filename specified Contents of RC file specified by -r overrides options specified before the -r option on the command line