# resumecls-example Examples to typeset resume both in Chinese and English with [resumecls](https://ctan.org/pkg/resumecls). ## Online Preview & Edit (with Overleaf Template) An overleaf template is available [here](https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/resumecls-example/xncvhkjgyjvf) for preview. You can also edit it directly on the overleaf. ## Offline Usage ```shell git clone git://github.com/huxuan/resumecls-example.git cd resumecls-example # Modify resume-en.tex resume-en.tex resume.bib (bib is optional). # Compile via Makefile or LaTeX commands (More info below). ``` ## Offline Compile ### Makefile ```shell make resume # get both resume-en.pdf & resume-zh.pdf make resume-en # get resume-en.pdf make resume-zh # get resume-zh.pdf ``` ### LaTeX ```shell xelatex .tex bibtex xelatex .tex xelatex .tex ``` Notes: - To get the English version, replace `` with 'resume-en'. - To get the Chinese version, replace `` with 'resume-zh'. - If no bib info is needed, the first two steps can be skipped.