--[[ This file contains the unit tests for the physical.Number class. Copyright (c) 2020 Thomas Jenni Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local lu = require("luaunit") package.path = "../src/?.lua;" .. package.path local physical = require("physical") local N = physical.Number function defaultformat() N.seperateUncertainty = true N.omitUncertainty = false N.format = N.DECIMAL end TestNumber = {} -- test the default constructor function TestNumber:testNewDefault() local n = N() lu.assertEquals( n._x, 0 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0 ) end -- test if the constructor works with one or two numbers as arguments function TestNumber:testNewByNumber() local n = N(122,0.022) lu.assertEquals( n._x, 122 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.022 ) local n = N(122,0) lu.assertEquals( n._x, 122 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0 ) local n = N(0, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( n._x, 0 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.01 ) end -- test the copy constructor function TestNumber:testNewCopyConstructor() local n = N(122,0.022) local m = N(n) lu.assertEquals( m._x, 122 ) lu.assertEquals( m._dx, 0.022 ) end -- test construction by string in plus minus format function TestNumber:testNewByStringPlusMinusNotation() local n = N("2.2 +/- 0.3") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 2.2 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.3 ) local n = N("2e-3 +/- 0.0003") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 0.002 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.0003 ) local n = N("67 +/- 2e-2") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 67 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.02 ) local n = N("15.2e-3 +/- 10.4e-6") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 0.0152 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.0000104 ) end -- test construction by string in compact format function TestNumber:testNewByString() local n = N("2.32(5)") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 2.32 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.05 ) local n = N("2.32(51)") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 2.32 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.51 ) local n = N("4.566(5)e2") lu.assertAlmostEquals( n._x, 456.6, 0.01 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.5 ) local n = N("2.30(55)e3") lu.assertAlmostEquals( n._x, 2300, 0.1) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 550 ) local n = N("255.30(55)e6") lu.assertAlmostEquals( n._x, 255300000, 0.1) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 550000 ) end -- test construction by string in compact format function TestNumber:testNewByStringNumber() local n = N("1") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 1 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.5 ) local n = N("2.3") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 2.3 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.05 ) local n = N("2.3e-2") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 2.3e-2 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.05e-2 ) local n = N("123") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 123 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.5 ) local n = N("123.556") lu.assertEquals( n._x, 123.556 ) lu.assertEquals( n._dx, 0.0005 ) end -- test string conversion to plus-minus format function TestNumber:testToPlusMinusNotation() N.seperateUncertainty = true N.format = N.DECIMAL lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1,0.5)), "(1.0 +/- 0.5)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(7,1)), "(7.0 +/- 1.0)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(0.005,0.0001)), "(0.00500 +/- 0.00010)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(500,2)), "(500 +/- 2)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1023453838.0039,0.06)), "(1023453838.00 +/- 0.06)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(10234.0039, 0.00000000012)), "(10234.00390000000 +/- 0.00000000012)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(10234.0039e12, 0.00000000012e12)), "(10234003900000000 +/- 120)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(0, 0)), "0" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(0, 0.01)), "(0.000 +/- 0.010)" ) N.format = N.SCIENTIFIC lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(7,1)), "(7 +/- 1)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(80,22)), "(8 +/- 2)e1" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(40,100)), "(4 +/- 10)e1" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(0.005,0.0001)), "(5.00 +/- 0.10)e-3" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(500,2)), "(5.00 +/- 0.02)e2" ) end -- test string conversion to plus-minus format function TestNumber:testToParenthesesNotation() N.seperateUncertainty = false N.omitUncertainty = false N.format = N.DECIMAL lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1,0.5)), "1.0(5)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.25,0.5)), "1.3(5)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(100,13)), "100(13)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(26076,45)), "26076(45)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(26076,0.01)), "26076.000(10)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1234.56789, 0.00011)), "1234.56789(11)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(15200000, 23000)), "15200000(23000)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(5, 0.01)), "5.000(10)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(100, 5)), "100(5)" ) N.format = N.SCIENTIFIC lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(15.2e-6, 2.3e-8)), "1.520(2)e-5" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(15.2e-6, 1.2e-8)), "1.5200(12)e-5" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(5, 0.01)), "5.000(10)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(15.2e-6, 0)), "1.52e-05" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(16.25e-6, 5e-7)), "1.62(5)e-5" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.9884e30, 2e26)/N(1.191e8,1.4e6)), "1.67(2)e22" ) end -- test string conversion to compact format function TestNumber:testToOmitUncertaintyNotation() N.seperateUncertainty = false N.omitUncertainty = true N.format = N.DECIMAL lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1, 0.5)), "1" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.2, 0.05)), "1.2" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.2, 0.005)), "1.20" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.25, 0.05)), "1.3" ) N.format = N.SCIENTIFIC lu.assertEquals( tostring(N(1.2e27, 0.05e27)), "1.2e27" ) end -- test string conversion from compact to plus-minus format function TestNumber:testParseParenthesesNotation() defaultformat() local n = N("2.32(5)") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(2.32 +/- 0.05)" ) local n = N("2.32(51)") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(2.3 +/- 0.5)" ) local n = N("4.566(5)e2") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(456.6 +/- 0.5)" ) local n = N("2.30(55)e3") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(2300 +/- 550)" ) end -- test string conversion from and to plus-minus format function TestNumber:testParsePlusMinusNotation() defaultformat() local n = N("2.2 +/- 0.3") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(2.2 +/- 0.3)" ) local n = N("2.2+/-0.3") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(2.2 +/- 0.3)" ) local n = N("2e-3 +/- 0.0003") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(0.0020 +/- 0.0003)" ) local n = N("67 +/- 2e-2") lu.assertEquals( tostring(n), "(67.00 +/- 0.02)" ) end -- test the frexp function function TestNumber:testfrexp() local m,e = N._frexp(123) lu.assertEquals( m, 1.23 ) lu.assertEquals( e, 2 ) end -- test widget -- http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/gallery/view.jsp?id=ff2d5fc3ab1932df3c00308bead36006 -- article on -- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3387884/ -- test addition of numbers and other physical numbers function TestNumber:testAdd() defaultformat() local n1 = N(5, 0.5) local n2 = N(10, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(2+n2), "(12.0 +/- 0.2)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1+3), "(8.0 +/- 0.5)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1+n2), "(15.0 +/- 0.5)" ) end -- test subtraction of numbers and other physical numbers function TestNumber:testSubtract() defaultformat() local n1 = N(5, 0.5) local n2 = N(10, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(2-n2), "(-8.0 +/- 0.2)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1-3), "(2.0 +/- 0.5)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1-n2), "(-5.0 +/- 0.5)" ) end -- test mixed operations function TestNumber:testMixed() defaultformat() local d = N(5, 0.5) l = d - d m = l / d lu.assertEquals( tostring(m), "0.0" ) end -- test unary minus operation function TestNumber:testUnaryMinus() defaultformat() local n = N(5.68, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(-n), "(-5.7 +/- 0.2)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(-(-n)), "(5.7 +/- 0.2)" ) end -- test multiplication with numbers and other physical numbers function TestNumber:testMultiplication() defaultformat() local n1 = N(4.52, 0.02) local n2 = N(2.0, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(4*n2), "(8.0 +/- 0.8)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1*5), "(22.60 +/- 0.10)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1*n2), "(9.0 +/- 0.9)" ) end -- test division with numbers and other physical numbers function TestNumber:testDivision() defaultformat() local n1 = N(2.0, 0.2) local n2 = N(3.0, 0.6) lu.assertEquals( tostring(5/n2), "(1.7 +/- 0.3)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1/6), "(0.33 +/- 0.03)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1/n2), "(0.67 +/- 0.15)" ) end -- uncertainty calculator physics -- http://ollyfg.github.io/Uncertainty-Calculator/ function TestNumber:testPower() defaultformat() local n1 = N(3.0, 0.2) local n2 = N(2.5, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1^2), "(9.0 +/- 1.2)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(3^n2), "(15.59 +/- 0.17)" ) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n1^n2), "(16 +/- 3)" ) end -- test the absolute value function function TestNumber:testAbs() defaultformat() local n = N(-5.0, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:abs()), "(5.0 +/- 0.2)" ) local n = N(100, 50) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:abs()), "(100 +/- 50)" ) end -- test the logarithm function function TestNumber:testLog() defaultformat() local n = N(5.0, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:log()), "(1.61 +/- 0.04)" ) local n = N(0.03, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:log()), "(-3.51 +/- 0.10)" ) local n = N(0.03, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:log(4)), "(-2.53 +/- 0.07)" ) local n = N(5.0, 0.2) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:log(10)), "(0.699 +/- 0.017)" ) local n = N(0.03, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:log(10)), "(-1.52 +/- 0.04)" ) end -- test the exponential function function TestNumber:testExp() defaultformat() local n = N(7.0, 0.06) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:exp()), "(1097 +/- 66)" ) local n = N(0.2, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:exp()), "(1.221 +/- 0.012)" ) end -- test the square root function function TestNumber:testSqrt() defaultformat() local n = N(104.2, 0.06) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:sqrt()), "(10.208 +/- 0.003)" ) local n = N(0.0004, 0.000005) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:sqrt()), "(0.02000 +/- 0.00013)" ) end -- TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions function TestNumber:testSin() defaultformat() local n = N(-math.pi/6, 0.02) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:sin()), "(-0.500 +/- 0.017)" ) end function TestNumber:testCos() defaultformat() local n = N(math.pi/3, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:cos()), "(0.500 +/- 0.009)" ) local n = N(math.pi/4, 0.1) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:cos()), "(0.71 +/- 0.07)" ) local n = N(-math.pi/6, 0.02) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:cos()), "(0.87 +/- 0.01)" ) end function TestNumber:testTan() defaultformat() local n = N(0, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:tan()), "(0.000 +/- 0.010)" ) local n = N(math.pi/3, 0.1) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:tan()), "(1.7 +/- 0.4)" ) local n = N(-math.pi/3, 0.02) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:tan()), "(-1.73 +/- 0.08)" ) end -- INVERS TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions#arctan function TestNumber:testArcsin() defaultformat() local n = N(0.5, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:asin()), "(0.524 +/- 0.012)" ) end function TestNumber:testArccos() defaultformat() local n = N(0.5, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:acos()), "(1.047 +/- 0.012)" ) end function TestNumber:testArctan() defaultformat() local n = N(0.5, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:atan()), "(0.464 +/- 0.008)" ) end -- HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_function function TestNumber:testSinh() defaultformat() local n = N(10, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:sinh()), "(11013 +/- 33)" ) end function TestNumber:testCosh() defaultformat() local n = N(10, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:cosh()), "(11013 +/- 33)" ) end function TestNumber:testTanh() defaultformat() local n = N(1, 0.003) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:tanh()), "(0.7616 +/- 0.0013)" ) end -- INVERS HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_hyperbolic_function function TestNumber:testArcsinh() local n = N(1000, 5) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:asinh()), "(7.601 +/- 0.005)" ) end function TestNumber:testArccosh() local n = N(1000, 5) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:acosh()), "(7.601 +/- 0.005)" ) end function TestNumber:testArctanh() local n = N(0.2, 0.01) lu.assertEquals( tostring(n:atanh()), "(0.203 +/- 0.010)" ) end return TestNumber