$Id: README 1 2012-07-27 06:09:40Z mjk $
GS1 - l3-package for handling of GS1 codes of GS1 specification
Maintainer:	Markus Kohm
E-Mail:		komascript at gmx info
Abstract:	Currently the package is able to
		- calculate control digits for EAN-8 and EAN-13
		- generate bar code for EAN-8 and EAN-13
Requires:	expl3  - stable packages of LaTeX3 kernel for LaTeX2e
		xparse - definition of LaTeX2e user commands using LaTeX3
		rule-D - see below
License:        LPPL 1.3c or later
State:          Author maintained
rule-D - l3-package simply providing LaTeX3 \rule functions
Maintainer:	Markus Kohm
E-Mail:		komascript at gmx info
Abstract:	Currently there's no \rule command in expl3, but GS1 needs
Requires:	expl3 - stable packages of LaTeX3 kernel for LaTeX2e
License:	LPPL 1.3c or later
State:		Author maintained