% eepicemu Version 1.1a < Febrary 1, 1988 >
%	Written by Conrad Kwok
% Internet : kwok@iris.ucdavis.edu
% csnet    : kwok@ucd.csnet
% csnet    : kwok%iris.ucdavis.edu@csnet.relay
% UUCP	   : ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!iris!kwok
% The macros are in public domain.
% You may distribute or modify it in any ways you like.
% Please report any bugs, enhancements, comments, suggestions, etc.
% Change logs:
% o Febrary 1, 1989
%   Add \newdimen\maxovaldiam for compatility with eepic
% o Febrary 1, 1989
%   Enhanced to handle new commands in eepic 1.1 
\typeout{Emulation of EEPIC using EPIC. Version 1.1a - Released Febrary 1, 1988}
    \ifnum #1=#2%
    \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
    \ifdim \@tempdimb > 15pt
     \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
     \ifdim \@tempdimb > 40pt
\def\arc#1#2#3{\typeout{arc function is not supported in emulation package}}

    \@ifnextchar ({\@ispline(#1,#2)}%
    \@ifnextchar ({\@iispline(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}%
    \@ifnextchar ({%
        \@spxcnt=#3 \advance\@spxcnt by #5 \divide\@spxcnt by 2\relax
        \@spycnt=#4 \advance\@spycnt by #6 \divide\@spycnt by 2\relax
        \@ispxcnt=\@spxcnt\relax \@ispycnt=\@spycnt\relax
%   else
    \@cmidxcnt=#1 \advance\@cmidxcnt by #3
    \advance\@cmidxcnt by #3 \advance\@cmidxcnt by #5
    \divide\@cmidxcnt by 4
    \@cmidycnt=#2 \advance\@cmidycnt by #4
    \advance\@cmidycnt by #4 \advance\@cmidycnt by #6
    \divide\@cmidycnt by 4
\newdimen\maxovaldiam \maxovaldiam 40pt\relax