"guia-bibtex" is an (as-complete-as-possible) manual about the use of bibtes with LaTeX, in spanish. The manual is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, and the files in the package are (in alphabetical order): - biblio.bib: A file with the bibliographical references used in the main document. - guia.bst: The bibliographical style file used, generated with makebst - guia-bibtex.pdf: The main document compiled as PDF. - guia-bibtex.tex: The source file. - README: This file. If you simply want to read or print the document, open the "guia-bibtex.pdf" file. For modifications you must edit and compile the file "guia-bibtex.tex". In this case the files "biblio.bib" and "guia.bst" must be in the same directory of "guia-bibtex.tex".