%% shiftoff.mp %% Copyright 2006 Henrik Tidefelt % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained�. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Henrik Tidefelt, % tidefelt@isy.liu.se. % % This work, referred to as blockdraw.mp, consists of the files % shiftoff.mp % blockdraw.mp % bondgraph.mp % blockdraw_mp.pdf numeric to_lft; to_lft = 0; numeric to_llft; to_llft = 1; numeric to_bot; to_bot = 2; numeric to_lrt; to_lrt = 3; numeric to_rt; to_rt = 4; numeric to_urt; to_urt = 5; numeric to_top; to_top = 6; numeric to_ulft; to_ulft = 7; numeric to_center; to_center = 8; def to_dir(expr z ) = if (xpart z) > 0: if (ypart z) > 0: if abs(xpart z) > 2*abs(ypart z): to_rt elseif abs(ypart z) > 2*abs(xpart z): to_top else: to_urt fi else: if abs(xpart z) > 2*abs(ypart z): to_rt elseif abs(ypart z) > 2*abs(xpart z): to_bot else: to_lrt fi fi else: if (ypart z) > 0: if abs(xpart z) > 2*abs(ypart z): to_lft elseif abs(ypart z) > 2*abs(xpart z): to_top else: to_ulft fi else: if abs(xpart z) > 2*abs(ypart z): to_lft elseif abs(ypart z) > 2*abs(xpart z): to_bot else: to_llft fi fi fi enddef; def dir_to(expr d ) = dir( 180 + d * 45 ) enddef; def shiftoff(expr pic, corner ) = if corner = to_lft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+((xpart llcorner pic)-(xpart center pic),0))) elseif corner = to_llft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(llcorner pic)-(center pic))) elseif corner = to_bot: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(0,(ypart llcorner pic)-(ypart center pic)))) elseif corner = to_lrt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(lrcorner pic)-(center pic))) elseif corner = to_rt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+((xpart lrcorner pic)-(xpart center pic),0))) elseif corner = to_urt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(urcorner pic)-(center pic))) elseif corner = to_top: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(0,(ypart ulcorner pic)-(ypart center pic)))) elseif corner = to_ulft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(ulcorner pic)-(center pic))) else: (pic shifted (-center pic)) fi enddef; numeric shiftofflabelmargin; shiftofflabelmargin := bboxmargin; def shiftoffwlm(expr pic, corner ) = if corner = to_lft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+((xpart llcorner pic)-(xpart center pic),0)+(-shiftofflabelmargin,0))) elseif corner = to_llft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(llcorner pic)-(center pic)+(-shiftofflabelmargin,-shiftofflabelmargin))) elseif corner = to_bot: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(0,(ypart llcorner pic)-(ypart center pic))+(0,-shiftofflabelmargin))) elseif corner = to_lrt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(lrcorner pic)-(center pic)+(shiftofflabelmargin,-shiftofflabelmargin))) elseif corner = to_rt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+((xpart lrcorner pic)-(xpart center pic),0)+(shiftofflabelmargin,0))) elseif corner = to_urt: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(urcorner pic)-(center pic)+(shiftofflabelmargin,shiftofflabelmargin))) elseif corner = to_top: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(0,(ypart ulcorner pic)-(ypart center pic))+(0,shiftofflabelmargin))) elseif corner = to_ulft: (pic shifted ((-center pic)+(ulcorner pic)-(center pic)+(-shiftofflabelmargin,shiftofflabelmargin))) else: (pic shifted (-center pic)) fi enddef;