REFERENCES Bibliographic Software                                Version 4.3d
                                                 (c) Volker Kiefel, 1995-2007

Installation and configuration of References is described in the manual. The
manual can be found in pdf-format (refsdok.pdf) in the archives 
   refs-4.3d-rt.tar.gz (Linux)
   r43d.zip            (Win32)
   r43d.exe            (Win32)

or as LaTeX sources in the 

   refs-4.3d-src.tar.gz (Linux, Win32)

archive. Updated versions of the manual are made available on the website of
the References project: 


Compilation and installation of References on Linux-systems is described in
the chapter `Installation on Linux systems' of the manual.

For installation on win32, please follow the instructions in the chapter
`Installation on Win32' of the manual.