# Makefile for lgrind, a LaTeX prettyprinter # for EMX+GCC with DMAKE, bound DOS-extender # $Id: makefile.emx,v 1999/05/13 13:02:55 mike Exp $ # You will almost certainly want to change these DESTDIR=c:\\emtex\\bin DEFSFILE=c:\\emtex\\texinput\\lgrind\\lgrindef TEXINPUTS=c:\\emtex\\texinput\\lgrind SOURCES=lgrind.c regexp.c regexp.h lgrindef.c lgrindef.h retest.c v2lg.c TEXFILES=lgrind.doc lgrind.sty lgrind.ins MANPAGES=lgrind.1 lgrindef.5 EXAMPLES=doc-lgrind.lg CMDS=lgrind.exe OBJS=lgrind.o regexp.o retest.o lgrindef.o v2lg.o CC=gcc HELPOPTION=-? CFLAGS=-O2 -DOS2 # CFLAGS=-g # CFLAGS=-O2 -Dpopen=fopen -Dpclose=fclose # There are operating systems and compilers without these... .SUFFIXES: .o .c .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< all: $(CMDS) lgrind.exe: lgrind.o lgrindef.o regexp.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o lgrind.exe lgrind.o lgrindef.o regexp.o -s # alternatively you can bind the DOS-extender permanently: # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o lgrind lgrind.o lgrindef.o regexp.o -s # emxbind c:\emx\bin\emx.exe lgrind lgrind.exe -p lgrind.o: lgrind.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DDEFSFILE=\"${DEFSFILE}\" -DHELPOPTION=\"${HELPOPTION}\"\ -c lgrind.c v2lg.exe: v2lg.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o v2lg.exe v2lg.o retest.exe: retest.o regexp.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o retest.exe retest.o regexp.o install: all -copy lgrind.exe $(DESTDIR)\\lgrind.exe -copy lgrindef $(DEFSFILE) -copy lgrind.dtx $(TEXINPUTS)\\lgrind.dtx -copy lgrind.sty $(TEXINPUTS)\\lgrind.sty clean: -del $(CMDS) $(OBJS) retest.exe v2lg.exe