# Objective C language definition file # # Author: Andr�Simon # Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de # Date: 08.02.04 # ------------------------------------------ # This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL. # # The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages. # See README in the highlight directory for details. # # New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;) # # ---------- # andre.simon1@gmx.de # http:/www.andre-simon.de/ $DESCRIPTION=Objective C $KEYWORDS(kwa)=goto break return continue asm case default if else switch while for do sizeof typeof typedef inline stdcall auto cdecl class const_cast delete dynamic_cast explicit extern friend goto inline mutable namespace new operator pascal register reinterpret_cast private protected public static_cast template this throw try catch typeid using virtual volatile true false id Class SEL IMP BOOL oneway in out inout bycopy byref self super nil NIL TRUE FALSE $KEYWORDS(kwb)=int long short char void signed unsigned float double size_t wchar_t ptrdiff_t sig_atomic_t fpos_t clock_t time_t va_list jmp_buf FILE DIR div_t ldiv_t static register auto volatile extern const bool struct union enum #$KW_PREFIX(kwa)=@ $KEYWORDS(kwa)=regex(@\w+) $KEYWORDS(kwd)=regex((\w+)\s*\() $STRINGDELIMITERS=" ' $SL_COMMENT=// $ML_COMMENT=/* */ $ALLOWNESTEDCOMMENTS=false $IGNORECASE=false $DIRECTIVE=# $ESCCHAR=regex(\\\d{3}|\\x\p{XDigit}{2}|\\[ntvbrfa\\\?'"]) $SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] { } , ; : & | < > ! = / * % + -