import string """ 1998 Manuel Gutierrez Algaba You are free to use , modify, distribute and copy this piece of python code, if you keep this free copyright notice in it. Version 1.1 constructor of diagrams: Given a frame of classes and relationships among clases, it generates latex code ,that represents those classes in the Rumbaugh OO notation. """ """ The first idea is this : If we have a box representing the class we stablish *contact_points* in its borders, so we can connect them , the positions inside a box are absolute to a relative point, the self.x , self.y in the a_simple_class. - a_simple_class : just draw a box , with the name of the class , attributes, functions, an the multiplicity of that class. - union_derivation : draws two simple classes , one of them the mather class, and the other, the derived class. It also supports several levels of derivation. - union_association : draw two simple classes, one of them has 0:n instances of the other or viceversa. - union_aggregation: as derivation but with aggregates Although it'd be really wise to do a class with the common attributes of these three classes and inheritate from it, I've not done it. So many functions seem to be redundant and what's worse, some comments to common functions are done in just one class. Sorry for that... Read the simpler classes first. The position of the boxes are determined by the position of a base a_simple_class, whose contact_points will be supplied to the boxes conected (by unions) to it , so that the other boxes can obtain an absolute positioning. This model of contact points is not valid when you want to inheritate from several classes at the same time. :( So this piece of code is finished 3-1-99. Except for bugs. It's a nice piece of code for creating very simple drawings. """ """ Here are some nice nice constant to scale the drawings. Possibly, it'd be wiser to do some more. """ sscale="0.2" typeofletter = "\\small" """ In this part we declare a higher level of interfaces for functions that generate Latex code . It'll be interesting that more of this kind of functions would be created. So that we isolate low level details... """ def generate_move(f,x,y ): f.write(" \\move("+`x` +" "+ `y`+" )") def rgenerate_move(f,x,y ): f.write(" \\rmove("+`x` +" "+ `y`+" )") """ a_placed_text and a_placed_line are objects for drawing small elements in the class, elements that don't play a main role in the structure of positioning of the draw. """ class a_placed_text: def __init__(self,x,y,text): self.x=x self.y=y self.text=text def generate_move(self,f): rgenerate_move(f,self.x, self.y) f.write("\\rlvec (0 0) ") f.write("\\htext { "+self.text+" }\n ") rgenerate_move(f,-self.x, -self.y) class a_placed_line: def __init__(self,x,y,x1,y1): self.x=x self.y=y self.x1=x1 self.y1= y1 def generate_move(self,f): rgenerate_move(f,self.x, self.y) f.write("\\rlvec ("+`self.x1`+" "+`self.y1`+") ") f.write("\\rlvec ("+`-self.x1`+" "+`-self.y1`+") ") rgenerate_move(f,-self.x, -self.y) ''' scale: it is just a factor for adjusting the length of the lines. This class is a simple abstraction for storing the scale. ''' class scale: def __init__(self,l): self.l = l def what_scale(self): return self.l """ line, horizontal_line, vertical_line,... are simple objects intentended to keep information of a line to draw. Remember that we don't draw until we have settled the absolute positions, that is, when we've drawn another parts of the drawing, ... All this objects are intentended to generate relative positioning """ class line: def __init__(self,length,dx,dy): self.l = length self.dx = dx self.dy = dy def what_length(self): return self.l def what_x(self): return self.dx def what_y(self): return self.dy class horizontal_line(line): def __init__(self,dx): line.__init__(self,dx,dx,0) class vertical_line(line): def __init__(self,dy): line.__init__(self,dy,0,dy) class diagonal_line(line): def __init__(self,dx,dy): line.__init__(self,dy+dx,dx,dy) """ contact_point: It's another rather simple storage of information, it could named 'label', it helps to know where we can join one class with any other. """ class contact_point: def __init__(self,name): = name def what_name(self): return def what_x(self): return self.x def what_y(self): return self.y def do_x(self,x): self.x = x def do_y(self,y): self.y = y """ a_simple_class: This must generate code for a class, if we say : clase frutas, attributes: perecedera , dulce, seca, carnosa, del tiempo, tropical, it must generate code that shows: __________ | fruits | |--------| |cheap | |sweet | |dry | |.... | |________| or even : __________ | fruits | |--------| |cheap | |sweet | |dry | | | | | ---------- |eat | |buy | |take | | / | |_____/_3| Where the first section has got the name of the class, the second one , the types of operations of the class 'fruits', and the number 3, means that this draw of the class fruit is the third one that can be seen in the documentation. This class is the base for building more complex drawings as derivations an associations. """ class a_simple_class(scale): def __init__(self): scale.__init__(self,2) # it holds all the lines and contact points that make the # drawing self.list_of_lines = [] # in the example of the fruit, they'd be : sweet, dry, cheap self.list_of_atributes = [] # in the example of the fruit, they'd be : eat, buy, take self.list_of_functions = [] self.x = 0 self.y = 0 # x and y are attributes for calculating where we are , # when we draw 'virtually' the lines, so we can calculate # every contact point. # self.origin_x an self_origin_y are useful when actually # drawing the class, they're the absolute positioning # that are set by the topology all the whole drawing. self.origin_x = 0 self.origin_y = 0 self.the_contact_points = {} # this in the drawing of the fruit would be 3 self._index_of_class = 0 def do_origin_x(self, x): self.origin_x = x def do_origin_y(self, y): self.origin_y = y ''' propagate_origin are functions useful when we have several levels of nesting, for example in an union-derivation, in that case and when we start to say to lower drawings which are their absolute positions. Then they propagate those absolute positions, in a simple class they have no much sense. But they are needed !! ''' def propagate_origin_x(self,x): self.do_origin_x(x) def propagate_origin_y(self,y): self.do_origin_y(y) def do_name_clase(self,name_clase): ''' in the example of the fruit, this would set self.name_clase to fruit ''' self.name_clase = string.replace(name_clase,"_","\_") self.calculate_width() def do_attributes(self, list_of_atributes): for i in list_of_atributes: self.list_of_atributes.append(string.replace(i,"_","\_")) self.calculate_width() def calculate_width(self): " \ calculate_width has the responsability of set the width \ of the class, so it must guess which of the words is the \ longest one \ " j = len(self.name_clase) for i in self.list_of_atributes+self.list_of_functions : if len(i) > j: j = len(i) if j>30: self.width_of_the_box = j /2.5 else: self.width_of_the_box = j /2.2 def do_functions(self, list_of_functions): for i in list_of_functions: self.list_of_functions.append(string.replace(i,"_","\_")) self.calculate_width() def index_of_class(self, n): self._index_of_class = n ''' virtually_drawing, only calculates where we are moving to so we can decide on which position we set the contact points ''' def virtually_drawing(self,l): for i in l: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): self.x = self.x + i.what_x() elif isinstance(i, contact_point): i.do_x(self.x) i.do_y(self.y) self.the_contact_points[i.what_name()] = i self.list_of_lines.append(i) def do_lines(self): " this draw the lines of the drawing, but ... virtually!" self.do_upwards_line() self.do_lines_of_the_right() self.do_downwards_line() self.do_lines_of_the_left() def do_upwards_line(self): j = self.width_of_the_box parte_uno = j * self.what_scale() / 2 self.virtually_drawing([horizontal_line(parte_uno), contact_point('superior'), horizontal_line(parte_uno)]) def do_lines_of_the_left(self): " really it draws one single line!" j = len(self.list_of_atributes+self.list_of_functions) + 4 if len(self.list_of_atributes) <2 : j = j + 3 adding = [] self.virtually_drawing([vertical_line(j), contact_point('leftsided'), vertical_line(j)] + adding) def do_lines_of_the_right(self): " really it draws one single line!" j = len(self.list_of_atributes+self.list_of_functions) + 4 if len(self.list_of_atributes) <2 : j = j + 3 # at the end of this line is the place where we can # insert the index of the class adding = [] if self._index_of_class != 0: adding = [a_placed_line(-3.5,0,3.5,3.5), a_placed_text(-2.5,1, `self._index_of_class`)] self.virtually_drawing([vertical_line(-j), contact_point('rightsided'), vertical_line(-j)]+ adding) def do_downwards_line(self): j = self.width_of_the_box parte_uno = j * self.what_scale() / 2 self.virtually_drawing([horizontal_line(-parte_uno), contact_point('inferior'), horizontal_line(-parte_uno)]) def give_me_contact_point(self,i): return self.the_contact_points[i] def imprime_list_of_lines(self): " This function is really useful for debugging purposes !!" self.x = 0 self.y = 0 print self.list_of_lines for i in self.list_of_lines: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() print "vertical_line", self.y elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): self.x = self.x + i.what_x() print "horizontal_line", self.x else: # it's a contact point print "contact point ", i.what_name(), i.what_x(), i.what_y() def generate_headings(self,f): " this function is only needed when the simple class is the \ only one drawing, so it must generate the latex command of \ the preface of the drawing! " global sscale, typeofletter fi = open(f,'w') fi.write( "\\begin{center}\n"+ "\\begin{texdraw}\n"+ typeofletter+" \\drawdim {cm}\n \setunitscale "+sscale + " \\linewd 0.02\n" ) return fi def generate_latex_code(self,f): " This function is only needed when the simple class is the \ only one drawing, then it generates latex heading , footnote,\ and the class itself" fi =self.generate_headings(f) self.core_generate_latex_code(fi) self.generate_footnote(fi) def core_generate_latex_code(self,fi): " Draw the lines, and all the words of the drawing \ of the simple class " self.genera_labels(fi) for i in self.list_of_lines: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): fi.write("\\rlvec(0 "+`i.what_y()`+" )\n") elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): fi.write( "\\rlvec( "+`i.what_x()`+" 0)\n") elif isinstance(i, a_placed_text): i.generate_move(fi) elif isinstance(i, a_placed_line): i.generate_move(fi) def generate_footnote(self,fi): fi.write( "\\end{texdraw}\n"+ "\\end{center}\n") fi.close() def adjusted_text(self,f, x, y ,e): " It's a higher level way of placing an object in x,y" f.write("\\htext("+`x`+" "+`y`+" ) { "+e+" }\n ") def genera_labels(self,f): " this function really draws the simple class" self.generate_label_name_of_class(f) self.generate_atributes(f) self.generate_functions(f) self.draw_line_of_the_box_of_the_name_of_the_class(f) self.draw_line_of_the_box_of_the_functions_of_the_class(f) def generate_label_name_of_class(self, f): generate_move(f,self.origin_x, self.origin_y ) f.write("\\rlvec(0 0) \\textref h:L v:C ") self.adjusted_text(f, 0.5 + self.origin_x, -1 + self.origin_y, self.name_clase) def generate_atributes(self,f): generate_move(f,self.origin_x, self.origin_y ) f.write("\\rlvec(0 0) \\textref h:L v:C ") counter = -2.8 for i in self.list_of_atributes: counter = counter - 1.7 self.adjusted_text(f,0.5 + self.origin_x, counter + -1 + self.origin_y, i) def generate_functions(self,f): " generate the functions of the class, in the example of fruits \ they'd be eat,take, buy " generate_move(f,self.origin_x, self.origin_y ) f.write("\\rlvec(0 0) \\textref h:L v:C ") counter = -self.poor_adjustment() for i in self.list_of_functions: counter = counter - 1.6 self.adjusted_text(f,0.5 + self.origin_x, counter + -1 + self.origin_y, i) def draw_line_of_the_box_of_the_name_of_the_class(self,f): " this line is the one below the name of the class" j = self.width_of_the_box j = j * self.what_scale() generate_move(f, self.origin_x, self.origin_y - 2.4) f.write("\\rlvec("+`j` +" 0 )") generate_move(f, self.origin_x, self.origin_y ) def draw_line_of_the_box_of_the_functions_of_the_class(self,f): " this line is the one above the functions of the class" if self.list_of_functions == []: return j = self.width_of_the_box j = j * self.what_scale() yoffset = self.poor_adjustment() generate_move(f, self.origin_x, self.origin_y - yoffset) print self.name_clase,yoffset f.write("\\rlvec("+`j` +" 0 )") generate_move(f, self.origin_x, self.origin_y ) def poor_adjustment(self): yoffset = len(self.list_of_atributes)* 2.9 if yoffset < 10 : yoffset = 10 return yoffset ''' union_derivation is intended to do things like : ------ | | | a | |----| | | d ---------- | | | | --- --- |b| |c| --- --- where : a,b,c are simple classes or another union_derivationes. d is a triangle :) ''' ''' See the comments of simple_class first , because I won t repeat them here again . ''' ''' Terminology, the mother class is sometimes called part_a, the first daughter class is sometimes called part_b, and the rest of daughter classes are called parts_c ''' class union_derivation(scale): def __init__(self): scale.__init__(self,2) self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.the_contact_points={} self.parts_c = [] self.groups_of_lines=[] def give_me_contact_point(self,i): return self.the_contact_points[i] def do_origin_x(self, x): self.origin_x = x def do_origin_y(self, y): self.origin_y = y ''' Here the propagations are more serious than in a simple_class \ the require absolute positioning of the class involved in the\ drawing ''' def propagate_origin_x(self,x): print "propagating x at",x self.part_a.do_origin_x(x) cp = self.part_a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_x ( cp.what_x() + self.part_a.origin_x ) def propagate_origin_y(self,y): self.part_a.do_origin_y(y) cp = self.part_a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_y ( cp.what_y() + self.part_a.origin_y ) def virtually_drawing(self,l, list_of_lines): for i in l: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): self.x = self.x + i.what_x() elif isinstance(i, diagonal_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() self.x = self.x + i.what_x() elif isinstance(i, a_placed_text): pass elif isinstance(i, a_placed_line): pass elif isinstance(i, contact_point) : i.do_x(self.x) i.do_y(self.y) self.the_contact_points[i.what_name()] = i list_of_lines.append(i) def add_a_new_derivation(self,c): " This function adds a derivation to a compound class-derived\ class" self.parts_c.append(c) cp = self.give_me_contact_point(`2*len(self.parts_c) - 1`+' next_derivation') print "Adding new derivation at ", cp.what_x(), cp.what_y() j = self.what_scale() / 2 k = [] # all this draws the arm the joins a daughter with the # rest of the family # besides, notice, that odd (1,3,5) contact points are # places for new daughters of the family, and even (0,2,4) # are places where the 'current' daughter is actually # placed self.virtual_move(self.give_me_contact_point(`2*len(self.parts_c) -1`+' next_derivation')) self.virtually_drawing([horizontal_line( j * self.last_width), contact_point(`2*len(self.parts_c) +1`+' next_derivation'), vertical_line( -j * 2), contact_point(`2*len(self.parts_c)`+' next_derivation')], k) self.groups_of_lines.append(list(k)) self.last_width = c.width_of_the_box * 2 + 2 def virtual_move(self,c): self.x = c.what_x() self.y = c.what_y() def add_union(self, a, b): " a is the union_derivation or the class mother and\ b is the derived class " if isinstance(a, union_derivation): self.add_a_new_derivation(b) else: self.part_a = a self.part_b = b self.last_width = self.part_b.width_of_the_box *1.5 + 2 self.width_of_the_box = self.last_width self.create_the_derivation(a,b) def create_the_derivation(self,a,b): cp = a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_x ( cp.what_x() ) self.do_origin_y ( cp.what_y() ) print "line 269, consdiag",self.x, self.y j = self.what_scale() / 2 k = [] # here it's drawn the arm that joins the mother class # and the first daughter. Besides we stablish some contact # points, 0 next_derivation, is the place of the first daughter # 1 next_derivation the place where the next daughter could # join the family self.virtually_drawing([vertical_line(- j * 7), diagonal_line(j,-j), contact_point('1 next_derivation'), horizontal_line(-2*j), diagonal_line(j,j), diagonal_line(-j,-j), horizontal_line(-12*j), vertical_line( -j * 2), contact_point('0 next_derivation')],k) self.groups_of_lines.append(list(k)) def generate_headings(self,f): global sscale fi = open(f,'w') fi.write( "\\begin{center}\n"+ "\\begin{texdraw}\n"+ typeofletter+ " \\drawdim {cm}\n \setunitscale "+sscale+ " \\linewd 0.02\n" ) return fi def generate_latex_lines(self, lines,fi): for i in lines: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): fi.write("\\rlvec(0 "+`i.what_y()`+" )\n") elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): fi.write("\\rlvec( "+`i.what_x()`+" 0)\n") elif isinstance(i,diagonal_line): fi.write("\\rlvec( "+`i.what_x()`+" "+ `i.what_y()`+")\n") elif isinstance(i, a_placed_text): i.generate_move(fi) def generate_latex_code(self,fo): fi = self.generate_headings(fo) self.core_generate_latex_code(fi) self.generate_latex_foot(fi) def core_generate_latex_code(self,fi): self.part_a.core_generate_latex_code(fi) generate_move(fi, self.origin_x, self.origin_y) self.generate_latex_lines(self.groups_of_lines[0],fi) cp = self.give_me_contact_point('0 next_derivation') # once we've drawn part_a , then we can know where part_b # should lie... self.part_b.propagate_origin_x ( cp.what_x() + self.origin_x - 3) self.part_b.propagate_origin_y ( cp.what_y() + self.origin_y ) self.part_b.core_generate_latex_code(fi) self.generate_rest_derivations(fi) def generate_latex_foot(self,fi): fi.write( "\\end{texdraw}\n"+ "\\end{center}\n") fi.close() def generate_rest_derivations(self,f): j = 1 for i in self.parts_c: # the even next derivations (1,3,5,...) mark the # place where new daughters will be placed cp = self.give_me_contact_point(`2*j -1 `+' next_derivation') generate_move(f,cp.what_x() + self.origin_x, cp.what_y() + self.origin_y ) self.generate_latex_lines(self.groups_of_lines[j],f) cp = self.give_me_contact_point(`2*j `+' next_derivation') i.propagate_origin_x ( cp.what_x() + self.origin_x - 3) i.propagate_origin_y ( cp.what_y() + self.origin_y ) i.core_generate_latex_code(f) j = j + 1 ''' this is the class that intends to do : --------| |----- | |1:1 1:2| | | a |---------- b | | | | | |-------| |_____| where a and b are simple classes !! I have done not much else in this class, and you should understand this one if you have understood the previous ones. ''' class union_association(scale): def __init__(self): scale.__init__(self,2) self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.the_contact_points={} self.united = [] self.parts_c = [] self.groups_of_lines=[] def give_me_contact_point(self,i): return self.the_contact_points[i] def do_origin_x(self, x): self.origin_x = x def do_origin_y(self, y): self.origin_y = y def propagate_origin_x(self,x): print "propagating x at",x self.part_a.do_origin_x(x) cp = self.part_a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_x ( cp.what_x() + self.part_a.origin_x ) def propagate_origin_y(self,y): self.part_a.do_origin_y(y) cp = self.part_a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_y ( cp.what_y() + self.part_a.origin_y ) def virtually_drawing(self,l, list_of_lines): for i in l: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): self.x = self.x + i.what_x() elif isinstance(i, diagonal_line): self.y = self.y + i.what_y() self.x = self.x + i.what_x() elif isinstance(i, a_placed_text ): # this sort doesn't affects internal positioning pass elif isinstance(i, contact_point): # it's a contact point i.do_x(self.x) i.do_y(self.y) self.the_contact_points[i.what_name()] = i # otherwise it doesn't affect to the positioning list_of_lines.append(i) def add_a_new_association(self,c): pass def virtual_move(self,c): self.x = c.what_x() self.y = c.what_y() def add_union(self, a, b, texta= None, textb = None): " a is the union_derivation or the class mother and\ b is the derived class " if isinstance(a, union_association): self.add_a_new_association(b) else: self.part_a = a self.part_b = b self.create_the_association(a,b,texta, textb) def create_the_association(self,a,b,texta,textb): j = self.what_scale() / 2 cp = a.give_me_contact_point('rightsided') self.do_origin_x ( cp.what_x() ) self.do_origin_y ( cp.what_y() ) print "line 269, consdiag",self.x, self.y k = [] f = (len(texta) + len(textb)) * 1.6 self.virtually_drawing([ a_placed_text(0.1*j,j,texta), horizontal_line(f*j), a_placed_text(-j*1.3*len(textb),j,textb), contact_point("rightsided") ], k) self.groups_of_lines.append(list(k)) def generate_headings(self,f): global sscale fi = open(f,'w') fi.write( "\\begin{center}\n"+ "\\begin{texdraw}\n"+ typeofletter+ " \\drawdim {cm}\n \setunitscale "+sscale+ " \\linewd 0.02\n" ) return fi def generate_latex_lines(self, lines,fi): for i in lines: if isinstance(i,vertical_line): fi.write("\\rlvec(0 "+`i.what_y()`+" )\n") elif isinstance(i, horizontal_line): fi.write("\\rlvec( "+`i.what_x()`+" 0)\n") elif isinstance(i,diagonal_line): fi.write("\\rlvec( "+`i.what_x()`+" "+ `i.what_y()`+")\n") elif isinstance(i, a_placed_text): i.generate_move(fi) def generate_latex_code(self,fo): fi = self.generate_headings(fo) self.core_generate_latex_code(fi) self.generate_latex_foot(fi) def core_generate_latex_code(self,fi): self.part_a.core_generate_latex_code(fi) generate_move(fi, self.origin_x, self.origin_y) self.generate_latex_lines(self.groups_of_lines[0],fi) cp = self.give_me_contact_point('rightsided') self.part_b.propagate_origin_x ( cp.what_x() + self.origin_x ) self.part_b.propagate_origin_y ( cp.what_y() + self.origin_y + 4) self.part_b.core_generate_latex_code(fi) self.generate_rest_derivations(fi) def generate_latex_foot(self,fi): fi.write( "\\end{texdraw}\n"+ "\\end{center}\n") fi.close() def generate_rest_derivations(self,f): pass class union_aggregation(union_derivation): def __init__(self): union_derivation.__init__(self) def create_the_derivation(self,a,b): " This creates another kind of derivation" cp = a.give_me_contact_point('inferior') self.do_origin_x ( cp.what_x() ) self.do_origin_y ( cp.what_y() ) print "line 269, consdiag",self.x, self.y j = self.what_scale() / 2 k = [] # here it's drawn the arm that joins the mother class # and the first daughter. Besides we stablish some contact # points, 0 next_derivation, is the place of the first daughter # 1 next_derivation the place where the next daughter could # join the family self.virtually_drawing([ diagonal_line(j,-j), # we draw \ diagonal_line(-j,-j), # / diagonal_line(j,j), # now we return back diagonal_line(-j,j), diagonal_line(-j,-j), # we draw the another / diagonal_line(j,-j), # \ vertical_line(- j * 8), contact_point('1 next_derivation'), horizontal_line(-12*j), # a bit of adjustment here vertical_line( -j * 2), contact_point('0 next_derivation') ],k) self.groups_of_lines.append(list(k)) def test(): " this test creates several levels of inheritances" c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('fruta') c.do_attributes(['perecedera' , 'dulce', 'seca', 'carnosa', 'del tiempo', 'tropical']) c.do_lines() #c.imprime_list_of_lines() c.generate_latex_code('result') d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('empleado') d.do_attributes(['paga por horas' , 'sueldo']) d.do_lines() #d.imprime_list_of_lines() d.generate_latex_code('result2') e = union_derivation() e.add_union(c,d) f = a_simple_class() # f.do_name_clase('employee') # f.do_attributes(['weekly wage' , 'social insecurity']) # f.do_lines() # e.add_union(e,f) g= a_simple_class() g.do_name_clase('python') g.do_attributes(['easily workable', 'non strict typing']) g.do_lines() e.add_union(e,g) h = a_simple_class() h.do_name_clase('fruta') h.do_attributes(['perecedera' , 'dulce', 'seca', 'carnosa', 'del tiempo', 'tropical']) h.do_lines() j = a_simple_class() j.do_name_clase('empleado') j.do_attributes(['paga por horas' , 'sueldo']) j.do_lines() i = union_derivation() i.add_union(j,h) e.add_union(e,i) e.generate_latex_code('result3') def test1(): " This test make an association" c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('enterprise') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'profits', 'established', 'fiscal paradises', 'frauds', 'bad tricks']) c.do_lines() #c.imprime_list_of_lines() c.generate_latex_code('result') d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('worker') d.do_attributes(['wage' , 'timetable', 'seniority']) d.do_lines() #d.imprime_list_of_lines() #d.generate_latex_code('result2') e = union_association() e.add_union(c,d,"0:n","0:1") e.generate_latex_code('drawing7.tex') def test2(): " This tests uses the section of functions in every class, and the marks of repeated-class" c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('frutas') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'dulce', 'seca', 'carnosa', 'del tiempo', 'tropical']) c.do_functions(['comer','tirar','vender']) c.index_of_class(3) c.do_lines() #c.imprime_list_of_lines() c.generate_latex_code('result3') def _generate_single_class(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('enterprise') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'benefits', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams', 'under_score.']) c.do_lines() c.generate_latex_code('drawing1.tex') def _generate_single_class_long_names(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams', 'opinion about latest polls', 'position when playing soccer', 'favourite scripting language']) c.do_lines() c.generate_latex_code('drawing2.tex') def _generate_single_class_function_and_mark(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams']) c.do_functions(['dream', 'love', 'play soccer', 'diving']) c.index_of_class(3) c.do_lines() c.generate_latex_code('drawing3.tex') def _generate_simple_inheritance(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams']) c.do_functions(['dream', 'love', 'play soccer', 'diving']) c.do_lines() d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('work') d.do_attributes(['salary' , 'post', 'labor union', 'productivity', 'qualifications', 'capabilities']) d.do_functions(['work', 'strike', 'be ill', 'be fired']) d.do_lines() e = union_derivation() e.add_union(c,d) e.generate_latex_code('drawing4.tex') def _generate_multiple_inheritance(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams']) c.do_lines() d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('worker') d.do_attributes(['salary' , 'post', 'labor union', 'productivity', 'qualifications', 'capabilities']) d.do_lines() f = a_simple_class() f.do_name_clase('father') f.do_attributes(['busy' , 'tenderness', 'stubornness', 'caress', 'kisses', 'capabilities']) f.do_lines() g = a_simple_class() g.do_name_clase('chess player') g.do_attributes(['elo' , 'cruelty', 'stubornness', 'bad tricks', 'intelligence', 'openings knowledge']) g.do_lines() e = union_derivation() e.add_union(c,d) e.add_union(e,f) e.add_union(e,g) e.generate_latex_code('drawing5.tex') def _generate_multiple_inheritance_with_multiple_levels(): d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('worker') d.do_attributes(['salary' , 'post', 'labor union', 'productivity', 'qualifications', 'capabilities']) d.do_lines() f = a_simple_class() f.do_name_clase('computer scientist') f.do_attributes(['languages' , 'preferred OS', 'preferred editor', 'hackerism', 'ATBB']) f.do_lines() h = union_derivation() h.add_union(d,f) c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams']) c.do_lines() e = union_derivation() e.add_union(c,h) e.generate_latex_code('drawing6.tex') def _generate_associations(): test1() def _generate_multiple_aggregation(): c = a_simple_class() c.do_name_clase('person') c.do_attributes(['name' , 'sex', 'money', 'health', 'hobbies', 'dreams']) c.do_lines() d = a_simple_class() d.do_name_clase('worker') d.do_attributes(['salary' , 'post', 'labor union', 'productivity', 'qualifications', 'capabilities']) d.do_lines() f = a_simple_class() f.do_name_clase('father') f.do_attributes(['busy' , 'tenderness', 'stubornness', 'caress', 'kisses', 'capabilities']) f.do_lines() g = a_simple_class() g.do_name_clase('chess player') g.do_attributes(['elo' , 'cruelty', 'stubornness', 'bad tricks', 'intelligence', 'openings knowledge']) g.do_lines() e = union_aggregation() e.add_union(c,d) e.add_union(e,f) e.add_union(e,g) e.generate_latex_code('drawing8.tex') if __name__=='__main__': _generate_single_class() _generate_single_class_long_names() _generate_single_class_function_and_mark() _generate_simple_inheritance() _generate_multiple_inheritance() _generate_multiple_inheritance_with_multiple_levels() _generate_associations() _generate_multiple_aggregation()