# Basic Makefile for (un)installing the files, and creating archives manually. # # Supports standard GNU Makefile variables for specifying the paths: # * prefix # * datarootdir # * datadir # * DESTDIR # SHELL = /bin/bash AUTHOR = adobe PACKAGE = mapping-resources-pdf NAME = $(AUTHOR)-$(PACKAGE) # So far there's no versioning in place. If there will be any, then we will # switch to commented line below... VERSION = ARCHIVE_NAME = $(NAME) #ARCHIVE_NAME = $(NAME)-$(VERSION) GIT_ARCHIVE_TYPE = tar.gz prefix = /usr/local datarootdir = $(prefix)/share datadir = $(datarootdir) packagedir = $(datadir)/$(AUTHOR)/resources/mapping # Folder names: PDF_mappings_other = pdf2other PDF_mappings_unicode = pdf2unicode # Other related files: DISTFILES = \ LICENSE.txt \ Makefile \ README.md \ .PHONY: install uninstall # Create the necessary directories first, and then install all the files: install: install -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir) install -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_other) install -m 0755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_unicode) install -m 0644 -p $(PDF_mappings_other)/* $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_other)/ install -m 0644 -p $(PDF_mappings_unicode)/* $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_unicode)/ # Other files might be written in $(packagedir), remove only what has been installed: uninstall: rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_other) rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(packagedir)/$(PDF_mappings_unicode) # We are putting the source files into subfolder, same as Github does for its releases: git-archive: git archive -v --format=$(GIT_ARCHIVE_TYPE) --prefix=$(ARCHIVE_NAME)/ HEAD -o $(ARCHIVE_NAME).$(GIT_ARCHIVE_TYPE) # The --transform option is what will put the source files into a $(ARCHIVE_NAME) subdirectory: tar.bz2: tar --transform="s|^|$(ARCHIVE_NAME)/|" -cjvf $(ARCHIVE_NAME).tar.bz2 $(PDF_mappings_other) $(PDF_mappings_unicode) $(DISTFILES) tar.gz: tar --transform="s|^|$(ARCHIVE_NAME)/|" -czvf $(ARCHIVE_NAME).tar.gz $(PDF_mappings_other) $(PDF_mappings_unicode) $(DISTFILES) tar.xz: tar --transform="s|^|$(ARCHIVE_NAME)/|" -cJvf $(ARCHIVE_NAME).tar.xz $(PDF_mappings_other) $(PDF_mappings_unicode) $(DISTFILES)