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#  SynthSlant – Synthetic slanting of glyphs

LaTeX package `synthslant` slants short pieces of text to the right or to the left.

##  Installation

The minimally necessary files to install synthslant are *synthslant.ins* and *synthslant.dtx*.
Running LaTeX on *synthslant.ins* in particular produces *synthslant.sty*:

        latex synthslant.ins

After extraction from *synthslant.dtx* place *synthslant.sty* in a directory mentioned in your
TEXINPUTS paths or copy it into one of the directories for your LaTeX installation's *sty*-files
and run **mktexlsr** or equivalent.

To build the documentation it is easier to use the GNU *Makefile*:


LuaLaTeX users will want to override the default LaTeX command **pdflatex** with **lualatex** by

        make LATEX=lualatex

To construct the manual *synthslant.pdf* a working [MetaPost](https://tug.org/metapost.html)
installation is required.  Moreover, besides the usual POSIX utilities
[**base64**](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/base64-invocation.html) is
needed to recover the graphics file stored as printable ASCII characters inside of
*synthslant.dtx*.  Cautious users can run

        make tool-check

ahead to verify that the required utilities are installed and working.
For an overview over the most important *Makefile* targets use

        make help

##  Usage

Load the package with the usual incantation


See Section 2 of the package documentation for available options.

##  Documentation

The package documentation can be found

##  Credits

Synthslant is written by Ch. L. Spiel <cspiel@users.sourceforge.org>.

##  License

Released under the
[LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c](https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt)
or later.