Working with the command \fbox or \fcolorbox, one has to
handle page breaks by hand. The present package defines the
environment mdframed which automatically deals with page breaks.

Author's name: Marco Daniel and Elke Schubert (supports tikz implementation)
License type: lppl

The revision history is printed in the documentation.

The current development is available at github:

The package provides
 * one dtx files,
 * one Makefile (compiling for Linux/Mac),
 * one mdframedmake.bat (compiling for Windows)
 * one personal documentclass ltxmdf.cls
 * one example picture donald-duck.jpg

By running the script `make all` you will
produce the following files:
- README.txt
- mdframed.sty
- mdframed.pdf
- md-frame-0.mdf
- md-frame-1.mdf
- md-frame-2.mdf
- md-frame-3.mdf
- mdframed-example-default.tex
- mdframed-example-default.pdf
- mdframed-example-tikz.tex
- mdframed-example-tikz.pdf
- mdframed-example-pstricks.tex
- mdframed-example-pstricks.pdf
- mdframed-example-texsx.tex
- mdframed-example-texsx.pdf

I recommend the following installation in your texmf-tree:

- README.txt
- mdframed.pdf
- mdframed-example-default.tex
- mdframed-example-default.pdf
- mdframed-example-tikz.tex
- mdframed-example-tikz.pdf
- mdframed-example-pstricks.tex
- mdframed-example-pstricks.pdf
- mdframed-example-texsx.tex
- mdframed-example-texsx.pdf
- ctan-lion.png "CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby; thanks to www.ctan.org".

- Makefile
- mdframed.dtx

- mdframed.sty
- md-frame-0.mdf
- md-frame-1.mdf
- md-frame-2.mdf
- md-frame-3.mdf
- ltxmdf.cls