# FraGoLi v. 1.0.0 \y 2025 > Collection of LaTeX commands used by the institute of linguistics - Goethe University Frankfurt The package is mainly designed for the semantics department and focuses on providing a minimal syntax for fast formula derivation. Formula-Style is losely based on the accompanying material to an introductory course to linguistic semantics by T. E. Zimmermann. ## Description The primary goal of this package is to provide a minimal and user-friendly syntax for constructing large and complex semantic derivations, following the specific notational style used at Goethe University Frankfurt. It includes a comprehensive set of commands for text formatting and various types of bracketing, ensuring a consistent style—particularly when distinguishing between meta-language and object-language within a single derivation or formula. ### Dependencies * {LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] * {xparse, xcolor, enumitem, nicefrac, bm, amsmath, xstring, pdftexcmds, etoolbox, kvoptions, comment, ulem} ## Authors ex. Paul Eduard Koenig ## Version History * 1.0.0 * Initial Release ## License This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.