RSXWIN31 -- Rainer Schnitker -- rainer@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de      Oct 96

Version:        RSXWIN 3.10 (replaces RSXWIN3D.ZIP)

Author: 	Rainer Schnitker

Email:		rainer@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de

Registration:	Free for noncommercial use

Directories:    'win3\programming' or 'win3\util'

Description:    run EMX progs in a text-mode Win31 window (TeX386,GCC,Emacs)

More descriptions:
    RSXWIN3e can run EMX+GCC compiled programs in a MSW 3.1 window. RSXWIN
    doesn't need a DOS Box - all stdin, stdout, keyboard and ANSI.SYS calls
    are mapped to window functions. RSXWIN only needs 100 KB memory. Since
    a DOS-box needs up to 1 MB you have more memory for your applications.
    Paging is reduced and your programs are faster.

    Supported programs:
	TeX386	- from the EmTeX package
	GCC	- and tools
	Emacs	- 19.27 emx port
	Info	- Termcap and ansi.sys output programs