%% mpmulti.sty 09 Sep 2002 %%------------------------------------------------------------ %% History: %% Initial version 14 Apr 2000 %% Introduced keyword parameters 12 Jun 2000 %% Introduced new parameters (start,format), changed the %% global code to take several file counting strings (eg %% bla-*.mps, foo-*.jpg, etc.), added compatibility with %% \graphicspath (Jean-Christophe Dubacq) 06 Dec 2001 %% Generalized the format option, added the end %% handling and documented extended features in here %% 09 Sep 2002 %% %% Purpose: %% include multiple metapost pictures and overlay them, %% inserting a transition effect between them %% %% Synopsis: %% %% \multiinclude[pause=transitioncommand, %% graphics={option for includegraphics}, %% format=filenameformat, %% start=number, %% end=number]{basefilename} %% %% Include all metapost generated graphics found in %% files with the basename "filename", which %% have a number attached or in the extension. %% Insert the transitioncommand between the files (defaults %% to \pause). %% Further options allow to specify additional specifications %% for includegraphics, can change the number to start with %% (default 0) or the number to end with (default 1000000). %% By default the filenames are as created by mpost in the format %% "filename.n", where "n" represents the number. %% The option format with the values like "mps", "png" or "jpg" this %% can be changed to "filename-n.format", e.g. "example-0.mps" %% instead of "example.0". %% Complaints are only written, if the first file is not found. %% Otherwise including will silently stop. %% %% Requires: %% pause.sty for definitions of transition commands. %% The keyval package for options processing. %% %% \RequirePackage{pause} \RequirePackage{keyval} %% %% The command should process the optional arguments. %% \def\multiinclude{% \@ifnextchar [\@mpmulti{\@mpmulti[]}} %% \newif\if@mpm@groptions\@mpm@groptionsfalse %% We describe the keys and their default values \define@key{mpm}{format}[\@mpm@defaultformat]{% \global\def\@mpm@format##1{##1-\the\@mpm@count.#1}} \define@key{mpm}{start}[0]{\global\def\@mpm@start{#1}\relax} \define@key{mpm}{end}[1000000]{\global\def\@mpm@end{#1}\relax} \define@key{mpm}{pause}[\pause]{\global\def\@mpm@pause{#1}\relax} \define@key{mpm}{graphics}{\@mpm@groptionstrue \global\def\@mpm@graphics{\string#1}} \def\@mpm@defaultformat#1{#1.\the\@mpm@count} \let\@mpm@format=\@mpm@defaultformat %% %% We need a local counter %% \newcount\@mpm@count %% %% Implement the basic functionality. %% Try to include the first file unconditionally. %% This will produce an error message, if no such file can be found. %% Afterwards we are going to check for more files and stop, when we %% do not find another file. As long as we find files, these are %% overlapped to the previous parts. %% \def\@mpmulti[#1]#2{% %% reset the options \def\@mpm@pause{\pause}% \global\def\@mpm@graphics{}% \global\def\@mpm@start{0}% \global\def\@mpm@end{1000000}% %% get the arguments \setkeys{mpm}{#1}% %% Insert the first part of the figure %% and make sure we look also in other places according to path. \let\@mpm@oldinp@th\input@path\let\input@path\Ginput@path \@mpm@count=\@mpm@start \if@mpm@groptions \edef\@mpm@do@include{\noexpand\includegraphics[\@mpm@graphics]{\@mpm@format{#2}}}% \@mpm@do@include \else \includegraphics{\@mpm@format{#2}}% \fi \def\@mpmdoit{% Do it by conditional tail recursion. %% Select the next filename and advance counter \edef\@mpmfilename{\@mpm@format{#2}}% %% If the file exists, \IfFileExists{\@mpmfilename}{% %% insert the user defined transition (or the default), \@mpm@pause %% then process the next part and set up to try again. \llap{\if@mpm@groptions \edef\@mpm@do@include{\noexpand \includegraphics[\@mpm@graphics]{\@mpmfilename}}% \@mpm@do@include \else \includegraphics{\@mpmfilename}% \fi}% \ifnum\@mpm@count<\@mpm@end\relax \advance\@mpm@count by 1\relax \let\@mpmnext\@mpmdoit \else \let\@mpmnext\relax \fi }{% %% If no more files exist, set up to stop. \let\@mpmnext\relax }% %% Whatever we had to do (without nesting all the IfFileExists) \@mpmnext }% %% Finally we must start it once, if there is more than one file %% supposed to be available. \ifnum\@mpm@count<\@mpm@end\relax \advance\@mpm@count by 1\relax % start counting \@mpmdoit % and run the show \fi %% and reset the input path after all \let\input@path\@mpm@oldinp@th }%