\begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{Beebe:TB11-4-485-487} Nelson H. F. Beebe. \newblock {{From the President}}. \newblock {\em TUGboat}, 11(4):485--487, November 1990. \bibitem{Lamport:LDP85} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {\LaTeX}---A Document Preparation System---User's Guide and Reference Manual}. \newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, 1985. \bibitem{Lottor:CACM-34-11-21} Mark Lottor. \newblock Internet domain system. \newblock {\em Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery}, 34(11):21--22, November 1991. \newblock This letter reports that the ZONE program at the Network Information Systems Center at SRI International in July 1991 found approximately 535,000 Internet hosts in 16,000 domains. The 10 largest domains were EDU (educational)--206,000, COM (commercial)--144,000, GOV (government)---36,000, MIL (military) 26,000, AU (Australia)--22,000, DE (Germany)---21,000, CA (Canada)--19,000, ORG (organizations)---15,000, SE (Sweden)---12,000, and CH (Switzerland)---10,000. \bibitem{Unilogic:SDP84} Unilogic, Ltd. \newblock {\em Scribe Document Production System User Manual}, April 1984. \end{thebibliography}