|                              verticalspacekeep                              |
Abbreviation:  �|\vsk�%
Parameters:    �|units of measure�%
The  \verticalspacekeep markup  leaves a  required  amount of  space,  for a
figure,  plate,  or table.    The  space  will  always be  kept  together on
the  current page  or printed  at the  top of  the next  page if  not enough
space remains on  the current page.   Text that follows a \verticalspacekeep
will  not be  used to  fill in  the current  page if  the required  space is
moved  to the  following  page.    The amount  of  white space  left  is the
\verticalspacekeep dimension plus the current paragraph skip value.
{\bd Sociogeology}
{\it Minerals and Human Behavior}
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|     Sociogeology Minerals and Human Behavior                                |
\verticalspacekeep is the best way to  have white space left at the top of a
page.  \verticalspace will not leave white space at the top of a page.