|                               rightlinesbegin                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\rlb�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The  \rightlinesbegin markup  begins right  justifying all  following lines.
Vertical spacing  and font changes are  the only markup  permitted after it.
There are  no parameters or markup  options.  End  a \rightlinesbegin with a
matching \rightlinesend.
This theory is 'on the rocks.'
{\it Clay Gneiss}
|                                                                             |
|                                             This theory is 'on the rocks.'  |
|                                                                Clay Gneiss  |
|                                                                             |
Each \rightlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \rightlinesend.
    You  cannot use  \rightlinesbegin within  any  of the  following markup:
\appendim,  \autofootnote, \bibliography,  \centerline,  \chapter, \drawbox,
\figure,  \footnote,  \item,   \label,  \marginnote,  \paragraphbox,  \part,
\preface,  \rightline,  \runningheadformat,  \runningfootformat,  \subheada,
\subheadb, \subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.