# highlight_syntax.pm: interface to source-highlight for syntax highlighting # # Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require 5.0; use strict; # To check if there is no erroneous autovivification #no autovivification qw(fetch delete exists store strict); use File::Spec; use IPC::Open3; use Symbol; use Texinfo::Commands; # also for __( use Texinfo::Common; use Texinfo::Convert::Text; use Texinfo::Convert::NodeNameNormalization; my %highlight_type_languages_name_mappings = ( 'source-highlight' => { 'C++' => 'C', 'Perl' => 'perl', }, 'highlight' => { 'C++' => 'c++', }, 'pygments' => { 'C++' => 'c++', } ); my %languages_name_mapping; my %languages_extensions = ( 'texinfo' => 'texi', 'perl' => 'pl', ); my %highlighted_languages_list; texinfo_register_handler('setup', \&highlight_setup); texinfo_register_handler('structure', \&highlight_process); texinfo_register_command_formatting('example', \&highlight_preformatted_command); # normally this is done in preformatted type, but preformatted # types conversion output in example is discarded in # highlight_preformatted_command, so register a replacement. # Register inline pending content when opening an example block. texinfo_register_command_opening('example', \&highlight_open_inline_container_type); sub highlight_setup($$) { my $self = shift; my $document_root = shift; %highlighted_languages_list = (); my $highlight_type = $self->get_conf('HIGHLIGHT_SYNTAX'); my $cmd; if (defined($highlight_type) and $highlight_type eq 'highlight') { $cmd = 'highlight --list-scripts=lang'; } elsif (defined($highlight_type) and $highlight_type eq 'pygments') { $cmd = 'pygmentize -L lexers'; } else { $highlight_type = 'source-highlight'; $cmd = 'source-highlight --lang-list'; } if ($highlight_type_languages_name_mappings{$highlight_type}) { %languages_name_mapping = %{$highlight_type_languages_name_mappings{$highlight_type}}; } else { %languages_name_mapping = (); } # NOTE open failure triggers a warning message if run with -w if the # file is not found. This message can be catched with $SIG{__WARN__}. # This message is along: # Can't exec "source-highlight": No such file or directory at ./init/highlight_syntax.pm line XX # This message is redundant with the message registered below with # document_error, using $!. $! is set to: No such file or directory # Tried to show both messages, but through the $self->document_*() # facility, either by getting the warning message in the main context or by # register the warning message, but failed. So simply silence the redundant # message. # does not store the message from within the sub but syntactically # needed. my $message; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $message = shift; # this shows the message #warn "$message"; # not sure why, but this does not work, the warning is not actually # registered, as if it was done in a scope that is later destroyed. #$self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__('%s: %s'), $cmd, $message)); }; my $status = open(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_LIST, '-|', $cmd); $SIG{__WARN__} = undef; if (not($status)) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: %s'), $cmd, $!)); return 1; } my $line; if ($highlight_type eq 'highlight') { my $in_languages; while (defined($line = )) { chomp($line); #print STDERR "LL $line\n"; if (!$in_languages) { if ($line =~ /^.+: [a-z]/) { $in_languages = 1; } else { next; } } #print STDERR "$line\n"; if ($line =~ /^.+: ([a-z0-9+_\/-]+)( \( (([a-z0-9+_\/-]+ )+)\))?$/) { my $main_language = $1; my $other_languages = $3; $highlighted_languages_list{$main_language} = 1; if (defined($other_languages)) { foreach my $other_language (split(/ /, $other_languages)) { $languages_name_mapping{$other_language} = $main_language unless ($other_language eq $main_language); } } } else { last; } } #use Data::Dumper; #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%languages_name_mapping]); #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%highlighted_languages_list]); #exit 1; } elsif ($highlight_type eq 'pygments') { while (defined($line = )) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^\* (.+):$/) { my @languages = split (/, /, $1); if (scalar(@languages) == 0) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( '%s: %s: cannot parse language line'), $cmd, $line)) } else { my $main_language = shift @languages; $highlighted_languages_list{$main_language} = 1; foreach my $other_language (@languages) { $languages_name_mapping{$other_language} = $main_language; } } } } #use Data::Dumper; #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%languages_name_mapping]); #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([\%highlighted_languages_list]); #exit 1; } else { while (defined($line = )) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+) =/) { my $language = $1; $highlighted_languages_list{$language} = 1; } else { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( '%s: %s: cannot parse language line'), $cmd, $line)) } } } # FIXME check error status close(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_LIST); if (scalar(keys(%highlighted_languages_list)) == 0) { # important if $cmd returns no output to have a message. If there # is some output, there will already be some line parse error messages. $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( '%s: no highlighted language found'), $cmd)); # the remaining will be skipped, but no error is returned } return 0; } sub _get_language($$$) { my $self = shift; my $cmdname = shift; my $command = shift; my $language; my $converted_language; if ($cmdname eq 'example') { if ($command->{'args'} and scalar(@{$command->{'args'}}) > 0) { $converted_language = Texinfo::Convert::NodeNameNormalization::convert_to_normalized( $command->{'args'}->[0]); if ($converted_language eq '') { $converted_language = undef; } } } if (not defined($converted_language) and defined($self)) { my $default_highlight_language = $self->get_conf('HIGHLIGHT_SYNTAX_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'); if (defined($default_highlight_language)) { $converted_language = $default_highlight_language; } } if (defined($converted_language) and defined($languages_name_mapping{$converted_language})) { $language = $languages_name_mapping{$converted_language}; while (defined($languages_name_mapping{$language})) { $language = $languages_name_mapping{$language}; } } else { $language = $converted_language; } if (defined($language) and $highlighted_languages_list{$language}) { return ($language, $converted_language); } else { return (undef, $converted_language); } } sub _convert_element($$) { my $self = shift; my $element = shift; my $tree = {'contents' => [@{$element->{'contents'}}]}; if ($tree->{'contents'}->[0] and $tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} and $tree->{'contents'}->[0]->{'type'} eq 'empty_line_after_command') { shift @{$tree->{'contents'}}; } if ($tree->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'} and $tree->{'contents'}->[-1]->{'cmdname'} eq 'end') { pop @{$tree->{'contents'}}; } my $text = Texinfo::Convert::Text::convert_to_text($tree, {'code' => 1, Texinfo::Convert::Text::copy_options_for_convert_text($self)}); # make sure that the text ends with a newline chomp ($text); $text .= "\n"; } # the end of the string was randomly generated once for all. my $range_separator = '_______________________________________ highlight texinfo _GT Haib0aik zei4YieH'; my %commands; sub highlight_process($$) { my $self = shift; my $document_root = shift; # initialization, important in case multiple manuals are processed %commands = (); # associates a command name and element to the resulting # highlighted text. # Also holds per language counters. return 0 if (defined($self->get_conf('OUTFILE')) and $Texinfo::Common::null_device_file{$self->get_conf('OUTFILE')}); return 0 if (!scalar(keys(%highlighted_languages_list))); my $highlight_type = $self->get_conf('HIGHLIGHT_SYNTAX'); my $verbose = $self->get_conf('VERBOSE'); my @highlighted_commands = ('example'); my $collected_commands = Texinfo::Common::collect_commands_in_tree($document_root, \@highlighted_commands); my %languages = (); foreach my $cmdname (@highlighted_commands) { if (scalar(@{$collected_commands->{$cmdname}}) > 0) { foreach my $element (@{$collected_commands->{$cmdname}}) { my ($language, $converted_language) = _get_language($self, $cmdname, $element); if (defined($language)) { $languages{$language} = {'counter' => 0, 'commands' => [], 'line_ranges' => []} if (not exists($languages{$language})); $languages{$language}->{'counter'}++; my $counter = $languages{$language}->{'counter'}; $languages{$language}->{'commands'}->[$counter-1] = [$element, $cmdname]; $commands{$cmdname} = {'input_languages_counters' => {}, 'results' => {}, 'retrieved_languages_counters' => {}, 'output_languages_counters' => {}} if (not exists($commands{$cmdname})); if (not exists($commands{$cmdname} ->{'input_languages_counters'}->{$language})) { $commands{$cmdname}->{'input_languages_counters'}->{$language} = 0; $commands{$cmdname}->{'retrieved_languages_counters'}->{$language} = 0; $commands{$cmdname}->{'output_languages_counters'}->{$language} = 0; } } elsif (defined($converted_language) and $verbose) { warn "# highlight_syntax: language not found: $converted_language\n"; } } } } # When there is no possibility to specify all the fragments to highlight # in an input file, pass each fragment to a command. if (defined($highlight_type) and ($highlight_type eq 'highlight' or $highlight_type eq 'pygments')) { foreach my $language (keys(%languages)) { foreach my $element_command (@{$languages{$language}->{'commands'}}) { my ($element, $cmdname) = @{$element_command}; my $text = _convert_element($self, $element); my ($wtr, $rdr, $err); $err = gensym(); my $cmd; if ($highlight_type eq 'highlight') { $cmd = 'highlight -f --syntax='.$language .' --style-outfile=html --inline-css'; } else { $cmd = 'pygmentize -f html -l '.$language . ' -O noclasses=True'; } my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($wtr, $rdr, $err, $cmd); if (! $pid) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: %s'), $cmd, $!)); return 1; } binmode($wtr, ':utf8'); binmode($rdr, ':utf8'); # not so sure here. Use locale? binmode($err, ':utf8'); print $wtr $text; if (!close($wtr)) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: error closing input: %s'), $cmd, $!)); close ($rdr); close ($err); return 1; } my @outlines = <$rdr>; my @errlines = <$err>; my $status = 0; if (!close($rdr)) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: error closing output: %s'), $cmd, $!)); $status = 1; } if (!close($err)) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: error closing errors: %s'), $cmd, $!)); $status = 1; } waitpid($pid, 0); if (@errlines) { $status = 1; $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__('%s: errors: %s'), $cmd, shift @errlines)); foreach my $error_line (@errlines) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__(' %s'), $error_line), 1); } } return 1 if ($status); $commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$element} = join('', @outlines); $commands{$cmdname}->{'retrieved_languages_counters'}->{$language}++; } } return 0; } my $document_name = $self->get_info('document_name'); my $highlight_basename = "${document_name}_highlight"; my $highlight_out_dir = $self->get_info('destination_directory'); foreach my $language (keys(%languages)) { my $suffix; if (defined($languages_extensions{$language})) { $suffix = $languages_extensions{$language}; } else { $suffix = $language } my $language_base = ${highlight_basename} . "_${language}"; $languages{$language}->{'basefile'} = $language_base . "_input.$suffix"; $languages{$language}->{'html_file'} = $language_base . '_output.html'; my $input_language_path_name = File::Spec->catfile($highlight_out_dir, $languages{$language}->{'basefile'}); my $html_result_path_name = File::Spec->catfile($highlight_out_dir, $languages{$language}->{'html_file'}); # expand @example texts in an input file for highlight source # program my ($encoded_input_language_path_name, $input_language_path_encoding) = $self->encoded_output_file_name($input_language_path_name); unless (open (HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN, ">$encoded_input_language_path_name")) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__("highlight_syntax.pm: could not open %s: %s"), $input_language_path_name, $!)); return 1; } my $output_encoding; if (defined($self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING'))) { $output_encoding = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_PERL_ENCODING'); binmode(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN, ":encoding($output_encoding)"); } print HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN "Automatically generated\n\n"; my $highlight_lang_in_line_nr = 2; my $counter = 0; foreach my $element_command (@{$languages{$language}->{'commands'}}) { my $text = _convert_element($self, $element_command->[0]); # count the number of record separator $/ my $buffer = $text; my $text_lines_nr = ( $buffer =~ s|$/||g ); print HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN "_______________________ $counter\n"; print HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN $text; print HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN "_______________________ $counter\n"; $languages{$language}->{'line_ranges'}->[$counter] = [$highlight_lang_in_line_nr+1 +1, $highlight_lang_in_line_nr + $text_lines_nr+1]; $highlight_lang_in_line_nr += 2 + $text_lines_nr; $counter ++; } if (! close(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_IN)) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__("highlight_syntax.pm: error on closing %s: %s"), $input_language_path_name, $!)); return 1; } # call source highlighting program my $version_option=''; $version_option='--gen-version ' if ($self->get_conf('TEST')); my @option_line_ranges = (); foreach my $line_range (@{$languages{$language}->{'line_ranges'}}) { push @option_line_ranges, '"'.$line_range->[0].'-'.$line_range->[1].'"'; } my $option_line_range_str = join(',', @option_line_ranges); my $cmd = "source-highlight ${version_option}" ."--src-lang=$language --out-format=html5 " ."-i '$input_language_path_name' -o '$html_result_path_name' " ."--line-range=$option_line_range_str --range-separator='$range_separator'"; warn "# highlight_syntax: exec ($language): $cmd\n" if ($verbose); my $encoding = $self->get_conf('MESSAGE_ENCODING'); my $encoded_cmd; if (defined($encoding)) { $encoded_cmd = encode($encoding, $cmd); } else { $encoded_cmd = $cmd; } if (system($encoded_cmd)) { $self->document_error($self, sprintf(__("highlight_syntax.pm: command did not succeed: %s"), $cmd)); return 1; } my $language_fragments_nr = $languages{$language}->{'counter'}; # extract highlighted fragments my ($encoded_html_result_path_name, $html_result_path_encoding) = $self->encoded_output_file_name($html_result_path_name); unless (open(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_OUT, $encoded_html_result_path_name)) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__("highlight_syntax.pm: could not open %s: %s"), $html_result_path_name, $!)); return 1; } binmode(HIGHLIGHT_LANG_OUT, ":encoding($output_encoding)") if (defined($output_encoding)); my $got_count = 0; my $line; my $text; my $separators_count = 0; while ($line = ) { #print STDERR "$encoded_html_result_path_name: while $line"; if ($line =~ /$range_separator/) { $separators_count++; if (defined($text)) { $got_count++; my $element_command = $languages{$language}->{'commands'}->[$got_count-1]; my $element = $element_command->[0]; my $cmdname = $element_command->[1]; $commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$element} = $text; $commands{$cmdname}->{'retrieved_languages_counters'}->{$language}++; $text = undef; } #print STDERR "$language $got_count $language_fragments_nr \n"; if ($got_count < $language_fragments_nr) { $text = ''; } } else { if (defined($text)) { $text .= $line; } } } if ($separators_count != $language_fragments_nr +1) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( "highlight_syntax.pm: %s: %d separators; expected %d, the number of fragments +1"), $language, $separators_count, $language_fragments_nr+1)); } if (defined($text) and $text ne '') { my $element_command = $languages{$language}->{'commands'}->[$got_count-1]; my $element = $element_command->[0]; my $cmdname = $element_command->[1]; $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( "highlight_syntax.pm: %s: end of \@%s item %d not found"), $language, $cmdname, $got_count)); } # note that this check is not the most detailed that could be done, a check # by command could also be done. Since for now there is only @example # it is useless, and even if there were other commands, the failure is # for a language, not a command, so it should not be needed either. if ($got_count != $languages{$language}->{'counter'}) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( "highlight_syntax.pm: %s: retrieved %d items in HTML; expected %d"), $language, $got_count, $language_fragments_nr)); } if (!close (HIGHLIGHT_LANG_OUT)) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__("highlight_syntax.pm: error on closing %s: %s"), $html_result_path_name, $!)); } } return 0; } sub highlight_open_inline_container_type($$$) { my $self = shift; my $cmdname = shift; my $command = shift; if (!scalar(keys(%highlighted_languages_list))) { my $default_open = $self->default_command_open($cmdname); if (defined($default_open)) { return &{$default_open}($self, $cmdname, $command); } else { return ''; } } my $pending_formatted = $self->get_pending_formatted_inline_content(); if (defined($pending_formatted)) { $self->associate_pending_formatted_inline_content($command, $pending_formatted); } return ''; } sub highlight_preformatted_command($$$$$) { my $self = shift; my $cmdname = shift;; my $command = shift; my $args = shift; my $content = shift; # if no commands were registered nor converted, do not # warn if the language is known. It means that there was # no highlighting or some error. if (exists ($commands{$cmdname}) and exists ($commands{$cmdname}->{'results'})) { my ($language, $converted_language) = _get_language($self, $cmdname, $command); if (exists ($commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command}) and defined($commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command})) { if (not defined($language)) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( "highlight_syntax.pm: output has HTML item for \@%s but no language %s"), $cmdname, $command)); } else { $commands{$cmdname}->{'output_languages_counters'}->{$language}++; if ($self->in_string()) { return $content; } # need to do all the formatting done for content inside # of @example as it is discarded. So need to do the preformatted # type formatting, from _convert_preformatted_type() and # _preformatted_class(). # Since we are formatting @example itself, it is not in the preformatted # context anymore, so we readd. my @pre_classes = $self->preformatted_classes_stack(); # NOTE $pre_class_format is setup below to correspond to # $pre_class_commands{$cmdname}, which cannot be used directly, # as it is private. my $pre_class_format = $cmdname; my $main_cmdname = $cmdname; if (defined($Texinfo::Common::small_block_associated_command{$cmdname})) { $pre_class_format = $Texinfo::Common::small_block_associated_command{$cmdname}; $main_cmdname = $Texinfo::Common::small_block_associated_command{$cmdname}; } push @pre_classes, $pre_class_format; my $pre_class; foreach my $class (@pre_classes) { # FIXME maybe add or $pre_class eq 'menu' to override # 'menu' with 'menu-comment'? $pre_class = $class unless ($pre_class and $Texinfo::Commands::preformatted_code_commands{$pre_class} and !($Texinfo::Commands::preformatted_code_commands{$class} or $class eq 'menu')); } $pre_class = $pre_class.'-preformatted'; # Add classes as done in the default conversion function. # TODO is it correct? What should be done with @example arguments? my @classes; if ($cmdname eq 'example') { if ($command->{'args'}) { for my $example_arg (@{$command->{'args'}}) { # convert or remove all @-commands, using simple ascii and unicode # characters my $converted_arg = Texinfo::Convert::NodeNameNormalization::convert_to_normalized( $example_arg); if ($converted_arg ne '') { push @classes, 'user-' . $converted_arg; } } } } elsif ($main_cmdname eq 'lisp') { push @classes, $main_cmdname; $main_cmdname = 'example'; } unshift @classes, $main_cmdname; my $result_content = $commands{$cmdname}->{'results'}->{$command}; # do it here, what was done in preformatted is discarded. # It should have been correctly registered # through highlight_open_inline_container_type. $result_content = $self->get_associated_formatted_inline_content($command) . $result_content; $result_content =~ s/^\n/\n\n/; # a newline immediately after a
 is ignored.
        my $preformatted_result_content = $self->html_attribute_class('pre',
"; return $self->html_attribute_class('div', \@classes).">\n" .$preformatted_result_content.''."\n"; } # no error nor verbose message if there was no retrieved information # for that language } elsif (defined($language) and $commands{$cmdname}->{'retrieved_languages_counters'}->{$language}) { my $cmd_language_input_count = $commands{$cmdname}->{'input_languages_counters'}->{$language}; my $cmd_language_retrieved_count = $commands{$cmdname}->{'retrieved_languages_counters'}->{$language}; # Output an message only if the counters are equal, meaning language # was processed without failure. # If they are not equal there should have been a message already. if ($cmd_language_input_count == $cmd_language_retrieved_count) { $self->document_warn($self, sprintf(__( "highlight_syntax.pm: output has no HTML item for \@%s %s %s"), $cmdname, $language, $command)); } elsif ($self->get_conf('VERBOSE') or $self->get_conf('DEBUG')) { warn "highlight_syntax.pm: output has no HTML item for \@$cmdname $language $command\n"; } } } return &{$self->default_command_conversion($cmdname)}($self, $cmdname, $command, $args, $content); } 1;