# texindex.awk, generated by jrtangle from ti.twjr.
# Copyright 2014-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Texinfo.
# Texinfo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Texinfo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see .
# ftrans.awk --- handle data file transitions
# user supplies beginfile() and endfile() functions
# Arnold Robbins, arnold@skeeve.com, Public Domain
# November 1992
FNR == 1 {
if (_filename_ != "")
_filename_ = FILENAME
END { endfile(_filename_) }
# join.awk --- join an array into a string
# Arnold Robbins, arnold@skeeve.com, Public Domain
# May 1993
function join(array, start, end, sep, result, i)
if (sep == "")
sep = " "
else if (sep == SUBSEP) # magic value
sep = ""
result = array[start]
for (i = start + 1; i <= end; i++)
result = result sep array[i]
return result
# quicksort --- C.A.R. Hoare's quick sort algorithm. See Wikipedia
# or almost any algorithms or computer science text
# Adapted from K&R-II, page 110
function quicksort(data, left, right, compare, # parameters
i, last, use_index, lt) # locals
if (left >= right) # do nothing if array contains fewer
return # than two elements
use_index = (compare == "index")
quicksort_swap(data, left, int((left + right) / 2))
last = left
for (i = left + 1; i <= right; i++) {
lt = (use_index \
? less_than(data, i, left) \
: key_compare(data[i], data[left]) < 0)
if (lt)
quicksort_swap(data, ++last, i)
quicksort_swap(data, left, last)
quicksort(data, left, last - 1, compare)
quicksort(data, last + 1, right, compare)
# quicksort_swap --- quicksort helper function, could be inline
function quicksort_swap(data, i, j, temp)
temp = data[i]
data[i] = data[j]
data[j] = temp
function del_array(a)
# Portable and faster than
# for (i in a)
# delete a[i]
split("", a)
function check_split_null( n, a)
n = split("abcde", a, "")
return (n == 5)
function char_split(string, array, n, i)
if (Can_split_null)
return split(string, array, "")
# do it the hard way
n = length(string)
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
array[i] = substr(string, i, 1)
return n
function fatal(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, cat)
cat = "cat 1>&2" # maximal portability
printf(format, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) | cat
function isupper(c)
function islower(c)
return index("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", c)
function isalpha(c)
return islower(c) || isupper(c)
function isdigit(c)
return index("0123456789", c)
function make_regexp(regexp, a, sep, n)
n = split(regexp, a, "%")
if (Command_char == "\\")
sep = Command_char Command_char
sep = Command_char
return join(a, 1, n, sep)
function escape(regexp, a, n)
if (Command_char != "\\")
return regexp
n = split(regexp, a, "\\")
if (n == 1)
return regexp
return join(a, 1, n, "\\\\")
function min(a, b)
return (a < b ? a : b)
function usage(exit_val)
printf(_"Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE...\n", Invocation_name)
print _"Generate a sorted index for each TeX output FILE."
print _"Usually FILE... is specified as `foo.??' for a document `foo.texi'."
print ""
print _"Options:"
print _" -h, --help display this help and exit"
print _" --version display version information and exit"
print _" -- end option processing"
print ""
print _"Email bug reports to bug-texinfo@gnu.org,"
print _"general questions and discussion to help-texinfo@gnu.org."
print _"Texinfo home page: https://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/"
exit exit_val
function version()
print "texindex (GNU texinfo)", Texindex_version
print ""
printf _"Copyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n", "2024"
print _"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later "
print _"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
print _"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
TRUE = 1
Texindex_version = "7.2"
if (! Invocation_name) {
# provide fallback in case it's not passed in.
Invocation_name = "texindex"
Can_split_null = check_split_null()
TEXTDOMAIN = "texinfo"
for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) {
if (ARGV[i] == "-h" || ARGV[i] == "--help") {
} else if (ARGV[i] == "--version") {
} else if (ARGV[i] == "-k" || ARGV[i] == "--keep") {
# do nothing, backwards compatibility
delete ARGV[i]
} else if (ARGV[i] == "--") {
delete ARGV[i]
} else if (ARGV[i] ~ /^--?.+/) {
fatal(_"%s: unrecognized option `%s'\n" \
"Try `%s --help' for more information.\n",
Invocation_name, ARGV[i], Invocation_name)
# fatal() will do `exit EXIT_FAILURE'
} else {
function beginfile(filename)
Output_file = filename "s"
# Reinitialize these for each input file
Entries = 0
Do_initials = FALSE
Prev_initial = ""
Command_char = substr($0, 1, 1)
if ((Command_char != "\\" && Command_char != "@") \
|| substr($0, 2, 5) != "entry")
fatal(_"%s is not a Texinfo index file\n", filename)
Special_chars = "{}" Command_char
Seeentry_re = make_regexp("%seeentry")
Seealso_re = make_regexp("%seealso")
Subentry_re = make_regexp(" *%subentry +")
function endfile(filename, i, prev_initial, initial)
# sort the entries
quicksort(Keys, 1, Entries, "index")
prev_initial = ""
for (i = 1; i <= Entries; i++) {
# deal with initial
initial = Initials[Keys[i]]
if (initial != prev_initial) {
prev_initial = initial
# Remove duplicates, which can happen
if ($0 in Seen)
Seen[$0] = TRUE
$0 = substr($0, 7) # remove leading \entry or @entry
initial = extract_initial($0)
numfields = field_split($0, fields, "{", "}", Command_char)
if (numfields < 3 || numfields > 5)
fatal(_"%s:%d: Bad entry; expected 3 to 5 fields, not %d\n",
FILENAME, FNR, numfields)
key = fields[1]
pagenum = fields[2]
primary_text = fields[3]
secondary_text = (numfields > 3 ? fields[4] : "")
tertiary_text = (numfields > 4 ? fields[5] : "")
if (! (key in Allkeys)) {
# first time we've seen this full line
Keys[++Entries] = key
Allkeys[key] = key
Initials[key] = initial
Numfields[key] = numfields - 2 # don't count sortkey, page number
Primary[key] = primary_text
if (secondary_text)
Secondary[key] = secondary_text
if (tertiary_text)
Tertiary[key] = tertiary_text
n = split(key, subparts, Subentry_re)
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
Subkeys[key, i] = subparts[i]
if (pagenum ~ Seeentry_re) {
See[key, See_count[key]] = pagenum
} else if (pagenum ~ Seealso_re) {
Seealso[key, Seealso_count[key]] = pagenum
} else
Pagedata[key] = pagenum
} else {
# We've seen this key before:
# Add to see or see also, or else add to list of pages.
# In the latter case, make sure we've not seen this
# page number before. (Shouldn't happen based on the
# earlier removal of exact duplicates, but we could have
# an identical key with different formatting of actual text.
if (pagenum ~ Seeentry_re) {
See[key, See_count[key]] = pagenum
} else if (pagenum ~ Seealso_re) {
Seealso[key, Seealso_count[key]] = pagenum
} else if (! (key in Pagedata)) {
Pagedata[key] = pagenum
} else if (Pagedata[key] != pagenum \
&& Pagedata[key] !~ escape(", " pagenum "$")) {
Pagedata[key] = Pagedata[key] ", " pagenum
if (! Do_initials) {
if (Prev_initial == "")
Prev_initial = initial
else if (initial != Prev_initial)
Do_initials = TRUE
function extract_initial(key, initial, nextchar, i, l, kchars)
l = char_split(key, kchars)
if (l >= 3 && kchars[2] == "{") {
bracecount = 1
i = 3
while (bracecount > 0 && i <= l) {
if (kchars[i] == "{")
else if (kchars[i] == "}")
if (i > l)
fatal(_"%s:%d: Bad key %s in record\n", FILENAME, FNR, key)
initial = substr(key, 2, i - 2)
} else if (kchars[2] == Command_char) {
nextchar = kchars[3]
if (initial == Command_char && index("{}", nextchar) > 0)
initial = substr(key, 2, 3)
else {
initial = toupper(nextchar)
} else {
initial = toupper(kchars[2])
return initial
function field_split( \
record, fields, start, end, com_ch, # parameters
chars, numchars, out, delim_count, i, j, k) # locals
numchars = char_split(record, chars)
j = 1 # index into fields
k = 1 # index into out
delim_count = 1
for (i = 2; i <= numchars; i++) {
if (chars[i] == com_ch) {
if (chars[i+1] == Command_char) { # input was @@
out[k++] = chars[i+1]
out[k++] = chars[i+1]
} else if (index(Special_chars, chars[i+1]) != 0) {
out[k++] = chars[i+1]
} else
out[k++] = chars[i]
} else if (chars[i] == start) {
out[k++] = chars[i]
} else if (chars[i] == end) {
if (delim_count == 0) {
fields[j++] = join(out, 1, k-1, SUBSEP)
del_array(out) # reset for next time through
k = 1
if (i <= numchars && chars[i] != start)
fatal(_"%s:%d: Bad entry; expected %s at column %d\n",
FILENAME, FNR, start, i)
delim_count = 1
} else
out[k++] = chars[i]
} else
out[k++] = chars[i]
return j - 1 # num fields
function print_initial(initial)
if (! Do_initials)
if (index(Special_chars, initial) != 0)
initial = Command_char initial
printf("%cinitial {%s}\n",
Command_char, initial) > Output_file
function less_than(data, l, r, left, right, nfields, cmp1, cmp2)
left = data[l]
right = data[r]
left_fields = Numfields[left]
right_fields = Numfields[right]
nfields = min(left_fields, right_fields)
# At least one field, always check the first subkey
cmp1 = key_compare(Subkeys[left, 1], Subkeys[right, 1])
if (cmp1 != 0)
return cmp1 < 0
# cmp1 == 0: one side has 1 field, other side has 1 to 3 fields
if (nfields == 1)
return left_fields < right_fields
# At least two fields, check second subkey
cmp2 = key_compare(Subkeys[left, 2], Subkeys[right, 2])
if (cmp2 != 0)
return cmp2 < 0
# cmp1 == 0, cmp2 == 0, one side has 2 fields,
# other has 2 to 3 fields
if (nfields == 2)
return left_fields < right_fields
# Three fields
return key_compare(Subkeys[left, 3], Subkeys[right, 3]) < 0
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
c = sprintf("%c", i)
Ordval[c] = i # map character to value
if (isdigit(c))
Ordval[c] += 512
# Set things up such that 'a' < 'A' < 'b' < 'B' < ...
i = Ordval["a"]
j = Ordval["z"]
newval = i + 512
for (; i <= j; i++) {
c = sprintf("%c", i)
if (islower(c)) {
Ordval[c] = newval++
Ordval[toupper(c)] = newval++
function key_compare(left, right, len_l, len_r, len, chars_l, chars_r)
len_l = length(left)
len_r = length(right)
len = (len_l < len_r ? len_l : len_r)
char_split(left, chars_l)
char_split(right, chars_r)
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
if (isalpha(chars_l[i]) && isalpha(chars_r[i])) {
# same char different case
# upper case comes out last
if (chars_l[i] != chars_r[i] &&
tolower(chars_l[i]) == tolower(chars_r[i])) {
if (i != len \
&& (isalpha(chars_l[i+1]) || isalpha(chars_r[i+1])))
# negative, zero, or positive
return Ordval[chars_l[i]] - Ordval[chars_r[i]]
# same case, different char,
# or different case, different char:
# letter order wins
if (Ordval[chars_l[i]] < Ordval[chars_r[i]])
return -1
if (Ordval[chars_l[i]] > Ordval[chars_r[i]])
return 1
# equal, keep going
# letter and something else, or two non-letters
# letter order wins
if (Ordval[chars_l[i]] < Ordval[chars_r[i]])
return -1
if (Ordval[chars_l[i]] > Ordval[chars_r[i]])
return 1
# equal, keep going
# equal so far, shorter one wins
if (len_l < len_r)
return -1
if (len_l > len_r)
return 1
return 0
function print_entry(key, entry_command, entry_text,
count, see_entries, i)
if ((key, 1) in See) # at least one ``see''
print_see_entry(key, entry_command, entry_text,
See_count, See)
if (key in Pagedata) { # at least one page number
if ((key, 1) in Seealso) {
count = Seealso_count[key]
# Copy the entries to a separate array
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
see_entries[i] = Seealso[key, i]
# sort them
quicksort(see_entries, 1, count, "string")
# now add them to the page data
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
Pagedata[key] = Pagedata[key] ", " see_entries[i]
Command_char, entry_command,
entry_text[key], Pagedata[key]) > Output_file
Printed[key] = True # mark this key as printed
} else if ((key, 1) in Seealso) { # at least one ``see also''
# Only ``see also'' entry, print it
count = Seealso_count[key]
# Copy the entries to a separate array
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
see_entries[i] = Seealso[key, i]
# sort them
quicksort(see_entries, 1, count, "string")
Command_char, entry_command,
entry_text[key]) > Output_file
# now add them to the page data
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
printf("%s", see_entries[i]) > Output_file
if (i != count)
printf(", ") > Output_file
printf("}\n") > Output_file
function print_see_entry(key, entry_command, entry_text, # parameters
count_array, see_text_array, # parameters
i, count, see_entries) # locals
count = count_array[key]
if (count == 1) { # the easy case
printf("%c%s{%s, %s}{}\n",
Command_char, entry_command,
entry_text[key], see_text_array[key, 1]) > Output_file
# Otherwise, we need to sort the entries and then print them
# Copy the entries to a separate array
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
see_entries[i] = see_text_array[key, i]
# sort them
quicksort(see_entries, 1, count, "string")
# now print them
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
printf("%c%s{%s, %s}{}\n",
Command_char, entry_command,
entry_text[key], see_entries[i]) > Output_file
function write_index_entry(current, key)
key = Keys[current] # current sort key
if (Numfields[key] == 1) {
print_entry(key, "entry", Primary)
} else if (Numfields[key] == 2) {
if (! (Subkeys[key, 1] in Printed)) {
Command_char, Primary[key]) > Output_file
Printed[Subkeys[key, 1]] = True
print_entry(key, "secondary", Secondary)
} else if (Numfields[key] == 3) {
if (! (Subkeys[key, 1] in Printed)) {
Command_char, Primary[key]) > Output_file
Printed[Subkeys[key, 1]] = True
subkey = (Subkeys[key, 1] Command_char "subentry " Subkeys[key, 2])
if (! (subkey in Printed)) {
Command_char, Secondary[key]) > Output_file
Printed[subkey] = True
print_entry(key, "tertiary", Tertiary)