/* variables.c -- how to manipulate user visible variables in Info. Copyright 1993-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Originally written by Brian Fox. */ #include "info.h" #include "session.h" #include "echo-area.h" #include "variables.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "display.h" static VARIABLE_ALIST *read_variable_name (char *prompt, WINDOW *window); /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* User Visible Variables in Info */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Choices used by the completer when reading a zero/non-zero value for a variable. */ static char *on_off_choices[] = { "Off", "On", NULL }; static char *mouse_choices[] = { "Off", "normal-tracking", NULL }; static char *follow_strategy_choices[] = { "remain", "path", NULL }; static char *nodeline_choices[] = { "no", "print", "pointers", NULL }; /* Choices used by the completer when reading a value for the user-visible variable "scroll-behaviour". */ static char *info_scroll_choices[] = { "Continuous", "Next Only", "Page Only", NULL }; /* Choices for the scroll-last-node variable */ static char *scroll_last_node_choices[] = { "Stop", "Top", NULL }; /* Choices for, and indicator of, rendition. */ static char *rendition_choices[] = { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white", "nocolour", "bgblack", "bgred", "bggreen", "bgyellow", "bgblue", "bgmagenta", "bgcyan", "bgwhite", "nobgcolour", "underline", "nounderline", "standout", "nostandout", "bold", "regular", "blink", "noblink", NULL }; /* Address of this indicates the 'highlight-searches' variable. */ static int *highlight_searches; /* Used for part of struct initialisers: value, choices, where_set */ #define ON_OFF_VAR(variable) &variable, (char **)on_off_choices, 0 #define NUM_VAR(variable) &variable, NULL, 0 #define CHOICES_VAR(variable, choices) &variable, (char **)choices, 0 VARIABLE_ALIST info_variables[] = { { "automatic-footnotes", N_("When \"On\", footnotes appear and disappear automatically"), ON_OFF_VAR(auto_footnotes_p) }, { "automatic-tiling", N_("When \"On\", creating or deleting a window resizes other windows"), ON_OFF_VAR(auto_tiling_p) }, { "visible-bell", N_("When \"On\", flash the screen instead of ringing the bell"), ON_OFF_VAR(terminal_use_visible_bell_p) }, { "errors-ring-bell", N_("When \"On\", errors cause the bell to ring"), ON_OFF_VAR(info_error_rings_bell_p) }, { "gc-compressed-files", N_("When \"On\", Info garbage collects files which had to be uncompressed"), ON_OFF_VAR(gc_compressed_files) }, { "show-index-match", N_("When \"On\", the portion of the matched search string is highlighted"), ON_OFF_VAR(show_index_match) }, { "scroll-behaviour", N_("Controls what happens when scrolling is requested at the end of a node"), CHOICES_VAR(info_scroll_behaviour, info_scroll_choices) }, /* Alternate spelling */ { "scroll-behavior", N_("Same as scroll-behaviour"), CHOICES_VAR(info_scroll_behaviour, info_scroll_choices) }, { "scroll-step", N_("The number lines to scroll when the cursor moves out of the window"), NUM_VAR(window_scroll_step) }, { "cursor-movement-scrolls", N_("Controls whether scroll-behavior affects cursor movement commands"), ON_OFF_VAR(cursor_movement_scrolls_p) }, { "ISO-Latin", N_("When \"On\", Info accepts and displays ISO Latin characters"), ON_OFF_VAR(ISO_Latin_p) }, { "scroll-last-node", N_("What to do when a scrolling command is issued at the end of the " "last node"), CHOICES_VAR(scroll_last_node, scroll_last_node_choices) }, { "min-search-length", N_("Minimal length of a search string"), NUM_VAR(min_search_length) }, { "search-skip-screen", N_("Skip current window when searching"), ON_OFF_VAR(search_skip_screen_p) }, { "infopath-no-defaults", N_("Exclude default directories from file search path"), ON_OFF_VAR(infopath_no_defaults_p) }, { "hide-note-references", N_("Hide some Info file syntax in the text of nodes"), ON_OFF_VAR(preprocess_nodes_p) }, { "key-time", N_("Length of time in milliseconds to wait for the next byte in a sequence indicating that a key has been pressed"), NUM_VAR(key_time) }, { "mouse", N_("Method to use to track mouse events"), CHOICES_VAR(mouse_protocol, mouse_choices) }, { "follow-strategy", N_("How to follow a cross-reference"), CHOICES_VAR(follow_strategy, follow_strategy_choices) }, { "highlight-searches", N_("Highlight search matches"), ON_OFF_VAR(highlight_searches) }, { "link-style", N_("Styles for links"), CHOICES_VAR(ref_rendition, rendition_choices) }, { "active-link-style", N_("Styles for active links"), CHOICES_VAR(hl_ref_rendition, rendition_choices) }, { "match-style", N_("Styles for search matches"), CHOICES_VAR(match_rendition, rendition_choices) }, { "nodeline", N_("How to print the information line at the start of a node"), CHOICES_VAR(nodeline_print, nodeline_choices) }, { NULL } }; #undef ON_OFF_VAR #undef NUM_VAR #undef CHOICES_VAR static char * rendition_to_string (RENDITION *rendition) { static char string[8 /* nocolour */ + 1 /* comma */ + 10 /* nobgcolour */ + 1 + 11 /* nounderline */ + 1 + 10 /* nostandout */ + 1 + 7 /* regular */ + 1 + 7 /* noblink */ + 1]; unsigned long style; static const char* fg[] = { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" }; static const char* bg[] = { "bgblack", "bgred", "bggreen", "bgyellow", "bgblue", "bgmagenta", "bgcyan", "bgwhite" }; *string = '\0'; if (rendition->mask & BLINK_MASK) strcat (string, rendition->value & BLINK_MASK ? "blink" : "noblink"); if (rendition->mask & BOLD_MASK) { if (*string != '\0') strcat (string, ","); strcat (string, rendition->value & BOLD_MASK ? "bold" : "nobold"); } if (rendition->mask & STANDOUT_MASK) { if (*string != '\0') strcat (string, ","); strcat (string, rendition->value & STANDOUT_MASK ? "standout" : "nostandout"); } if (rendition->mask & UNDERLINE_MASK) { if (*string != '\0') strcat (string, ","); strcat (string, rendition->value & UNDERLINE_MASK ? "underline" : "nounderline"); } if (rendition->mask & COLOUR_MASK) { if (*string != '\0') strcat (string, ","); style = rendition->value & COLOUR_MASK; strcat (string, style >= 8 ? fg[style - 8] : "nocolour"); } if (rendition->mask & BGCOLOUR_MASK) { if (*string != '\0') strcat (string, ","); style = (rendition->value & BGCOLOUR_MASK) >> 9; strcat (string, style >= 8 ? bg[style - 8] : "nobgcolour"); } return string; } DECLARE_INFO_COMMAND (describe_variable, _("Explain the use of a variable")) { VARIABLE_ALIST *var; char *description; /* Get the variable's name. */ var = read_variable_name (_("Describe variable: "), window); if (!var) return; if (var->choices) xasprintf (&description, "%s (%s): %s.", var->name, var->value == &highlight_searches ? on_off_choices[match_rendition.mask != 0] : var->choices == (char **) &rendition_choices ? rendition_to_string (var->value) : var->choices[*(int *)var->value], _(var->doc)); else xasprintf (&description, "%s (%d): %s.", var->name, *(int *)var->value, _(var->doc)); window_message_in_echo_area ("%s", description); free (description); } DECLARE_INFO_COMMAND (set_variable, _("Set the value of an Info variable")) { VARIABLE_ALIST *var; char *line; char prompt[100]; /* Get the variable's name and value. */ var = read_variable_name (_("Set variable: "), window); if (!var) return; /* Read a new value for this variable. */ if (!var->choices) { int potential_value; if (info_explicit_arg || count != 1) potential_value = count; else potential_value = *(int *)(var->value); sprintf (prompt, _("Set %s to value (%d): "), var->name, potential_value); line = info_read_in_echo_area (prompt); /* User aborted? */ if (!line) return; /* If the user specified a value, get that, otherwise, we are done. */ canonicalize_whitespace (line); set_variable_to_value (var, line, SET_IN_SESSION); free (line); } else { register int i; REFERENCE **array = NULL; size_t array_index = 0; size_t array_slots = 0; for (i = 0; var->choices[i]; i++) { REFERENCE *entry; entry = xmalloc (sizeof (REFERENCE)); entry->label = xstrdup (var->choices[i]); entry->nodename = NULL; entry->filename = NULL; add_pointer_to_array (entry, array_index, array, array_slots, 10); } char *current_value = var->choices[*(int *)(var->value)]; if (var->value == &highlight_searches) current_value = on_off_choices[match_rendition.mask != 0]; else if (var->choices == (char **) &rendition_choices) current_value = rendition_to_string (var->value); sprintf (prompt, _("Set %s to value (%s): "), var->name, current_value); /* Ask the completer to read a variable value for us. */ if (var->choices == (char **) &rendition_choices) line = info_read_maybe_completing (prompt, array); else line = info_read_completing_in_echo_area (prompt, array); info_free_references (array); /* User aborted? */ if (!line) { info_abort_key (active_window, 0); return; } /* User entered non-empty value? */ if (*line) set_variable_to_value (var, line, SET_IN_SESSION); free (line); } } VARIABLE_ALIST * variable_by_name (char *name) { int i; /* Find the variable in our list of variables. */ for (i = 0; info_variables[i].name; i++) if (strcmp (info_variables[i].name, name) == 0) break; if (!info_variables[i].name) return NULL; else return &info_variables[i]; } /* Read the name of an Info variable in the echo area and return the address of a VARIABLE_ALIST member. A return value of NULL indicates that no variable could be read. */ static VARIABLE_ALIST * read_variable_name (char *prompt, WINDOW *window) { char *line; REFERENCE **variables; VARIABLE_ALIST *alist; /* Get the completion array of variable names. */ variables = make_variable_completions_array (); /* Ask the completer to read a variable for us. */ line = info_read_completing_in_echo_area (prompt, variables); info_free_references (variables); /* User aborted? */ if (!line) { info_abort_key (active_window, 0); return NULL; } /* User accepted "default"? (There is none.) */ if (!*line) { free (line); return NULL; } alist = variable_by_name (line); free (line); return alist; } /* Make an array of REFERENCE which actually contains the names of the variables available in Info. */ REFERENCE ** make_variable_completions_array (void) { register int i; REFERENCE **array = NULL; size_t array_index = 0, array_slots = 0; for (i = 0; info_variables[i].name; i++) { REFERENCE *entry; entry = xmalloc (sizeof (REFERENCE)); entry->label = xstrdup (info_variables[i].name); entry->nodename = NULL; entry->filename = NULL; add_pointer_to_array (entry, array_index, array, array_slots, 200); } return array; } static void update_rendition_from_string (RENDITION *rendition, char *value) { static struct { unsigned long mask; unsigned long value; char *name; } styles[] = { {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_BLACK, "black"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_RED, "red"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_GREEN, "green"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_YELLOW, "yellow"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_BLUE, "blue"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_MAGENTA, "magenta"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_CYAN, "cyan"}, {COLOUR_MASK, COLOUR_WHITE, "white"}, {COLOUR_MASK, 0, "nocolour"}, {COLOUR_MASK, 0, "nocolor"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_BLACK, "bgblack"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_RED, "bgred"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_GREEN, "bggreen"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_YELLOW, "bgyellow"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_BLUE, "bgblue"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_MAGENTA, "bgmagenta"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_CYAN, "bgcyan"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, BGCOLOUR_WHITE, "bgwhite"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, 0, "nobgcolour"}, {BGCOLOUR_MASK, 0, "nobgcolor"}, {UNDERLINE_MASK, UNDERLINE_MASK, "underline"}, {UNDERLINE_MASK, 0, "nounderline"}, {STANDOUT_MASK, STANDOUT_MASK, "standout"}, {STANDOUT_MASK, 0, "nostandout"}, {BOLD_MASK, BOLD_MASK, "bold"}, {BOLD_MASK, 0, "regular"}, {BOLD_MASK, 0, "nobold"}, {BLINK_MASK, BLINK_MASK, "blink"}, {BLINK_MASK, 0, "noblink"}, {0, 0, NULL} }; int i; char *component; unsigned long rendition_mask = 0; unsigned long rendition_value = 0; component = strtok (value, ","); while (component) { for (i = 0; (styles[i].name); i++) { if (!strcmp (styles[i].name, component)) break; } if (styles[i].name) { rendition_mask |= styles[i].mask; rendition_value &= ~styles[i].mask; rendition_value |= styles[i].value; } /* If not found, silently ignore, in case more options are added in the future. */ component = strtok (0, ","); } /* Now all the specified styles are recorded in rendition_value. */ rendition->mask = rendition_mask; rendition->value = rendition_value; } static void update_highlight_searches (char *value) { if (strcmp (on_off_choices[1], value) == 0) { /* Only use match-rendition=standout if not already defined. */ if (!match_rendition.mask) { match_rendition.mask = STANDOUT_MASK; match_rendition.value = STANDOUT_MASK; } } else { match_rendition.mask = 0; match_rendition.value = 0; } } /* VALUE is a string that is the value of the variable specified by the user. Update our internal data structure VAR using this information. */ int set_variable_to_value (VARIABLE_ALIST *var, char *value, int where) { /* If variable was set elsewhere with a higher priority, don't do anything, but don't indicate an error. */ if (var->where_set > where) return 1; if (var->choices) { if (var->value == &highlight_searches) { update_highlight_searches (value); } else if (var->choices == (char **) &rendition_choices) { update_rendition_from_string ((RENDITION *) var->value, value); } else { register int j; /* Find the choice in our list of choices. */ for (j = 0; var->choices[j]; j++) if (strcmp (var->choices[j], value) == 0) { *(int *)var->value = j; var->where_set = where; return 1; } } return 1; } else { char *p; long n = strtol (value, &p, 10); if (*p == 0 && INT_MIN <= n && n <= INT_MAX) { *(int *)var->value = n; return 1; } } return 0; }