/* search.c -- searching large bodies of text. Copyright 1993-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Originally written by Brian Fox. */ #include "info.h" #include #include "session.h" #include "scan.h" #include "search.h" /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* The Actual Searching Functions */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Search forwards or backwards for the text delimited by BINDING. The search is forwards if BINDING->start is greater than BINDING->end. */ enum search_result search (const char *string, const SEARCH_BINDING *binding, long *poff) { enum search_result result; /* If the search is backwards, then search backwards, otherwise forwards. */ if (binding->start > binding->end) result = search_backward (string, binding, poff); else result = search_forward (string, binding, poff); return result; } /* Expand \n and \t in regexp to newlines and tabs */ static char * regexp_expand_newlines_and_tabs (const char *regexp) { char *unescaped_regexp = xmalloc (1 + strlen (regexp)); const char *p; char *q; for (p = regexp, q = unescaped_regexp; *p != '\0'; p++, q++) { if (*p == '\\') switch(*++p) { case 'n': *q = '\n'; break; case 't': *q = '\t'; break; case '\0': *q = '\\'; p--; break; default: *q++ = '\\'; *q = *p; break; } else *q = *p; } *q = '\0'; return unescaped_regexp; } /* Escape any special characters in SEARCH_STRING. */ static char * regexp_escape_string (const char *search_string) { char *special_chars = "\\[]^$.*(){}|+?"; const char *p; char *q; char *escaped_string = xmalloc (strlen (search_string) * 2 + 1); for (p = search_string, q = escaped_string; *p != '\0'; ) { if (strchr (special_chars, *p)) { *q++ = '\\'; } *q++ = *p++; } *q = '\0'; return escaped_string; } static void extend_matches (MATCH_STATE *state) { regmatch_t *matches = state->matches; size_t match_alloc = state->match_alloc; size_t match_count = state->match_count; char *buffer = state->buffer; long buflen = state->buflen; /* Should not be negative */ regoff_t offset = 0; char saved_char; size_t initial_match_count = match_count; if (state->finished) return; saved_char = buffer[buflen]; buffer[buflen] = '\0'; if (match_count > 0) { offset = matches[match_count - 1].rm_eo; /* move past zero-length match */ if (offset == matches[match_count - 1].rm_so) offset++; } while (offset < buflen && match_count < initial_match_count + 5) { int result = 0; regmatch_t m; result = regexec (&state->regex, &buffer[offset], 1, &m, REG_NOTBOL); if (result == 0) { if (match_count == match_alloc) { /* The match list is full. */ if (match_alloc == 0) match_alloc = 50; matches = x2nrealloc (matches, &match_alloc, sizeof matches[0]); } matches[match_count] = m; matches[match_count].rm_so += offset; matches[match_count].rm_eo += offset; offset = matches[match_count++].rm_eo; if (m.rm_eo == 0) offset++; /* Avoid finding match again for a pattern of "$". */ } else { state->finished = 1; break; } } buffer[buflen] = saved_char; state->matches = matches; state->match_alloc = match_alloc; state->match_count = match_count; } /* Search BUFFER for REGEXP. If matches are found, pass back the list of matches in MATCH_STATE. */ enum search_result regexp_search (const char *regexp, int is_literal, int is_insensitive, char *buffer, long buflen, MATCH_STATE *match_state) { regex_t preg; /* Compiled pattern buffer for regexp. */ int result; char *regexp_str; if (!is_literal) regexp_str = regexp_expand_newlines_and_tabs (regexp); else regexp_str = regexp_escape_string (regexp); result = regcomp (&preg, regexp_str, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE | (is_insensitive ? REG_ICASE : 0)); free (regexp_str); if (result != 0) { int size = regerror (result, &preg, NULL, 0); char *buf = xmalloc (size); regerror (result, &preg, buf, size); info_error (_("regexp error: %s"), buf); free (buf); return search_invalid; } match_state->matches = 0; match_state->match_count = 0; match_state->match_alloc = 0; match_state->finished = 0; match_state->regex = preg; match_state->buffer = buffer; match_state->buflen = buflen; extend_matches (match_state); if (match_state->match_count == 0) { free_matches (match_state); return search_not_found; } else return search_success; } /* Search forwards for STRING through the text delimited in BINDING. */ enum search_result search_forward (const char *string, const SEARCH_BINDING *binding, long *poff) { register int c; register size_t i, len; register char *buff, *end; char *alternate = NULL; len = strlen (string); /* We match characters in the search buffer against STRING and ALTERNATE. ALTERNATE is a case reversed version of STRING; this is cheaper than case folding each character before comparison. Alternate is only used if the case folding bit is turned on in the passed BINDING. */ if (binding->flags & S_FoldCase) { alternate = xstrdup (string); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (islower ((unsigned char) alternate[i])) alternate[i] = toupper (alternate[i]); else if (isupper ((unsigned char) alternate[i])) alternate[i] = tolower (alternate[i]); } } buff = binding->buffer + binding->start; end = binding->buffer + binding->end + 1; while (buff < (end - len)) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = buff[i]; if ((c != string[i]) && (!alternate || c != alternate[i])) break; } if (!string[i]) { if (alternate) free (alternate); if (binding->flags & S_SkipDest) buff += len; *poff = buff - binding->buffer; return search_success; } buff++; } if (alternate) free (alternate); return search_not_found; } /* Search for STRING backwards through the text delimited in BINDING. */ enum search_result search_backward (const char *input_string, const SEARCH_BINDING *binding, long *poff) { register int i_end, c; register size_t i, len; register char *buff, *end; char *string; char *alternate = NULL; len = strlen (input_string); /* Reverse the characters in the search string. */ string = xmalloc (1 + len); for (i = 0, i_end = len - 1; input_string[i]; i++, i_end--) string[i_end] = input_string[i]; string[i] = '\0'; /* We match characters in the search buffer against STRING and ALTERNATE. ALTERNATE is a case reversed version of STRING; this is cheaper than case folding each character before comparison. ALTERNATE is only used if the case folding bit is turned on in the passed BINDING. */ if (binding->flags & S_FoldCase) { alternate = xstrdup (string); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (islower ((unsigned char) alternate[i])) alternate[i] = toupper (alternate[i]); else if (isupper ((unsigned char) alternate[i])) alternate[i] = tolower (alternate[i]); } } buff = binding->buffer + binding->start - 1; end = binding->buffer + binding->end; while (buff > (end + len)) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = *(buff - i); if (c != string[i] && (!alternate || c != alternate[i])) break; } if (!string[i]) { free (string); if (alternate) free (alternate); if (binding->flags & S_SkipDest) buff -= len; *poff = 1 + buff - binding->buffer; return search_success; } buff--; } free (string); if (alternate) free (alternate); return search_not_found; } /* Find STRING in LINE, returning the offset of the end of the string. Return an offset of -1 if STRING does not appear in LINE. The search is bound by the end of the line (i.e., either NEWLINE or 0). */ int string_in_line (const char *string, char *line) { register size_t end; SEARCH_BINDING binding; long offset; /* Find the end of the line. */ for (end = 0; line[end] && line[end] != '\n'; end++); /* Search for STRING within these confines. */ binding.buffer = line; binding.start = 0; binding.end = end; binding.flags = S_FoldCase | S_SkipDest; if (search_forward (string, &binding, &offset) == search_success) return offset; return -1; } /* Return non-zero if STRING is the first text to appear at BINDING. */ int looking_at (const char *string, const SEARCH_BINDING *binding) { long search_end; if (search (string, binding, &search_end) != search_success) return 0; /* If the string was not found right away, SEARCH_END is != binding->start. Otherwise, the string was found at binding->start. */ return search_end == binding->start; } /* Return non-zero if POINTER is looking at the text at STRING before an end-of-line. */ int looking_at_line (const char *string, const char *pointer) { int len; len = strlen (string); if (strncasecmp (pointer, string, len) != 0) return 0; pointer += len; if (*pointer == '\n' || !strncmp (pointer, "\r\n", 2) || *pointer == '\0') return 1; return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Accessing matches */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Search forwards or backwards for entries in MATCHES that start within the search area. The search is forwards if DIR > 0, backward if DIR < 0. Return index of match in *MATCH_INDEX. */ enum search_result match_in_match_list (MATCH_STATE *match_state, long start, long end, int dir, size_t *match_index) { regmatch_t *matches = match_state->matches; size_t match_count = match_state->match_count; size_t i; size_t index; int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < match_count || !match_state->finished; i++) { /* get more matches as we need them */ if (i == match_count) { extend_matches (match_state); matches = match_state->matches; match_count = match_state->match_count; if (i == match_count) break; } if (matches[i].rm_so >= end) break; /* No more matches found in search area. */ if (matches[i].rm_so >= start) { index = i; found = 1; if (dir > 0) { *match_index = index; return search_success; } } } if (found) { *match_index = index; return search_success; } /* not found */ return search_not_found; } /* Return match INDEX in STATE. INDEX must be a valid index. */ regmatch_t match_by_index (MATCH_STATE *state, size_t index) { while (state->match_alloc <= index) extend_matches (state); return state->matches[index]; } /* Free and clear all data in STATE. */ void free_matches (MATCH_STATE *state) { free (state->matches); state->matches = 0; state->match_count = state->match_alloc = state->finished = 0; state->buffer = 0; /* do not free as it is kept elsewhere */ state->buflen = 0; regfree (&state->regex); } int matches_ready (MATCH_STATE *state) { return state->matches ? 1 : 0; } /* Starting at index *MATCH_INDEX, decide if we are inside a match in MATCHES at offset OFF. The matches are assumed not to overlap and to be in order. */ void decide_if_in_match (long off, int *in_match, MATCH_STATE *matches, size_t *match_index) { size_t i = *match_index; int m = *in_match; for (; !at_end_of_matches (matches, i); i++) { if (match_by_index (matches, i).rm_so > off) break; m = 1; if (match_by_index (matches, i).rm_eo > off) break; m = 0; } *match_index = i; *in_match = m; } /* Used for iterating through a match list. */ int at_end_of_matches (MATCH_STATE *state, size_t index) { if (index < state->match_count) return 0; else { if (!state->finished) extend_matches (state); if (state->finished) return (state->match_count == index) ? 1 : 0; else return 0; } } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Small String Searches */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Function names that start with "skip" are passed a string, and return an offset from the start of that string. Function names that start with "find" are passed a SEARCH_BINDING, and return an absolute position marker of the item being searched for. "Find" functions return a value of -1 if the item being looked for couldn't be found. */ /* Return the index of the first non-whitespace character in STRING. */ size_t skip_whitespace (const char *string) { register size_t i; for (i = 0; string && whitespace (string[i]); i++); return i; } /* Return the index of the first non-whitespace or newline character in STRING. */ size_t skip_whitespace_and_newlines (const char *string) { register size_t i; for (i = 0; string && whitespace_or_newline (string[i]); i++); return i; } /* Return the index of the first whitespace character in STRING. */ size_t skip_non_whitespace (const char *string) { register size_t i; for (i = 0; string && string[i] && !whitespace (string[i]); i++); return i; } /* **************************************************************** */ /* */ /* Searching FILE_BUFFER's */ /* */ /* **************************************************************** */ /* Return the absolute position of the first occurence of a node separator starting in BINDING->buffer between BINDING->start and BINDING->end inclusive. Return -1 if no node separator was found. */ long find_node_separator (const SEARCH_BINDING *binding) { register long i; const char *body; int dir; body = binding->buffer; dir = binding->start < binding->end ? 1 : -1; /* A node is started by [^L]^_[^L][\r]\n. That is to say, the C-l's are optional, but the US and NEWLINE are not. This separator holds true for all separated elements in an Info file, including the tags table (if present) and the indirect tags table (if present). */ i = binding->start; while (1) { /* Note that bytes are read in order from the buffer, so if at any point a null byte is encountered signifying the end of the buffer, no more bytes will be read past that point. */ if (body[i] == INFO_COOKIE) { int j = i + 1; if (body[j] == INFO_FF) j++; if (body[j] == '\r') j++; if (body[j] == '\n') return i; } if (i == binding->end) break; i += dir; } return -1; } /* Return the length of the node separator characters that BODY is currently pointing at. If it's not pointing at a node separator, return 0. */ size_t skip_node_separator (const char *body) { register size_t i; i = 0; if (body[i] == INFO_FF) i++; if (body[i++] != INFO_COOKIE) return 0; if (body[i] == INFO_FF) i++; if (body[i] == '\r') i++; if (body[i++] != '\n') return 0; return i; } /* Return the absolute position of the beginning of a section in this file whose first line is LABEL, starting the search at binding->start. */ long find_file_section (const SEARCH_BINDING *binding, const char *label) { SEARCH_BINDING s; long position; int dir; s.buffer = binding->buffer; s.start = binding->start; s.end = binding->end; s.flags = S_FoldCase; dir = binding->start < binding->end ? 1 : -1; while ((position = find_node_separator (&s)) != -1 ) { size_t offset = position; offset += skip_node_separator (s.buffer + offset); if (looking_at_line (label, s.buffer + offset)) return position; if (dir > 0) { s.start = offset; if (s.start >= s.end) break; } else { if (position <= s.end) break; s.start = position - 1; } } return -1; } /* Return the absolute position of the node named NODENAME in BINDING. This is a brute force search, and we wish to avoid it when possible. This function is called when a tag (indirect or otherwise) doesn't really point to the right node. It returns the absolute position of the separator preceding the node. */ long find_node_in_binding (const char *nodename, const SEARCH_BINDING *binding) { long position; int offset; SEARCH_BINDING s; s.buffer = binding->buffer; s.start = binding->start; s.end = binding->end; s.flags = 0; while (s.start < s.end && (position = find_node_separator (&s)) != -1) { char *nodename_start; char *read_nodename; int found; s.start = position; s.start += skip_node_separator (s.buffer + s.start); offset = string_in_line (INFO_NODE_LABEL, s.buffer + s.start); if (offset == -1) continue; s.start += offset; s.start += skip_whitespace (s.buffer + s.start); nodename_start = s.buffer + s.start; read_quoted_string (nodename_start, "\n\r\t,", 0, &read_nodename); if (!read_nodename) return -1; found = !strcmp (read_nodename, nodename); free (read_nodename); if (found) return position; } return -1; }