/* man.c: How to read and format man files.
Copyright 1995-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
Originally written by Brian Fox Thu May 4 09:17:52 1995. */
#include "info.h"
#include "signals.h"
#if defined (HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
#if defined (HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H)
#include "tilde.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "man.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "util.h"
#if !defined (_POSIX_VERSION)
#define pid_t int
#if defined (FD_SET)
# if defined (hpux)
# define fd_set_cast(x) (int *)(x)
# else
# define fd_set_cast(x) (fd_set *)(x)
# endif /* !hpux */
#endif /* FD_SET */
static char const * const exec_extensions[] = {
".exe", ".com", ".bat", ".btm", ".sh", ".ksh", ".pl", ".sed", "", NULL
static char const * const exec_extensions[] = { "", NULL };
static REFERENCE **xrefs_of_manpage (NODE *node);
static char *read_from_fd (int fd);
static char *get_manpage_contents (char *pagename);
static char *find_man_formatter (void);
/* We store the contents of retrieved man pages in here. */
static NODE **manpage_nodes = 0;
size_t manpage_node_index = 0;
size_t manpage_node_slots = 0;
#if PIPE_USE_FORK && !defined(__sun)
/* Check if a man page exists. Use "man -w" for this rather than getting
the contents of the man page. This is faster if we are running
"info --where" and we don't need the contents. */
check_manpage_node (char *pagename)
pid_t child;
int pid_status = 0;
NODE *man_node;
child = fork ();
if (child == -1)
return 0; /* couldn't fork */
if (!child)
char *formatter;
(void)! freopen (NULL_DEVICE, "w", stdout);
(void)! freopen (NULL_DEVICE, "w", stderr);
/* avoid "unused result" warning with ! operator */
formatter = find_man_formatter();
if (!formatter)
exit (1);
execl (formatter, formatter, "-w", pagename, (void *) 0);
exit (2); /* exec failed */
wait (&pid_status);
if (pid_status != 2)
return !pid_status;
/* Possibly "man -w" wasn't recognized. */
man_node = get_manpage_node (pagename);
if (man_node)
free (man_node);
return 1;
return 0;
#else /* !PIPE_USE_FORK || defined(__sun) */
/* We check __sun because 'man -w' has a different meaning on
Solaris (update whatis database). */
check_manpage_node (char *pagename)
NODE *man_node = get_manpage_node (pagename);
if (man_node)
free (man_node);
return 1;
return 0;
#endif /* !PIPE_USE_FORK */
get_manpage_node (char *pagename)
NODE *node = 0, **n, *node2 = 0;
char *page;
if (manpage_node_index > 0)
for (n = manpage_nodes; (node = *n); n++)
if (!strcmp (node->nodename, pagename))
/* Node was not found, so we have to create it. */
if (!node)
node = info_create_node ();
node->fullpath = MANPAGE_FILE_BUFFER_NAME;
node->nodename = xstrdup (pagename);
node->flags |= N_IsManPage;
/* Save this node. */
add_pointer_to_array (node, manpage_node_index,
manpage_node_slots, 100);
/* Node wasn't found, or its contents were freed since last time. */
if (!node->contents)
size_t plen;
page = get_manpage_contents (pagename);
if (!page)
return 0;
plen = strlen (page);
node->contents = page;
node->nodelen = plen;
node->body_start = 0;
node->references = xrefs_of_manpage (node);
node->up = "(dir)";
node2 = xmalloc (sizeof (NODE));
*node2 = *node;
return node2;
/* Scan the list of directories in PATH looking for FILENAME. If we find
one that is an executable file, return it as a new string. Otherwise,
return a NULL pointer. */
static char *
executable_file_in_path (char *filename, char *path)
struct stat finfo;
char *temp_dirname;
int statable, dirname_index;
dirname_index = 0;
while ((temp_dirname = extract_colon_unit (path, &dirname_index)))
char *temp;
char *temp_end;
int i;
/* Expand a leading tilde if one is present. */
if (*temp_dirname == '~')
char *expanded_dirname;
expanded_dirname = tilde_expand_word (temp_dirname);
free (temp_dirname);
temp_dirname = expanded_dirname;
temp = xmalloc (34 + strlen (temp_dirname) + strlen (filename));
strcpy (temp, temp_dirname);
if (!IS_SLASH (temp[(strlen (temp)) - 1]))
strcat (temp, "/");
strcat (temp, filename);
temp_end = temp + strlen (temp);
free (temp_dirname);
/* Look for FILENAME, possibly with any of the extensions
for (i = 0; exec_extensions[i]; i++)
if (exec_extensions[i][0])
strcpy (temp_end, exec_extensions[i]);
statable = (stat (temp, &finfo) == 0);
/* If we have found a regular executable file, then use it. */
if ((statable) && (S_ISREG (finfo.st_mode)) &&
(access (temp, X_OK) == 0))
return temp;
free (temp);
return NULL;
/* Return the full pathname of the system man page formatter. */
static char *
find_man_formatter (void)
static char *man_formatter;
char *man_command;
if (man_formatter)
return man_formatter;
man_command = getenv ("INFO_MAN_COMMAND");
man_formatter = man_command ? man_command
: executable_file_in_path ("man", getenv ("PATH"));
return man_formatter;
static char *manpage_pagename = NULL;
static char *manpage_section = NULL;
static void
get_page_and_section (char *pagename)
register int i;
if (manpage_pagename)
free (manpage_pagename);
if (manpage_section)
free (manpage_section);
manpage_pagename = NULL;
manpage_section = NULL;
for (i = 0; pagename[i] != '\0' && pagename[i] != '('; i++);
manpage_pagename = xmalloc (1 + i);
strncpy (manpage_pagename, pagename, i);
manpage_pagename[i] = '\0';
if (pagename[i] == '(')
int start;
start = i + 1;
for (i = start; pagename[i] != '\0' && pagename[i] != ')'; i++);
manpage_section = xmalloc (1 + (i - start));
strncpy (manpage_section, pagename + start, (i - start));
manpage_section[i - start] = '\0';
clean_manpage (char *manpage)
mbi_iterator_t iter;
size_t len = strlen (manpage);
char *newpage = xmalloc (len + 1);
char *np = newpage;
int prev_len = 0;
for (mbi_init (iter, manpage, len);
mbi_avail (iter);
mbi_advance (iter))
const char *cur_ptr = mbi_cur_ptr (iter);
int cur_len = mb_len (mbi_cur (iter));
if (cur_len == 1)
if (*cur_ptr == '\b' || *cur_ptr == '\f')
if (np >= newpage + prev_len)
np -= prev_len;
else if (ansi_escape (iter, &cur_len))
memcpy (np, cur_ptr, cur_len);
np += cur_len;
ITER_SETBYTES (iter, cur_len);
else if (show_malformed_multibyte_p || mbi_cur (iter).wc_valid)
*np++ = *cur_ptr;
memcpy (np, cur_ptr, cur_len);
np += cur_len;
prev_len = cur_len;
*np = 0;
strcpy (manpage, newpage);
free (newpage);
static char *get_manpage_from_formatter (char *formatter_args[]);
static char *
get_manpage_contents (char *pagename)
static char *formatter_args[4] = { NULL };
char *formatted_page;
if (formatter_args[0] == NULL)
formatter_args[0] = find_man_formatter ();
if (formatter_args[0] == NULL)
return NULL;
get_page_and_section (pagename);
if (manpage_section)
formatter_args[1] = manpage_section;
formatter_args[1] = "-a";
formatter_args[2] = manpage_pagename;
formatter_args[3] = NULL;
formatted_page = get_manpage_from_formatter (formatter_args);
/* If there was a section and the page wasn't found, try again
without the section (e.g. "man 3X curses" versus "man -a curses"). */
if (!formatted_page && manpage_section)
formatter_args[1] = "-a";
formatted_page = get_manpage_from_formatter (formatter_args);
return formatted_page;
static char *
get_manpage_from_formatter (char *formatter_args[])
char *formatted_page = NULL;
int pipes[2];
pid_t child;
int formatter_status = 0;
putenv ("MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1"); /* Get codes for bold etc. */
putenv ("GROFF_SGR=1"); /* for Debian whose man outputs
'overstrike' sequences without this */
/* Open a pipe to this program, read the output, and save it away
in FORMATTED_PAGE. The reader end of the pipe is pipes[0]; the
writer end is pipes[1]. */
if (pipe (pipes) == -1)
return 0; /* Creating pipe failed. */
child = fork ();
if (child == -1)
return NULL;
if (child != 0)
/* In the parent, close the writing end of the pipe, and read from
the exec'd child. */
close (pipes[1]);
formatted_page = read_from_fd (pipes[0]);
close (pipes[0]);
wait (&formatter_status); /* Wait for child process to exit. */
{ /* In the child, close the read end of the pipe, make the write end
of the pipe be stdout, and execute the man page formatter. */
close (pipes[0]);
(void)! freopen (NULL_DEVICE, "w", stderr);
(void)! freopen (NULL_DEVICE, "r", stdin);
/* avoid "unused result" warning with ! operator */
dup2 (pipes[1], fileno (stdout));
execv (formatter_args[0], formatter_args);
/* If we get here, we couldn't exec, so close out the pipe and
exit. */
close (pipes[1]);
#else /* !PIPE_USE_FORK */
/* Cannot fork/exec, but can popen/pclose. */
FILE *fpipe;
char *cmdline;
size_t cmdlen = 0;
int save_stderr = dup (fileno (stderr));
int fd_err = open (NULL_DEVICE, O_WRONLY, 0666);
int i;
for (i = 0; formatter_args[i]; i++)
cmdlen += strlen (formatter_args[i]);
/* Add-ons: 2 blanks, 2 quotes for the formatter program, 1
terminating null character. */
cmdlen += 2 + 2 + 1;
cmdline = xmalloc (cmdlen);
if (fd_err > 2)
dup2 (fd_err, fileno (stderr)); /* Don't print errors. */
sprintf (cmdline, "\"%s\" %s %s",
formatter_args[0], formatter_args[1], formatter_args[2]);
fpipe = popen (cmdline, "r");
free (cmdline);
if (fd_err > 2)
close (fd_err);
dup2 (save_stderr, fileno (stderr));
if (fpipe == 0)
return NULL;
formatted_page = read_from_fd (fileno (fpipe));
formatter_status = pclose (fpipe);
#endif /* !PIPE_USE_FORK */
if (!formatted_page)
return 0;
/* We could check the exit status of "man -a" to see if it successfully
output a man page However:
* It is possible for "man -a" to output a man page and still to exit with
a non-zero status. This was found to happen when duplicate man pages
were found.
* "man" was found to exit with a zero status on Solaris 10 even when
it found nothing.
Hence, treat it as a success if more than three lines were output. (A
small amount of output could be error messages that were sent to standard
output.) */
int i;
char *p;
p = formatted_page;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
p = strchr (p, '\n');
if (!p)
free (formatted_page);
return NULL;
/* If we have the page, then clean it up. */
clean_manpage (formatted_page);
return formatted_page;
/* Return pointer to bytes read from file descriptor FD. Return value to be
freed by caller. */
static char *
read_from_fd (int fd)
struct timeval timeout;
char *buffer = NULL;
int bsize = 0;
int bindex = 0;
int select_result;
#if defined (FD_SET)
fd_set read_fds;
timeout.tv_sec = 15;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
FD_ZERO (&read_fds);
FD_SET (fd, &read_fds);
select_result = select (fd + 1, fd_set_cast (&read_fds), 0, 0, &timeout);
#else /* !FD_SET */
select_result = 1;
#endif /* !FD_SET */
switch (select_result)
case 0:
case -1:
int amount_read;
int done = 0;
while (!done)
while ((bindex + 1024) > (bsize))
buffer = xrealloc (buffer, (bsize += 1024));
buffer[bindex] = '\0';
amount_read = read (fd, buffer + bindex, 1023);
if (amount_read < 0)
done = 1;
bindex += amount_read;
buffer[bindex] = '\0';
if (amount_read == 0)
done = 1;
if ((buffer != NULL) && (*buffer == '\0'))
free (buffer);
buffer = NULL;
return buffer;
static REFERENCE **
xrefs_of_manpage (NODE *node)
size_t refs_index = 0;
size_t refs_slots = 0;
long position;
/* Initialize reference list to have a single null entry. */
refs = calloc(1, sizeof (REFERENCE *));
refs_slots = 1;
s.buffer = node->contents;
s.start = 0;
s.flags = 0;
s.end = node->nodelen;
/* Exclude first line, which often looks like:
CAT(1) User Commands CAT(1)
s.start = strcspn (node->contents, "\n");
/* Build a list of references. A reference is alphabetic characters
followed by non-whitespace text within parenthesis leading with a digit. */
while (search_forward ("(", &s, &position) == search_success)
register int name, name_end;
int section, section_end;
name = position;
if (name == 0)
goto skip;
/* Go to the start of a sequence of non-whitespace characters,
checking the characters are those that should appear in a man
page name. */
for (; name > 0; name--)
if (whitespace_or_newline (s.buffer[name])
|| (!isalnum ((unsigned char) s.buffer[name])
&& s.buffer[name] != '_'
&& s.buffer[name] != '.'
&& s.buffer[name] != '-'
&& s.buffer[name] != '\033'
&& s.buffer[name] != '['))
/* Check if reached start of buffer. */
if (name == 0)
goto skip;
/* Check for invalid sequence in name. */
if (!whitespace_or_newline (s.buffer[name]))
goto skip;
if (name == position)
goto skip; /* Whitespace immediately before '('. */
/* 'name' is now at the start of a sequence of non-whitespace
characters. If we are on an ECMA-48 SGR escape sequence, skip
past it. */
if (s.buffer[name] == '\033' && s.buffer[name + 1] == '[')
name += 2;
name += strspn (s.buffer + name, "0123456789;");
if (s.buffer[name] == 'm')
goto skip;
/* Set name_end to the end of the name, but before any SGR sequence. */
for (name_end = name; name_end < position; name_end++)
if (!isalnum ((unsigned char) s.buffer[name_end])
&& s.buffer[name_end] != '_'
&& s.buffer[name_end] != '.'
&& s.buffer[name_end] != '-')
section = position;
section_end = 0;
/* Look for one or two characters within the brackets, the
first of which must be a non-zero digit and the second a letter. */
if (!isdigit ((unsigned char) s.buffer[section + 1])
|| s.buffer[section + 1] == '0')
else if (!s.buffer[section + 2])
; /* end of buffer */
else if (s.buffer[section + 2] == ')')
section_end = section + 3;
else if (!isalpha((unsigned char) s.buffer[section + 2]))
else if (s.buffer[section + 3] == ')')
section_end = section + 4;
if (section_end)
int len = name_end - name + section_end - section;
entry = xmalloc (sizeof (REFERENCE));
entry->label = xcalloc (1, 1 + len);
strncpy (entry->label, s.buffer + name, name_end - name);
strncpy (entry->label + strlen (entry->label),
s.buffer + section,
section_end - section);
entry->filename = xstrdup (MANPAGE_FILE_BUFFER_NAME);
entry->nodename = xstrdup (entry->label);
entry->line_number = 0;
entry->start = name;
entry->end = section_end;
entry->type = REFERENCE_XREF;
add_pointer_to_array (entry, refs_index, refs, refs_slots, 10);
s.start = position + 1;
return refs;