PSIZZL COMMANDS - reference manual
             Reference guide to Psizzl macros
 This is a list of all the user macros in Psizzl.
 They are grouped logically according to function.
These macros are general-purpose macros used
everywhere in Psizzl, or are of general interest.
    \Psizzl - this gives the logo: Psizzl
    \diagnostics - turns on tracing diagnostics
    \endpage - causes a page break
    \underscore#1 -
       gives the argument, \underscore{{\it underscored}}
    \leaderfil - gives leaders of dots:\hbox to 1in{(\leaderfil)}
    \centertitle#1 - along with |\breaktitle|, below, gives a centered
       title, whose line breaks are controlled by the user
    \breaktitle - to be used with |\centertitle| to break the lines
    \monthdayyear - causes the date used in \Psizzl macros to appear
       as {\sl ``month day, year''}, instead of {\sl ``day month year''},
       which is the default.
    \date#1 - sets the date to the argument. See also  |\letterdate| and
    \loosepar - To be used to terminate any paragraph which
       has an overfull |\hbox|, due to the line breaker not working.
    \unlock - To ``unlock'' the macros, so that the character `|@|'
       may be used in macro names.
    \lock - To undo |\unlock|.
    \adddef#1#2 - adds #2 to the \def of #1
    \bumpcount#1 - increases the absolute value of \count#1 by 1
    \numorroman#1 - expands to arabic if \count#1 is positive, and to
       roman if \count#1 is negative
    \lapcomma - gives a comma which will overlap the chracter to the left
    \translate#1#2#3 - causes TeX to typeset the object specified by #3
       at the postion specified by X = #1 and Y = #2 relative to the
       current postion. The current position is not, however, changed.
    \iftemp  - this is a `scratch' switch. It can be used at any time.
These are the macros pertaining to lists.
    \itembegin#1 - Starts an itemized list and sets the symbol to the
    \item - Makes an entry in an itemized list with the current symbol.
    \itemcon - Continues an item in a list starting with a new paragraph.
    \itemset#1 - sets the symbol to #1, but does not begin an item.
    \sitembegin#1 - Similar to |\itembegin|, for a subitem.
    \sitem - Similar to |\item|, for a subitem.
    \sitemcon - Similar to |\itemcon|, for subitem.
    \sitemset#1 - Similar to |\itemset|, for a subitem.
    \ssitembegin#1 - Similar to |\itembegin|, for a subsubitem.
    \ssitem - Similar to |\item|, for a subsubitem.
    \ssitemcon - Similar to |\itemcon|, for subsubitem.
    \ssitemset#1 - Similar to |\itemset|, for a subsubitem.
    \pointbegin - Start a sequential list of points.
    \point - Put another item in a seqential list.
    \pointcon - Like |\itemcon| for a sequentail list.
    \spointbegin - Like |\pointbegin|, for a sublist.
    \spoint - Like |\point|, for a sublist.
    \spointcon - Like |\pointcon|, for a sublist.
    \sspointbegin - Like |\pointbegin|, for a subsublist.
    \sspoint - Like |\point|, for a subsublist.
    \sspointcon - Like |\pointcon|, for a subsublist.
These macros facilitate making pictures.
     \blankbox#1#2 - Makes a blank box of the specified dimensions.
     \scalein - An inch dimension which magnifies with the type size.
     \boxit#1 - Put a box around the argument.
     \picture#1#2 - Currently just |\blankbox|.
These define the fonts used in \Psizzl.
% `X' denotes that the font is loaded
% suffixes:   rm  ss  fib  i it  bf  sy  sl  ss  tt  x  caps
% prefixes:
% \twelve      X   X       X  X   X   X   X   X   X  X    X
% \ten         X   X       X  X   X   X   X   X   X  X    X
% \eight       X           X      X   X   X
% \seven       X           X      X   X
% \five        X           X      X   X
% e.g.: \twelverm is a roman font at 12 point
%       \tencaps  is a cap/smallcap font at 10 pt
% Plus the following special fonts:
%    \fortyss
%    \fifteenrm
%    \fourteenrm
%    \tenex
The following macros are defined in this file:
     \singlespace - Set to single spaced lines.
     \normalbaselines - Set to one-and-one-half spaced lines.
     \doublespace - Set to double spaced lines.
     \largetype - Set to large type size.
     \mediumtype - Set to medium type size.
These macros turn on various switches, which control how
certain options are used in \Psizzl depending on what publication
you are writing for.
    \APS - American Physical Society.
    \IEEE - IEEE.
    \NIM - Nuclear Instruments and Methods.
    \NPB - Nuclear Physics B.
    \PRL - Phys. Rev. Letters.
    \PRD - Phys. Rev. D.
    \PL - Physics Letters.
    \illn#1 - when in |\proof| mode, it expands to ``Illn. #''
    \draft - Specifies that this is a draft.
    \preprint - Specifies that this is a preprint.
    \proof - Specifies that this is a proof copy.
    \submit - Specifies that this will be submitted to a journal.
    \foreign - selects specifications for non-APS journals
    \journal - selects specifications for journal articles
    \conference - selects specifications for conference proceedings
    \ifdraft - flag: this is the draft style of a document
    \ifproof - flag: this is the proof style of a document
    \ifsubmit - flag: this is the submit style of a document
These macros control how the output will appear on the page.
   \ifdoubleside - flag: the document will be double sided
   \ifquadside - flag: the document will be two-pages-per-leaf
These macros generate the title page of a publication,
and indirectly invoke some switches.
    \docspec#1 - document specifications. Appear in upper right of title
    \contract#1 - Defines the contract to be cited.
    \contracttrue - Specifies that the given contract is to be cited.
    \title#1 - Title of the document.
    \subtitle#1 - specify the subtitle of a document.
    \authors#1 - Author list.
    \institute#1 - The publishing institution.
    \submittedto#1 - The journal to be submitted to.
    \abstract#1 - The abstract.
    \university#1 - Specify the university of the thesis student
    \price#1 - Specify the price code of NTIS
    \workingauthor#1 - Specify the working author.
    \workingauthorbin#1 - Specify the mail stop of the working author.
        {Specify the address of the workin g author.
    \publicationstyle#1 - macros to be invoked at the beginning of the
    \publication - specify that document will be a publication
    \thesisstyle#1 - macros to be invoked at the beginning of the thesis.
    \thesis - specify that document will be a thesis
    \reportstyle#1 - macros to be invoked at the beginning of a report.
    \report - specify that document will be a report
    \acknowledge#1 - specify the text of the acknowledgement
    \begindocument - begin production of the specified document.
       Title page, etc. are produced now.
    \enddocument - end production of the document.
    \sigpage#1#2#3#4#5 - specify details of signature page of a thesis.
    \iffrontmatter - flag: the front matter of the document is to be
    \ifabstractsigned - flag: the abstract page is to be signed.
    \ifcopyright - flag: this document is to be copyrighted.
These macros will cause a memo to be produced.
    \memohead#1 - Specify the header of the memo.
       Default is institution-dependent
    \memodate#1 - Specify the date of the memo.
    \memoto#1 - Who the memo is to.
    \memofrom#1 - Who the memo is from.
    \memosubject#1 - Specify the topic of the memo.
    \beginmemo - To begin the memo.
    \endmemo - To end the memo.
    \memostyle#1 - Specify the style of the memo.
These macros control how letters are made.
    \letterdate#1 - Specify the date of the letter.
    \salutation#1 - Specify the salutation.
    \closing#1 - Specify the closing.
    \typist#1 - Specify the initials of the typist.
    \copiesto#1 - Specify the cc:
    \MyRef#1 - Specify your reference number.
    \YourRef#1 - Specify the receiver's reference number.
    \breakletter - Break the page at this point.
    \letterto#1#2 - Name and address of the receiver.
    \letterfrom#1#2#3 - Specify the sender.
    \everyletter#1 - Text to be included in every letter.
    \beginletter - Begin the letter.
    \endletter - End the letter.
    \letterhead#1#2#3#4 - Specify the letterhead.
    \postscript#1 - specify the postscript of the letter
    \enclosure#1#2 - specify the enclosures of the letter
    \prescript#1 - specify the prescript of the letter
    \letterstyle#1 - macros to be invoked at the start of the letter
    \ifletter - flag: for output routine: this is a letter
    \ifletterhead - flag: a letterhead is to be produced. Default: true
    \ifstreetaddress - flag: the street address of the institution
       is to appear in the letterhead. default: false.
    \ifwindowenvelope - flag: the address of the letter will be typeset
       so that it will appear within the window of a window envelope.
The body of a document (be it publication, memo, or letter)
are produced by these macros.
    \beginbody - Begin the body of the paper.
    \chapter#1 - Begin a new chapter.
    \beginappendices - Subsequent |\chapter|s will be appendices.
    \endbody - End the body. Get out list of references, \etc
    \section#1 - Start a bew section.
    \subsection#1 - Start a new subsection.
    \subsubsection#1 - Start a new subsubsection.
Citations such as references, figures, tables and equations are
done by these macros.
In the following macros,
#1 is a valid TeX control squence name
(`\' followed by alphabetic characters only: don't use any numerals!).
Where the macros use `=', they are defining the mnemonic name, so
\<NAME> must not have been previously defined. (Hint: use some CAPITALS).
Once this has been done, the mnemonic name can be used with the macro
without the `=' and following one (or three) arguments:
e.g.: first use: `\cite\DrellYan={Private communication}'
      second use: `\Reference\DrellYan\ has clearly shown....'
In the reference, equation, and author address macros,
#2 is the text of the respective thing being defined.
    The following three macros set the style of the reference:
    \superreference - References will be superscripted: `$^{#1}$'
    \bracketreference - References will appear in brackets: `[#1]'
    \parenreference - References will appear in parenthesis: `(#1)'
    The following five macros define or cite references:
    \cite#1=#2 - Define a new reference and put out, e.g.: `$^{#1}$'
    \hideref#1=#2 - define a new reference, but don't put out any text.
       This is how multiple references are produced.
    \bareref#1=#2 - define a new reference, and put out #1 only (bare).
    \reference#1=#2 - Define a new reference and put out `Ref.#1'
    \Reference#1=#2 - Define a new reference and put out `Reference #1'
        Specify a reference in a way that the journal style can switch.
    \volyearpageref - |\refspec| will be: volume, year, page.
    \cernref - References will appear in CERN's style.
    \equation#1=#2 - Define a new equation.
    \Equation#1=#2 - Define a new equation.
    \display#1=#2  - define a new equation and display it.
    \authoraddress#1=#2 - define a new authoraddress
    \presentaddress#1=#2 - define a new authoraddress
       as `Present address: #2'
    \addressreference - specify author addresses to be references
    \addressfootnote - specify author addresses to be footnotes
    \addressinline - specify author addresses to be inline
    In the figure and table macros,
    #2 is the title of the figure or table, which will appear in the
    table of contents.
    #2 and #3 concatenated together constitute the caption of the figure
    or table.
    #4 will be the contents of the figure or table itself.
    \figure#1=#2#3#4 - Define a new figure and put out `Fig.#1'
    \Figure#1=#2#3#4 - Define a new figure and put out `Figure #1'
    \iffigureembed - figures are to be imbedded into the text.
       Default: true.
    \table#1=#2#3#4 - Define a new table and put out `table #1'
    \Table#1=#2#3#4 - Define a new table and put out `table #1'
    \iftableembed - tables are to be embedded into the text.
       Default: true.
    \hangpar#1#2 - starts a paragraph with hanging indentation.
    \lowercasecite - Citations will be lower case, not upper.
    \vita#1 - specify a curriculum vitae for this document
    \hyphen - punctuation for equations and multiple references
    \comma  - punctuation for multiple references
    \lapperiod - a period which overlaps to the left.
These are the macros for verbatim scanning.
     \begintt - Begin verbatim mode.
     \endtt - End verbatim mode.
     |stuff| - Verbatim mode, inline.
     \listfile#1 - Make a listing of the specified file.
     \iflistnumber - flag: \listfile produces a numbered listing.
These are the macros for doing the index of a document.
They can each turn into a ``silent'' index entry by doubling the `^'
   ^\{text} - Ordinary index entry.
   ^\|text| - A special term, index entry.
   ^\|\text| - A control sequence, index entry.
   ^\<text> - A bracketed concept, index entry.