--- @class SymbolExpression --- An atomic expression corresponding to a symbol representing an arbitary value. --- @field symbol string --- @alias Symbol SymbolExpression SymbolExpression = {} local __SymbolExpression = {} ---------------------- -- Instance methods -- ---------------------- --- Given the name of the symbol as a string, creates a new symbol. --- @param symbol string --- @return SymbolExpression function SymbolExpression:new(symbol) local o = {} local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations) __o.__index = SymbolExpression __o.__tostring = function(a) return a.symbol end __o.__eq = function(a, b) return a.symbol == b.symbol end if type(symbol) ~= "string" then error("Sent parameter of wrong type: symbol must be a string") end o.symbol = symbol o = setmetatable(o, __o) return o end --- @return boolean function SymbolExpression:freeof(symbol) return symbol~=self end --- @return boolean function SymbolExpression:isconstant() return false end --- @param other Expression --- @return boolean function SymbolExpression:order(other) -- Symbol Expressions come after constant expressions. if other:isconstant() then return false end -- Lexographic order on symbols. if other:type() == SymbolExpression then for i = 1, math.min(#self.symbol, #other.symbol) do if string.byte(self.symbol, i) ~= string.byte(other.symbol, i) then return string.byte(self.symbol, i) < string.byte(other.symbol, i) end end return #self.symbol < #other.symbol end if other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {self, Integer.one()}):order(other) end if other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {self}):order(other) end if other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {self}):order(other) end -- CASC Autosimplfication has some symbols appearing before functions, but that looks bad to me, so all symbols appear before products now. if other:type() == FunctionExpression or other:type() == TrigExpression or other:type() == Logarithm then return true end return false end --- Converts this symbol to an element of a polynomial ring. --- @return PolynomialRing, boolean function SymbolExpression:topolynomial() return PolynomialRing({Integer.zero(), Integer.one()}, self.symbol), true end ----------------- -- Inheritance -- ----------------- __SymbolExpression.__index = AtomicExpression __SymbolExpression.__call = SymbolExpression.new SymbolExpression = setmetatable(SymbolExpression, __SymbolExpression) ---------------------- -- Static Constants -- ---------------------- -- The constant pi. PI = SymbolExpression("pi") function PI:tolatex() return "\\pi " end -- Approximates pi as a rational number. Uses continued fraction expansion. function PI:approximate() return Integer(313383936) / Integer(99753205) end --function PI:isconstant() -- return true --end -- The constant e. E = SymbolExpression("e") -- Approximates pi as a rational number. Uses continued fraction expansion. function E:approximate() return Integer(517656) / Integer(190435) end -- The imaginary constant i. I = SymbolExpression("i") function I:tolatex() return "i" end