## University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis LaTeX style The [Digital Submission Requirement](https://gradschool.utexas.edu/academics/theses-and-dissertations/digital-submission-requirement) page describes the requirements for Masters and Ph.D. thesis submissions. Most `utexas.edu` URLs are fragile; if that link is dead, try searching for [utexas graduate thesis style](https://www.google.com/search?q=utexas+graduate+thesis+style). ### Instructions 1. Download the [`utexasthesis.cls`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linguistics/utexas-latex/master/utexasthesis.cls) (right click and "Save As...") file into your working directory 2. Replace your initial `\documentclass{...}` call with `\documentclass{utexasthesis}` 3. Fill in the required personal information by calling the following commands in your preamble (i.e., somewhere before `\begin{document}`): - `\title{The Title of Your Dissertation or Treatise}` - `\author{Full Official Name}` + This should match the "Name of Doctoral Candidate" field on your official "Request For Final Oral Examination" form. - `\graduationdate{May}{2017}` - `\supervisor{Supervisor Name}` - `\cosupervisor{Cosupervisor Name}` + `% \cosupervisor{}` is optional, unless you use the `masters` option (described [below](#options)), in which case it's required and `\othercommitteemembers{}` is ignored. - `\othercommitteemembers{Member's Name, Member's Name, Member's Name}` 4. Supply `\maketitle` and the other commands and environments in the proper order. 5. Use `\maketableofcontents` instead of `\tableofcontents` 6. Use `\makebibliography{yourbib}` instead of `\bibliography{yourbib}` (and be sure to specify a style with `\bibliographystyle{...}`). Alternatively, you can use the [`basic.tex`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linguistics/utexas-latex/master/template/basic.tex) (right click and "Save As...") example as a starting point, replacing the placeholder text with your own information. View the `pdflatex` render of `basic.tex` on GitHub at [`basic.pdf`](https://github.com/linguistics/utexas-latex/blob/master/template/basic.pdf), or [download](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linguistics/utexas-latex/master/template/basic.pdf). ### Customizations The formatting guide doesn't specify a required font face. The `utexasthesis` class doesn't set one, which leaves "Computer Modern Roman" as the default font family. You can use any font supported by your LaTeX distribution; e.g., to use the Palatino font, as in the formatting guideline's examples: \usepackage{palatino} Or to use Times, along with a teletype font (which is used in URLs) that's more compact than Courier: \usepackage{times} \renewcommand*\ttdefault{cmvtt} ### Options The `utexasthesis` class can be customized with several optional arguments, which are supplied in the `\documentclass{}` call, e.g., `\documentclass[masters]{utexasthesis}`. - **`masters`**: switch format to Masters thesis, which has the following effects: + The document type is set to "Thesis" instead of "Dissertation". + The degree is set to "Master of Arts" (M.A.) instead of "Doctor of Philosophy" (Ph.D.). + The signatures page is styled differently. - **`copyright`**: adds a copyright page at the beginning of your thesis. - Line spacing (defaults to `onehalfspacing` if omitted): + **`singlespacing`**: Use single-spacing throughout the document, which is prohibited by the formatting guidelines. + **`onehalfspacing`**: Use 1.5-spacing throughout the document. + **`doublespacing`**: Use double-spacing throughout the document. - Font sizes (defaults to `12pt` if omitted): + **`10pt`**: Use 10 point font, which is not recommended by the formatting guidelines. + **`11pt`**: Use 11 point font, which is not recommended by the formatting guidelines. + **`12pt`**: Use 12 point font. - **`draft`**: renders a compact version of your thesis. The layout does not comply with the graduate school requirements, but may be useful to print out drafts for review. + This option applies the usual `draft` class options to the underlying `report` class. + The copyright page is omitted even if the `copyright` option is used. + The signatures page is omitted. + The main title page is omitted. + Chapters do not trigger a page break. All of these can be used in combination, separated by commas. The few options that have overlapping effects will give priority to the last-listed argument(s) in the listings above. E.g., `\documentclass[masters,12pt,draft,11pt]{utexasthesis}` will render the Masters thesis format in 12 point font, even though `11pt` comes after `12pt` in the list of options. ### Packages The following packages are imported by `utexasthesis`: * `geometry` (to set paper size, layout dimensions, and margins) * `fontenc` * `setspace` (configurable via `singlespacing` / `onehalfspacing` / `doublespacing` option) * `indentfirst` (to indent every paragraph, even at the beginning of chapters and sections) * `natbib` * `tocloft` * `tocbibind` * `url` * `hyperref` * `doi` (to hyperlink DOIs in bibliography) ### F.A.Q. - **Q**: How do I number subsubsections? E.g., Chap.Sec.Subsec.Subsubsec **A**: Set the `secnumdepth` and `tocdepth` counters: ```latex % number subsubsections \setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % default: 2 (which only numbers up to subsections) % include subsubsections in table of contents \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % default: 2 ``` See [How to show subsections and subsubsections in TOC?](https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/17879) for details. ## License The `utexasthesis` document class and related materials are [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)-licensed. This is similar to the [Unlicense](http://unlicense.org) and [WTFPL](http://wtfpl.net). This means I (Christopher Brown), have waived all copyright rights to this work, to the extent allowed by law.