% `postcards.cls' - a letter-based class used to print multiple % 5.5 x 3.5'' postcards via the `envlab' and `mailing' packages. % author: bil kleb % date: 14 aug 1999 % version: 0.1 % license: lppl % begin the beginning: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{postcards}[1999/08/14 v0.1 multiple postcards class] % load the standard latex letter class: \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{letter}} \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass[landscape]{letter} % strip the return address, date, and to-address from the % standard letter class opening: \renewcommand*{\opening}[1]{\thispagestyle{firstpage}#1\par\nobreak} % reduced vertical space allowed for signature in closing: \renewcommand{\closing}[1]{\par\nobreak\vspace{\parskip}% \stopbreaks \noindent \ifx\@empty\fromaddress\else \hspace*{\longindentation}\fi \parbox{\indentedwidth}{\raggedright \ignorespaces #1\\[3\medskipamount]% [wlk: was 6] \ifx\@empty\fromsig \fromname \else \fromsig \fi\strut}% \par} % use `geometry' package to specify new page size and layout: \RequirePackage[papersize={3.5in,5.5in},% postcard size margin=0.375in,% margins landscape,% % landscape page orientation voffset=5in,% % moves ``page'' to upper left corner noheadfoot% % no header or footers ]{geometry}[1998/04/08] % use `envlab' package to print address ``labels'' on the postcards: \RequirePackage[norotateenvelopes,% landscape mode from above % already rotates the % ``envelopes'' alwaysbarcodes% necessary since we're using the % mailing package (see envlab % guide) ]{envlab}[1997/07/16] % set postcard size: \SetEnvelope{5.5in}{3.5in} % change a margin: \setlength{\ToAddressTopMargin}{0.25in}% [default is 0.5in] % set to-address flush right instead of centered: \renewcommand{\PrintEnvelope}[2]{% \begin{minipage}[t][\EnvelopeHeight]{\EnvelopeWidth}% \baselineskip=0pt% \lineskip=0pt% \parindent=0pt% \PrintReturnAddress{#1}\\% \begin{flushright}% \PrintAddress{#2}% \end{flushright}% \end{minipage}} \makelabels % load `mailing' package to handle multiple addresses: \RequirePackage{mailing}[1999/03/03] % this package requires a database file containing addresses of the form: % % name % street\\town % opening % [blank line] % % via the \addressfile{databasefilename} command in the preamble % automatically put the \makemailing command % at the beginning of the document: \AtBeginDocument{\makemailing}