% % \GetFileInfo{gmoldcomm.sty} % \title{The \pk{gmoldcomm} Package\thfileinfo} % \author{Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski)} % \date{\today} % \maketitle % % % This is a~package % for handling the old comments in \LaTeXe\ Source Files when \LaTeX^^B % ing them with the \pk{gmdoc} package. % % Written by Natror (Grzegorz Murzynowski) 2007/11/10. % % It's a~part of the \pk{gmdoc} bundle and as such a~subject to the % \LaTeX\ Project Public License. % % % \stanza % Scan \acro{CS}s and put them in tt. If at beginning of line, precede them % with |%|. Obey lines in the commentary. % \FileInfo \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{gmoldcomm} [2007/11/10 v0.99 LaTeX old comments handling (GM)] \newenvironment{oldcomments}{% \catcode`\\=\active \let\do\@makeother \do\$% Not only \acro{CS}s but also special chars occur in the old % comments. \do\|\do\#\do\{\do\}\do\^\do\_\do\&% \gmoc@defbslash \obeylines \StoreMacro\finish@macroscan \def\finish@macroscan{% \@xa\gmd@ifinmeaning\macro@pname\of\gmoc@notprinted% {}{{\tt\ifvmode\%\fi\bslash\macro@pname}}% \gmoc@checkenv }% }{} {\escapechar\m@ne \xdef\gmoc@notprinted{\string\begin,\string\end}} \def\gmoc@maccname{macrocode} \def\gmoc@ocname{oldcomments} \foone{% \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 } [\def\gmoc@checkenv[% \@ifnextchar{%^^A} [\gmoc@checkenvinn][]]% % \def\gmoc@checkenvinn{#1}[% \def\gmoc@resa[#1]% \ifx\gmoc@resa\gmoc@maccname \def\next[% \begingroup \def\@currenvir[macrocode]% \RestoreMacro\finish@macroscan \catcode`\\=\z@ \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \macrocode]% \else \ifx\gmoc@resa\gmoc@ocname \def\next[\end[oldcomments]]% \else \def\next[% % ^^A \typeout[**** detected environment [#1]]% \{#1\}% % ^^A \show\relax ]% \fi \fi \next]% ] \foone{% \catcode`\/=\z@ \catcode`\\=\active} % \CodeEscapeChar\/ {/def/gmoc@defbslash{% /let\/scan@macro}} % \CodeEscapeChar\\ \def\task#1#2{} \endinput %\NoEOF