# Copyright 2013 TeX Users Group. # This file is part of the dialogl package, released under the LPPL; # see dialogl.ins for details. pkg = dialogl dtx = $(pkg).dtx grabhedr.dtx listout.dtx menus.dtx # srcfiles = Makefile README srcfiles += $(pkg).ins $(dtx) srcfiles += cnvunits.tex dia-driv.tex srcfiles += dialogl-doc.sty srcfiles += fontmenu.tex fontmenu.lg # doc srcfiles += diatest.tex derivedfiles = opt = --interaction=nonstopmode --file-line-error latex = latex $(opt) pdflatex = pdflatex $(opt) # %.pdf: %.tex $(pdflatex) $< $(pdflatex) $< default: all all: dist derivedfiles += default.los default.los: dialogl.dtx derivedfiles += codialog.pdf codialog.pdf: codialog.tex echo P | pdflatex $< echo P | pdflatex $< derivedfiles += dia-driv.pdf dia-driv.pdf: dialogl-doc.sty # doesn't really depend on dialog.sty for running, but we want to make # sure the .ins works. dia-driv.pdf: dialog.sty dialog.sty grabhedr.sty listout.tex menus.sty: $(pkg).ins $(dtx) yes | head -100 | latex $< # \askforoverwritefalse seemingly has no effect. dist: $(pkg).zip $(pkg).zip: manifest.txt $(srcfiles) $(derivedfiles) chmod a+rw $^ rm -f $@; zip $@ $^ manifest.txt: $(srcfiles) chmod a+rw $^ echo $@ $^ | tr ' ' '\n' >$@