%% memoize-doc-common.sty %% %% This file is a part of Memoize, a TeX package for externalization of %% graphics and memoization of compilation results in general, available at %% https://ctan.org/pkg/memoize and https://github.com/sasozivanovic/memoize. %% %% Copyright (c) 2020- Saso Zivanovic %% (Sa\v{s}o \v{Z}ivanovi\'{c}) %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at %% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in %% https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3c or later is part of %% all distributions of LaTeX version 2008 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Saso Zivanovic. %% %% The files belonging to this work and covered by LPPL are listed in %% (/doc/generic/memoize/)FILES. \ProvidesPackage{memoize-doc-common} \usepackage[inline,shortlabels]{enumitem} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \tcbuselibrary{listings,hooks,raster,skins} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xstring} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ language=[LaTeX]TeX, columns=fullflexible, basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, commentstyle=\color{purple}, moredelim={[is][\pstyle]{~}{~}} } \lstMakeShortInline[moredelim={[is][\pstyle]{~}{~}}]{ˇ}% \tcbset{ linerange/.style={listing options app={linerange=#1}}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%% % title page % \usepackage{pdftexcmds} \let\pdfsystem\pdf@system % version and date \def\datefrompackageversion#1{% \setbox0=\hbox{% \def\ProvidesPackage##1[##2]{% \gdef\@packagever{##2}% \endinput }% \input{#1.sty}% }% \expandafter\parsepackagever@\@packagever\parsepackagever@ } \def\parsepackagever@#1/#2/#3 v#4 #5\parsepackagever@{% \year=#1\relax\month=#2\relax\day=#3\relax \def\packagever{#4}\def\packagedesc{#5}% } \renewcommand\maketitle{% \begingroup \mmzset{disable, auto={tcolorbox}{clear options}}% \mmznext does not work here -- todo: maybe it does now \begin{tcolorbox}[ colback=emphcolor, fonttitle=\LARGE\bf, halign title=center, halign upper=center, halign lower=center, tikznode lower, adjusted title=\@title, ] \packagever\\ \@date \tcblower \Large\@author \end{tcolorbox} \endgroup } \colorlet{emphcolor}{yellow!90!black} \usepackage{marvosym} \let\emailsymbol\Letter \let\homepagesymbol\ComputerMouse \usepackage{fontawesome} % for \faGithub %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \verb@eol@error hack % % The problem: doc.sty (re)defines \verb "to check for newlines in its argument % since a missing delimiter is difficult to detect in doc source." In % principle, that's great, but I really hate it that I can't use Emacs's % "fill-paragraph" without fear of getting the "Text for \noexpand\verb command % ended by end of line" error. % % Solution: the original \verb@eol@error defines a newline (which is active at % that point) to throw an error. We redefine \verb@eol@error to define a % newline to gobble an immediately following percent character (assuming that % we are processing .dtx documentation) and spaces. \begingroup \obeylines% \gdef\verb@eol@error{\obeylines% \def^^M{\futurelet\verb@eol@nextchar\verb@eol@peek}% }% \endgroup \gdef\verb@eol@peek{% \if\@percentchar\verb@eol@nextchar \expandafter\verb@eol@ignorepercentchar \else \space % we need one space, though! \expandafter\verb@eol@ignorespaces \fi } \def\verb@eol@ignorepercentchar#1{% #1 = "%" \@xobeysp\verb@eol@ignorespaces} \begingroup\catcode`\ =13 \gdef\verb@eol@otherspace{ }\endgroup % |\ignorespaces| wouldn't work here, as our spaces are of category 13 \def\verb@eol@ignorespaces{% \futurelet\verb@eol@nextchar\verb@eol@ignorespaces@peek} \def\verb@eol@ignorespaces@peek{% \expandafter\ifx\verb@eol@otherspace\verb@eol@nextchar \expandafter\verb@eol@ignorespaces@space \fi } \def\verb@eol@ignorespaces@space#1{\verb@eol@ignorespaces} % The same hack, but for \lstinline of package listings. % https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/473459/16819 \def\lst@InlineM#1{\gdef\lst@inlinechars{% \lst@Def{`#1}{\lst@DeInit\egroup\global\let\lst@inlinechars\@empty}% \lst@Def{13}{\lst@ProcessSpace}}% <--- \lst@inlinechars} %%%%%%%%%%% % various % \usepackage{hologo} \newcommand\PGFmanual[1]{% \href {http://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/base/doc/pgfmanual.pdf} {\S#1 of the Ti\emph{k}Z \& \textsc{PGF} manual}% } \newcommand\Alt{\,$\vert$\,} \newcommand\hyp{\discretionary{}{}{}} \newcommand\fncomma{\ensuremath{{^,}}} % load hyperref before this \protected\def\hypercolor#1#2{% #1 = url/link/.., #2 = color \expanded{% \noexpand\HyColor@HyperrefColor{#2}\expandonce{\csname @#1color\endcsname}% }% } \RenewDocumentCommand\url{ o D(){} m }{% {\IfValueT{#1}{\hypercolor{url}{#1}}\href{#2#3}{\texttt{#3}}}} \def\pkgcolor{black} \NewDocumentCommand\pkg{O{\pkgcolor}m}{{% \hypercolor{url}{#1}% \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/#2}{\texttt{#2}}}}