%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gedalin.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % gedalin.sty % Scanner for Michael Gedalin's special Hebrew encoding % to activate it, say "\setcode {gedalin}" % presupposes the packages "arabtex.sty" and "hebtex.sty" % 10.09.2001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \gedatcode \undefined \else \xpa \endinput \fi \chardef \gedatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 \a@ident {gedalin.sty} {3.10 scanner for Michael Gedalin's Hebrew encoding} {10.09.2001} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % dynamic definitions for Hebrew {\catcode `\^ 7 \catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \setged@codes {\seta@codes % activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \def \sc@a {\n@xp\a@S} \def \sc@b {n} \def \sc@c {b} \def \sc@d {g} \def \sc@e {q} \def \sc@f {k} \def \sc@g {P} \def \sc@h {y} \def \sc@i {\n@xp\a@N} \def \sc@j {X} \def \sc@k {l} \def \sc@l {\n@xp\a@K} \def \sc@m {S} \def \sc@n {m} \def \sc@o {\n@xp\a@M} \def \sc@p {p} \def \sc@q {/} \def \sc@r {r} \def \sc@s {d} \def \sc@t {Q} \def \sc@u {w} \def \sc@v {h} \def \sc@w {,} \def \sc@x {s} \def \sc@y {C} \def \sc@z {z} % \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {()[]} \a@first = {;,.} %\iffalse \tc@def \a@M {\act@cd \hc@mf } % mem sofit \tc@def \a@N {\act@cd \hc@nf } % nun sofit \tc@def \a@K {\act@cd \hc@kf } % kaf sofit \tc@def \a@P {\act@cd \hc@ff } % peh sofit \tc@def \a@Z {\act@cd \hc@sf } % tsadeh sofit %\fi \globaldefs=0 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for Hebrew %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \ged@scan #1>{% modified scanner call: token sequence -> \a@tokens \iftest@scan \ifshow \else \lowercase {\a@verb #1>}\fi \tracingmacros = 1 \fi \global\def \a@rest {}\global\a@tokens = {}% \novocalize \sc@beg #1\@ \@@ \iftest@scan \tracingmacros = 0 \xpa \a@verb \xpa (\the\a@tokens )>\fi } \def \ged@word #1#2{% transform input into internal notation \@ssimfalse \def \next {\ged@word #2}% \ifx #1\@ \let \next \relax \else \ifcat \nxp #1\relax \def \next {\ged@cs #1#2}\else % control sequence \ifx #1-\def \sc@char {B}\sc@put \else \ifx #1/\def \sc@char {.}\sc@put \else \ifx #1`\def \sc@char {;}\sc@put \else \ifx #1w\def \sc@char {,}\sc@put \else \ifx #1q\def \sc@char {/}\sc@put \else \ifx #1|\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@U}\sc@put \else \ifx #1;\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@P \nxp \a@U}\sc@put \else \ifx #1,\def \sc@char {t\nxp \a@U}\sc@put \else \ifx #1.\def \sc@char {\nxp \a@Z \nxp \a@U}\sc@put \else \ifcat \noexpand #1-\def \sc@char {#1}\sc@put \else \ifcat \noexpand #1a\edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }\else \def \sc@char {#1}% \fi \sc@put \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } \def \g@d@cs #1#2{% test word end \def \sc@char {#1}\sc@put \ifx #2\@ \def \next {\sc@endscan #2}\else \ifcat -\nxp #2 \def \next {\ged@word #2}\else \def \next {\sc@back #2}\fi \fi \next } \def \ged@cs #1#2{% control sequence within a word; push back? \xpa \ifx #1\closegeresh \def \next {\g@d@cs {\nxp \lq }#2}\else \xpa \ifx #1\closequote \def \next {\g@d@cs {`}#2}\else \def \next {\sc@back #1#2}% \fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \ged@select {% select the new scanner %\heb@catcodes % inside hebtex.sty; to make sure \let \sc@beg \ged@word \let \sc@word \ged@word \let \sc@back \sc@@back \let \sc@endscan \sc@@endscan \setged@codes \global\let \a@scan \ged@scan \let \h@put@end \h@put@mid \a@message {input encoding set to Michael Gedalin's Hebrew encoding}} \xpa \def \xpa \sc@table \xpa {\sc@table % add the encoding gedalin\ged@select } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \a@message {scanner for Michael Gedalin's Hebrew encoding installed.} \setcode{gedalin} \catcode `\@ = \gedatcode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%