################################################################## # Define miscellaneous rules for rewriting the document's index. # # Author: Scott Pakin # ################################################################## # -------------------------------- hats -------------------------------- # ... accents ... # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_regex = '\\RHAT(crown|mortarboard)' item = ['\1', "as math-mode accent"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\RHAT' item = '\g<0>, as math-mode accent' # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] regex = '^(cowboy|hard|top|witch|wizard) hat$' item = ["hat", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "faHardHat" item = ["hat", "hard"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["faHatCowboy", "faHatCowboySide"] item = ["hat", "cowboy"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faHatWizard" item = ["hat", "wizard"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["graduation cap", "faGraduationCap"] item = "mortarboard" # ------------------------------- pages -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^page\s+(.+)$' item = ["page", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "pages" item = ["page", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^Paper(Portrait|Landscape)$' lowercase_item = true item = ["page", '\1'] # ------------------------------ vehicles ------------------------------ # ... cars ... [[rewrite]] matches = ["car", "cars"] item = "automobile" [[rewrite]] contains = "vehicle" # "recreational vehicle", "sport utility vehicle" item = "automobile" [[rewrite]] matches = "car crash" item = ["automobile", "crash"] [[rewrite]] matches = "automobile with key" item = ["automobile", "with key"] # ... boats and ships ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "motor boat", "sailboat", "speedboat" ] item = "boat" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\PHship' # This looks more like a boat to me. item = "boat" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\asapBoat' # This looks more like a ship to me. item = "ship" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ships", "passenger ship" ] item = "ship" # ----------------------------- rectangles ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "rectangles", "hrectangle", "vrectangle", "oblong", # Some of these are barely oblong, almost square. "talloblong", "bigtalloblong", "bigbox" ] item = "rectangle" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "hrectangleblack", "vrectangleblack", "Rectangle", "RectangleBold", "RectangleThin" ] item = ["rectangle", "filled"] # -------------------------- ellipses (ovals) -------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["ellipses (ovals)", "ovals"] item = "ellipse" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Ellipse", "whthorzoval"] item = "ellipse" [[rewrite]] matches = ["EllipseSolid", "blkhorzoval"] item = ["ellipse", "filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "whtvertoval" item = ["ellipse", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "blkvertoval" item = ["ellipse", "vertical, filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "EllipseShadow" item = ["ellipse", "shadowed"] # ------------------------------- boots -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "hiking boot" item = ["boot", "hiking"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ski and ski boot" item = ["boot", "ski"] [[rewrite]] matches = "womans boots" item = ["boot", "multiple"] # ------------------------ maps (geographical) ------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "world map" item = ["map", "world"] [[rewrite]] matches = "map of Japan" item = ["map", "of Japan"] [[rewrite]] matches = "map, marked" item = ["map", "marked"] # --------------------------- diagonal lines --------------------------- # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] matches = ["diagdown", "nwseline"] item = ["diagonal line", "down"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["diagup", "neswline"] item = ["diagonal line", "up"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Neswline" item = ["diagonal line", "up, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Nwseline" item = ["diagonal line", "down, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "fdiagovrdiag", "rdiagovfdiag" ] item = ["diagonal line", "two, crossed"] # ... negated ... [[rewrite]] matches = "ndiagdown" item = ["diagonal line", "down, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ndiagup" item = ["diagonal line", "up, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nNeswline" item = ["diagonal line", "up, double, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nNwseline" item = ["diagonal line", "down, double, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nneswline" item = ["diagonal line", "up, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nnwseline" item = ["diagonal line", "down, negated"] # ------------------------------- grids -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "topborder" item = ["grid", "top"] [[rewrite]] matches = "botborder" item = ["grid", "bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = "lftborder" item = ["grid", "left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rtborder" item = ["grid", "right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "empty" item = ["grid", "center"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hoshi" item = ["grid", "center, with filled circle"] # ------------------------------ borders ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^border\s+(.+)$' item = ["border", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^([SZ])border$' item = ["border", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["decorative borders", "fancy borders"] item = ["border", "decorative"] [[rewrite]] matches = "borders" item = "border" # ---------------------------- semicircles ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["topsemicircle", "botsemicircle"] item = "semicircle" [[rewrite]] regex = '^notched (left|right) semicircle with three dots$' item = ["semicircle", "notched with three dots"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["opluslhrim", "oplusrhrim"] item = ["semicircle", "plus"] # ------------------------------- locks -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["locks", "locked"] item = "lock" [[rewrite]] regex = 'lock.*with.*(key|pen)' item = ["lock", 'with \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["open lock", "unlocked"] item = ["lock", "open"] # -------------------------- ellipses (dots) --------------------------- [[rewrite]] top_matches = "ellipses (dots)" item = ["ellipsis"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ldots", "textellipsis", "mathellipsis", "baseline horizontal dots (horizontal ellipsis)" ] item = "ellipsis" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "cdots", "hdots", "centered horizontal dots (horizontal ellipsis)" ] item = ["ellipsis", "centered"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ddots", "fixedddots"] item = ["ellipsis", "diagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "fixedvdots", "vdots", "tripledot", "vertical dots (vertical ellipsis)" ] item = ["ellipsis", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["adots", "iddots", "revddots", "udots"] item = ["ellipsis", "anti-diagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ddotdot" item = ["ellipsis", "diagonal, two"] [[rewrite]] matches = "udotdot" item = ["ellipsis", "anti-diagonal, two"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["vdotdot", "doubledot"] item = ["ellipsis", "vertical, two"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["quaddot", "fourvdots"] item = ["ellipsis", "vertical, four"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentdot" item = ["ellipsis", "vertical, five"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hdotdot" item = ["ellipsis", "centered, two"] [[rewrite]] matches = "enleadertwodots" item = ["ellipsis", "two"] # ----------------------------- other dots ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "binding dot", "centerdot", "udot" ] item = ["dot", "middle"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\Dt)', '(\ARUNEeye)'] item = ["dot", "middle"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["dot", "ldotp"] item = ["dot", "lower"] [[rewrite]] matches = "doubleeye" item = ["dot", "two"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tripleeye" item = ["dot", "three"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["squaredots", "quadeye"] item = ["dot", "four"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["fivedots", "penteye"] item = ["dot", "five"] # ------------------------- punctuation marks -------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "MVPeriod" item = "period" [[rewrite]] matches = "textperiodcentered" item = ["period", "centered"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["fatsemi", "fcmp", "zcmp"] item = ["semicolon", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "paragraph", "textparagraph", "textpilcrow", "mathparagraph", "DCd" ] word = "pilcrow" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['+\P+', '\faParagraph', '\usym{2761}'] word = "pilcrow" [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '+\S+', '+\wasyparagraph+', '+\Paragraph+', '+\textsection+' ] item = "section mark" [[rewrite]] matches = ["mathsection", "NAK"] item = "section mark" [[rewrite]] regex = '^medium (flattened )?(left|right) parenthesis ornament$' item = ["parentheses", "dingbat"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^MV(Left|Right)Bracket$' item = ["parentheses", "sans serif"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Lbrack", "Rbrack"] item = ["brackets", "blackboard bold"] render = 'blackboard bold (\Lbrack \: \Rbrack)' [[rewrite]] matches = ["Langle", "Rangle"] item = ["angle brackets", "blackboard bold"] render = 'blackboard bold (\Langle \: \Rangle)' [[rewrite]] matches = "hyphen, discretionary" item = ["hyphen", "discretionary"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textdblhyphen" item = ["hyphen", "double"] # ------------------------------ bullets ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^(hyphen|inverse)bullet$' item = ["bullet", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["medbullet", "BEL"] item = "bullet" [[rewrite]] matches = "sqbullet" item = ["bullet", "square"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textopenbullet" item = ["bullet", "open"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bullets, as tally markers" item = ["bullet", "as tally markers"] [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "bullets" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{circles, squares' item = ["bullet"] seealso = "circle, square, rhombus, etc." # -------------------------- horizontal lines -------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["BigHBar", "HBar", "SmallHBar"] item = ["horizontal line", "high"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["leftrightline", "strns"] item = ["horizontal line", "middle"] [[rewrite]] matches = "lineh" item = ["horizontal line", "low"] [[rewrite]] matches = "linevh" item = ["horizontal line", "middle, with vertical line"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CuttingLine" item = ["horizontal line", "dashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Leftrightline" item = ["horizontal line", "middle, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nleftrightline" item = ["horizontal line", "middle, slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textdoublebarslash", "nLeftrightline"] item = ["horizontal line", "middle, double, slashed"] # --------------------------- vertical bars ---------------------------- # This rule should precede the following rule [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\ARUNEbar)' item = ["vertical bar", "short"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "BigVBar", "binding bar", "divides", "light vertical bar", "linev", "mid", "textpipe", "textpipevar", "texttoneletterstem", "textvertline", "updownline", "VBar", "vertoverlay" ] not_render_contains = '\MNSneswline' item = "vertical bar" [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\magicvertname', '(\textbar)', '(\Shfr)' ] item = "vertical bar" [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\magicVertname', '\FDSYMtVert', '\MNSdVert' ] item = ["vertical bar", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "textbardbl", "textdoublepipe", "textdoublepipevar", "textdoublevertline", "Updownline" ] item = ["vertical bar", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "doublebar", "textbrokenbar", "brokenvert", "splitvert" ] item = ["vertical bar", "split"] [[rewrite]] matches = "triplebar" item = ["vertical bar", "split twice"] [[rewrite]] matches = "midcir" item = ["vertical bar", "ring under"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nmidcir" item = ["vertical bar", "ring under, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cirmid" item = ["vertical bar", "ring over"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ncirmid" item = ["vertical bar", "ring over, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textdoublebarpipe", "textdoublebarpipevar"] item = ["vertical bar", "equals"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["medvert", "SmallVBar", "shortmid"] item = ["vertical bar", "short"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["dotmedvert", "medvertdot"] item = ["vertical bar", "short, dotted"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "heavy vertical bar", "medium vertical bar" ] item = ["vertical bar", "heavy"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nmid", "revnmid", "DividesNot", "ndivides", "notdivides", "nupdownline" ] item = ["vertical bar", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["nUpdownline", "nhpar"] item = ["vertical bar", "double, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nshortmid" item = ["vertical bar", "short, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nhVvert" item = ["vertical bar", "triple, negated"] # ---------------------------- curly braces ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^textbrace(left|right)$' item = "braces" render = "" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['+\{+', '+\}+'] item = "braces" render = "" [[rewrite]] regex = '(left|right) curly bracket ornament' item = ["braces", "decorative"] render = "" # ------------------------------ slashes ------------------------------- # ... special cases ... # \faSlash is called "slash", but the glyph is a backslash. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\faSlash)' item = "backslash" # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "/", "slash", "mathslash", "medslash", "not", "notchar", "right (forward) slash", "xsol" ] item = "slash" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\FDSYMtmathslash)' item = "slash" [[rewrite]] matches = ["fracslash", "textfractionsolidus"] item = ["slash", "fraction"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sslash" item = ["slash", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "trslash" item = ["slash", "triple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dsol" item = ["slash", "bar over"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "backslash", "textbackslash", "medbackslash", "left (back) slash", "xbsol" ] item = "backslash" [[rewrite]] matches = "fatbslash" item = ["backslash", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "fatslash" item = ["slash", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "centernot" item = ["slash", "horizontally centered"] # ... negated ... [[rewrite]] matches = "notslash" item = ["slash", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["notbackslash", "rsolbar"] item = ["backslash", "negated"] # -------------------- approximately equivalent to --------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["approxident", "triplesim", "threesim"] item = "approximately equivalent to" [[rewrite]] matches = "backtriplesim" item = ["approximately equivalent to", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["napproxident", "ntriplesim"] item = ["approximately equivalent to", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nbacktriplesim" item = ["approximately equivalent to", "reversed, negated"] # ----------------------- approximately equal to ----------------------- # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "approx", "approxeq", "approxeqq", "thickapprox" ] item = "approximately equal to" [[rewrite]] matches = ["backapprox", "backapproxeq"] item = ["approximately equal to", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "approxcolon" item = ["approximately equal to", "colon"] [[rewrite]] matches = "approxcoloncolon" item = ["approximately equal to", "colon, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hatapprox" item = ["approximately equal to", "hat"] # ... negated ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "napprox", "napproxeq", "napproxeqq", "nthickapprox" ] item = ["approximately equal to", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["nbackapprox", "nbackapproxeq"] item = ["approximately equal to", "reversed, negated"] # --------------------------- parallel lines --------------------------- # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] matches = ["parallel", "bigparallel"] item = "parallel" [[rewrite]] matches = "shortparallel" item = ["parallel", "short"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["varparallel", "parallelslant"] item = ["parallel", "slanted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "varparallelinv" item = ["parallel", "slanted backward"] [[rewrite]] matches = "parsim" item = ["parallel", "similar"] # ... negated ... [[rewrite]] matches = "nparallel" item = ["parallel", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nshortparallel" item = ["parallel", "short, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["nparallelslant", "nvarparallel"] item = ["parallel", "slanted, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nvarparallelinv" item = ["parallel", "slanted backward, negated"] # ----------------------------- ampersands ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] contains = "&" item = "ampersand" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "binampersand", "with", "bigwith", "additive and", "quantified additive and" ] item = "ampersand" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "upand", "invamp", "biginvamp", "bindnasrepma", "parr", "bigparr", "multiplicitive or", # Note spelling error. "quantified multiplicative or" ] item = ["ampersand", "inverted"] # --------------------------- set membership --------------------------- # ... regular ... [[rewrite]] matches = ["in", "smallin"] not_render_contains = '\EO' item = "set membership" [[rewrite]] matches = ["isins", "varisins"] item = ["set membership", "short vertical bar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "inplus" item = ["set membership", "plus"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["isinobar", "varisinobar", "barin"] item = ["set membership", "bar over"] [[rewrite]] matches = "isinvb" item = ["set membership", "bar under"] [[rewrite]] matches = "disin" item = ["set membership", "extended horizontal line"] [[rewrite]] matches = "isindot" item = ["set membership", "dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "isinE" item = ["set membership", "equal"] # ... reversed ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ni", "smallni", "owns", "smallowns", "set owns element" ] not_render_contains = '\EO' item = ["set membership", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["nis", "varnis"] item = ["set membership", "reversed, short vertical bar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "niplus" item = ["set membership", "reversed, plus"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["niobar", "varniobar"] item = ["set membership", "reversed, bar over"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ownsbar" item = ["set membership", "reversed, bar under"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nisd" item = ["set membership", "reversed, extended horizontal line"] # ... negated ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nin", "notin", "varnotin", "notsmallin", "set membership negated" ] item = ["set membership", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nvarisinobar" item = ["set membership", "bar over, negated"] # ... negated and reversed ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nni", "notni", "notowner", "varnotowner", "notsmallowns", "nowns", "set owns element negated" ] item = ["set membership", "reversed, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nvarniobar" item = ["set membership", "reversed, negated, bar over"] # ------------------------------- exists ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "exists", "bigexists", "existential bunch quantifier", "existential individual quantifier" ] item = "exists" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "hidden existential bunch quantifier", "hidden existential individual quantifier" ] item = ["exists", "tilde"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "unique existential bunch quantifier", "unique existential individual quantifier" ] item = ["exists", "exclamation point"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nexists", "existential bunch quantifier negation", "existential individual quantifier negation" ] item = ["exists", "negated"] # ----------------------------- pentagons ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = [ "pentago", "pentagon", "pentagons", "rightpentagon" ] item = "pentagon" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "pentagofill", "pentagonblack", "rightpentagonblack" ] item = ["pentagon", "filled"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^pentagofillh[ablr]$' item = ["pentagon", "half filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentagocross" item = ["pentagon", "crossed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentagodot" item = ["pentagon", "dotted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentagolineh" item = ["pentagon", "horizontally divided"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentagolinev" item = ["pentagon", "vertically divided"] [[rewrite]] matches = "pentagolinevh" item = ["pentagon", "quartered"] [[rewrite]] matches = "DEL" item = ["pentagon", "irregular"] # ------------------------------ hexagons ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = [ "hexago", "hexagon", "hexagons", "varhexagon" ] item = "hexagon" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "hexagofill", "hexagonblack", "varhexagonblack" ] item = ["hexagon", "filled"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^hexagofillh[ablr]$' item = ["hexagon", "half filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hexagocross" item = ["hexagon", "crossed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hexagodot" item = ["hexagon", "dotted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hexagolineh" item = ["hexagon", "horizontally divided"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hexagolinev" item = ["hexagon", "vertically divided"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hexagolinevh" item = ["hexagon", "quartered"] [[rewrite]] matches = "varhexagonlrbonds" item = ["hexagon", "with chemical bonds"] # -------------------------- logical negation -------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "neg", "lnot", "textlnot", "bitwise not operator/logical negation" ] item = "logical negation" [[rewrite]] matches = ["turnedneg", "intprod"] item = ["logical negation", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] top_matches = "inverted negation" item = ["logical negation", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["backneg", "invnot"] item = ["logical negation", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["invbackneg", "turnedbackneg", "intprodr"] item = ["logical negation", "reversed and inverted"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\STIXturnednot)' item = ["logical negation", "reversed and inverted"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\invneg$)', '(\FDSYMinvneg)' ] item = ["logical negation", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\MNSinvneg)', '(\FDSYMturnednot)' ] item = ["logical negation", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dotted negation" item = ["logical negation", "dotted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Not" item = ["logical negation", "double bar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bNot" item = ["logical negation", "double bar, reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "classical logical negation" item = ["logical negation", "classical"] # -------------------------- proportionality --------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["propto", "varpropto", "wasypropto", "leftpropto"] item = "proportionality" [[rewrite]] matches = ["propfrom", "backpropto", "rightpropto"] item = ["proportionality", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "uppropto" item = ["proportionality", "down"] [[rewrite]] matches = "downpropto" item = ["proportionality", "up"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hbipropto" item = ["proportionality", "bidirectional"] [[rewrite]] matches = "vbipropto" item = ["proportionality", "bidirectional, vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["neswbipropto", "nwsebipropto"] item = ["proportionality", "bidirectional, diagonal"] # ----------------------------- infinities ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "infty" item = "infinity" [[rewrite]] matches = "iinfin" item = ["infinity", "incomplete"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tieinfty" item = ["infinity", "tie over"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nvinfty" item = ["infinity", "negated"] # ------------------------------- dashes ------------------------------- # Distinguish a dashing emoji from punctuation-mark dashes. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F4A8}' item = "dashing away" [[rewrite]] render_regex = '\\text(em|en)dash' item = ["dash (punctuation mark)", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textthreequartersemdash" item = ["dash (punctuation mark)", "three quarters em"] [[rewrite]] matches = "texttwelveudash" item = ["dash (punctuation mark)", "twelve u"] # ------------------------------- steel -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^Rounded([A-Z]+)steel' item = ["steel", 'rounded \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^([A-Z]+)steel' item = ["steel", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "Circsteel" item = ["steel", "circular"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Rectsteel" item = ["steel", "rectangular"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Hexasteel" item = ["steel", "hexagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Octosteel" item = ["steel", "octagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Flatsteel" item = ["steel", "flat"] # -------------------------------- nibs -------------------------------- # This looks like a pen to me. # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{2712}' item = "pen" [[rewrite]] matches = ["nibs", "faPenNib"] item = "nib" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(black|white)\s+nib' item = 'nib' [[rewrite]] regex = '^Nib.*(Left|Right)' item = 'nib' [[rewrite]] regex = '^man.*nib' item = "nib shapes" # --------------------------- manfnt symbols --------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^man.*(kidney|quadrifolium)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^man(cone|cube)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = "manimpossiblecube" item = ["cube", "impossible"] # ------------------------------- medals ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "1st place medal" item = ["medal", "gold"] [[rewrite]] matches = "2nd place medal" item = ["medal", "silver"] [[rewrite]] matches = "3rd place medal" item = ["medal", "bronze"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+\S)\s+medal$' item = ["medal", '\1'] # ----------------------------- keyboards ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] contains = "musical keyboard" item = ["keyboard", "musical"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Keyboard", "keyboard", "wired keyboard", "tiKeyboard" ] item = ["keyboard", "computer"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faKeyboard" item = ["keyboard", "computer"] [[rewrite]] matches = "keyboard and mouse" item = ["keyboard", "computer, with mouse"] # ------------------------------ speakers ------------------------------ # This rule should appear before the generic speaker rule. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "speaker", "muted speaker", "speaker with cancellation stroke", "speaker low volume", "volume", "volume off", "right speaker" ] item = ["speaker", "muted"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "speaker medium volume", "volume down", "speaker with one sound wave", "right speaker with one sound wave" ] item = ["speaker", "volume down"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "speaker high volume", "volume up", "speaker with three sound waves", "right speaker with three sound waves" ] item = ["speaker", "volume up"] # --------------------------- media symbols ---------------------------- # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^(tiMedia.+)Outline$' item = '\1' continue = true [[rewrite]] matches = [ "forward", "fast forward", "tiMediaFastForward", "fast-forward button", "faFastForward", "next track button", "step forward" ] item = ["media control symbols", "forward"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "Forward" item = ["media control symbols", "forward"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "rewind", "backward", "step backward", "tiMediaPlayReverse", "tiMediaRewind" ] item = ["media control symbols", "reverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tiMediaPlay" item = ["media control symbols", "play"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^tiMedia(.+)' lowercase_item = true item = ["media control symbols", '\1'] [[rewrite]] prefix = [ "Rewind", "fast reverse", "fast backward", "faFastBackward", ] item = ["media control symbols", "reverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "reverse button", "last track button", "play reverse" ] item = ["media control symbols", "reverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = "play" not_render_contains = "EOPlay" item = ["media control symbols", "play"] [[rewrite]] matches = "play or pause button" item = ["media control symbols", "play or pause"] [[rewrite]] matches = "play button" item = ["media control symbols", "play"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ToBottom", "fast down button", "downwards button" ] item = ["media control symbols", "down"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ToTop", "fast up button", "upwards button" ] item = ["media control symbols", "up"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "stop", "stop button", ] item = ["media control symbols", "stop"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\faStop' item = ["media control symbols", "stop"] [[rewrite]] matches = "adjust" item = "adjust contrast" # --------------------- speech and thought bubbles --------------------- # ... speech bubbles ... [[rewrite]] matches = "eye in speech bubble" item = ["speech bubble", "eye"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["two speech bubbles", "three speech bubbles"] item = ["speech bubble", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F4AC}' item = ["speech bubble", "text"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{1f4ac}' item = ["speech bubble", "ellipsis"] [[rewrite]] contains = "anger bubble" item = ["speech bubble", "angry"] # This rule should follow all of the speech-balloon special cases. [[rewrite]] contains = ["speech bubble", "speech balloon"] item = "speech bubble" # ... thought bubbles ... [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F4AD}' item = ["thought bubble", "text"] [[rewrite]] contains = "thought bubble" item = "thought bubble" [[rewrite]] matches = "thought balloon" item = "thought bubble" # --------------------------- database joins --------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "Join" item = ["join (database)", "natural"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(left|right|full)outerjoin$' item = ["join (database)", '\1 outer'] [[rewrite]] matches = "lJoin" item = ["join (database)", "left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rJoin" item = ["join (database)", "right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "openJoin" item = ["join (database)", "open"] # ------------------------------- moons -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "moons" item = "moon" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\Moon)' item = ["moon", "crescent"] [[rewrite]] matches = "newmoon" item = ["moon", "new"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\MoonPha{1}' item = ["moon", "new"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["rightmoon", "night"] item = ["moon", "first quarter"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\STARMoon)', '\MoonPha{2}'] item = ["moon", "first quarter"] [[rewrite]] matches = "fullmoon" item = ["moon", "full"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\MoonPha{3}' item = ["moon", "full"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["leftmoon", "varMoon"] item = ["moon", "last quarter"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['($\ABXleftmoon$)', '\MoonPha{4}'] item = ["moon", "last quarter"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*(crescent|gibbous|quarter|full|new))\s+moon(?:\s+(face|with face))?$' item = ["moon", '\1'] # ------------------------------- colons ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "colon" item = "colon" [[rewrite]] matches = ["mathcolon", "ratio", "mathratio"] item = ["colon", "math mode"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\TEUBtwodots)' item = ["colon", "math mode"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Colon", "coloncolon", "dblcolon"] item = ["colon", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "colonapprox" item = ["colon", "approximately equal to"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Colonapprox", "coloncolonapprox"] item = ["colon", "double, approximately equal to"] [[rewrite]] matches = "colonsim" item = ["colon", "similar to"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Colonsim", "coloncolonsim"] item = ["colon", "double, similar to"] [[rewrite]] matches = "colonminus" item = ["colon", "minus"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\MTOOLScoloneq$)', '($\coloneq$)' ] item = ["colon", "minus"] [[rewrite]] matches = "coloncolonminus" item = ["colon", "double, minus"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\Coloneq$)', '($\MTOOLSColoneq$)' ] item = ["colon", "double, minus"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["colonequals", "coloneqq", "defines"] item = ["colon", "equals"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\ABXcoloneq$)', '(\FDSYMcoloneq)', '(\MNScoloneq)', '(\STIXcoloneq)' ] item = ["colon", "equals"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["coloncolonequals", "Coloneqq"] item = ["colon", "double, equals"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\STIXColoneq)' item = ["colon", "double, equals"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['\STIXthreedotcolon', '\TEUBthreedots'] item = ["colon", "three dot"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\TEUBfourdots' item = ["colon", "four dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "typecolon" item = ["colon", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "vcentcolon" item = ["colon", "vertically centered"] # --------------------------- multiplication --------------------------- [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\tiTimesOutline)' item = ["times", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\faTimes)', '(\tiTimes)', '(\twemoji{2715})', '(\usym{2715})', '(\twemoji{2716})', '(\usym{2716})', '(\MVMultiplication)' ] item = ["times", "decorative"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true top_matches = [ "times", "multiply", "multiplication X", "opentimes", "texttimes", "vartimes" ] item = "times" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\FDSYMbtimes)', '(\STIXbtimes)'] item = ["times", "closed bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = "timesbar" item = ["times", "underbar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bigtimes" item = ["times", "big"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["dottimes", "dotted times"] item = ["times", "dotted"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["lftimes", "ltimesblack"] item = ["times", "filled left"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["rftimes", "rtimesblack"] item = ["times", "filled right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "udtimes" item = ["times", "closed top and bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = "lrtimes" item = ["times", "closed left and right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dtimes" item = ["times", "closed bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ltimes" item = ["times", "closed left"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ttimes", "utimes"] item = ["times", "closed top"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rtimes" item = ["times", "closed right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "otimeslhrim" item = ["times", "half rim, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "otimesrhrim" item = ["times", "half rim, right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "vectimes" item = ["times", "vector"] [[rewrite]] matches = "doublestar" item = ["times", "double"] # ------------------------------ division ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\faDivide)', '(\tiDivide)', '{2797}' ] item = ["division", "dingbat"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\tiDivideOutline)' item = ["division", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "div", "divide", "division", "Divides", "divslash", "smalldivslash", "textdiv", "MVDivision" ] item = "division" [[rewrite]] matches = ["slashdiv", "backslashdiv"] item = ["division", "diagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "vertdiv" item = ["division", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "longdivision" item = ["division", "long"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["divdot", "dotdiv"] item = ["division", "single dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "divideontimes" item = ["division", "times"] # ------------- check boxes, check marks, and cross marks -------------- # ... check boxes ... # The check-box rules should appear before the check-mark rules. # These rules should also precede the "circled symbols" rules. [[rewrite]] matches = ["ballot box", "HollowBox"] item = ["check box", "empty"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ballot box with check", "ballot box with bold check", "CheckedBox", "Checkedbox", "faCheckSquare[regular]" ] item = ["check box", "checked"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ "tiInputChecked", "tiInputCheckedOutline" ] item = ["check box", "checked"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faCheckCircle[regular]" item = ["check box", "checked, circular"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faCheckCircle" item = ["check box", "checked, circular, filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faCheckSquare" item = ["check box", "checked, filled"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{2611}' item = ["check box", "checked, blue"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{2705}' item = ["check box", "checked, green"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^ballot box with.*x$' item = ["check box", "crossed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["XBox", "CrossedBox", "Crossedbox"] item = ["check box", "crossed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faTimesCircle" item = ["check box", "crossed, circular, filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faTimesCircle[regular]" item = ["check box", "crossed, circular"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{274e}' item = ["check box", "crossed, green"] # ... check marks ... [[rewrite]] matches = [ "check marks", "ballot bold script x", "ballot script x", "ballot X", "ballotx" ] item = "check mark" [[rewrite]] matches = "faCheckDouble" item = ["check mark", "double"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\tiTickOutline', '\usym{2705}' ] item = ["check mark", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ballotcheck", "faCheck"] item = "check mark" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(check|tick).*(mark|box)' not_matches = "check marks" item = "check mark" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "checked" item = "check mark" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "heavy check mark", "light check mark" ] item = "check mark" # ... cross marks ... # These rules must precede the "cross (crucifix)" rules. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{274c}' item = ["cross mark", "red"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\ifsCross)', '(\textifsymbol[ifgeo]{14})', '(\ARUNEcross)' ] item = "cross mark" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "BigCross", "Xs", "SmallCross", "heavy ballot X", "cancellation x" ] item = "cross mark" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(double|triple)cross$' item = ["cross mark", '\1'] [[rewrite]] prefix = "XSolid" item = "cross mark" [[rewrite]] matches = "negative squared cross mark" item = ["cross mark", "white on black"] # --------------------------- glottal stops ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] prefix = "textglotstop" item = "glottal stop" [[rewrite]] matches = ["invglotstop", "textinvglotstop"] item = ["glottal stop", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["revglotstop", "textrevglotstop"] item = ["glottal stop", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textbarglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "barred"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textbarrevglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "reversed, barred"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textcrinvglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "inverted, barred"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textctinvglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "inverted, with tail"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textraiseglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "raised"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textturnglotstop" item = ["glottal stop", "inverted, reversed"] # --------------------------- food and drink --------------------------- # ... food ... [[rewrite]] matches = "aubergine" item = "eggplant" [[rewrite]] prefix = "curry" item = "curry" [[rewrite]] matches = "cooked rice" item = "rice bowl" [[rewrite]] matches = ["ear of rice", "sheaf of rice"] item = "rice sheaf" [[rewrite]] contains = "ice cream" item = "ice cream" [[rewrite]] matches = "cheese wedge" item = "cheese" [[rewrite]] contains = "pizza" item = "pizza" # This rule should precede the following one. # (Despite being called "steaming bowl", no steam lines are drawn.) [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{1f35c}' item = ["bowl", "with chopsticks"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["steaming", "steaming bowl"] item = ["bowl", "steaming"] # ... drink ... [[rewrite]] matches = ["coffee", "Coffeecup"] item = ["cup", "coffee"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cup with straw" item = ["cup", "with straw"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^wine\s+(.+)$' not_contains = "bottle" item = "wine" [[rewrite]] matches = "bottle with popping cork" item = ["bottle", "champagne"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*)\s+bottle$' item = ["bottle", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "beer" item = "beer mug" [[rewrite]] matches = "clinking beer mugs" item = ["beer mug", "two, clinking"] [[rewrite]] matches = "clinking glasses" item = ["glasses", "clinking"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cocktail glass" item = "cocktail" [[rewrite]] matches = "glass of milk" item = "glass" # ------------------ smiles and frowns (mathematical) ------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = ["smile symbols", "frown symbols"] item = "smiles and frowns" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:small)?(smile|frown)$' item = "smiles and frowns" [[rewrite]] matches = ["scoh", "sincoh"] item = "smiles and frowns" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "smile (bottom) and frowm (top)", # sic "frown (bottom) and smile (top)", "smilefrown", "frownsmile", "sqsmilefrown", "sqfrownsmile", "coh", "incoh" ] item = ["smiles and frowns", "both"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nfrownsmile", "nsmilefrown", "nsqfrownsmile", "nsqsmilefrown" ] item = ["smiles and frowns", "both, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "frowneqsmile", "frownsmileeq", "smileeqfrown", "smilefrowneq", "sqfrowneqsmile", "sqsmileeqfrown" ] item = ["smiles and frowns", "both, equals"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nfrowneqsmile", "nfrownsmileeq", "nsmileeqfrown", "nsmilefrowneq", "nsqfrowneqsmile", "nsqsmileeqfrown" ] item = ["smiles and frowns", "both, equals, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?(smile|frown)$' item = "smiles and frowns" [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?(smile|frown)eq$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "equals"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?(smile|frown)eq$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "equals, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?eq(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "equals"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?eq(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "equals, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?double(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "double"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?double(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "double, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?double(smile|frown)eq$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "double, equals"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?double(smile|frown)eq$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "double, equals, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:sq)?triple(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "triple"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(?:sq)?triple(smile|frown)$' item = ["smiles and frowns", "triple, negated"] # ---------------------------- equivalences ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Equiv", "equiv", "Equivalence", "Congruent" ] item = "equivalence" [[rewrite]] matches = "equivclosed" item = ["equivalence", "closed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["equivDD", "dotequiv"] item = ["equivalence", "with dots"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "equivVert", "equivVvert", "NotCongruent" ] item = ["equivalence", "with vertical lines"] [[rewrite]] matches = "eqvparsl" item = ["equivalence", "parallel slanted"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "nequiv", "notequiv", "not classical equivalence" ] item = ["equivalence", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nequivclosed" item = ["equivalence", "closed, negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+?)\s+equivalence' item = ["equivalence", '\1'] # --------------------- entailment and implication --------------------- # This section should appear after "equivalences". [[rewrite]] matches = "entailment" item = "entailment" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+?)\s+entailment' item = ["entailment", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "implication" item = "implication" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+?)\s+implication' item = ["implication", '\1'] # ----------------------------- empty sets ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "empty/null set", "empty set", "emptyset", "varnothing" ] item = "empty set" [[rewrite]] matches = "emptysetoarr" item = ["empty set", "with right arrow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "emptysetoarrl" item = ["empty set", "with left arrow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "emptysetobar" item = ["empty set", "with bar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "emptysetocirc" item = ["empty set", "with circle"] [[rewrite]] matches = "revemptyset" item = ["empty set", "reversed"] # ------------------------- exclamation points ------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "red exclamation mark", "heavy exclamation mark", "heavy exclamation mark ornament", "white exclamation mark", "white exclamation mark ornament" ] item = "exclamation point" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Exclam", "double exclamation mark", "DCc"] item = ["exclamation point", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "exclamation question mark" item = ["exclamation point", "and question mark"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textexclamdown" item = ["exclamation point", "upside-down"] # --------------------------- question marks --------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "black question mark ornament", "white question mark ornament", "white question mark", "faQuestion" ] item = "question mark" [[rewrite]] matches = "Question" item = ["question mark", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textquestiondown" item = ["question mark", "upside down"] # -------------------------- quotation marks --------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "quotesinglbase" item = ["quotation marks", "single right base"] [[rewrite]] matches = "quotedblbase" item = ["quotation marks", "double right base"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textquotesingle", "single quote"] item = ["quotation marks", "straight single"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textquotedbl", "double quote"] item = ["quotation marks", "straight double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "triple quote" item = ["quotation marks", "straight triple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textquotestraightbase" item = ["quotation marks", "straight single base"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textquotestraightdblbase" item = ["quotation marks", "straight double base"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textquotedbl(left|right)$' item = ["quotation marks", 'double \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textquote(left|right)$' item = ["quotation marks", 'single \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faQuote(Left|Right)$' lowercase_item = true item = ["quotation marks", 'decorative double \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "heavy double comma quotation mark ornament", "right quotation marks" ] item = ["quotation marks", "decorative double right"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament", "left quotation marks" ] item = ["quotation marks", "decorative double left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavyqtleft" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative double left, inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavyqtright" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative double right, inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative double left base"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy low single comma quotation mark ornament" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative single left base"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy single comma quotation mark ornament" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament" item = ["quotation marks", "decorative left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "back quote (grave)" item = ["quotation marks", "single back"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^guillemet(left|right)$' item = ["guillemet", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^guilsingl(left|right)$' item = ["guillemet", '\1 single'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^heavy (left|right)-pointing angle quotation mark ornament$' item = ["guillemet", 'decorative \1 single'] # ------------------------------- leaves ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "leaf fluttering in wind" item = ["leaf", "fluttering"] [[rewrite]] matches = "fallen leaf" item = ["leaf", "falling"] [[rewrite]] contains = "maple leaf" item = ["leaf", "maple"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^adf.*leaf' item = ["leaf", "fleuron"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textleaf", "faLeaf", "tiLeaf", "leaves", "textleaf"] item = "leaf" # -------------------------- dotless i and j --------------------------- [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\i)' item = ["i", "dotless"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\imath$)', '(\BSKimath)', '(\STIXimath)' ] item = ["i", "dotless, math mode"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\j)' item = ["j", "dotless"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\jmath$)', '(\BSKjmath)', '(\STIXjmath)' ] item = ["j", "dotless, math mode"] # --------------------------- legal symbols ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "copyright" item = ["legal symbols", "copyright"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ccCopy" item = ["legal symbols", "copyright"] [[rewrite]] contains = "copyleft" item = ["legal symbols", "copyleft"] [[rewrite]] prefix = ["textregistered", "faRegistered", "registered"] item = ["legal symbols", "registered trademark"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "trademark", "texttrademark", "faTrademark", "trade mark" ] item = ["legal symbols", "trademark"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textservicemark" item = ["legal symbols", "service mark"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textcircledP" item = ["legal symbols", "phonographic copyright"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccby", "faCreativeCommonsBy"] item = ["legal symbols", "BY"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccnc", "faCreativeCommonsNc"] item = ["legal symbols", "NonCommercial"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccnd", "faCreativeCommonsNd"] item = ["legal symbols", "NoDerivatives"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccsa", "faCreativeCommonsSa"] item = ["legal symbols", "ShareAlike"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ccbyncnd" item = ["legal symbols", "CC BY-NC-ND"] [[rewrite]] prefix = ["ccPublicDomain", "faCreativeCommonsPd"] item = ["legal symbols", "public domain"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["cc", "ccLogo", "faCreativeCommons"] item = ["legal symbols", "CC"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccZero", "faCreativeCommonsZero"] item = ["legal symbols", "CC0"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccNonCommercialEU", "faCreativeCommonsNcEu"] item = ["legal symbols", "NonCommercial, euro"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ccNonCommercialJP", "faCreativeCommonsNcJp"] item = ["legal symbols", "NonCommercial, yen"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faCreativeCommons(Remix|Sampling|Share)$' item = ["legal symbols", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "faCreativeCommonsSamplingPlus" item = ["legal symbols", "Sampling Plus"] # This rule should appear at the end of this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^cc([A-Z].+)$' item = ["legal symbols", '\1'] # -------------------------- physics symbols --------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["Gluon", "gluon", "gluons"] item = "gluon" [[rewrite]] regex = '^([A-Z])(boson|meson)(.+)$' item = ['\2', '\1 \3'] [[rewrite]] matches = "Wboson" item = ["boson", "W"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(eta|phi|Upsilon)meson$' item = ["meson", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(eta|phi|rho)meson(.+)$' item = ["meson", '\1, \2'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(quark|antiquark)([a-z])$' item = ['\1', '\2'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^taulepton(plus|minus)$' item = ["tau lepton", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(Kaon|pion)(plus|minus|null)$' lowercase_item = true item = ['\1', '\2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "Jpsimeson" item = ["meson", "J/psi"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(Higgs|Z)boson$' item = ["boson", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(anti\w+)\*?$' word = '\1' lowercase_word = true # This rule should appear before the preceding rule. This is a two-rule # hack to convert, e.g., "\fermiDistrib" to "Fermi distribution", # capitalized as such. [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+)Distrib$' capitalize_word = true word = '\1 distribution' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+?)\s+Distribution$' item = '\1 distribution' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(error|experimental|external|internal)sym$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(ionic|metal|h)bond$' item = ["bond, chemical", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^spin(up|down)$' item = ["spin", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(svr|var)?photons?$' item = "photon" [[rewrite]] matches = "bond" item = "bond, chemical" [[rewrite]] matches = "covbond" item = ["bond, chemical", "covalent"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+)covbond$' item = ["bond, chemical", 'covalent, \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["bigbosonloop", "smallbosonloop"] item = ["boson", "loop"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:big|small)bosonloop([A-Z])$' item = ["boson", 'loop, \1'] # I don't know what all these types of fermions are so I'm lumping # them all under "fermion". [[rewrite]] regex = '^(h|sh|w|wh)fermion$' item = "fermion" # This rule should appear last in this section. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "adsorbate", "adsorbent", "anyon", "atom", "boson", "conductivity", "dipole", "electron", "exciton", "fermion", "graphene", "graviton", "hole", "interaction", "ion", "magnon", "method", "muon", "neutrino", "neutron", "nucleus", "orbit", "phonon", "plasmon", "polariton", "polaron", "positron", "protein", "proton", "quadrupole", "quark", "reference", "resistivity", "solid", "spin", "surface", "tachyon", "water" ] item = '\1' # --------------------- computers and peripherals ---------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ComputerMouse", "computer mouse", "one button mouse", "two button mouse", "three button mouse" ] item = ["mouse", "computer"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\faMouse)' item = ["mouse", "computer"] [[rewrite]] matches = "mouse pointer" item = ["mouse", "pointer"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "personal computer", "old personal computer", "desktop computer", "laptop", "tiDeviceDesktop", "tiDeviceLaptop" ] item = "computer" [[rewrite]] matches = "three networked computers" item = ["computer", "multiple, networked"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tiDeviceTablet" item = "tablet" # -------------------------- sports and games -------------------------- # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\Football)', '(\faFutbol)'] item = "soccer ball" [[rewrite]] matches = ["american football", "football"] item = ["football", "American"] [[rewrite]] matches = "field hockey" item = 'field hockey stick and ball' [[rewrite]] matches = "ice hockey" item = 'ice hockey stick and puck' [[rewrite]] matches = "cricket game" item = "cricket bat and ball" [[rewrite]] prefix = "table tennis" item = "ping pong" [[rewrite]] matches = "tennis" item = "tennis ball" [[rewrite]] matches = "pool 8 ball" item = "8 ball" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Cube", "epsdice", "fcdice"] item = "dice" [[rewrite]] render_contains = "fcData" item = ["dice", "3D"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "die face-" item = ["dice", "3D"] [[rewrite]] matches = "game die" item = ["dice", "3D"] [[rewrite]] matches = "flower playing cards" item = ["playing cards", "flower"] [[rewrite]] regex = 'playing (handball|water polo)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(runn|snowboard|ski)er$' item = '\1ing' [[rewrite]] contains = ["bicyclist", "biking", "cycling"] item = "cycling" not_contains = ["recycling", "Recycling"] [[rewrite]] contains = ["rowboat", "rowing boat"] item = "rowing" # ----------------------------- plus signs ----------------------------- # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\Plus)', '(\faPlus)', '(\tiPlus)', '(\twemoji{2795})', '(\usym{2795})' ] item = ["plus", "bold"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "plusses", "bigplus", "MVPlus", "tplus" ] item = "plus" [[rewrite]] matches = ["pluscirc", "circplus", "ringplus"] item = ["plus", "with circle"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["plusdot", "dotplus", "dotted plus"] item = ["plus", "with dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["pluseqq", "eqqplus"] item = ["plus", "with equal sign"] [[rewrite]] matches = "plushat" item = ["plus", "with hat"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["plussim", "simplus"] item = ["plus", "with similarity sign"] [[rewrite]] matches = "plustrif" item = ["plus", "with triangle"] [[rewrite]] matches = "plussubtwo" item = ["plus", "with subscripted 2"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["PlusCenterOpen", "PlusThinCenterOpen"] item = ["plus", "open center"] [[rewrite]] matches = "PlusOutline" item = ["plus", "outlined"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = "tiPlusOutline" item = ["plus", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = "doubleplus" item = ["plus", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tripleplus" item = ["plus", "triple"] # ----------------------------- pitchforks ----------------------------- # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "pitchfork", "pitchforks", "downpitchfork", "leftpitchfork", "rightpitchfork", "uppitchfork", "hmleftpitchfork", "hmrightpitchfork", "nepitchfork", "nwpitchfork", "sepitchfork", "swpitchfork" ] item = "pitchfork" [[rewrite]] regex = '^n.*pitchfork$' item = ["pitchfork", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["forksnot", "forkv"] item = ["pitchfork", "truncated handle"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["forks", "nforksnot"] item = ["pitchfork", "truncated handle, negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "topfork" item = ["pitchfork", "bar handle"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^x.*pitchfork' item = ["pitchfork", "extensible"] # ----------------------------- calendars ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = [ "spiral calendar", "spiral calendar pad", "tear-off calendar", "calendar symbols" ] item = "calendar" [[rewrite]] regex = '^faCalendar(Day|Week)' lowercase_item = true item = ["calendar", 'marked \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faCalendar(Check|Minus|Plus|Times)' lowercase_item = true item = ["calendar", 'with \1'] # This rule should follow all other faCalendar and tiCalendar rules. [[rewrite]] prefix = ["faCalendar", "tiCalendar"] item = "calendar" # ------------------------------ daggers ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "dag", "dagger", "textdagger", "single dagger" ] item = "dagger" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ddag", "ddagger", "textdaggerdbl", "double vertical dagger" ] item = ["dagger", "double vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "double horizontal dagger" item = ["dagger", "double horizontal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "double horizontal and vertical dagger" item = ["dagger", "double horizontal and vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dagger knife" item = "dagger" # ------------------------------- skulls ------------------------------- # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\AREVskull)', '(\SKULLskull)' ] item = ["skull", "and crossbones"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["skulls", "skull", "bigskull"] item = "skull" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "skull and crossbones", "black skull and crossbones" ] item = ["skull", "and crossbones"] # ------------------------------ playing cards ------------------------------ # The idea in this section is to format the trump-* cards in numerical, as # opposed to alphabetical, order. [[rewrite]] regex = '^playing card trump-(\d)$' item = ["playing cards", 'trump 0\1'] word = 'trump \1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^playing card trump-(\d{2,})$' item = ["playing cards", 'trump \1'] # This rule should go last in this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^playing card\s+(.+)$' item = ["playing cards", '\1'] # ------------------------------- card suits -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "card suits" item = "playing card suits" [[rewrite]] regex = 'var(diamond|heart)' item = ["playing card suits", '\1, filled'] [[rewrite]] regex = 'var(club|spade)' item = ["playing card suits", '\1, hollow'] [[rewrite]] regex = 'black.*(diamond|heart).*suit' item = ["playing card suits", '\1, filled'] [[rewrite]] regex = 'white.*(club|spade).*suit' item = ["playing card suits", '\1, hollow'] [[rewrite]] matches = "ETX" item = ["playing card suits", "heart, filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "EOT" item = ["playing card suits", "diamond, filled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ENQ" item = ["playing card suits", "club"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ACK" item = ["playing card suits", "spade"] # This rule should appear late in this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '(diamond|heart|club|spade).*suit' item = ["playing card suits", '\1'] # --------------------------------- hearts ---------------------------------- # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\AREVvarheart)', '(\faHeart)', '(\tiHeart)', '(\tiHeartFullOutline)', '(\usym{1F5A4})', '(\usym{2764})' ] item = ["heart", "filled"] # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\tiHeartHalfOutline)' item = ["heart", "half filled"] # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '(\usym{1F499})', '(\usym{1F49A})', '(\usym{1F49B})', '(\usym{1F49C})' ] item = ["heart", "halftoned"] # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\bccoeur)' item = ["heart", "red"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Heart", "hearts" ] item = "heart" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(black|blue|brown|green|orange|purple|red|white|yellow)\s+heart$' item = ["heart", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(anatomical|beating|floral|growing|sparkling)\s+heart$' item = ["heart", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "heart decoration" item = ["heart", "framed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["heart exclamation", "heavy heart exclamation mark ornament"] item = ["heart", "exclamation point"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["heart, broken", "broken heart"] item = ["heart", "broken"] [[rewrite]] matches = "revolving hearts" item = ["heart", "multiple, revolving"] [[rewrite]] matches = "two hearts" item = ["heart", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^heart\s+(with\s+.*)$' item = ["heart", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "rotated floral heart bullet" item = ["heart", "rotated floral"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rotated heavy black heart bullet" item = ["heart", "rotated"] # ---------------------------------- suns ----------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["astrosun", "Sun"] not_render_contains = '(\ifsSun)' item = ["sun", "astronomical"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '($\ABXSun$)', '(\STARSun)', '(\Sun)', '(\usym{2609})' ] item = ["sun", "astronomical"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "suns", "sunny", "white sun", "white sun with rays", "SI" ] item = "sun" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "sun behind cloud", "sun behind large cloud", "sun behind small cloud", "white sun behind cloud", "white sun with small cloud", "SunCloud" ] item = ["sun", "behind cloud"] [[rewrite]] matches = "HalfSun" item = ["sun", "half"] [[rewrite]] matches = "NoSun" item = ["sun", "eclipsed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "white sun behind cloud with rain" item = ["sun", "behind cloud with rain"] # ------------------------------- input types ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["input latin capital letters", "input latin uppercase"] item = ["input type", "Latin uppercase"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["input latin small letters", "input latin lowercase"] item = ["input type", "Latin lowercase"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{1f524}' item = ["input type", "Latin lowercase"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F524}' item = ["input type", "Latin uppercase"] [[rewrite]] matches = "input numbers" item = ["input type", "numbers"] [[rewrite]] matches = "input symbols" item = ["input type", "symbols"] # --------------------------------- houses ---------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["house", "house building"] item = "house" [[rewrite]] prefix = "derelict house" item = ["house", "derelict"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["houses", "house buildings"] item = ["house", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "house damage" item = ["house", "damaged"] [[rewrite]] matches = "house with garden" item = ["house", "with garden"] # ------------------------------ fax machines ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] render_contains = "faFax" item = "fax machine" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Faxmachine", "fax icon"] item = "fax machine" # ----------------------------- alpine symbols ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] regex = '^(Half)?(Filled)?Hut$' item = "hut" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(Var)?(Ice)?Mountain$' item = 'mountain' [[rewrite]] matches = "Joch" item = "yoke" # -------------------------------- currency --------------------------------- # euros [[rewrite]] matches = [ "EUR", "EURcr", "EURdig", "EURhv", "euro", "Euro", "eurologo", "EURtm", "geneuro", "geneuronarrow", "geneurowide", "officialeuro", "texteuro", "wasyeuro" ] item = "euro" [[rewrite]] matches = "bbeuro" item = ["euro", "blackboard bold"] # dollars [[rewrite]] matches = [ "dollar", "EyesDollar", "textdollar", "textdollaroldstyle", "heavy dollar sign" ] item = "dollar sign" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\$)', '(\ltextdollar)'] item = "dollar sign" [[rewrite]] matches = "bbdollar" item = ["dollar sign", "blackboard bold"] [[rewrite]] matches = "mathdollar" item = ["dollar sign", "math mode"] render = "" # cents [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = ["textcent", "textcentoldstyle"] item = "cent" [[rewrite]] matches = "mathcent" item = ["cent", "math mode"] # pound [[rewrite]] matches = ["pound", "pounds"] item = "pound" # This rule must precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = "mathsterling" item = ["pound", "math mode"] [[rewrite]] contains = "sterling" item = "pound" # other currency # China2e uses "\Pound" for pfund. [[rewrite]] matches = ["Pound", "Pfund"] item = "pfund" [[rewrite]] matches = "Ecommerce" item = "e-commerce" [[rewrite]] matches = "textcurrency" item = "currency" [[rewrite]] matches = "textcolonmonetary" item = "cedi" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:text)?(baht|dong|florin|guarani|lira|naira|peso|won|yen)$' item = '\1' # -------------------------------- envelopes -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Envelope", "Letter", "Postbox", "back of envelope", "envelopes" ] item = "envelope" [[rewrite]] matches = "red envelope" item = ["envelope", "gift"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^envelope\s+(with.*)$' item = ["envelope", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "flying envelope" item = ["envelope", "incoming"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["incoming envelope", "open envelope"] item = ["envelope", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "pen over stamped envelope" item = ["envelope", "with pen"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Email" item = ["envelope", "with lightning"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{1f4e7}' item = ["envelope", "with E"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F4E7}' item = ["envelope", "with at sign"] [[rewrite]] matches = "stamped envelope" item = ["envelope", "stamped"] # --------------------------------- primes ---------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["prime", "primes"] item = "prime" [[rewrite]] matches = ["dprime", "second"] item = ["prime", "double"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["trprime", "third"] item = ["prime", "triple"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["qprime", "fourth"] item = ["prime", "quadruple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "backprime" item = ["prime", "backward"] [[rewrite]] matches = "backdprime" item = ["prime", "backward double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "backtrprime" item = ["prime", "backward triple"] [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = ["angular minutes", "minutes, angular", "arcminutes"] see = "prime" [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = ["angular seconds", "seconds, angular", "arcseconds"] see = "prime, double" # -------------------------- cleaning symbols -------------------------- # I learned what these mean from # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laundry_symbol, # https://www.ihateironing.com/blog/laundry-symbols-explained/, and other # websites. [[rewrite]] matches = "CleaningA" item = ["dry cleaning", "any solvent"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CleaningF" item = ["dry cleaning", "hydrocarbon solvents (HCS) only"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CleaningFF" item = ["dry cleaning", "hydrocarbon solvents (HCS) only, delicate"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CleaningP" item = ["dry cleaning", "tetrachloroethylene (PCE) only"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CleaningPP" item = ["dry cleaning", "tetrachloroethylene (PCE) only, delicate"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^At(Forty|Sixty|NinetyFive)$' convert_numbers = true item = ["machine wash", 'at or below \1C'] word = 'at or below \1\\textcelsius\\ ' [[rewrite]] regex = '^Short(Thirty|Forty|Fifty|Sixty|NinetyFive)$' convert_numbers = true item = ["machine wash", 'at or below \1C, reduced spin speed'] word = 'at or below \1\\textcelsius, reduced spin speed ' [[rewrite]] matches = "Handwash" item = ["machine wash", "by hand"] [[rewrite]] matches = "WashCotton" item = ["machine wash", "cotton"] [[rewrite]] matches = "WashSynthetics" item = ["machine wash", "synthetics"] [[rewrite]] matches = "WashWool" item = ["machine wash", "wool/silk"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Dontwash" item = "do not wash" [[rewrite]] matches = "Bleech" item = "bleach" [[rewrite]] matches = "NoBleech" item = "do not bleach" [[rewrite]] matches = "IroningI" item = ["ironing", "low temperature"] [[rewrite]] matches = "IroningII" item = ["ironing", "medium temperature"] [[rewrite]] matches = "IroningIII" item = ["ironing", "high temperature"] [[rewrite]] matches = "NoIroning" item = "do not iron" [[rewrite]] matches = "NoChemicalCleaning" item = "no dry cleaning" [[rewrite]] matches = "NoTumbler" item = "do not tumble dry" [[rewrite]] matches = "Tumbler" item = "tumble dry" # ----------------------------- airplanes ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = [ "airplane arrival", "airplane arriving", "airplane landing" ] item = ["airplane", "landing"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "airplane departure", "airplane takeoff" ] item = ["airplane", "taking off"] [[rewrite]] matches = "airplane, slashed" item = ["airplane", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "paper airplane" item = ["airplane", "paper"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "up-pointing military airplane", "fighter jet" ] item = ["airplane", "military"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "airplane overhead", "airplanes", "Plane", "plane", "planes", "small airplane", "northeast-pointing airplane", "up-pointing airplane", "up-pointing small airplane" ] item = "airplane" # --------------------------- keyboard keys ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["applecmd", "wasycmd"] item = ["keyboard symbols", "command"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\KEYSAlt)' item = ["keyboard symbols", "alternate"] [[rewrite]] matches = "AltGr" item = ["keyboard symbols", "alternate graphic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "BSpace" item = ["keyboard symbols", "backspace"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Ctrl" item = ["keyboard symbols", "control"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Del" item = ["keyboard symbols", "delete"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\KEYSEnd)' item = ["keyboard symbols", "end"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Esc" item = ["keyboard symbols", "escape"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Ins" item = ["keyboard symbols", "insert"] [[rewrite]] matches = "NumLock" item = ["keyboard symbols", "numeric lock"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^Pg(Down|Up)$' lowercase_word = true item = ["keyboard symbols", 'page \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "PrtSc" item = ["keyboard symbols", "print screen"] [[rewrite]] matches = "keystroke" item = ["keyboard symbols", "customizable"] # This rule should appear last in this section. [[rewrite]] matches = [ 'Break', 'Enter', 'Home', 'Return', 'Scroll', 'Shift', 'Spacebar', 'Tab' ] lowercase_word = true item = ["keyboard symbols", '\1'] # ----------------------------- countries ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] matches = "GreatBritain" item = "Great Britain" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Albania", "Latvia", "Andorra", "Liechtenstein", "Austria", "Lithuania", "Belarus", "Luxembourg", "Belgium", "Macedonia", "Bosnia", "Malta", "Bulgaria", "Moldova", "Croatia", "Montenegro", "Czechia", "Netherlands", "Denmark", "Norway", "Estonia", "Poland", "Finland", "Portugal", "France", "Romania", "Germany", "Serbia", "Slovakia", "Greece", "Slovenia", "Hungary", "Spain", "Iceland", "Sweden", "Ireland", "Switzerland", "Italy", ] item = '\1' # -------------------------- circled symbols --------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = ''' ^(?:big|var)*o\ (backslash|circle|dash|dot|greater than|left|less than|minus|plus|right|slash|top|triangle|vee|wedge)\ (?:up)?$\ ''' item = ["circled symbols", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "plus, circled", "large circled plus", "small circled plus", "logical xor" ] item = ["circled symbols", "plus"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^circleddot(left|right)$' item = ["circled symbols", 'dot, with \1 arrow'] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "oast", "bigoast", "circledast" ] item = ["circled symbols", "asterisk"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\CircAsterick' item = ["circled symbols", "asterisk"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big|var)?o(co)?ast' item = ["circled symbols", "asterisk"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["odiv", "bigodiv"] item = ["circled symbols", "division"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["circledbslash", "obslash", "varobslash"] item = ["circled symbols", "backslash"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["circledcirc", "ocirc", "bigocirc"] item = ["circled symbols", "circle"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^circled(right|two|white)(dot|dots|bullet)$' item = ["circled symbols", '\1 \2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "circledvert" item = ["circled symbols", "bar"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^blackcircled(right|two)(dot|dots)$' item = ["circled symbols", '\1 \2, inverse'] # This rule should precede the generic "circled " rule. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "circledequal", "oequal", "CircledEq" ] item = ["circled symbols", "equal"] # This rule should precede the generic "circled " rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "circled cross pommee" item = ["circled symbols", "pommee cross"] # This rule should precede the generic "circled " rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "circled information source" item = ["circled symbols", "information"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^circled\s+([A-Za-z\s]+)$' item = ["circled symbols", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["obot", "bigobot", "odplus"] item = ["circled symbols", "bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overt", "bigovert", "varobar"] item = ["circled symbols", "vertical line"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "otimes", "bigotimes", "olcross", "varotimes", "small circled times", "large circled times", "crossed circle", "crossed small circle" ] item = ["circled symbols", "multiplication"] [[rewrite]] matches = "otimeshat" item = ["circled symbols", "multiplication, with hat"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Otimes" item = ["circled symbols", "multiplication, double circled"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\CircTimes' item = ["circled symbols", "multiplication"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:var)?o(greater|less)than$' item = ["circled symbols", '\1 than'] # This should should precede the generic "circled" rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "circledless" item = ["circled symbols", "less than"] # This should should precede the generic "circled" rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "circledgtr" item = ["circled symbols", "greater than"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^circled([A-Za-z]+)$' not_contains = [ "dotleft", "dotright", "downarrow" ] item = ["circled symbols", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "odotslashdot" item = ["circled symbols", "dot, slash, dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "operp" item = ["circled symbols", "perpendicular"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "up slashed circle", "up slashed small circle", "down slashed circle", "down slashed small circle" ] item = ["circled symbols", "slash"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CircledA" item = ["circled symbols", "A"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\CircSm' item = ["circled symbols", "similar or equal to"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faQuestionCircle" item = ["circled symbols", "question mark"] [[rewrite]] matches = "SunshineOpenCircled" item = ["circled symbols", "sun"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "PhoneHandset", "telephone location sign" ] item = ["circled symbols", "telephone handset"] # This rule needs to precede the generic "user" rules. [[rewrite]] prefix = "faUserCircle" item = ["circled symbols", "user"] # ------------------------------- users -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^user\s+(.+)$' item = ["user", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["faUserAltSlash", "faUserSlash"] item = ["user", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faUserMd" item = ["user", "medical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faUsers" item = ["user", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faUsersCog" item = ["user", "multiple, cog"] [[rewrite]] matches = "faUsersSlash" item = ["user", "multiple, slashed"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faUser([A-Z]\w+)' lowercase_item = true item = ["user", '\1'] # This rule should appear late in this section. [[rewrite]] prefix = "faUser" item = "user" # ------------------------------- trees -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "trees" word = "tree" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+?)\s+tree$' item = ["tree", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(autumn|summer|spring|winter|apple|palm|christmas)tree$' lowercase_item = true item = ["tree", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["WorstTree", "tiTree", "faTree"] item = "tree" # ----------------------------- restrooms ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] regex = '^(men|women|boy|girl)s$' word = "restroom" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Gentsroom", "Ladiesroom", "men's room", "women's room"] word = "restroom" # ------------------------------- chess -------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:white|black)\s+chess\s+(.+)$' item = ["chess", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["chess pieces", "faChess"] item = ["chess", "pieces"] [[rewrite]] matches = "chess notation" item = ["chess", "notation"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "chessboard" item = ["chess", "board"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '(?:black|white|sym|chess)\s*(bishop|king|knight|pawn|queen|rook)' item = ["chess", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["rook", "knight", "pawn"] item = ["chess", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "chess symbols" word = "chess" # ---------------------------- cell phones ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "mobile phone", "Mobilefone", "clamshell mobile phone", "tiDevicePhone" ] item = "cell phone" # This entry must appear before the "arrows" section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^mobile phone\s+(.+)$' item = ["cell phone", '\1'] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F581}' item = "cell phone" [[rewrite]] matches = "telephones" item = ["cell phone", "multiple"] # ----------------------- traditional telephones ----------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "telephone receiver with page" item = ["telephone handset", "with page"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F57C}' item = ["telephone handset", "with page"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\usym{1F580}' item = ["telephone handset", "atop modem"] [[rewrite]] matches = "phone volume" item = ["telephone handset", "volume"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = "faPhoneSquare" item = ["telephone handset", "inverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = "phone, slashed" item = ["telephone handset", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\asapPhone', '\faPhone', '\mfPhoneAlt', '\tiPhone' ] item = "telephone handset" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['\usym{1F57D}', '\usym{1F57B}'] item = "telephone handset" # This rule should follow all of the more specific telephone-receiver entries. [[rewrite]] contains = "telephone receiver" item = "telephone handset" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Telefon", "Telephone", "Phone", "phone" ] item = "telephone" [[rewrite]] contains = "touchtone telephone" item = "telephone" # ----------------------------- multimaps ------------------------------ [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = [ "linear implication", "lollipop (mathematics)", "spoon symbols (mathematics)" ] format = "see{multimap}" [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimap", "rightspoon"] word = "multimap" [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapinv", "leftspoon", "inverted multimap"] item = ["multimap", "inverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["leftrightspoon", "dualmap", "dual multimap", "multimapboth"] item = ["multimap", "dual"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["rightblackspoon", "multimapdot", "rightfilledspoon"] item = ["multimap", "black"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["leftrightblackspoon", "multimapdotboth"] item = ["multimap", "dual, black"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapbothvert"] item = ["multimap", "dual, vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapdotbothvert"] item = ["multimap", "dual, vertical, black"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapdotbothA", "origof", "whiteblackspoon"] item = ["multimap", "origin"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapdotbothB", "imageof", "blackwhitespoon"] item = ["multimap", "image"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapdotinv", "leftblackspoon", "leftfilledspoon"] item = ["multimap", "inverse, black"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["multimapdotbothAvert", "multimapdotbothBvert"] item = ["multimap", "vertical, black and white"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down)(black|filled)spoon$' item = ["multimap", "vertical, black"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["upspoon", "downspoon"] item = ["multimap", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^[ns][ew](?:filled)?spoon$' item = ["multimap", "diagonal"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^not\s+.*multimap$' item = ["multimap", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ndualmap" item = ["multimap", "dual, negated"] # This rule should appear at the end of this section [[rewrite]] regex = '^n[a-z]*(spoon|multimap(inv)?|imageof|origof)$' item = ["multimap", "negated"] # ----------------------------- asterisks ------------------------------ # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] top_matches = "asterisks" matches = "asterisks" item = ["asterisk"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dotted asterisk" item = ["asterisk", "dotted"] # This rule should appear before the lowercase comparison to "asterisk". [[rewrite]] contains = ["Asterisk", " asterisk"] item = ["asterisk", "dingbat"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{2a-20e3}' item = ["asterisk", "dingbat"] [[rewrite]] contains = "asterisk" render_contains = ['(\STIXdingasterisk)', '(\faAsterisk)'] item = ["asterisk", "dingbat"] # This rule should precede the following one. Note that it moves the # symbol to a different top-level item. [[rewrite]] top_matches = "asterisks" matches = "circled" item = ["circled symbols", "asterisk"] [[rewrite]] top_matches = "asterisks" regex = '^(.+)$' item = ["asterisk", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = [ "*", "ast", "asterisk", "bigast", "bigcoast", "coasterisk", "textasteriskcentered" ] item = "asterisk" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?box(co)?ast' item = ["asterisk", "boxed"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "asteriscus" item = ["asterisk", "metrical"] # ------------------------------- clouds ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] top_matches = "clouds" item = "cloud" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = [ "cloud", "cloudy", "filledcloud", "mathcloud", "reversemathcloud" ] item = "cloud" # This rule must follow the previous one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^Filled(Weak)?(.*)Cloud$' item = ["cloud", 'with \2'] lowercase_item = true [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '(weak)?(rain|snow)\s*cloud' item = ["cloud", 'with \2'] lowercase_item = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^cloud\s+(.*)$' item = ["cloud", '\1'] # ----------------------------- crucifixes ----------------------------- [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = [ "cross", "crosses", "crux", "latin cross", "summitsign", "heavy latin cross" ] item = "cross (crucifix)" # I believe all of these are pattee crosses, despite being called Maltese. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "maltese", "CrossMaltese", "Maltese cross", "kreuz" ] item = ["cross (crucifix)", "pattee"] word = "patt{\\'e}e" [[rewrite]] matches = "Celtic cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "Celtic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cross pommee" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "pommee"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cross pommee with half-circle below" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "pommee, with half-circle below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CrossBoldOutline" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "outlined, bold"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CrossOutline" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "outlined"] [[rewrite]] matches = "white latin cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "hollow"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["CrossOpenShadow", "shadowed white latin cross"] item = ["cross (crucifix)", "shadowed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "outlined latin cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "outlined"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy greek cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "Greek, bold"] [[rewrite]] matches = "outlined greek cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "Greek, outlined"] [[rewrite]] matches = "orthodox cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "Orthodox"] [[rewrite]] matches = "open center cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "open center"] [[rewrite]] matches = "heavy open center cross" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "open center, bold"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(east|west)cross$' capitalize_word = true item = ["cross (crucifix)", '\1ern'] [[rewrite]] matches = "CrossClowerTips" item = ["cross (crucifix)", "clover tipped"] # "clower" = "clover"? [[rewrite]] matches = "crucifixes" item = "crucifix" see = "cross (crucifix)" # ---------------------------------- faces ---------------------------------- # ... cat faces ... [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*)heart-eyes(.*)$' item = '\1heart-shaped eyes\2' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+cat(?:\sface)?$' item = ["cat", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^cat(?:\sface)?\s+(.*?)' item = ["cat", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+cat(?:\sface)?,?\s+(.*)$' item = ["cat", '\1, \2'] # ... all other faces ... # This rule must precede the generic "face" rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "face towel" item = "towel" # This rule must precede the generic "face" rule. [[rewrite]] matches = "grinning squinting face" item = ["face", "grinning and squinting"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^face\s+(.*)$' item = ["face", '\1'] # This rule must precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^(bear|cat|clown|cow|dog|dragon|frog|hamster|horse|monkey|mouse|panda|pig|rabbit|tiger|wind|wolf)\s+face$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+face$' item = ["face", '\1'] not_contains = "moon" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+face,?\s+(.*)$' not_contains = "clock face" item = ["face", '\1, \2'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = ["smiley", "smileface", "soh"] item = ["face", "smiley"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^([A-Za-z]+)Face$' item = ["face", '\1'] lowercase_word = true word = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = ["blacksmiley", "invsmileface", "STX"] item = ["face", "smiley, inverse"] [[rewrite]] matches = "grimace" item = ["face", "grimacing"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["frownie", "Frowny"] item = ["face", "frowning"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textthing", "thething"] item = ["face", "with sunglasses"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sadface" item = ["face", "sad"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faGrinBeamSweat" item = ["face", "grinning and sweating"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faGrinWink" item = ["face", "grinning and winking"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] prefix = "faGrinSquintTears" item = ["face", "grinning and squinting, with tears"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faGrinSquint" item = ["face", "grinning and squinting"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faGrin(Hearts|Stars|Tears|Tongue)' lowercase_item = true item = ["face", 'grinning, with \1'] # This rule should follow all of the other faGrin rules. [[rewrite]] prefix = "faGrin" item = ["face", "grinning"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^fa(Angry|Dizzy|Meh|Sad)' lowercase_item = true item = ["face", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^fa(Frown|Kiss|Laugh)' lowercase_item = true item = ["face", '\1ing'] [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['\HQ', 'Hq'] item = ["face", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] top_matches = "faces" item = ["face"] # ------------------------------- clocks ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["clock", "clock symbols", "ClockLogo"] word = "clock" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = [" clock", "stopwatch", "alarm clock", "pocket watch"] word = "clock" # It's excessive to show a glyph for every half-hour of the day. Hence, we # keep a single glyph (four o'clock, selected arbitrarily)... [[rewrite]] matches = "four o'clock" word = "clock" # ...and delete all other clocks showing the hour or half-hour. [[rewrite]] contains = ["o'clock", "-thirty"] item = ["clock", "showing a specific time"] render = "" # --------------------------- boxed symbols ---------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxbslash' word = '\1boxbackslash' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxbot' word = '\1boxbottom' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxdiag' word = '\1boxslash' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxcirc' word = '\1boxcircle' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxdiv' word = '\1boxdivision' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxtriangle' word = '\1boxtriangle' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxvert' word = '\1boxbar' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?boxvoid' word = '\1boxempty' continue = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(big)?box([a-z]+)$' not_render_contains = [ '$\boxleft$', '$\boxright$' ] not_contains = [ "boxed", "dotleft", "dotright", "onbox" ] item = ["boxed symbols", '\2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "plus, squared" item = ["boxed symbols", "plus"] # ------------------------------- angles ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "angle", "angdnr", "revangle", "turnangle" ] item = "angle" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\STIXangles' item = ["angle", "with S"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\STIXangleubar' item = ["angle", "with underbar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "revangleubar" item = ["angle", "with underbar"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^measangle..to..$' item = ["angle", "measured, with arrow"] [[rewrite]] contains = [ "sphericalangle", "measangle", "measuredangle", "AngleSign", "gtlpar", "varangle" ] item = ["angle", "spherical"] [[rewrite]] contains = "rightangle" item = ["angle", "right"] [[rewrite]] contains = "wideangle" item = ["angle", "obtuse"] [[rewrite]] contains = "threedangle" item = ["angle", "3-D"] # ------------------------------ genders ------------------------------- # Categorize a picture of a man under "man". # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = "faMale" item = "man" # Categorize a picture of a womman under "womman". # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] render_contains = "faFemale" item = "woman" [[rewrite]] matches = ["genderless", "Neutral"] item = ["gender signs", "neuter"] # This rule must precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\faTransgender*', '\twemoji{26a7}', '\usym{26A7}' ] item = ["gender signs", "male with stroke and male and female"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\faTransgender' item = ["gender signs", "male and female"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = "HERMAPHRODITE" item = ["gender signs", "male and female, filled"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "hermaphrodite" item = ["gender signs", "male and female"] [[rewrite]] matches = "male and female sign" item = ["gender signs", "male and female"] [[rewrite]] matches = "boy" render_contains = '$\ABXMars$' item = ["gender signs", "male"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["male sign", "FF"] item = ["gender signs", "male"] [[rewrite]] matches = "girl" render_contains = '$\ABXVenus' item = ["gender signs", "female"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "female sign", "textfemale", "VT" ] item = ["gender signs", "female"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textuncrfemale", "neuter"] item = ["gender signs", "female, without stroke"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(male|female)/?(male|female)(?: sign)?$' lowercase_item = true item = ["gender signs", '\1/\2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "interlocked female and male sign" item = ["gender signs", "female/male"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^doubled (male|female) sign$' item = ["gender signs", '\1/\1'] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = ["MALE", "FEMALE"] lowercase_item = true item = ["gender signs", '\1, filled'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(male|female)$' lowercase_item = true item = ["gender signs", '\1'] [[rewrite]] prefix = "male with stroke" item = ["gender signs", "male, extra stroke"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "horizontal male with stroke sign", "vertical male with stroke sign" ] item = ["gender signs", "male, extra stroke"] # ---------------------------- men and women ----------------------------- # This rule should precede the following rule. [[rewrite]] contains = "bowing" item = "bowing" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(man|woman|person)\s+(.*)$' not_contains = [ " and ", " getting ", " in ", " wearing ", " with ", " working " ] item = '\2' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(male|man)\s+(.*)$' not_contains = "sign" item = ['man', '\2'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(female|woman)\s+(.*)$' not_contains = "sign" item = ['woman', '\2'] # ---------------------- astronomy and astrology ----------------------- [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "scorpius" item = "Scorpio" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "capricornus" item = "Capricorn" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = [ "mercury", "venus", "earth", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn", "uranus", "neptune", "pluto", "aries", "taurus", "gemini", "cancer", "leo", "virgo", "libra", "scorpio", "sagittarius", "capricorn", "aquarius", "pisces" ] word = '\1' capitalize_word = true [[rewrite]] regex = '^(North|South)Node$' lowercase_item = true item = '\1 node' [[rewrite]] matches = "ascnode" item = "ascending node" [[rewrite]] matches = "descnode" item = "descending node" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "conjunction" item = ["conjunction", "astronomical"] # ------------------------------ numbers ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] regex = '^MV(Zero|One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine)$' convert_numbers = true item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^Stroke(One|Two|Three|Four|Five)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "tally"] [[rewrite]] render_regex = '\(\\showbullcntr\{(\d+)\}\)' item = ['\1', "tally"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = 'negative circled.*digit (one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "circled, filled"] [[rewrite]] regex = 'circled.*digit (one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "circled"] [[rewrite]] render_regex = '\\twemoji\{3(\d)-20e3\}' item = ['\1', "boxed, blue"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\twemoji{1f51f}' item = ["10", "boxed, blue"] [[rewrite]] contains = "keycap ten" item = ["10", "boxed"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = 'negative circled.*number ten' item = ["10", "circled, filled"] [[rewrite]] regex = 'circled.*number ten' item = ["10", "circled"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)oldstyle$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "old style"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(one|two|three)superior$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "superior"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textturn(two|three)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "rotated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textlhookfour" item = ["4", "hooked"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textcrtwo" item = ["2", "barred"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\DOZx)' item = ["2", "rotated"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\DOZe)' item = ["3", "rotated"] # ... ancient languages ... [[rewrite]] matches = "one" render_contains = '\textpmhg' item = ["1", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ten" render_contains = '\textpmhg' item = ["10", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] contains = "hundred" render_contains = '\textpmhg' item = ["100", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "thousand" render_contains = '\textpmhg' item = ["1000", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "million" render_contains = '\textpmhg' item = ["1000000", "hieroglyphic"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(\d+)$' render_contains = '\ARUNEs' item = ['\1', "runic"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^BN([ivxlcdm]+)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "Linear B"] [[rewrite]] matches = "EOzero" item = ["0", "Epi-Olmec"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^EO([ivx]+)$' convert_numbers = true item = ['\1', "Epi-Olmec"] # ------------------------------- globes ------------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "faGlobe" item = ["globe", "with meridians"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Mundus", "world", "tiGlobe", "tiGlobeOutline"] word = "globe" [[rewrite]] regex = '^globe\s+(.+)$' item = ["globe", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^faGlobe(Africa|Americas|Asia|Europe)$' item = ["globe", 'showing \1'] # ------------------------- therefore symbols -------------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = [ "therefore", "uptherefore", "wasytherefore" ] item = "therefore" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(down|left|right)therefore$' item = ["therefore", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["because", "since"] item = ["therefore", "down"] # -------------------- various mathematical symbols -------------------- [[rewrite]] matches = ["wreath", "wr"] item = "wreath product" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "forall" item = "for all" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "universal bunch quantifier", "universal individual quantifier" ] item = "for all" [[rewrite]] matches = "suum" item = ["sum", "horizontally extensible"] [[rewrite]] matches = "varsum" item = "sum" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "osum", "varosum", "modtwosum", "varmodtwosum" ] item = ["sum", "circular"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["prod", "varprod", "smallprod"] item = "product" [[rewrite]] matches = "prood" item = ["product", "horizontally extensible"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "coprod", "varcoprod", "amalg", "varamalg" ] item = "coproduct" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Im", "im", "oldIm"] item = "imaginary" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Re", "oldRe"] item = "real" [[rewrite]] contains = "mathwitch" item = ["witch", "math mode"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^math.*ghost' item = ["ghost", "math mode"] [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true compare_lowercase = true contains = ["percent", "%"] word = "percent" [[rewrite]] matches = ["perthousand", "tcperthousand", "textperthousand", "permil"] item = "per mill" [[rewrite]] matches = ["tcpertenthousand", "textpertenthousand"] item = "permyriad" [[rewrite]] matches = "powerset" item = "power set" [[rewrite]] matches = "Eulerconst" item = "Euler's constant" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = 'q\.?e\.?d' item = "end of proof" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['(\End)', '(\wasserdicht)'] item = 'end of proof' [[rewrite]] matches = "hksqrt" item = ["square root", "with hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["sqrt*", "surd", "textsurd"] item = ["square root", "without overbar"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["pm", "textpm"] word = "plus or minus" [[rewrite]] matches = "mp" word = "minus or plus" [[rewrite]] regex = '^[dnst]{3,4}stile$' word = "consequence relation" [[rewrite]] matches = "consequence relation denied" item = ["consequence relation", "denied"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(continuous.*)\s(function|multi-function|map|multi-map)$' item = ["function", '\g<0>'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["function/backward composition", "circ"] item = ["function", "composition"] [[rewrite]] matches = "function converse" item = ["function", "converse"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["partial", "varpartialdiff"] item = "partial derivative" [[rewrite]] matches = "partialslash" item = ["partial derivative", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] top_matches = "annuity" word = "annuity symbols" [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(one|three)(half|quarters?)$' item = ["fractions", '\1 \2'] # This rule should precede the generic "minus" rule. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\faMinus', '\tiMinus', '\twemoji{2796}', '\usym{2796}', '\MVMinus' ] item = ["minus", "decorative"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["minus", "textminus", "tminus"] item = "minus" [[rewrite]] regex = '^minushook(down|up)$' item = ["minus", "hooked"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^hook(down|up)minus$' item = ["minus", "hooked"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^minus(colon|dot)$' item = ["minus", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "dashcolon" item = ["minus", "colon"] [[rewrite]] matches = "minuscoloncolon" item = ["minus", "colon, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["minusfdots", "minusrdots", "dotsminusdots"] item = ["minus", "dots"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dotted minus" item = ["minus", "dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "minuso" item = ["minus", "with circle overlay"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(comma|dot|u)minus$' item = ["minus", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textdiscount" item = ["minus", "commercial"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bigcomplementop" item = "complement" [[rewrite]] matches = "shuffle" item = "shuffle product" [[rewrite]] matches = "smashtimes" item = "smash product" [[rewrite]] matches = "bagmember" item = "bag membership" [[rewrite]] matches = ["intercal", "varintercal"] item = "intercalate" [[rewrite]] matches = ["interleave", "biginterleave"] item = "interleave" [[rewrite]] matches = "suchthat" item = "such that" [[rewrite]] matches = "wp" word = "Weierstrass elliptic function" [[rewrite]] matches = "sqrt" word = "square root" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "bowtie" word = "bow tie" [[rewrite]] prefix = "choice" word = "choice" [[rewrite]] regex = '^Y(up|down|left|right)$' item = ["Y", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down|left|right)Y$' item = ["Y", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "zproject" item = "restriction" [[rewrite]] regex = '^restrict(barb|mallet|wand)(?:up)?$' item = ["restriction", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "nrestriction" item = ["restriction", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ularc", "manrotatedquartercircle"] item = ["arc", "upper left"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["urarc", "manquartercircle"] item = ["arc", "upper right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "llarc" item = ["arc", "lower left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "lrarc" item = ["arc", "lower right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Finv" item = ["F", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "trapezium" # UK item = "trapezoid" # US [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*\S)\s+fixed point$' item = ["fixed point", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "cshuffle", "complete shuffle product" ] item = ["shuffle product", "complete"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(partial|total) function$' item = ["function", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["crossing", "hcrossing"] item = ["crossing", "horizontal"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["vcrossing", "scross"] item = ["crossing", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "scrossvh" item = ["crossing", "plus"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["neswcrossing", "nwsecrossing"] item = ["crossing", "diagonal"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "cdot", "cdotp", "MultiplicationDot" ] item = ["multiplication", "dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hermitmatrix" item = "Hermitian conjugate matrix" [[rewrite]] matches = ["strictif", "rightfishtail"] item = "strict implication" [[rewrite]] matches = ["strictfi", "leftfishtail"] item = "strict converse implication" [[rewrite]] matches = "strictiff" item = "strict biconditional" [[rewrite]] matches = "rightimply" item = "material implication" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down)fishtail$' item = ["fish tail", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["setminus", "smallsetminus"] item = "set difference" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "dfourier", "Dfourier", "dft", "DFT", "fourier", "Fourier", "InversTransformHoriz", "InversTransformVert", "laplace", "Laplace", "TransformHoriz", "TransformVert", "Ztransf", "ztransf" ] item = "transform" [[rewrite]] matches = "sequent denied" item = ["sequent", "denied"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down|left|right|[ns][ew])free$' item = "free" [[rewrite]] regex = '^n(up|down|left|right|[ns][ew])free$' item = ["free", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "lsqhook" item = ["open box operator", "left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rsqhook" item = ["open box operator", "right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "nclosure" item = ["closure", "negated"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(left|right)threetimes$' item = ["semidirect product", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down|left|right)slice$' item = "slice" [[rewrite]] matches = "ruledelayed" item = "rule delayed" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = "parallelogramblack" item = ["parallelogram", "filled"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "parallelogram" item = "parallelogram" [[rewrite]] matches = ["leftbroom", "rightbroom"] item = "broom" [[rewrite]] matches = ["dalambert", "laplac"] # Note misspelling of "dalembert". item = "d'Alembert operator" [[rewrite]] matches = "divs" item = "divides" [[rewrite]] matches = "ndivs" item = ["divides", "negated"] [[rewrite]] matches = "topbot" item = ["top", "above bottom"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^relation(left|right)project$' item = ["relation", '\1 project'] [[rewrite]] matches = "relationlifting" item = ["relation", "lifting"] [[rewrite]] matches = "profline" item = "arc" [[rewrite]] matches = "profsurf" item = "segment" [[rewrite]] matches = ["<", "!>"] item = ["delimiters", "angle bracket"] render = "" # ----------------------- miscellaneous rewrites ----------------------- # This rule should appear early in this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.+)\s+symbol$' not_matches = "medical symbol" word = '\1' continue = true # This rule must precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\faWater' word = "waves" # Convert certain control sequences to words and lowercase them. [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = [ "air", "alif", "anaclasis", "anchor", "ankh", "asterism", "atom", "ayn", "beam", "bearing", "bed", "bell", "between", "bicycle", "biohazard", "bowl", "bra", "caesura", "candle", "catalexis", "cent", "chair", "closure", "coda", "complement", "conclusion", "convolution", "corner", "corresponds", "currency", "denarius", "diameter", "direct", "dracma", "e", "ejective", "emgma", "enya", "er", "esh", "eye", "fax", "fire", "fisheye", "florin", "fog", "force", "fortune", "game", "gloves", "hail", "hemiobelion", "industry", "irritant", "ket", "length", "lightning", "longa", "maxima", "moai", "moo", "moon", "nabla", "natal", "ninja", "octagon", "opposition", "plus", "printer", "quincunx", "radix", "rain", "request", "respondens", "restriction", "retrograde", "rupee", "sector", "semisextile", "semisquare", "separated", "sesquiquadrate", "sextile", "sleet", "spoon", "staccatissimo", "stater", "station", "sum", "tape", "tent", "tenuto", "tetartemorion", "trine", "vernal", "vertex", "viewdata", "village", "warning", "water", "wind", "wheelchair" ] lowercase_word = true word = '\1' # Convert certain control sequences to words, preserving their case. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "Amor", "Bart", "Burns", "Ceres", "Chiron", "Eros", "Hades", "Hidalgo", "Homer", "Hygiea", "Juno", "Lilith", "Lisa", "Maggie", "Marge", "Pallas", "Poseidon", "Psyche", "Rust", "Sappho", "Soyombo", "Vesta", "Zeus" ] word = '\1' # Convert certain words from plural to singular. [[rewrite]] regex = '''\ ^(automobile|\ bicycle|\ boat|\ boson|\ broom|\ consequence relation|\ elevator|\ fermion|\ ghost|\ helicopter|\ kaon|\ meson|\ model|\ motorcycle|\ pion|\ restriction|\ snake|\ taxi|\ train)s$\ ''' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = "bike" item = "bicycle" [[rewrite]] matches = "buses" item = "bus" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:lower|upper)\s+(?:left|right)\s+(.*)$' not_render_contains = ['\usym{1F53E}', '\usym{1F53F}'] word = '\1' continue = true [[rewrite]] matches = ["bomb", "mfBomb", "faBomb"] word = "bomb" [[rewrite]] matches = "water wave" word = "waves" [[rewrite]] contains = "dbend" word = "dangerous bend" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '+\danger+' word = "dangerous bend" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "flower", "flowers", "white flower", "wilted flower", "sunflower", "daisy", "blossom" ] word = "flower" [[rewrite]] contains = ["Flower", "florette"] word = "flower" [[rewrite]] matches = "sun" compare_lowercase = true word = "sun" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true regex = '^(blue|brown|green|orange|purple|red|yellow)\s+(.*)$' not_contains = ["exclamation mark", "hat", "lantern", "stoplight", "triangle"] word = '\2' lowercase_word = true [[rewrite]] matches = ["lightbulb", "electric light bulb"] word = "light bulb" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Info", "info circle", "information sign"] word = "information" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = 'scissor' item = 'scissors' [[rewrite]] matches = [ "cut", "CutLeft", "CutRight" ] item = 'scissors' [[rewrite]] regex = '^battery\s+(.*)$' item = ["battery", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+battery$' item = ["battery", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^([A-Z]+) button \(blood type\)$' item = ["blood type", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "AR" word = "aspect ratio" [[rewrite]] matches = "bauhead" word = "head" [[rewrite]] matches = "accurrent" word = "alternating current" [[rewrite]] matches = "acidfree" word = "acid-free paper" [[rewrite]] matches = "ear with hearing aid" item = ["ear", "with hearing aid"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["medical symbol", "medicine"] item = "rod of Asclepius" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "yinyang" word = "yin-yang" [[rewrite]] matches = ["yin yang", "yin-yang symbols"] word = "yin-yang" [[rewrite]] matches = ["wheel", "wheel of dharma"] word = "dharmachakra" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Bat", "bats", "mathbat", "mathleftbat", "mathrightbat"] word = "bat" [[rewrite]] regex = '^search with (.*)$' item = ["search", 'with \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "faSearchMinus" item = ["search", "with minus sign"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^mahjong tile\s+(.+)$' item = ["mahjong tiles", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "mahjong red dragon" item = ["mahjong tiles", "red dragon"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["glotstop", "glottal"] word = "glottal stop" [[rewrite]] matches = "Jedi" word = "Jedi Order" # This rule must precede the "... button" rule. [[rewrite]] regex = "^Japanese ``(.*)'' button" item = ["Japanese buttons", '\1'] # This rule must precede the "... button" rule. [[rewrite]] render_contains = ["1f518", "1F518"] item = "radio button" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+button$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = ["old key", "keys"] word = "key" [[rewrite]] matches = "paint brush" word = "paintbrush" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\faPencilRuler' item = ["pencil", "and ruler"] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "pencil" not_render_contains = "Hand" word = "pencil" # This rule should follow the previous one. [[rewrite]] prefix = ["tiPen", "faPen", "faHighlighter", "faMarker", "pens"] not_contains = ["Penny", "Nib"] word = "pen" [[rewrite]] contains = ["ballpoint pen", "fountain pen"] word = "pen" [[rewrite]] contains = "magnifying" word = "magnifying glass" [[rewrite]] regex = '^people\s+(.+)$' item = ["people", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^person\s+(.+)$' item = ["person", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true top_contains = "peace" word = "peace" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "t-shirt" word = "T-shirt" [[rewrite]] matches = ["wireless", "wifi"] word = "wireless network" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] contains = ["shoe", "sandal"] item = "shoe" [[rewrite]] regex = "^woman'?s\\s+(.+)$" word = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^women\s+(.+)$' item = ["women", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true prefix = "bouquet" word = "bouquet" [[rewrite]] prefix = "click" item = "clicks" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['{1f515}', '{1F515}'] item = ["bell", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] contains = "bell" not_matches = ["dumbbell", "bell pepper"] word = "bell" [[rewrite]] regex = '^bowl\s+(.+)$' item = ["bowl", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "gem stone" word = "gem" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^recycling symbol for\s+(.+)$' item = ["recycling", '\1'] [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true top_contains = "recycl" not_render_contains = "(package)" word = "recycling" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Greenpoint", "PackingWaste"] word = "recycling" [[rewrite]] regex = '^chart\s+(.+)$' item = ["chart", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "Father Christmas" word = "Santa Claus" [[rewrite]] matches = "mx claus" word = "Mrs. Claus" [[rewrite]] matches = "store, slashed" item = ["store", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] contains = ["traffic light", "stoplight"] word = "traffic light" [[rewrite]] contains = ["locomotive", " train"] word = "train" [[rewrite]] prefix = "domino tile " item = "domino tiles" render = "" [[rewrite]] matches = "dna" item = "DNA" [[rewrite]] matches = "dvd" item = "DVD" # This rule must precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^document with\s+(\S.*)$' item = ["document", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^document\s+(\S+)$' item = ["document", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "empty document" item = "document" [[rewrite]] prefix = "emoji modifier" item = ["emoji", "modifiers"] render = "" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = "two-hump camel" item = ["camel", "bactrian"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(\S+)\s+camel$' item = ["camel", '\1'] [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true compare_lowercase = true contains = ["pumpkin", "jack-o-lantern"] item = "jack-o'-lantern" # Split certain control sequences into exactly two words. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "EastPoint", "MineSign", "MoveDown", "MoveUp", "ParallelPort", "PropertyLine", "SerialInterface", "SerialPort", "SpecialForty", "SpinUp", "SpinDown", "StoneMan", "StrikingThrough", "SurveySign", "ThinFog", "WeakRain" ] regex = '^([A-Z][a-z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)$' lowercase_word = true word = '\1 \2' [[rewrite]] matches = "studio microphone" item = "microphone" [[rewrite]] matches = "microphone off" item = ["microphone", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "menorah with nine branches" item = "menorah" [[rewrite]] regex = '^men\s+(\S.*)$' item = ["men", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["AA", "Angstrom"] item = ["A with ring", "uppercase"] [[rewrite]] matches = "aa" item = ["A with ring", "lowercase"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Apollon" item = "Apollo" [[rewrite]] matches = "Admetos" item = "Admetus" [[rewrite]] matches = "Cupido" item = "Cupid" [[rewrite]] matches = "Kronos" item = "Chronos" [[rewrite]] matches = "Vulkanus" item = "Vulcan" [[rewrite]] matches = ["celsius", "tccentigrade", "textcelsius"] item = "celsius" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = ["radiation", "radioactive"] item = "radiation" [[rewrite]] matches = "pregnant" item = "pregnant woman" [[rewrite]] matches = ["print", "printer icon"] item = "printer" [[rewrite]] matches = "phase" item = "phasor" [[rewrite]] matches = "BOLogo" item = "Hochschule Bochum" [[rewrite]] matches = "BOLogoP" item = ["Hochschule Bochum", "portrait"] [[rewrite]] matches = "BOLogoL" item = ["Hochschule Bochum", "landscape"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sunset" item = "sunset over buildings" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "crossed swords", "swords", "textxswdown", "textxswup", "xswordsdown", "xswordsup" ] item = ["sword", "multiple, crossed"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^sym([AB])$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^(deaf|old)(?:er)?\s+(man|woman|person)$' item = ['\2', '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "hanukiah" item = "menorah" [[rewrite]] matches = "plimsoll" item = "Plimsoll line" [[rewrite]] contains = "#" not_contains = 'C\#' item = "hash" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] matches = [ "hash", "hashtag", "number sign", "varhash" ] item = "hash" [[rewrite]] matches = "textnumero" item = "number sign" [[rewrite]] matches = "golfer" item = "golfing" # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] regex = '^faHandshake(Alt)?Slash$' item = ["handshake", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] prefix = "faHandshake" item = "handshake" [[rewrite]] matches = "sleuth or spy" item = "spy" [[rewrite]] regex = '^two (men|women) holding hands$' item = ['\1', "holding hands"] [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true contains = "bullseye" item = "bullseye" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "carriagereturn", "varcarriagereturn" ] item = "carriage return" [[rewrite]] prefix = "FourClower" item = "clover" [[rewrite]] matches = ["clovers", "four leaf clover"] item = "clover" [[rewrite]] matches = "glasses" item = "eyeglasses" [[rewrite]] matches = "eyebrows" item = "eyes" [[rewrite]] matches = "dark sunglasses" item = "sunglasses" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "hourglass" item = "hourglass" [[rewrite]] matches = "kitchen knife" item = ["knife", "kitchen"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hocho" item = ["knife", "hocho"] [[rewrite]] matches = "windy" item = "wind" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "manual wheelchair", "motorized wheelchair", "wheelchair stationary" ] item = "wheelchair" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "wrapped gift", "wrapped present" ] item = "gift" [[rewrite]] matches = "poo storm" item = ["poo", "storm"] [[rewrite]] matches = "power off" item = "power" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ban", "no", "no entry sign", "prohibited", "prohibited sign" ] item = "no" [[rewrite]] matches = "noway" item = "no entry" [[rewrite]] matches = "tape drive" item = "tape" [[rewrite]] matches = "braket" item = "bra-ket" [[rewrite]] regex = '^banknote with (.*?)\s+sign$' item = ["banknote", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(.*?)\s+banknote$' item = ["banknote", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "mount fuji" item = "Mount Fuji" [[rewrite]] matches = "electric torch" item = "flashlight" [[rewrite]] matches = "lady beetle" item = "ladybug" [[rewrite]] matches = ["bug", "beetle", "fly", "mosquito"] item = "insect" [[rewrite]] matches = "witches" item = "witch" [[rewrite]] matches = ["caution sign", "danger"] item = "warning" [[rewrite]] contains = "baby chick" item = "chick" [[rewrite]] matches = "chicks" item = ["chick", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rip" item = "RIP" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = ["snow", "snowflakes"] item = "snowflake" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "snowflake" item = "snowflake" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true prefix = ["snowman", "snowmen", "scsnowman"] item = "snowman" [[rewrite]] matches = "snowplow" item = "snow plow" [[rewrite]] contains = "floppy disk" item = "floppy disk" [[rewrite]] regex = '^sort\s+(.+)$' item = ["sort", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "SNPP" item = "nuclear power plant" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(hear|see|speak)-no-evil monkey$' item = ["monkey", '\1 no evil'] [[rewrite]] matches = "spanner" item = "wrench" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "sparkle" item = "sparkle" [[rewrite]] matches = "small axe" item = "axe" [[rewrite]] matches = "film frames" item = "film" [[rewrite]] matches = "silhouette of Japan" item = "Japan" [[rewrite]] matches = "sinewave" item = "sine wave" [[rewrite]] matches = ["Terra", "varTerra"] item = "Earth" [[rewrite]] regex = '^var(Capricorn|Earth|Pluto|Uranus)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] contains = "mailbox" item = "mailbox" [[rewrite]] matches = "love hotel" item = ["hotel", "love"] [[rewrite]] matches = "love letter" item = ["envelope", "with heart"] [[rewrite]] matches = "camera with flash" item = "camera" [[rewrite]] matches = "roast chicken" item = ["chicken", "roasted"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["chicken thigh", "drumstick"] item = ["chicken", "thigh"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^Japanese\s+(castle|dolls|goblin|ogre|post office)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = "Japanese symbol for beginner" item = "beginner" [[rewrite]] matches = "couplekiss" item = "couple with heart" [[rewrite]] matches = "kiss mark" item = "kiss" [[rewrite]] regex = '^replace\s+(.*)$' item = ["replace", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["tally", "fcscore"] item = "tally markers" [[rewrite]] matches = "Looking" item = ["telescope", "man looking through"] [[rewrite]] matches = "linefeed" item = "line feed" [[rewrite]] matches = "thermometers" item = "thermometer" [[rewrite]] regex = '^thermometer\s+(.+)$' item = ["thermometer", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = 'three rays\s+(.+)$' item = ["rays", 'three \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^oncoming\s+(.+)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = "baby angel" item = "angel" [[rewrite]] matches = "benzenr" item = "benzene" [[rewrite]] contains = "megaphone" item = "megaphone" [[rewrite]] matches = "inbox tray" item = "inbox" [[rewrite]] matches = "outbox tray" item = "outbox" [[rewrite]] matches = "postbox" item = "mailbox" [[rewrite]] contains = "bath" item = "bathtub" [[rewrite]] matches = ["degree", "textdegree"] item = "degree" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true prefix = "diple" item = "diple" [[rewrite]] matches = "shopping trolley" item = "shopping cart" [[rewrite]] matches = "desert island" item = "island" [[rewrite]] matches = ["articulated lorry", "pickup truck"] item = "truck" [[rewrite]] matches = "faShippingFast" item = ["truck", "fast"] [[rewrite]] matches = "construction" item = "construction sign" [[rewrite]] matches = "building construction" item = "construction" [[rewrite]] regex = '^(factual|deontic|logical|doxastic|temporal)\s+(necessity|possibility|next|future|past|contingency|non-contingency)$' item = ['\2', '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "bauforms" item = "Bauhaus forms" [[rewrite]] matches = "cityscape at dusk" item = ["cityscape", "at dusk"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ear of corn", "ear of maize" ] item = "corn" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "corners, box", "lftbotcorner", "lfttopcorner", "rtbotcorner", "rttopcorner", "textcorner", "textopencorner", "FS" ] item = "corner" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "ullcorner", "ulrcorner", ] item = ["corner", "both top and bottom"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textinterrobang" item = "interrobang" [[rewrite]] matches = "textinterrobangdown" item = ["interrobang", "inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrecipe" item = "recipe" [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "pharmaceutical prescription" see = "recipe" [[rewrite]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "prescription" see = "recipe" [[rewrite]] matches = "thus" item = "therefore" [[rewrite]] matches = "straight ruler" item = "ruler" [[rewrite]] matches = "triangular ruler" item = ["ruler", "triangular"] [[rewrite]] contains = ["pushpin", "thumbtack"] item = "pushpin" [[rewrite]] matches = ["litter in bin sign", "put litter in its place"] item = "litter in bin" [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(born|died|divorced|married)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] matches = ["satellitedish", "satellite antenna", "Satellite"] item = ["satellite dish"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["sauropod", "T-Rex"] item = "dinosaur" [[rewrite]] matches = "rqm" item = "reduced quadrupole moment" [[rewrite]] matches = ["izakaya lantern", "red paper lantern"] item = "lantern" [[rewrite]] matches = "brush" item = "paintbrush" [[rewrite]] prefix = "faClipboard" item = "clipboard" [[rewrite]] matches = "faSpellCheck" item = "spell check" [[rewrite]] prefix = "faMoneyCheck" item = "check (financial)" [[rewrite]] matches = "drop of blood" item = "blood" [[rewrite]] matches = "let blood" item = ["blood", "letting"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sunrise over mountains" item = ["sunrise", "over mountains"] [[rewrite]] matches = "symbol for marks chapter" item = "marks chapter" [[rewrite]] matches = ["temperature low", "temperature high"] item = ['\1', '\2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "chalkboard with teacher" item = ["chalkboard", "with teacher"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textord(masculine|feminine)$' item = ["ordinal", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "underscore", "textunderscore", "mathunderscore", "US" ] item = "underline" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\_)' item = "underline" [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(backslash|bar|blank|bullet|estimated)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] regex = '^umbrella\s+(.+)$' item = ["umbrella", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "closed umbrella" item = ["umbrella", "closed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cut of meat" item = "meat" [[rewrite]] matches = "meat on bone" item = ["meat", "on bone"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cog" item = "gear" [[rewrite]] matches = "cogs" item = ["gear", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "guardsman" item = "guard" [[rewrite]] regex = '^mechanical (arm|leg)$' item = ['\1', "mechanical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "CYRSH" item = "sha" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "tropical fish", "tuna", "catfish" ] item = "fish" [[rewrite]] matches = "fishing pole" item = "fishing pole and fish" [[rewrite]] prefix = "fish cake with swirl" item = "fish cake with swirl" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true matches = "bigo" item = "big O notation" [[rewrite]] matches = "infant" item = "baby" [[rewrite]] contains = "loudspeaker" item = "loudspeaker" [[rewrite]] matches = "invdiameter" item = ["diameter", "reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "video" item = "video camera" [[rewrite]] matches = "video, slashed" item = ["video camera", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "video game" item = "video game controller" [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\faBtc)' item = "Bitcoin" [[rewrite]] matches = "AC" item = "alternating current" [[rewrite]] prefix = "alien" item = "extraterrestrial" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "optical disc", "optical disc icon", "optical disk" ] item = "compact disc" [[rewrite]] matches = "bread slice" item = "bread" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true prefix = "obelus" item = "obelus" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true prefix = "terminus" item = "terminus" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "direct hit", "darts" ] item = "target" [[rewrite]] matches = "potable water" item = ["water", "potable"] [[rewrite]] matches = "non-potable water" item = ["water", "non-potable"] [[rewrite]] matches = "freeCodeCamp" item = "Free Code Camp" [[rewrite]] matches = [ "sake", "sake bottle and cup" ] item = ["bottle", "sake, with cup"] [[rewrite]] matches = "school satchel" item = "schoolbag" [[rewrite]] matches = "poultry leg" item = ["chicken", "thigh"] [[rewrite]] matches = "police cars revolving light" item = "police car light" [[rewrite]] matches = "textramshorns" item = "ram's horns" [[rewrite]] matches = "ascii circumflex" item = "caret" [[rewrite]] matches = "caretinsert" item = ["caret", "insertion"] [[rewrite]] contains = "visiblespace" item = ["space", "visible"] [[rewrite]] matches = "non-breaking space" item = ["space", "non-breaking"] [[rewrite]] matches = "shell" item = "shell, operating system" [[rewrite]] matches = "spiral shell" item = "seashell" [[rewrite]] matches = "MVAt" item = "at sign" [[rewrite]] regex = '^European (castle|post office)$' item = '\1' [[rewrite]] prefix = "flap" item = "flap" [[rewrite]] render_contains = ['\fcBalloon', '\faFly'] item = ["hot air balloon"] [[rewrite]] matches = "stuffed flatbread" item = "flatbread" [[rewrite]] matches = "curly loop" item = "loop" [[rewrite]] matches = "double curly loop" item = ["loop", "double"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^([A-Za-z]+)bearing$' lowercase_item = true item = ["bearing", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^antenna.*bars' item = "signal" [[rewrite]] regex = '^grip (horizontal|vertical)$' item = ["grip", "squares"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^grip lines\s*(horizontal|vertical)?$' item = ["grip", "lines"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textreferencemark" item = "reference mark" [[rewrite]] matches = "hzigzag" item = ["zigzag", "horizontal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "vzigzag" item = ["zigzag", "vertical"] [[rewrite]] matches = "elinters" item = "electrical intersection" [[rewrite]] matches = "busts in silhouette" item = ["bust in silhouette", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "actuarialangle" item = "actuarial angle" [[rewrite]] matches = "linked paperclips" item = ["paperclip", "multiple, linked"] [[rewrite]] matches = "toilet paper, slashed" item = ["toilet paper", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "texttildelow" item = ["tilde", "lowered"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^igo(circle|cross|square|triangle)$' item = ["Go stones", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "igonone" item = ["Go stones", "empty"] [[rewrite]] matches = "trident emblem" item = "trident" [[rewrite]] matches = "giraffes" item = ["giraffe", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "tram car" item = "tram" [[rewrite]] matches = "left luggage" item = "luggage" [[rewrite]] compare_lowercase = true contains = "suitcase" item = "luggage" [[rewrite]] regex = '^frame with (?:an )?(.+)$' item = ["frame", 'with \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "HF" item = "high frequency" [[rewrite]] matches = "VHF" item = "very high frequency" [[rewrite]] matches = "rolled-up newspaper" item = ["newspaper", "rolled"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bullhorn with sound waves" item = "bullhorn" [[rewrite]] matches = "proj" item = "projection" [[rewrite]] matches = "EmailCT" item = "lightning" [[rewrite]] matches = "wn" item = "why not" [[rewrite]] matches = "oc" item = "of course" render = "of course (!!)" # Escape the exclamation mark. [[rewrite]] matches = "Circpipe" item = ["pipe", "circular"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Rectpipe" item = ["pipe", "rectangular"] [[rewrite]] matches = "recorder" item = "automatic telephone recorder" # From the wasy Metafont source [[rewrite]] matches = "pullback" item = "pull back" [[rewrite]] matches = "pushout" item = "push out" [[rewrite]] matches = "MVComma" item = ["comma", "sans serif"] [[rewrite]] matches = "shallow pan of food" item = "pan" [[rewrite]] matches = "partof" item = "part of" [[rewrite]] matches = "wholeof" item = "whole of" [[rewrite]] matches = "pile of poo" item = "poo" [[rewrite]] matches = "Lineload" item = "line load" [[rewrite]] matches = "sA" item = "Soyombo" [[rewrite]] matches = "sO" item = ["Soyombo", "terminal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "gleichstark" item = "Gleich Stark" [[rewrite]] matches = "textlengthmark" item = "length mark" [[rewrite]] matches = "thermod" item = "thermodynamic" [[rewrite]] matches = "tint, slashed" item = ["tint", "slashed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Pickup" item = "answering machine" [[rewrite]] matches = "svrexample" item = "example" [[rewrite]] render_contains = "Pisymbol{nkarta}{119}" item = ["hammer", "and sickle"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^hammer (and \w+)$' item = ["hammer", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "stst" item = "standard state" [[rewrite]] matches = "carousel horse" item = ["horse", "carousel"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["horse racing", "racehorse"] item = ["horse", "racing"] [[rewrite]] matches = "coins" item = ["coin", "multiple"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["curly hair", "white hair"] item = "hair" [[rewrite]] matches = "emf" item = "electromotive force" [[rewrite]] matches = "wastebasket" item = "trash" [[rewrite]] matches = "trash, restore from" item = ["trash", "restore from"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '{\smtrT}' item = "rotated symbols" render = "" [[rewrite]] matches = "NUL" item = "null character" [[rewrite]] matches = "compass" render_contains = '\dsmathematical' item = ["compass", "drawing"] [[rewrite]] matches = "railway" item = "train"