######################################################################## # Define a list of symbols, all of whose glyphs are nearly identical. # # An exemplar glyph will be selected for each item, which will be # # listed only once in the index. # # # # Author: Scott Pakin # ######################################################################## [[merge]] matches = [ "actuarial angle", "aleph", "anaclasis", "anger", "antisigma", "Apple", "Aquarius", "arc", "Aries", "artist", "ascending node", "astronaut", "bag membership", "beth", "between", "BlackBerry", "bottom", "bouncing ball", "bra", "bullet", "Cancer", "caron", "catalexis", "cauldron", "cedilla", "chestnut", "choice", "complement", "convolution", "coproduct", "copyright", "corresponds", "currency", "daleth", "degree", "descending node", "diameter", "Docker", "Dropbox", "edit", "emgma", "enya", "Erlang", "factory worker", "feeding baby", "filter", "flap", "for all", "game", "Gemini", "gesturing NO", "gesturing OK", "gimel", "group", "Grunt", "Hacker News", "hamster", "handball", "health worker", "Hermitian conjugate matrix", "intercalate", "interleave", "Java", "JavaScript", "Jedi Order", "Jupiter", "k", "ket", "kidney", "Leo", "Libra", "lifting weights", "lightning", "line feed", "mage", "Magento", "Mars", "Mercury", "moo", "multimap", "musical score", "nabla", "Neptune", "no bicycles", "Node.js", "no entry", "no mobile phones", "no pedestrians", "npm", "office worker", "ogonek", "opposition", "partial derivative", "permyriad", "pfund", "Pisces", "police officer", "prime", "pull back", "push out", "Python", "raising hand", "Raspberry Pi", "React", "redo", "reference", "respondens", "Rust", "Sagittarius", "Sass", "Saturn", "Scala", "schwa", "Scorpio", "section mark", "sha", "slice", "smash product", "SUSE", "Symfony", "sync", "Taurus", "tipping hand", "undo", "Unity", "utensils", "Venus", "Virgo", "wagon", "water polo", "Weierstrass elliptic function", "wreath product", "Zenodo", "zoom", "zoom in", "zoom out" ] # Top-level entries, all of whose subentries should be independently # merged, and top-level "see..." entries. [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = [ "accents", "alla breve", "ampersand", "antiquark", "approximately equivalent to", "arc", "assumption", "asymptotically equal to", "backslash", "barred letters", "battery", "because", "blackboard bold letters", "bottom", "boxed symbols", "bunch join", "bunch meet", "camel", "car", "cardinality", "Cartesian product", "chess", "circled symbols", "clefs", "Closed Access", "closed captioning", "closure", "coherence", "coin", "colon", "common time", "cross product", "curly pi", "cutoff subtraction", "dal segno", "delimiters", "derivative, partial", "Descartes's equal sign", "diaeresis", "diagonal line", "diamond", "differential, inexact", "digital signals", "dominance", "dot", "eighth note", "element of", "ellipse", "ellipsis", "empty set", "engma", "entailment", "entails", "equilibrium", "esh", "euro", "evaluated at", "excess", "exists", "face", "falsum", "Father Christmas", "fermata", "fighter jet", "fish tail", "flat", "footline", "free", "function", "gender signs", "geometric proportion", "glottal stop", "Go stones", "half note", "horizontal line", "i", "iff", "implication", "in", "incoherence", "inexact differential", "integral", "interior", "interior product", "j", "join (database)", "keyboard", "lattice", "leads to", "ligatures", "linear implication", "location", "logical negation", "lollipop (mathematics)", "long-legged letters", "map join", "map meet", "marcato", "member of", "merge", "micro", "millesimal sign", "models", "multimap", "multiplication", "multiplicative disjunction", "nand", "negation", "octothorpe", "ordinal", "orthogonal", "overline", "owns", "par", "parallel", "parentheses", "pentagram", "period", "per mill", "perpendicular", "per ten thousand", "per thousand", "phonetic accents", "pipe", "pitchfork", "pomega", "postal mark", "pound sign", "prime", "proper subset", "proper superset", "proportion", "quark", "quarter note", "ratio", "registered trademark", "restriction", "reversed letters", "reverse solidus", "s", "satisfies", "semicolon", "semidirect product", "set difference", "set interior", "set intersection", "set membership", "set union", "Sheffer's stroke", "shuffle product", "since", "sixteenth note", "sixty-fourth note", "slash", "small caps letters", "solidus", "space", "steel", "strict converse implication", "strict implication", "stroked letters", "sum", "swung dash", "tack", "tautology", "telephone handset", "ten thousandths", "therefore", "thirty-second note", "thorn", "thousandths", "thus", "top", "trademark", "traffic signal", "transversal intersection", "triangle", "turnstile", "universal bunch quantifier", "universal individual quantifier", "vee", "vertical bar", "vinculum", "wedge", "whole note", "wifi", "Y", "yogh", "Z notation" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "flag" not_matches = ["flag", "multiple, crossed"] [[merge]] top_matches = "dice" matches = "3D" render_contains = '\usym' [[merge]] top_matches = "dice" matches = "dice" [[merge]] top_matches = "cloud" not_matches = "cloud" [[merge]] top_matches = "cat" not_matches = "cat" [[merge]] top_matches = "mouse" matches = "computer" # This rule should precede the following one. [[merge]] top_contains = "pilcrow" render_contains = ['\DCd', '\STIXmathparagraph'] [[merge]] top_contains = "pilcrow" not_render_contains = ['\textpilcrow', '\usym{2761}'] [[merge]] top_matches = "document" matches = "text" [[merge]] top_matches = "emoji" matches = "modifiers" [[merge]] top_matches = "jack-o'-lantern" render_contains = ["bigpumpkin", "greatpumpkin"] [[merge]] top_matches = "microphone" render_contains = ['\tiMicrophone', '\faMicrophone'] [[merge]] top_matches = "keyboard symbols" matches = "delete" [[merge]] top_matches = "keyboard symbols" matches = "command" [[merge]] top_matches = "airplane" matches = "landing" [[merge]] top_matches = "airplane" matches = "taking off" [[merge]] top_matches = "house" not_matches = "house" [[merge]] top_matches = "sun" matches = "astronomical" [[merge]] top_matches = "sun" render_contains = [ '\STIXsun', '(\usym{263C})', '(\ifsSun)', '(\sun)' ] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "sword" matches = "multiple, crossed" [[merge]] top_matches = "dagger" not_render_contains = ["1f5e1", "1F5E1"] [[merge]] top_matches = "calendar" prefix = "with" [[merge]] top_matches = "leaf" matches = "maple" [[merge]] top_matches = "leaf" matches = "fleuron" [[merge]] render_contains = ['$\ell$', '\STIXell'] [[merge]] top_matches = "envelope" matches = "with lightning" [[merge]] top_matches = "envelope" matches = "with downward arrow" [[merge]] top_matches = "yin-yang" not_render_contains = '\twemoji{262f}' [[merge]] top_regex = '^[A-Z]+!* with arrow$' [[merge]] top_matches = "store" matches = "slashed" [[merge]] top_matches = "dangerous bend" render_contains = ['\dbend', '\textdbend'] [[merge]] top_matches = "dangerous bend" render_contains = ['\lhdbend', '\textlhdbend'] [[merge]] top_matches = "dangerous bend" render_contains = ['\reversedvideodbend', '\textreversedvideodbend'] [[merge]] top_matches = "construction worker" render_contains = '\twemoji{1f477' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "feet" render_contains = "prime" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "feet" render_contains = ["SingleQuote", "textquotesingle"] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "inches" render_contains = ["DoubleQuote", "textquotedbl"] [[merge]] top_matches = "quotation marks" prefix = "straight" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "ditto marks" [[merge]] top_matches = "rowing" render_contains = '\twemoji{1f6a3' [[merge]] top_matches = "user" matches = "slashed" [[merge]] top_regex = '^\d+$' matches = "old style" [[merge]] top_matches = "underline" not_render_contains = '\faUnderline' [[merge]] top_matches = "times" not_prefix = "decorative" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true format_contains = 'gender signs' [[merge]] top_matches = "handshake" matches = "slashed" [[merge]] top_regex = '^\d+$' matches = "circled, filled" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "user" matches = "circled" [[merge]] top_matches = "hash" render_contains = ['($\ABXhash$)', '(\BSKhash)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "hash" render_contains = [ '($\ABXvarhash$)', '(\#)', '(\BSKvarhash)', '(\Numbr)', '(\faHashtag)' ] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "number sign" not_render_contains = "textnumero" [[merge]] top_matches = "l" matches = "with belt" [[merge]] top_matches = "l" matches = "with tilde" [[merge]] top_matches = "diacritics" matches = "apostrophe, reversed" [[merge]] top_matches = "diacritics" matches = "secondary stress" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "diacritics" matches = "hat" [[merge]] top_matches = "asterisk" not_matches = "dingbat" [[merge]] top_matches = "sharp" matches = "sharp" [[merge]] top_matches = "natural" not_render_contains = '\EOna' [[merge]] top_matches = ["2", "3"] matches = "rotated" [[merge]] compare_lowercase = true top_matches = "end of proof" render_contains = "qed" [[merge]] top_matches = "hammer" matches = "and sickle" [[merge]] top_matches = "trash" matches = "restore from" [[merge]] top_matches = "conjunction" matches = "astronomical" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "copyright" # ------------------------------- logic -------------------------------- [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material biconditional" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{equivalence' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material conditional" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material conditional" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{superset' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material equivalence" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material equivalence" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{equivalence' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material implication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material implication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{superset' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material nonimplication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "material nonimplication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{superset' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "converse implication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "converse implication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{subset' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "converse nonimplication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{arrow' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "converse nonimplication" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{subset' # -------------------- various mathematical symbols -------------------- [[merge]] regex = ''' ^((not|weak|material|entailment|intuitionistic|implication)\s)*\ (entailment|equivalence|implication)$\ ''' not_render_contains = '(\Equivalence)' [[merge]] matches = ["plus or minus", "minus or plus"] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "null set" [[merge]] top_matches = "infinity" render_contains = [ '(\STIXinfty)', '($\ABXinfty$)', '($\infty$)', '(\MNSinfty)', '(\FDSYMinfty)', '(\Infin)' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "infinity" matches = "incomplete" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "witch" matches = "math mode" [[merge]] top_matches = "maps to" not_contains = "diagonal" [[merge]] top_matches = "square root" render_contains = ['{\STIXsqrt}', '{\sqrt}'] [[merge]] top_matches = "square root" render_contains = "surd" [[merge]] top_matches = "proportionality" matches = "proportionality" [[merge]] top_matches = "proportionality" matches = "reversed" [[merge]] render_regex = '\$\\math(left|right)?bat\$' [[merge]] top_matches = "pentagon" not_matches = "half filled" [[merge]] top_matches = "hexagon" not_matches = "half filled" [[merge]] top_matches = "union" not_matches = "square, half" [[merge]] top_matches = "intersection" not_matches = "square, half" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "cup" matches = "cup" not_render_contains = '\BPcup' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "cap" matches = "cap" not_render_contains = '\fcBonnet' [[merge]] top_matches = "crossing" not_matches = "diagonal" [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = ['$\laplace$', '\TransformHoriz'] [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = ['$\Laplace$', '\InversTransformHoriz'] [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = 'Ztransf' [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = 'ztransf' [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = 'dfourier' [[merge]] top_matches = "transform" render_contains = 'Dfourier' [[merge]] top_matches = "broom" render_contains = ['\leftbroom', '\rightbroom'] [[merge]] top_matches = "product" not_render_contains = '$\varprod$' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "independence" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{turnstile, up}}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "independence" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{turnstile, double dash, up}}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "not" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{logical negation}}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "not" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{slash}}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "Vinogradov notation" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{equal' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "Vinogradov notation" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{greater' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "Vinogradov notation" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{less' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "as math-mode accent" format_contains = 'hyperindexformat{\see{' # ------------------------------ accents ------------------------------- [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true matches = [ "acute", "caron", "cedilla", "circumflex", "diaeresis", "grave", "hacek", "krouzek", "macron", "ogonek", "trema" ] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "breve" format_contains = '\see{accents' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "underline" format_contains = '\see{accents' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true matches = [ "ring accent", "umlaut" ] format_contains = '\see{' [[merge]] top_matches = "A with ring" matches = "uppercase" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "hat" matches = "accent" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "biconditional" format_contains = '\see{arrow, double ended}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "biconditional" format_contains = '\see{equivalence}' # --------------------------- Greek letters ---------------------------- [[merge]] compare_lowercase = true top_matches = [ "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "eta", "theta", "iota", "kappa", "lambda", "mu", "nu", "xi", "omicron", "pi", "rho", "sigma", "tau", "upsilon", "phi", "chi", "psi", "omega", "digamma", "stigma", "coppa", "koppa", "qoppa", "sampi" ] # -------------------------- metrical symbols -------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "obelus" render_contains = ['(\METREObelus)', '(\METREobelus)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "obelus" render_contains = ['(\METREObelusstar)', '(\METREobelusstar)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "terminus" render_contains = ['(\METRETerminus)', '(\METREterminus)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "terminus" render_contains = ['(\METRETerminusstar)', '(\METREterminusstar)'] # ---------------------- astronomy and astrology ----------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "Earth" render_contains = ['\ABXEarth', '\STARTerra'] [[merge]] top_matches = "Earth" render_contains = [ '\ABXvarEarth', '\Earth', '\STARvarTerra', '\earth', '\usym{2641}' ] # ------------------------------- arrows ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "arrowhead" [[merge]] top_matches = "arrow" not_matches = [ "dingbat", "fletched", "two, filled" ] # ----------------------------- recycling ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_contains = "recycling" render_contains = ['\Recycling', '\RECYCrecycle', '\usym{2672}'] [[merge]] top_contains = "recycling" render_contains = ['reenpoint', '\PackingWaste'] [[merge]] top_contains = "recycling" render_contains = ['\usym{267B}', '\AREVrecycle'] [[merge]] top_contains = "recycling" render_contains = ['\twemoji{267b}', '\bcrecyclage'] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "Green Dot" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "Grune Punkt" # ------------------------------ bow ties ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_contains = "bow tie" render_contains = [ '\FDSYMbowtie', '\MNSbowtie', '\BSKbowtie', '\bowtie', '\STIXbowtie', '\Bowtie' ] [[merge]] top_contains = "bow tie" render_contains = ['\BSKblackbowtie', '\STIXfbowtie'] [[merge]] top_contains = "bow tie" render_contains = ['\FDSYMupbowtie', '\MNSvertbowtie'] [[merge]] top_contains = "bow tie" render_contains = ['\BSKlblackbowtie', '\STIXlfbowtie'] [[merge]] top_contains = "bow tie" render_contains = ['\BSKrblackbowtie', '\STIXrfbowtie'] # ------------------------------- globes ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "globe" matches = "showing Americas" [[merge]] top_matches = "globe" matches = "showing Asia-Australia" [[merge]] top_matches = "globe" matches = "showing Europe-Africa" [[merge]] top_matches = "globe" matches = "with meridians" # ------------------------------ subsets ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*sqsubseteq\$?\)|\(\\Sb(map|nch)\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*sqsubseteqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*(var)?sqsubsetneq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*(var)?sqsubsetneqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*nsqsubseteq\$?\)|\(\\NotSbmap\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*nsqsubseteqq\$?\)|\(\\NotSbnch\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "finite square, negated strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "finite, strict square" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "strict square" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "strict square, negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*subseteq\$?\)|\(\\Sbset\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*subseteqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "finite, negated strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "finite, strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "ordinary, negated" render_contains = "subseteqq" # This rule must follow the previous rule. [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "ordinary, negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "plus" [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "plus, strict" not_render_contains = '\STIXsubsetplus' [[merge]] top_matches = "subset" matches = "strict, negated" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "subbunch" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "submap" # ----------------------------- supersets ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*sqsupseteq\$?\)|\(\\Sb(map|nch)\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*sqsupseteqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*(var)?sqsupsetneq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*(var)?sqsupsetneqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*nsqsupseteq\$?\)|\(\\NotSbmap\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*nsqsupseteqq\$?\)|\(\\NotSbnch\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "finite square, negated strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "finite, strict square" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "strict square" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "strict square, negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*supseteq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*supseteqq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "finite, strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "strict" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "ordinary, negated" render_contains = "supseteqq" # This rule must follow the previous rule. [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "ordinary, negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "plus" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "plus, strict" not_render_contains = '\STIXsupsetplus' [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "proper" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "strict, negated" [[merge]] top_matches = "superset" matches = "finite, negated strict" # ------------------------------- stars -------------------------------- [[merge]] render_regex = ''' whitestar|\ \(\\(MNSmedstar|\ FiveStarOpen|\ MNSlargestar|\ starlet|\ fcStarA|\ usym\{2606\})\)\ ''' [[merge]] render_contains = [ '($\star$)', '(\MNSthinstar)', '(\MNSsmallstar)', '(\ABXbigstar)', '(\MNSfilledstar)', '(\FDSYMmedstar)', '(\FDSYMstar)', '(\FDSYMmedblackstar)', '(\FDSYMsmallblackstar)', '(\STIXstar)', '(\BSKstar)', '($\bigstar$)', '(\FiveStar)', '($\ABXbigstar$)', '(\usym{2605})', '(\faStar)', '(\FDSYMbigstar)', '(\FDSYMlargeblackstar)', '(\BSKbigstar)', '(\MNSfilledlargestar)', '(\STIXbigstar)', '(\STIXmedblackstar)', '(\starletfill)', '(\ARUNEstar)' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "jack" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "pentagram" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "of David" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "shadowed" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "twelve pointed" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "and crescent" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" render_contains = [ '(\EightStar)', '(\EightStarBold)', '(\EightStarTaper)', '(\twemoji{2734})', '(\usym{2734})', '(\usym{2737})', '(\usym{2738})' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "star" render_contains = [ '(\EightStarConvex)', '(\usym{2735})' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "of David, dotted" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" render_contains = "hexstar" # This rule must follow the preceding rule. [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "six pointed" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "pinwheel" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" render_contains = ['(\FourStar)', '(\usym{2726})'] [[merge]] top_matches = "star" render_contains = ['(\FourStarOpen)', '(\usym{2727})'] [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "open center" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "outlined" [[merge]] top_matches = "star" matches = "filled center" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "star" matches = "Jewish" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true matches = "Jewish star" # ------------------------------ squares ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "square" not_contains = "with arrow" [[merge]] top_matches = "square" render_contains = ['\boxdotLeft', 'boxdotRight'] [[merge]] top_matches = "square" render_contains = ['\boxdotleft', 'boxdotright'] [[merge]] top_matches = "square" render_contains = ['\boxLeft', 'boxRight'] [[merge]] top_matches = "square" render_contains = ['\boxleft', 'boxright'] # ------------- check boxes, check marks, and cross marks -------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "check box" [[merge]] top_matches = "check mark" [[merge]] top_matches = "cross mark" render_contains = [ '(\BigCross)', '(\XSolid)', '(\ifsCross)', '(\textifsymbol[ifgeo]{14})' ] # ------------------------------ crosses ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "cross (crucifix)" matches = "Celtic" [[merge]] top_matches = "cross (crucifix)" matches = "pattee" [[merge]] top_matches = "cross (crucifix)" matches = "outlined" [[merge]] top_matches = "cross (crucifix)" matches = "shadowed" # ------------------------------- hearts ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "heart" matches = "filled" [[merge]] top_matches = "heart" matches = "multiple" [[merge]] top_matches = "heart" matches = "red" [[merge]] top_matches = "heart" render_contains = [ '(\Heart)', '(\faHeart[regular])', '(\tiHeartOutline)' ] # ------------------------- playing card suits ------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "club" [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "club, hollow" [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "diamond" not_render_contains = '(\twemoji{2666})' [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "diamond, filled" [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "heart" not_render_contains = '(\twemoji{2665})' [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "heart, filled" [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "spade" [[merge]] top_matches = "playing card suits" matches = "spade, hollow" # ------------------------------- hands -------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" matches = "rock sign" [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" matches = "paper sign" [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" matches = "scissors sign" [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" matches = "lizard sign" [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" matches = "Spock sign" [[merge]] top_matches = "hand" render_contains = '\twemoji{1f44d' # ----------------------------- plus signs ----------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" matches = "bold" [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" matches = "with triangle" [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" render_contains = ["circplus", "ringplus"] [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" render_contains = "pluscirc" [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" render_contains = ["dotplus", "DPlus"] [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" render_contains = "plusdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "plus" matches = "plus" not_render_contains = '\STIXtplus' # ------------------------------ currency ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "dollar sign" render_contains = ['(\textdollar)', '(\ltextdollar)', '(\$)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "pound" matches = "math mode" [[merge]] top_matches = "pound" not_render_contains = '\faPoundSign' # --------------------------- legal symbols ---------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "legal symbols" not_matches = "public domain" [[merge]] top_matches = "legal symbols" not_render_contains = '\faCreativeCommonsPd*' # ---------------------------- equivalence ----------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "intuitionistic" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "not intuitionistic" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "material" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "not material" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "weak material" [[merge]] top_matches = "equivalence" matches = "not weak material" # ------------------------------ equality ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = [ "asymptotically", "asymptotically, negated", "dots, falling", "dots, falling, negated", "dots, negated", "dots, rising", "dots, rising, negated", "equal", "extensible", "hat", "hat, negated", "negated", "or greater than, negated", "or less than, negated", "or precedes", "or precedes, negated", "or succeeds", "or succeeds, negated", "parallel", "star", "triangle", "triangle, negated", "V", "wedge" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "dots" not_render_contains = "ddotseq" # colon following a full equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "colon, double" render_contains = ["Eqqcolon", "equalscoloncolon"] # colon following a half equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "colon, double" render_contains = "Eqcolon" # bump with a full equal sign below # This rule must appear before the half equal sign rules. [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump" render_contains = "bumpeqq" # negated bump with a full equal sign below # This rule must appear before the half equal sign rules. [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump, negated" render_contains = "bumpeqq" # bump with a half equal sign below [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump" render_contains = ["bumpeq", "bumpedeq"] # negated bump with a half equal sign below [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump, negated" render_contains = ["bumpeq", "bumpedeq"] # upper and lower bump [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump" render_contains = ["Bumpeq", "Bumpedeq"] # lower bump [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump" render_contains = ["eqbump", "eqbumped"] # negated lower bump [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump, negated" render_contains = ["neqbump", "neqbumped"] # negated upper and lower bump [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "bump, negated" render_contains = "nBumpeq" # full equal followed by a colon # This rule should precede the following one. [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "colon" render_contains = [ "eqqcolon", "equalscolon", '\ABXeqcolon', '\FDSYMeqcolon', '\STIXeqcolon' ] # half equal followed by a colon [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "colon" render_contains = "eqcolon" # dot below an equal sign # This rule should precede the following one. [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "dot" render_contains = ["eqdot", "botdoteq"] # dot above an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "dot" render_contains = "doteq" # negated dot below an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "dot, negated" render_contains = "neqdot" # negated dot above an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "dot, negated" render_contains = "ndoteq" # ring above an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "ring" render_contains = "eqcirc" # ring within an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "ring" render_contains = "circeq" # equal to or greater than, slanted single bar [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "or greater than" not_render_contains = [ '(\STIXeqqslantgtr)', '(\STIXeqgtr)', '(\STIXeqqgtr)' ] # equal to or less than, slanted single bar [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "or less than" not_render_contains = [ '(\STIXeqless)', '(\STIXeqqslantless)', '(\STIXeqqless)' ] # negated ring above an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "ring, negated" render_contains = "neqcirc" # negated ring within an equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "ring, negated" render_contains = "ncirceq" # "similar to" below a half equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "similar" render_contains = "eqsim" not_render_contains = "backeqsim" # negated "similar to" below a half equal sign [[merge]] top_matches = "equal" matches = "similar, negated" render_contains = "neqsim" # not equal to [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "not equal" # ------------------------- smiles and frowns -------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(small)?(sq)?smile\b|\\SInCoh\b|\\CMLLsincoh\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(small)?(sq)?frown\b|\\SCoh\b|\\CMLLscoh\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?(sq)?smilefrown\b|\\Coh\b|\\CMLLcoh\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?frownsmile\b|\\InCoh\b|\\CMLLincoh\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?(sq)?smilefrowneq\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?(sq)?frownsmileeq\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?(sq)?frowneqsmile\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?(sq)?smileeqfrown\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)n?(sq)?smilefrown\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?(double|triple)smile\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?(double|triple)frown\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?doublesmileeq\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?doublefrowneq\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?frowneq\b' not_render_contains = ['\FDSYMfrowneq', '\FDSYMnfrowneq'] # Double equals [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?smileeq\b' not_render_contains = ['\FDSYMsmileeq', '\FDSYMnsmileeq'] # Double equals [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?eqfrown\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?eqsmile\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?frowneqsmile\b' [[merge]] top_matches = "smiles and frowns" render_regex = '\\([A-Z]+)?n?(sq)?smileeqfrown\b' # ---------------------------- subtraction ----------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "minus" [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "colon" [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "dot" render_contains = ["dotminus", "DMinus"] [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "dot" render_contains = "minusdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "dots" render_contains = "dotsminusdots" [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "with circle overlay" # This rule should precede the "backneg"-matching rule. [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "hooked" render_contains = ["hookupminus", "invbackneg"] [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "hooked" render_contains = ["hookdownminus", "backneg"] [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "hooked" render_contains = ["minushookup", "invneg"] # This rule should follow all of the other hooked-minus rules. [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "hooked" render_contains = ["minushookdown", "neg"] [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "dots" render_contains = "minusrdots" [[merge]] top_matches = "minus" matches = "dots" render_contains = "minusfdots" # ------------------------------ division ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "division" matches = "long" [[merge]] top_matches = "division" matches = "times" # Slash [[merge]] top_matches = "division" render_contains = [ '(\Divide)', '(\Divides)', '(\FDSYMdivslash)', '(\FDSYMsmalldivslash)', '(\MNSneswline)', '(\MVDivision)' ] # Line with dots [[merge]] top_matches = "division" render_contains = [ '($\div$)', '(\BSKdiv)', '(\Divd)', '(\FDSYMdiv)', '(\MNSdiv)', '(\STIXdiv)', '(\textdiv)' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "division" matches = "dingbat" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "division times" [[merge]] top_matches = "eth" [[merge]] top_matches = "consequence relation" render_contains = 'stile}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "divides" format_contains = 'see{vertical bar, negated}' [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "divides" format_contains = 'see{vertical bar}' # -------------------------- assorted letters -------------------------- # ... tailed letters ... [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" matches = "c" [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" matches = "j" [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" matches = "esh" [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" matches = "l" [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" matches = "r" [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\textrtailn', '\tailn'] [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\PHONFCtextltailn', '\textltailn'] [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\PHONFCtextrtaild', '\taild'] [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\textrtailt', '\tailt'] [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\textctt', '\tailt'] [[merge]] top_matches = "tailed letters" render_contains = ['\textctz', '\curlyz'] # ... rotated letters ... [[merge]] top_matches = "rotated letters" render_contains = ["textturna", "inva"] [[merge]] top_matches = "rotated letters" render_contains = ["textturnscripta", "invscripta", "rotvara"] [[merge]] top_matches = "rotated letters" not_matches = "a" # ... other letters ... [[merge]] top_matches = "a" [[merge]] top_matches = "g" not_render_contains = '\textg' [[merge]] top_matches = "inverted letters" matches = "r, small caps" [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "rotated letters" matches = "e" [[merge]] top_matches = "o" matches = "open" [[merge]] top_matches = "F" matches = "inverted" # ------------------------------ corners ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "corner" render_contains = ["llcorner", "lftbotcorner", "FS"] [[merge]] top_matches = "corner" render_contains = ["lrcorner", "rtbotcorner"] [[merge]] top_matches = "corner" render_contains = [ "ulcorner", "lfttopcorner", "textopencorner" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "corner" render_contains = [ "urcorner", "rttopcorner", '\corner', "textcorner" ] # ----------------------- approximately equal to ----------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "approximately equal to" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*approxeq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "approximately equal to" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*(?:thick)?approx\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "approximately equal to" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*napproxeq\$?\)' [[merge]] top_matches = "approximately equal to" render_regex = '\(\$?\\[A-Z]*n(?:thick)?approx\$?\)' # ----------------------------- rhombuses ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" not_matches = [ "curved, quartered", "dotted, with arrow", "half filled", "patterned", "quartered", "shadowed", "with arrow" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\DiamonddotLeft', '\DiamonddotRight'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\Diamonddotleft', '\Diamonddotright'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\DiamondLeft', '\DiamondRight'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\Diamondleft', '\Diamondright'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\STIXdiamondtopblack', '\rhombusfillha'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = [ '\STIXdiamondbotblack', "LowerDiamond", '\rhombusfillhb' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = ['\STIXdiamondleftblack', '\rhombusfillhl'] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" render_contains = [ '\STIXdiamondrightblack', "RightDiamond", '\rhombusfillhr' ] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" matches = "quartered" render_contains = ["diamondplus", "rhombuslinevh", "QuarteredDiamond"] [[merge]] top_matches = "rhombus" matches = "quartered" render_contains = ["diamondtimes", "CrossedDiamond"] # ------------------------------ circles ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "circle" not_matches = [ "arrow", "enclosing", "half", "half filled", "quarter marked", "striped", "white on black, half" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "circle" matches = "enclosing" render_contains = '\textcircled' [[merge]] compare_lowercase = true top_matches = "circle" matches = "half filled" render_contains = ["left", '\circletfillhl'] [[merge]] compare_lowercase = true top_matches = "circle" matches = "half filled" render_contains = ["right", '\circletfillhr'] [[merge]] top_matches = "circle" matches = "half filled" render_contains = ["bottom", '\circletfillhb'] [[merge]] top_matches = "circle" matches = "half filled" render_contains = ["top", '\circletfillha'] [[merge]] top_matches = "circle" matches = "striped" render_contains = ['\STIXcirclevertfill', '\usym{1F534}'] # ---------------------------- greater than ---------------------------- # ... easy cases ... [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = [ "greater than", "but not approximately equal to", "but not similar to", "circle", "dotted", "dotted, negated", "much, negated", "negated", "or approximately equal to", "or approximately equal to, negated", "or less than, negated", "or less than, overlapping", "or similar to, negated", "very much, negated" ] # ... regular ... [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "closed" render_contains = "gtrclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "closed" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "much" render_contains = ["ggg", "Gt"] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "much" not_render_contains = ["ggg", "Gt"] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "vertneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "gneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "gneq" not_render_contains = "gneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ["geqslant", "SbGre", '($\ABXgeq$)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = "geqq" not_render_contains = "geqqslant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ["ge", "Gre"] not_render_contains = [ "geqq", "geqslant", "SbGre", "LargerOrEqual", "faGreaterThanEqual" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than" render_contains = "eqqless" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than" render_contains = "eqless" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than" render_contains = ["eqlessslant", "eqslantless", "gesl"] not_render_contains = "gesles" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, closed" render_contains = "geqclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, closed" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, dotted" render_contains = "geqdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, dotted" render_contains = ["geqslantdot", "gesdot)"] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or less than" render_contains = "gtrless" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or similar to" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "very much" not_render_contains = "nest" # ... negated ... [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "closed, negated" render_contains = "gtrclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "closed, negated" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than, negated" render_contains = "eqqless" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than, negated" render_contains = "eqless" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to or less than, negated" render_contains = ["eqlessslant", "eqslantless", "gesl"] not_render_contains = "gesles" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, closed, negated" render_contains = "geqclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, closed, negated" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, dotted, negated" render_contains = "ngeqdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, dotted, negated" render_contains = ["ngeqslantdot", "ngesdot)"] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ["ngeqslant", '$\ABXngeq$', '(\NotSbGre)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = "ngeqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "greater than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ["nge", '$\ABXnvargeq$', '(\NotGre)'] not_render_contains = ["ngeqq", "ngeqslant"] # ----------------------------- less than ------------------------------ # ... easy cases ... [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = [ "less than", "but not approximately equal to", "but not similar to", "circle", "dotted", "dotted, negated", "much, negated", "negated", "or approximately equal to", "or approximately equal to, negated", "or greater than", "or greater than, negated", "or similar to, negated", "very much, negated" ] # ... regular ... [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "closed" render_contains = "lessclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "closed" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "vertneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "lneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "but not equal to" render_contains = "lneq" not_render_contains = "lneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "much" render_contains = ["lll", "Lt"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "much" not_render_contains = ["lll", "Lt"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ["leqslant", "SbLse", '($\ABXleq$)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = "leqq" not_render_contains = "leqqslant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ["leq", "Lse", 'le)'] not_render_contains = ["leqq", "leqslant", "SbLse"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than" render_contains = "eqqgtr" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than" render_contains = "eqgtr" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than" render_contains = ["eqgtrslant", "eqslantgtr", "lesg"] not_render_contains = "lesges" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, closed" render_contains = "leqclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, closed" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, dotted" render_contains = "leqdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, dotted" render_contains = ["leqslantdot", "lesdot)"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or similar to" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "very much" not_render_contains = "nest" # ... negated ... [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "closed, negated" render_contains = "lessclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "closed, negated" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than, negated" render_contains = ["eqqgtr", "lesg"] not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than, negated" render_contains = "eqgtr" not_render_contains = "slant" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to or greater than, negated" render_contains = ["eqgtrslant", "eqslantgtr"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, closed, negated" render_contains = "leqclosed" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, closed, negated" render_contains = "cc" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, dotted, negated" render_contains = "nleqdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, dotted, negated" render_contains = ["nleqslantdot", "nlesdot)"] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ["nleqslant", '$\ABXnleq$', '(\NotSbLse)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = "nleqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "less than" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ["nle", '$\ABXnvarleq$', '(\NotLse)'] not_render_contains = ["nleqq", "nleqslant"] # ------------------------------- angles ------------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "angle" matches = [ "angle", "measured, with arrow", "spherical", "obtuse", "with underbar" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "angle" matches = "right" render_contains = "measuredrightangle" [[merge]] top_matches = "angle" matches = "right" render_contains = "rightanglemdot" [[merge]] top_matches = "angle" matches = "right" render_contains = ["rightanglesqr", "rightanglesquare"] # The following rule should appear last in this section. [[merge]] top_matches = "angle" matches = "right" render_contains = "rightangle" # ------------------------------- music -------------------------------- # Barred, rising eighth notes [[merge]] top_matches = "musical notes" render_contains = [ '(\STIXtwonotes)', '(\twoBeamedQuavers)', '(\usym{1F39C})' ] # Barred, rising eighth notes, thick [[merge]] top_matches = "musical notes" render_contains = ['(\faMusic)', '(\tiNotes)'] # Barred, falling eighth notes [[merge]] top_matches = "musical notes" render_contains = [ '(\twonotes)', '(\usym{1F39D})', '(\usym{266B})' ] [[merge]] consider_all_entries = true top_matches = "meter, musical" format_contains = "see{alla breve}" [[merge]] top_matches = "antidiple" render_contains = ['(\METREAntidiple)', '(\METREantidiple)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "antidiple" render_contains = ['(\METREAntidiplestar)', '(\METREantidiplestar)'] [[merge]] top_matches = "sharp" matches = "double" # ----------------------------- similarity ----------------------------- [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = [ "similar", "dots, rising", "dots, vertical", "dotted", "negated", "or equal to, dotted", "or not equal to", "reversed", "reversed, negated", "thick" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = "cong" [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ["simeq", "Sm"] [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = "ncong" [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ["nsime", '\NotSm'] [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, reversed" render_contains = "backcong" [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, reversed" render_contains = "backsimeq" [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, reversed, negated" render_contains = "nbackcong" [[merge]] top_matches = "similar" matches = "or equal to, reversed, negated" render_contains = "nbacksimeq" # ------------------------------ precedes ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = [ "precedes", "negated", "or approximately equal to", "or approximately equal to, negated", "or not approximately equal to", "or not similar to", "or similar to", "or similar to, negated", "under relation" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "double" render_contains = ['\BSKllcurly', '\STIXPrec'] [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = 'preceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ['preceq', 'Preq'] not_render_contains = 'preceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = 'preccurlyeq' [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or not equal to" render_contains = "precneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or not equal to" render_contains = "precneq" not_render_contains = "precneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = 'npreceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ['npreceq', 'NotPreq'] not_render_contains = 'npreceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "precedes" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = 'npreccurlyeq' # ------------------------------ succeeds ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = [ "succeeds", "negated", "or approximately equal to", "or approximately equal to, negated", "or not approximately equal to", "or not similar to", "or similar to", "or similar to, negated", "under relation" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "double" render_contains = ['\BSKggcurly', '\STIXSucc'] [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = 'succeqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = ['succeq', 'Sucq'] not_render_contains = 'succeqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to" render_contains = 'succcurlyeq' [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or not equal to" render_contains = "succneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or not equal to" render_contains = "succneq" not_render_contains = "succneqq" [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = 'nsucceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = ['nsucceq', 'NotSucq'] not_render_contains = 'nsucceqq' [[merge]] top_matches = "succeeds" matches = "or equal to, negated" render_contains = 'nsucccurlyeq' # ------------------------------ harpoons ------------------------------ [[merge]] top_matches = "harpoon" matches = [ "harpoon", "barred head", "barred tail", "barred, parallel", "double ended, opposite sides", "double ended, opposite sides, extensible", "double ended, opposite sides, long", "double ended, opposite sides, negated", "double ended, same side", "double, opposite sides", "double, opposite sides, negated", "double, same side", "extensible", "long", "negated" ] [[merge]] top_matches = "harpoon" matches = "double, opposite sides, extensible" render_contains = '\auto' [[merge]] top_matches = "harpoon" matches = "double, opposite sides, extensible" not_render_contains = '\auto'