%This package is used to draw the figure of of the trigonometric circle %in page 4 % %It accept 3 options (pstricks,tikz and inclusion) to determine how %the drawing should be done. \RequirePackage{DrawMethod} %These two boxes are used to keep drawings made in TiKz environments. %It is generally easier to position precisely a box as to position %directly the environment. %Environment at page 4 \newsavebox\UnitBox \newsavebox\TriangleBox %Box and length used in page 4. %Width and height of the triangle \newlength{\pythagwidth} \newlength{\pythagheight} %Length of the mark for the right angle \newlength{\ranglesize} %Length of the trigonometric half axes (from 0 to x) \newlength{\axissize} %Radius of the angle mark in trigonometric circle \newlength{\RadiusTheta} %Center in X and Y of the trigonometric circle \newlength{\TrigoX} \newlength{\TrigoY} % \newlength{\trianglebase} %and its height \newlength{\triangleheight} %Length of the mark for the right angle \newlength{\ranglesizeB} %Value (in degrees) of the theta angle shown in the trigonometric %circle (in page 4) and in the three point angle in page 5. \providecommand\ThetaAngle{35} \ifcase\DrawMethod %TikZ \setlength{\pythagwidth}{3cm} \setlength{\pythagheight}{2cm} \setlength{\axissize}{1.8cm} \setlength{\ranglesize}{0.3cm} \setlength{\RadiusTheta}{1.5\ranglesize} \setlength{\TrigoX}{1.6\pythagwidth} \setlength{\TrigoY}{0.5\pythagheight} \or %Inclusion \relax \else \relax \fi