\documentclass{article} \setlength\textwidth{260pt} \setlength\marginparwidth{90pt} \usepackage{makeidx,showidx} \newcommand\bs{\symbol{'134}}% print backslash \newcommand\Com[1]{\texttt{\bs#1}% \index{#1@\texttt{\bs#1}}} \newcommand\Prog[1]{\texttt{#1}% \index{#1@\texttt{#1} program}} \makeindex \begin{document} \section{Generating an Index} Using the \textsf{showidx} package users can see where they define index entries. \par Entries are entered into the index by the \Com{index} command. More precisely, the argument of the \Com{index} command is written literally into the auxiliary file \texttt{idx}. Note, however, that information is actually written into that file only when the \Com{makeindex} command was given in the document preamble. \section{Preparing the Index} To prepare the index for printing, the \texttt{idx} file has to be transformed by an external program, such as \Prog{makeindex}. This program writes the \texttt{ind} file. \begin{verbatim} makeindex filename \end{verbatim} \section{Printing the Index} During the final production run of a document the index can be included by putting a \Com{printindex} command at the position in the text where you want the index to appear (normally at the end). This command will input the \texttt{ind} file prepared by the index processor and \LaTeX{} will typeset the information. \printindex \end{document}