% This macro source file is from the four volume series % "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published % 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York. % Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim. % No warranty or liability is assumed. % This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than % media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long % as this copyright and the following source code itself % is not changed. Please see the series for further information. % % Version: 1.0 % Date: May 1, 1993 % % % This source code is documented in 30.8.7, p. III-575. % Original source in file "pp1.TEX", starting line 2185. \wlog{L: "part-lab.tip" ["pp1.TEX," l. 2185, p. III-575]}% % This file DOES NOT belong to format "texip." \catcode`\@ = 11 \newif\if@LabelNow \def\@Label #1#2#3{% \ifnum #3 = 0 \@LabelNowtrue \else \ifvmode \ifinner \@LabelNowtrue \else \@LabelNowfalse \fi \else \@LabelNowtrue \fi \fi \bgroup \let\RefCounterTwo = \relax \xdef\@LabelTempA{% \write\@PartAuxStream{% \string\@NewLabel{#1}{#2}{\RefCounterTwo{PageNo}}}% }% \egroup \if@LabelNow \@LabelTempA \else \bgroup \let\RefCounterTwo = \relax \xdef\EveryParC{% \EveryParC \@LabelTempA }% \egroup \fi \ignorespaces } \def\CheckLabels{% \wlog{\string\CheckLabels: checking labels started.}% \global\@LabelsOktrue \@IgnoreAuxStuff \let\@NewLabel = \@NewLabelCompare \@ReadInAuxFiles \if@LabelsOk \wlog{** All labels are ok **}% \else \wlog{** LABELS CHANGED, reprocess document **}% \fi \wlog{\string\CheckLabels: done.}% } \def\@NewLabelCompare #1#2#3{% \if\@LabelIsDefined{##1}% \def\@CheckLabelTemp{{##2}{##3}}% \edef\@@CheckLabelTemp{% \NameUse{\@LabelRefPrefix ##1}% }% \ifx\@CheckLabelTemp\@@CheckLabelTemp \let\@CheckLabelsNext = \relax \else \let\@CheckLabelsNext = \@StopCheckingLabels \fi \else \let\@CheckLabelsNext = \@StopCheckingLabels \fi \@CheckLabelsNext } \def\@StopCheckingLabels{% \global\@LabelsOkfalse \let\@NewLabel = \GobbleThree } \catcode`\@ = 12