% % This class file is used to typeset the examples of the LaTeX Graphics % Companion. It works without changes if you happen to use dvips as a % printer driver. Otherwise you might need to update it as outlined % below. % % Basic class is article \LoadClass{article} % We use Times and Helvetica for \rmfamily and \sffamily % \renewcommand\rmdefault{ptm} \renewcommand\sfdefault{phv} \renewcommand\bfdefault{b} % That is default anyway % \setlength\paperheight {11in} \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in} % [FMi: why do you need this Sebastian? ] % \special{papersize=8.5in,11in} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % We wanted to use PS when producing LaTeX pictures but it should be % possible to comment this line out without any changes to the result % \RequirePackage{pspicture} \newcommand\gobblepreamble[2][]{} \newcommand\ResetPreambleCommands{\let\usepackage\gobblepreamble} \let\ReadyForTheFray\relax %FMi the below is plain wrong :-) %\makeatletter \newdimen\fullwidth \setlength\textwidth{29pc} \addtolength\textwidth{-2pt} % to guard against rounding errors when % calculating the EPS bounding box. \setlength\fullwidth{35.5pc} % [FMi why this? ] \let\bf\bfseries \let\tt\ttfamily \let\it\itshape \let\sf\sffamily \let\rm\mdseries \endinput