%% %% A DANTE-Edition example %% %% %% Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% %% %% ==== % Show page(s) 1 %% \documentclass[]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength\textwidth{375.57637pt} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add} \newcommand{\up}[1]{\textsuperscript{#1}} % \up{2}1986 becomes >1986 \makeatletter \def\psErrorPlot{\pst@object{psErrorPlot}} \def\psErrorPlot@i#1{\begin@SpecialObj\expandafter\psErrorPlot@ii#1} \def\psErrorPlot@ii#1{\pst@cntc=1\psErrorPlot@iii#1} \def\psErrorPlot@iii(#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7){% %%%% the groups of lines % length abbreviations \def\oZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .5 sub\space}% top \def\mZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub\space}% centre \def\uZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .1 add\space}% bottom \def\enden{.12\space}% %% separator lines \psline[linewidth=.2pt, dash = 4pt 1pt, linestyle = dashed]% (!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .3 add)% (!\Xmax\space \the\pst@cntc\space .3 add)% % first effect \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=red](!#2 #3 sub \oZ \enden add) (!#2 #3 sub \oZ)(!#2 #3 add \oZ) (!#2 #3 add \oZ \enden add) % \psdot[dotangle = 180](!#2 \oZ)% % third effect \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=green](!#6 #7 sub \uZ \enden sub) (!#6 #7 sub \uZ)(!#6 #7 add \uZ) (!#6 #7 add \uZ \enden sub)% \psdot(!#6 \uZ)% % second effect (diamond over triangles) \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 sub \mZ) (!#4 #5 add \mZ)% \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 sub \mZ \enden sub)(!#4 #5 sub \mZ \enden add)% \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 add \mZ \enden sub)(!#4 #5 add \mZ \enden add)% \psdot[dotstyle = Bdiamond](!#4 \mZ) % \rput[rC]{0}(!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub){\small\strut#1}%Y axis \rput[rC]{0}(!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub){\small\strut#1}%Y axis \advance\pst@cntc by 1 % one unit to the right \@ifnextchar({\psErrorPlot@iii}{\end@SpecialObj}% more data available? } \makeatother \def\data{ % UV1 KI-UV1 UV2 KI-UV2 UV3 KI-UV3) (UV1 , .01 , .06 , .01 , .06 , .01 , .04) (UV2 , -.23 , .06 , .05 , .03 , .2 , .08) (UV3 , -.12 , .08 , -.04 , .05 , -.09 , .06) (UV4 , -.2 , .07 , -.1 , .06 , -.24 , .05) (UV5 , -.24 , .04 , -.1 , .1 , .08 , .08)} \begin{document} \psset{dotstyle=Btriangle,linewidth= .6pt, tickstyle=top,dotsize = 6pt, framearc = .2, yunit= -1,% negative, 1 effect on top xunit = 15}% % length abbreviations for the legend \def\lines{5\space}% \def\Xmin{-.32\space}\def\Xmax{.31\space}% effect range \def\legx{.2\space} \def\legy{3.4\space}% position of legend \def\uZ{\legy\space 1 add\space}% \def\mZ{\legy\space .5 add\space}% \def\enden{.12\space}% \def\TrBoy{.3 add} \def\pshlabel#1{\footnotesize#1} \begin{pspicture}(-.5,-1)(5,\lines) % axis definition \psaxes[showorigin=false,linewidth=.4pt,yAxis=false,Dx = .1](0,.1)(\Xmin, 0)(\Xmax,30) % centre line \psline[linewidth=.1pt, dash=4pt 1pt,linestyle = dashed](0,.4)(!0 \lines) %% separator boxes for different blocks of variables \psset{linewidth = .3pt}% \psframe(!-.39 .1) (!.33 3 \TrBoy)% \psframe(!-.39 3 \TrBoy)(!.33 5 \TrBoy) %% the diagram \psErrorPlot{\data} % legend at the beginning \psframe[fillcolor=white,fillstyle=solid, framearc=.2]% (!\legx .06 sub \uZ .3 add)(!\legx .09 add \legy .4 sub) % labels in the legend \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy){\footnotesize AV1} \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy .5 add){\footnotesize AV2} \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy .95 add){\footnotesize AV3} % first effect in the legend \psset{linewidth = 1pt}% \psline[linecolor=red](!\legx .01 add \legy \enden add)(!\legx .01 add \legy) (!\legx .07 add \legy) (!\legx .07 add \legy \enden add) \psdot[dotangle = 180](!\legx .04 add \legy)% % third effect in the legend \psline[linecolor=green](!\legx .01 add \uZ \enden sub) (!\legx .01 add \uZ) (!\legx .07 add \uZ) (!\legx .07 add \uZ \enden sub) \psdot(!\legx .04 add \uZ)% % second effect in the legend \psline[linecolor=blue](!\legx .01 add \mZ) (!\legx .07 add \mZ) \qline(!\legx .01 add \mZ \enden sub)(!\legx .01 add \mZ \enden add) \qline(!\legx .07 add \mZ \enden sub)(!\legx .07 add \mZ \enden add) \psdot[dotstyle = Bdiamond](!\legx .04 add \mZ) \end{pspicture} \end{document}