%=============================================================================== % Source: % Remark: LaTeX PSTricks document class by Amit M. Manthanwar % Author: Amit Manohar Manthanwar % Mailer: manthanwar@hotmail.com % WebURL: https://manthanwar.github.io % GitHub: https://github.com/manthanwar/PST-Flags % Rights: Copyright (c)2022-23 Amit Manohar Manthanwar %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives % in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt or web url % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %=============================================================================== %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- % Revision Log | Author | Description %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- % 13-Dec-2022 | AMM | Initial Version %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- % 25-Dec-2022 | AMM | CTAN Review Updates %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- % 09-Jan-2023 | AMM | Removed xcolor from pst-flags.sty %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- %---------------+---------+---------------------------------------------------- %=============================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{amm-pst-doc}[2022/01/09 Amit M. Manthanwar LaTeX Document Class] %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \LoadClass[oneside,10pt,a4paper]{article} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage[pagebackref,colorlinks=false]{hyperref} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \hypersetup{ pdfauthor={Amit M. Manthanwar}, pdftitle={LaTeX Document}, pdfsubject={PSTricks Art by Amit M. Manthanwar}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX}, pdfproducer={Amit M. Manthanwar using LaTeX}, pdfcreator={Amit M. Manthanwar using pdflatex} } %=============================================================================== %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %|<--- \paperwidth \paperheight --->|% %|<->| \hoffset |% %| | \voffset |% %|___|____________________________ __|% %| |<->| 1in + \oddsidemargin | |% %| |<->| 1in + \evensidemargin | |% %| | |------------------------| |% %| | | 1in + \topmargin | |% %| | |------------------------| |% %| | | HEADER \headheight | |% %| | |------------------------| |% %| | | \headsep | |% %| | |========================| |% %| | | TEXT \topskip | |% %| | | \textheight | |% %| | |<--- \textwidth --->| |% %| | | | |% %|<-1->| | \marginparwidth | |% %| | |2| \marginparsep | |% %| | | | |% %| | |========================| |% %| | | \footskip | |% %| | |------------------------| |% %| | | FOOTER \footheight | |% %| | |------------------------| |% %|___|____________________________|__|% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \paperwidth = 210mm %% 597pt %% = 8.5in \paperheight = 297mm %% 845pt %% = 11in \oddsidemargin = 0mm %% Real leftmargin = 1.0 in \evensidemargin = 0mm %% Real leftmargin = 1.0 in \topmargin = 0mm %% Real topmargin = (140 - 68) / 144 = 0.5in \hoffset = -5.4mm %% offset for printer's left margin \voffset = -25.4mm %% offset for printer's top margin \headheight = 15mm %% Height of the header \headsep = 5mm %% Separation between header and main text \footskip = 5mm %% Separation between footer and main text \textwidth = 170mm %% 432pt = 6in = 152.4mm \textheight = 257mm %% 10in \pdfpagewidth = \paperwidth %% Width of the PDF page to create \pdfpageheight = \paperheight %% Height of the PDF page to create %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0mm} %===============================================================================