%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics % % Copyright (c) 2018 - 2022, Martin Scheidt (ISC license) % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. \ProvidesPackage{tikz-trackschematic-documentation}[2020-12-30 Documentation Package for the tikz-trackschematic library] % ---[ HTML ]--- \usepackage{iftex} \usepackage[ HomeHTMLFilename=index, % Filename of the homepage. % IndexLanguage=english, % Language for xindy index, glossary. latexmk % Use latexmk to compile. ]{lwarp} % --------[ Coding and Language ]---------- \ifPDFTeX \RequirePackage{scrhack,marginnote} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} \fi \RequirePackage[main=english]{babel} % --------[ revision history ]---------- \RequirePackage[tocentry]{vhistory} % --------[ Layout ]----------- \ifPDFTeX \pretolerance=8000 \tolerance=9500 \hbadness=8000 \vbadness=10000 \displaywidowpenalty=10000 \clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000 \RequirePackage{lmodern,microtype,mathptmx,courier} \RequirePackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} \RequirePackage[% automark,% headsepline,% draft=false,% ]{scrlayer-scrpage}% \pagestyle{scrheadings} \fi \RequirePackage{multicol} % ----------[ display ]----------- \RequirePackage[prefix=]{xcolor-solarized} \RequirePackage[inline]{enumitem} \RequirePackage[final]{listings} \lstdefinelanguage{tikz}{% keywordsprefix = \\, alsoletter = \\,% morekeywords = {},% sensitive = true,% morecomment = [l]\%,% morestring=[s][\bfseries\color{magenta}]{\[}{\]},% morestring=[s][\bfseries\color{violet}]{\{}{\}},% morestring=[s][\bfseries\color{violet}]{(}{)},% }[keywords,comments,strings]% \lstset{% language = tikz,% basicstyle = \scriptsize\ttfamily,% keywordstyle = \bfseries\color{blue},% commentstyle = \itshape\color{green},% backgroundcolor = \color{base3},% showstringspaces = false,% columns = fullflexible,% breaklines = true,% frame = single,% }% \RequirePackage{longtable,tikz,adjustbox,rotating} \RequirePackage{siunitx}[=v2] % \sisetup{ % text-family-to-math = true, % text-series-to-math = true % } \IfFileExists{tikz-trackschematic-dev.sty}{% \RequirePackage[dev]{tikz-trackschematic}% }{% \RequirePackage{tikz-trackschematic}% }% % -----------[ linking ]---------------- \RequirePackage{xr-hyper} \RequirePackage[% % pdftex,% % pdfpagelabels, % modify PDF page labels hyperindex,% hyperfigures,% bookmarksopen,% bookmarksnumbered,% draft=false,% pageanchor=true, % Determines whether every page is given an implicit anchor at the top left corner %pagebackref, % Adds ‘backlink’ text to the end of each item in the bibliography, as a list of page numbers %linktocpage, % make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT breaklinks=true, % allow links to break over lines by making links over multiple lines into PDF links to the same target colorlinks=true, % Colors the text of links and anchors linkcolor=base01, % Color for normal internal links urlcolor=blue, % Color for web links ]{hyperref} % PDF with a linked TableOfContent \RequirePackage{url} % -----------[ special commands ]---------------- \renewcommand{\symbol}[2][1.0]{% \adjustbox{valign=c}{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=#1]% \input{./snippets/#2}% \path (-0.1,-1.1) rectangle (6.1,1.1); % background rectangle to unify every cell containing a symbol \end{tikzpicture}}% }% \newcommand{\code}[1]{\lstinputlisting[firstline=7]{./snippets/#1}}% \newcounter{symbolNo}% \def\No{\stepcounter{symbolNo}\arabic{symbolNo}}% \newcommand{\symboldescription}[1]{\paragraph*{#1}\marginnote{\tikz{\fill (-0.4,0.15)--(-0.4,-0.15)--(0,0)--cycle;}}\mbox{}\\}% \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} \reversemarginpar %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput% %