# NOTE: THIS FORK IS STILL IN DEVELOPEMENT. # Cartonaugh This package is a fork of the [karnaugh-map](https://github.com/2pi/karnaugh-map) package. This fork is meant to replace some of the functions in this package with Lua internally, and add some features unto the original package (for example I'm thinking an auto-boolean equation parser). ## But Why LuaLaTeX? Personally, it's much easier to write expansion macros in Lua rather than nativally in LaTeX. It's just a matter of personal preference. It make macros easier to explain, document, and expand upon in the future. It also allows for some advanced capability, for example the ability to feed in a boolean equation and have it automatically highlight which cells need to be highlighed (upcomming/todo). ## Installation # to get the cartonaugh.sty and cartonaugh.lua file lualatex cartonaugh.ins # to get the documentation: cartonaugh.pdf lualatex cartonaugh.dtx ## Dependencies * tikz * xparse * xstring ## Development This fork is still in development. ## Tests ./test.sh Testing consists of building the pdf output from the test files, and then comparing them to how they are expected to look like. Comparison is done with help from [diff-pdf](https://github.com/vslavik/diff-pdf). All of this is done by running the `test.sh` file from the project root folder. If there is a difference, between the actual and expected output, a diff will be written to the folder `test/result`. ## License As karnaugh-map is licensed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/), and thus so is this fork. ## Credit Credit goes to [2pi](https://github.com/2pi) and [Oscar Gustafsson](https://github.com/oscargus) for writting the orignal package which this is based upon/forked from.